HomeMy WebLinkAbout080293 Regular6:00 TO 8:00 RM. WORKSHOP REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA August 2, 1993 . . . m . . . 10. CALL TO ORDER .................................. 8:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MINUTES CONSENT AGENDA: a. Consider Approval of Invoices To Be Paid b. Consider Approval to Police Computer System Bid. c. Consider Approval of Variance for Al Skaja D.B.A. Valley Sign. PUBLIC HEARING -8:00 p.m. A. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Approval of Resolution 93-65 and Preliminary Plat for the Echo Subdivision. PRESENTATIONS: A. Presentation by Pat Kennedy Chairman of the Violence Committee regarding proposed Community Values. OLD BUSINESS A. Bi Prevention Consider Approval of Resolution 93-63 Awarding Bid for Project 93-13 (Forest Circle & Forest Oaks First Addition) and Project 93-06 (Pike Lake Trail Sanitary Sewer Extension). Consider Action on Carriage Hill Parkway Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). NEW BUSINESS A. Consider Setting Public Hearing Date to Discuss Amendments To City Code, Title 9, Chapter 3 "Public Waters" Which Affect Water Surface Use. OTHER BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE 11. ADJOURNMENT 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 2, 1993 8:00 p.m. 1 m CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Andren called the meeting of the Common Council to order on Monday, August 2, 1993 at 8:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were: Mayor Andren, Councilmembers, Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott and White, City Manager Boyles, Assistant City Manager Kuhlmann, Planning Director Graser, Assistant Planner Garross, Public Works Director Anderson, City Attorney Kessel and Recording Secretary Birch. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Mayor Andren led the Pledge of allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING MOTION BY, KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY, FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE THE JULY 19, 1993 MINUTES AS SUBMITTED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: a. Consider Approval of Invoices To Be Paid Consider Approval to Police Computer System Bid. Consider Approval of Variance for Al Skaja D.B.A. Valley Sign. MOTION BY WHITE, SECONDED BY KEDROWSKI, TO APPROVE AGENDA ITEMS (a) THRU (c) Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARING: A. Conduct Public Hearing to Consider approval of Resolution 93-65 and Preliminary Plat for the Echos Subdivision - Mayor Andren vacated the chair due to a personal interest in the issue and passed the gavel to Acting Mayor Kedrowski. City Manager Boyles gave a brief synopsis of the item. Assistant Planner Garross presented a drawing of the plat and discussed details of the request. Consultant Ed Hasek of Dahlgren, Shardlow and Uban representing the applicant, gave a brief historical overview of the proposed plat, noting that it had been a plat of record since 1918, and disoussed the proposed access options to adjacent properties. Ms. Garross then discussed requirements dictated by Shoreland Management Ordinance, whether the Iow portion of the property was considered a wetland, the 904 and 909 flood plain provisions, and stated that one of the issues was consideration of access to the property and to adjacent vacant properties. Ms. Garross reviewed the Development Review Committee's (DRC) recommendation for the plat, road connection, proposed access designs and the 13 contingencies recommended by the DRC. RS 93-65 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQU~L OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Prior Lake City Council Minutes August 2, 1993 Ed Hasek then reviewed the proposed access and building pad for lot 3. A short discussion occurred on the lot of exception, however, neither the applicant, staff or any of the property owners could recall the history of that particular lot. Attorney Rod Krass, representing the Prindle family who own lots 2 and 4, addressed the Council regarding access to the western property line of lot 4 and, requested that Council table the item in order for the developer of lot 5 to revise the current cul de sac plan to allow access to the Prindle property. The following property owners and residents expressed their support for the development: Genevieve Bolger - 4560 Meadowlawn Trail Randy Daud - 4565 N.E. Beach Street (Mr. Daud also presented a letter for the record signed by the residents on Beach Street opposing a through street across the Andren property. Kathryn Dahlgren - 4979 Beach Street Charles Prindle - Lakeside, Montana (part owner of lots 4 and 2.) requested access across the proposed development. Public Works Director Anderson discussed Mr. Prindle's request to construct a road to his property, and reviewed the restrictions with regard to topography, the negative environmental impact of clearing the mature hardwood trees for a street, erosion effects, water runoff, etc. Further discussion occurred regarding Mr. Prindle's present access across 80 acres to the north which currently provides access to lots 2, 3, and 4. Genevieve Bolger, partial owner of the 80 acres, addressed the Council and stated that the owners of lots 2, 3, and 4 have always had access across her land. Council discussion occurred regarding topography, access to the north and length of proposed cul de sac. Councilmember Fitzgerald requested the item be tabled for the purpose of allowing the Prindle family to present a proposal for access and a development plan for their property. MOTION BY WHITE, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 93-65 APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE ECHOS SUBDIVISION. