HomeMy WebLinkAbout4A - Bluffs of Shady Beach Final PUD4646 Dakota Street SE Prior Lake, MN 55372 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER, 18, 2013 AGENDA #: PREPARED BY: JEFF MATZKE, PLANNER PRESENTED BY: JEFF MATZKE AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT TO BE KNOWN AS THE BLUFFS OF SHADY BEACH DISCUSSION: Introduction Copper Creek Development has applied for approval of a Final Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan to be known as the Bluffs of Shady Beach. The property is located south of County Highway 42 between Shady Beach Trail and Aspen Avenue. The applications include the following requests: • Request for approval of a Final PUD Plan for the Bluffs of Shady Beach On September 9, 2013 the City Council approved the Preliminary PUD Plan and Preliminary Plat for a 21 lot single family low density residential development project. Current Circumstances The development proposal calls for a subdivision of the property into 21 lots and 3 outlots for the development of single family homes sites. The following paragraphs outline the physical characteristics of the existing site, the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations, and a description of some of the specifics of the site. PHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS: Total Site Area: The total site area consists of 8.01 acres. Topoaraphv: This site has varied topography, with elevations ranging from 980' MSL near northeast corner of the property to 824' MSL at the southeast corner of the property near Shady Beach Trail. PROPOSED PLAN Lots: The development plan calls for 21 lots to be constructed with single family homes. The lots range in size from 12,000 - 23,469 square feet with an average lot size of 14,180 square feet. Streets: The plat proposes to construct a through street connecting existing Ridgeview Trail street stubs (off Aspen Avenue). The through street will provide ease of maintenance and a redundant access point for residential egress and Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245 / www.cityofpriorlake.com ingress and emergency access. Site topography dictates that segments of the proposed street will be at an 8% grade which meets the allowable slope per the City's design guidelines. Sanitary Sewer/Water Mains: Sanitary sewer service for the development is proposed to connect to the existing sanitary sewer main under Shady Beach Trail right-of-way. Water main connections are proposed to the existing water main stubs located on Ridgeview Trail. Storm water: Two main storm water features are planned with the development. An infiltration basin is proposed at the northern end of the site to take drainage from a portion of the development site as well as uphill areas that currently receives no storm water treatment before being discharged to Prior Lake. The project also proposes an infiltration basin at the southern end of the site along Shady Beach Trail. City staff has reviewed the storm water management plan for conformance to City requirements. ISSUES: Section 1106.400 of the Zoning Ordinance lists the types of uses and standards allowed under a PUD. The PUD provisions offer maximum flexibility in many areas, some of which include such aspects as setbacks, building heights, and densities. In return additional public benefits to the community must be presented that a standard development would not require. Such benefits may include but are not limited to the following: (1) Provides a flexible approach to development which is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance; (2) More creative, efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through mixing of land uses; (3) Create a sense of place and provide more interaction among people; (4) Increase economic vitality and expand market opportunities; (5) Support long-term economic stability by strengthening the tax base, job market and business opportunities; (6) Increase transportation options, such as walking, biking or bussing; (7) Provide opportunities for life cycle housing to all ages; (8) Provide more efficient and effective use of streets, utilities, and public facilities that support high quality land use development at a lesser cost; (9) Enhanced incorporation of recreational, public and open space components in the development which may be made more useable and be more suitably located than would otherwise be provided under conventional development procedures. The PUD district also encourages the developer to convey property to the public, over and above required dedications, by allowing a portion of the density to be transferred to other parts of the site; (10) Preserves and enhances desirable site characteristics and open space, and protection of sensitive environmental features including, but not limited to, steep slopes, wetlands, and trees. Where applicable, the PUD should also encourage historic preservation, re -use and redevelopment of existing buildings; (11) High quality of design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. The developer is requesting modifications to the minimum lot width (86 feet standard), minimum lot area (for the corner lots), and minimum lot depth for double frontage lots. The PUD benefits which the developer is proposing include the following: • Additional storm water features in the construction of an infiltration basin to accommodate currently untreated storm water drainage from uphill areas north of the site • Construction of a storm water pond to be located at the south end of the site which will allow for storm water retention storage for a future reconstruction of the Shady Beach Trail roadway corridor. • Placement of a conservation easement across Lots 4-10, Block 2 for the preservation of trees and natural landscape The Planning Commission must review the Final PUD and make a recommendation to the City Council. As proposed, the Final PUD Plan is consistent with the approved preliminary plan. Therefore, City Staff recommends approval of the Final PUD Plan, subject to the following conditions: 1. The Final Plat and Development Contract must be approved by the City Council. 2. The PUD Development Contract must be signed by the developer and approved by the City Council. 3. All comments in the October 18, 2013 Engineering/Public Works memorandum shall be addressed prior to street and utility construction. 4. The Developer must obtain the required permits form any other state or local agency prior to any work on the site. ALTERNATIVES: The Planning Commission has the following alternatives: 1. Recommend approval of the Final PUD subject to the conditions identified by the Planning Commission. 2. Table this item to another Planning Commission meeting and provide the developer with direction on the issues that have been discussed. 3. Recommend denial of the request. RECOMMENDED A motion and second to recommend approval of the Final PUD Plan subject to MOTION: listed conditions. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Development Plans 3. Engineering/Public Works Memorandum dated 10-18-13 D_ Z z 0 00 �I N I 0 I I C7 C7 C7 C7 —' OD U1 U -i " pyo �;,� • \ �' \ � ;,; / �� > >` ��� �o I� 1 `� w4a Wo Issued I hereby eertlry that this pkn was prepared by Rehder & 4ssociates, Inc.' m COVER SHEET sONsmucnorl DOCUMENTS 9-3a-13 me ar under my direct supervision and that I am o duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the Iowa the State Minnesota. Civil lCn�mnPer.� Yl�ntnei � avd band Sa�rveyors BLUFFS OF SHADY BEACH of of 14, l,� I o T)1 >>om 1oz_,a s,,'4 I g m CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Date 9-27-" sE lour d so Name Benton G. Ford Reg, Na, 24392 PROJECT NO.: 131-2558.014 DRAWING FILE: 2558014.DWG O� m� o m O fJ Y/ v r' �m a N O VJ A N % 0 Z N L m m m m � > o m m� Cn N n o n a o� En a„ z 0 o J �Z� > 'a m /C/) \N m 0 0 V ^� REFORESTATION PLAN Issued I hereby eertiry that this pkn was prepared by me ar under my direct supervision n t am o duly Licensed Prof a 'n n Rehder & 4ssocigtes, In c PREUMINyTY PLAT X13 ` REVISE PRELRMNARY PLAT 5-31-13 the Iowa of the stat of t Civil l vneeiv YJ¢nne ntdLand Su? vej t BLUFFS OF SHADY BEACH 14�01a- lll 6ii=r ii< E,� nt t 1 3 S�T 25'3 m r1 4;z 1ooi k �bl� z �,97 -,ail:nocgreLdeoo CITY OF PRIOR LAKE PREUMINAITY ADD CONSERVATNNI EASEMENT 8-21-13 Die so me Reg. No. PROJECT NO.: 131-2558.014 DRAWING FILE: 2558014.DWG N N 9 O LTJ ['00 [• 00 i m OOr\O mm C"j3 -31m/�m -e �O a1m ��nn nrno X x iii m c'a^momm g�r�ra^ "j moazm mmamm� L7 y �n roo r V z C(Q) N PrfO J Or.1 r f0 WPP Omm F� �y V � T 9 rA g M /V m > Bmf � m o Af M mN c iS � m V. my � N z 2A O W g o 0 O V ^n TREE PRESERVATION PLAN Issued I hereby certiry that this plan was prepared by me ar under my direct supervision n t am a duly Licensed Prof a 'n n Rehder & 11ssoczates, Inc PRE BINARY �,, Civil l YJ¢nne Su? REVISE PRELIMINARY PLAT 5-31-13 ` the Iowa of the Stof t ngineeiv ntdLand vey t BLUFFS OF SHADY BEACH 14�01a- lll 6ii=r ii< E, nt t 1-3 S� m r1 4;z 1ooi k �bl� z �,97 ntocgreLdeoc PRELMAINAW T 25' 3 ffir CITY OF PRIOR LAKE Die ADD CONSERVATNNI EASEMENT 8-21-13 me Reg. No. PROJECT NO.: 131-2558.014 DRAWING FILE., 2558014.DWG Memo Date. October 18, 2013 To: Community Development Department From: Engineering Department — Larry Poppler, City Engineer Public Works Department — Pete Young, Water Resources Engineer SjbiEd- Bluffs of Shady Beach — City Project #DEV -2013-0007B The Engineering and Public Works Departments have reviewed the Final Plat plans for the subject project with a plan date of September 27, 2013 and we have the following comments. Bold comments have potential consequence that affects final plat. General 1. Permit from the MPCA is needed for this project. 2. Title sheet should include location map (1=2000') showing all major streets within 1 mile of proposed project. Indicate project area by circling. 3. Provide note on plans regarding working hours. 7:00 am -7:00 pm Monday through Friday. 8:00 am — 5:00 pm Saturday. 4. Provide low floor elevations on the Sanitary and Watermain plan sheets. 5. Provide all necessary City standard plates. 