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Kedrowski, Scott and White; nay by Fitzgerald, the motion carried, Andren was absent from chair. A short recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 9:55 p.m. PRESENTATIONS: A, Presentation by Pat Kennedy, Chairman of the Violence Prevention Committee, Regarding Proposed Community Values. City Manager Boyles discussed his proposed changes to the Values. Pat Kennedy explained the purpose of the values, background, etc. Jerry Spies explained the purpose of the Violence Prevention Committee and the process used at the public meetings to condense ECHOS Prelim. Plat Violence Prevention~ ColRm. Prior Lake City Council Minutes August 2, 1993 . al public input into language everyone felt comfortable with. Councilmembers questioned the intent behind several of the values. MOTION BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY KEDROWSKI TO ACCEPT THE VALUES AS PRESENTED BY THE VIOLENCE PREVENTION COMMITTEE. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. Councilmembers commended Ms. Kennedy and the Committee for their efforts towards creating the Community Values Statement. OLD BUSINESS A. Consider Approval of Resolution 93-63 Awarding Bid for Project 93-13 (Forest Circle & Forest Oaks First Addition) and Project 93-06 (Pike Lake Trail Sanitary Sewer Extension) - City Manager Boyles stated that due to the fact that only one bid had been received, and it was over the budgeted amount, staff recommended tabling the item for further research. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECONDED BY WHITE TO TABLE RESOLUTION 93-63. Forest Circle Frail Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scoff and White, the motion passed unanimously. a. Consider Action on Carriage Hill Parkway Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW). Director of Public Works Anderson briefly noted that the 30 day comment period had officially ended on July 7, 1993, and recommended adoption of the //~ Resolution as any environmental impacts are insignificant for the proposed roadway from CSAH 21 to Ferndale Avenue. MOTION BY WHITE, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD TO ADOPT RESOLUTION ~$ ?3-62 93-62 DECLARING A NEGATIVE IMPACT FOR THE EAW FOR CARRIAGE C~uzi(z~e HILLS PARKWAY. //~.~ Upon a vote taken, ayes by Andren, Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott and White, the motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS A. Consider Sefing a Public Hearing Date to Discuss Amendments to City Code, '13tle 9, Chapter 3 "Public Waters" which Affect Water Surface Use. City Manager ~o Code Boyles discussed some of the proposed language changes for the ordinance. Public Council concurred that a public hearing should be held on Tuesday, September 7 at 7:35 p.m. during the regular Council meeting. Prior Lake City Council Minutes August 2, 1993 10. 11. MOTION BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY KEDROWSKI TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 AND TO PREPARE ORDINANCE AS NEEDED TO AMEND THE CITY CODE. OTHER BUSINESS City Manager Boyles noted that the EDC has inquired whether or not a Councilmember should be appointed to act as liaison to the Committee. Councilmember White questioned as to whether the Council was ready to make a policy change on this issue. Council concurred that the issue should be placed on the September 7 agenda for further discussion, and directed staff to contact the chairpersons of each committee or commission so they could poll their members and report the results to staff before the Council meeting. City Manager Boyles discussed setting up a date to go over the volunteer committee applications. Coundl deferred setting a date until the September 7 Council meeting. City Manager Boyles discussed an upcoming meeting of the Savage Planning ~).L. Commission regarding the Prior Lake Aggregate/BMI mining expansion. Council directed City Manager Boyles to draft a letter to the Savage Planning Commissioners expressing Prior Lake's concerns over a letter from Al Frechette, County Planning and Environmental Health department, regarding possible ground water contamination; and also to request the Commissioners give consideration to Prior Lake's citizens and their concerns. Assistant City Manager Kuhlmann distributed a copy of the AMM's Policy process and requested input from Council on the proposed legislative policies to guide staff and individual Councilmembers on the proper voting procedure to be in accordance with Council's desires, and to avoid any misunderstandings. Ms. Kuhlmann was directed to place this request on the August 16 Council agenda. Councilmember White also requested Council's direction on transportation issues. Larry Anderson announced that Scott County had taken bids for County Road 42 improvements and only received one bid. They intend to request all bids and rebids in the Spring. ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. ,by general consent of the Council. ~o~ ?~<'"")~.. ~/~ The next Council meeting will be Monday, August 16, 1 ~.,w-, ,~.,,,, Recording Secretary