6. Provide project specifications. a. City of Prior Lake Technical Specifications Page 42 Part Al.d: Under "restrained mechanical joints.." Include: All fasteners shall be Genuine NSS Cor -Blue T -Bolt by NSS Industries or approved equal. All metal parts of tie rod or strap type restraints shall be coated with an approved asphaltic type rustproofing. b. City of Prior Lake Technical Specifications Page 39 Part E: Pipeline Backfilling Operations: Need to emphasis compaction around structures c. Please add language on page 1 of special provisions: Furnish and use only materials manufactured in the United States except for cement manufactured in Canada and pretroleum products, which are exempt. Manufactured in the United States, means manufactured in whole or in substantial part within the United States or that more than 50 percent of the component parts were manufactured in whole or in substantial part within the United States. Sanitary Sewer 1. A note to core drill should be added where connection is proposed into EX -MH. Phone 952.447.9800 / Fax 952.447.4245/www.cityofpriorlake.com 2. Televising of the sanitary sewer is required after testing. A copy of the CCTV report and video must be submitted to the Public Works Department. 3. SDR 26 is proposed for the mainline sanitary sewer. SDR 35 is allowed for pipe depths of less than 16'. 4. Sanitary sewer outside of roadway areas must have marking signs placed at the front and back of property lines. Signs shall be green Rhino Marking Posts (standard plate #103). 5. Slope from MH 101 to Ex. MH is currently proposed at 19.55%. In accordance with Ten States standards, 20% or greater slopes require high velocity protection and steep slope protection. Since directional drilling is proposed and slopes with directional drilling may vary, precautions should be taken. In this situation, a low profile inside drop may be approved by the City Engineer to eliminate steep pipe slopes. Use of Intraflow system should be discussed. 6. Revise Neenah casting to R-1733. Lid shall be solid with two concealed pick holes. Watermain 1. Provide 8"x6" reducers at connection to existing watermain. 2. Show curb boxes on the plan. 3. Install an 8" gate valve at station 5+50. 4. All watermain gate valves and curb stops shall have adjustable gate valve extension stems. 5. Hydrant flags are required per standard plate #500. Developer shall furnish and install hydrafinder high visibility locating device, Rodon Inc, for each hydrant. Contractor shall also supply an extra hydrafinder per hydrant and 1 extra gate valve key, curb box key and hydrant wrench per development. 6. Compression fittings shall be used in place of flares. Please see below: Manufacturer's Number Appurtenance Service Mueller McDonald = Ford Diameter/Inch Corporation Stop 1-2 P-25008 4701 BQ FB1000-Q Curb Stop 1-2 P-25155 6104-Q B44-444MQ, -666MQ, - 777MQ Storm Sewer 1. Provide restoration notes for storm sewer proposed to be installed along Shady Beach Trail to Prior Lake. Restoration notes shall include pavement sawcuts, seeding, sodding, mulch, blanket, and etc. Additional notes regarding construction limits, impacts to existing trees, and landscaping shall be provided. What is the method of installation for this storm sewer system? Provide construction limits on the plans. 2. All storm sewer pipe outside street right of way should have Rhino Marking posts in accordance with standard plate #103. Plate #103 should be added to the detail sheets. 3. The last three pipe joints from the flared end section shall be tied together. 4. Riprap and filter blanket shall be placed at all outlet flared end sections. Riprap shall be class III (MNDOT 3601.2). Provide riprap quantity at each outlet flared end. Outlets to lake shall use articulated concrete. 5. Provide note to core drill into existing mh on Shady Beach Trail. Note should also state that existing invert should be field verified prior to pipe installation. Provide existing impacts and proposed restoration notes. 6. Pipe from MH 1 to FE crosses easement/lot line, please revise. Streets 1. Label sawcuts and proposed work associated with connection into existing pavement and concrete curb and gutter. 2. Provide horizontal curve data on the plans. 3. Vertical curves shall meet 30 mph design. 4. Provide street lights and street signs on the plans. Lights and signs shall follow City standard plates (provide plates on plans). 5. Pavement recommendation from geotechnical engineer is required to verify typical section. 6. Provide note on the plans stating final paving dates. Bituminous base course and curb placement is November 1st. Final date for wearing course placement is September 30th No paving shall commence prior to removal of seasonal road restrictions. Hydrology 1. A conceptual clay core grade stabilization structure detail and related installation procedures for infiltration basin #1 were reviewed during the preliminary plat stage. A geotechnical engineer with experience designing this type of structure must review these items and sign off on the final design of this feature. Additionally, infiltration basin design (for both proposed basins and pre-treatment basins) must include a plan for final stabilization of the base and side slopes. Deep rooted plants such as prairie grass should be used because they increase the capacity of the underlying soils.