HomeMy WebLinkAbout110193 RegularREGULAR COUNCIL MEETING A111g3.WRT . . . . . . . . . 10. AGENDA November 1, 1993 CALL TO ORDER ........................ 7:30 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MINUTES AND MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. CONSENT AGENDA: a. Consider Approval of Invoices To Be Paid b. Consider Approval of Establishing Assessment Hearings and Declaring Costs to be Assessed for the Following Projects: · Project 93-11 Waterfront Passage Business Park, Resolution 83-89 and 93-92. · Project 93-12 Lime and Center Road, Resolution 93-91 and 93-94. · Project 92-13 Forest Circle and Forest Oaks, Resolution 93-90 and 93-93 c. Cooperative Payment to Scott Consider Authorization of CSAH 17 County. PRESENTATIONS: A. Consider Chamber of Commerce Request for City Financial Support for an Executive Director Position. OLD BUSINESS A. Consider Restrictive Covenant on Lakefront Park Access as Requested by David and Dorothy Watzl. B. Consider Approval of Resolution 93-85 Authorizing Final Plat of West Edge Estates. NEW BUSINESS A. Review of Proposed 1994 AMM Legislative Policies. B. Consider Grant Application to Board of Innovation and Cooperation. OTHER BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE ADJOURNMENT 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 1, 1993 . . . CALL TO ORDER - Acting Mayor Kedrowski called the meeting of the Common Council to order on Monday, November 1, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Present were: Acting Mayor Kedrowski, Councilmembers, Fitzgerald, Scott and White, City Manager Boyles, Assistant City Manager Kuhlmann, Planning Director Graser, Parks and Recreation Director Mangan, Public Works Director Anderson, City Attorney Kessel and Recording Secretary Birch. Mayor Andren was absent due to illness. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - ^cting Mayor Kedrowski led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING - AND MINUTES OF OCTOBER 22,1993 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. Councilmember White noted that on page 2 of the regular minutes two motions appeared together. Councilmember White stated that the minutes should reflect that the second motion was a substitute motion and took precedence over the first motion. MOTION BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 18, 1993 MINUTES AS AMENDED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott and White, the motion carried. Councilmember Scott noted that the October 22, 1993 minutes had not been signed. City Manager Boyles noted that on page 2, paragraph 2, the amount of $125,000 for Oakes Lane improvements should be changed to $1oo,ooo. MOTION BY WHITE, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO APPROVE THE OCTOBER 22, 1993, SPECIAL COUNCIL MINUTES AS AMENDED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Kedrowski, Scott and White, the motion carried. Fitzgerald abstained since he was absent from the October 22, 1993 meeting. 4629 Dakota St. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUI~% OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Prior Lake City Council Minutes November 1, 1993 m 1 Acting Mayor Kedrowski announced that item 7B under New Business on the agenda would be considered before Old Business items. CONSENT AGENDA: a. Consider Approval of Invoices To Be Paid. b. Consider Approval of Establishing Assessment Headngs and Declaring Costs to be Assessed for the Following Projects: · Project 93-11 Waterfront Passage Business em Consider Authorization of CSAH 17 County. Park, Resolution 83-89 and 93-92. Project 93-12 Lime and Center Road, Resolution 93-91 and 93-94. Project 92-13 Forest Circle and Forest Oaks, Resolution 93-90 and 93-93, Cooperative Payment to Scott MOTION BY WHITE, SECONDED BY KEDROWSKI, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (a) THRU (c) Coopena,tive Payyaeat £o 5coLt Couatg C o r't.~ eft. t Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott and White, the motion carried. PRESENTATIONS: A. Consider Chamber of Commerce Request for City Financial Support for an Executive Director Position. Assistant City Manager Kuhlmann addressed the Council briefly and stated that Loraine Kesler, President of the Chamber, would be making a presentation and that Fran Greenfield a Chamber Board member was in the audience. Ms. Kuhlmann also stated that both she and Councilmember Kedrowski were also Board Members of the Chamber. Ms. Kesler then presented details of the Chamber's request for City assistance to hire a part time Executive Director for the Chamber. Discussion occurred regarding total hours spent by City staff in the past years on Chamber business. Council concurred on the following: 1) money from the City should be designated as "seed" money to help the Chamber obtain an independent status, 2) donations from the City would be discontinued at the end of three years, 3) the amount would be decreased each yearl~he Chamber would become self supporting at the end of the three years, and ~ the Chamber would supply the City with annual goals and objectives for the Executive Director's position. -2- Prior Lake City Council Minutes November 1, 1993 . 1 MOTION BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO SUPPORT THE RECOMMENDATION TO DONATE MONEY TO THE CHAMBER IN AN AMOUNT UP TO $10,000 AND DIRECTED Support STAFF TO INCORPORATE THE DONATION INTO 1994 BUDGET. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott and White, the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Bi Consider Grant Application to Board of Innovation and Cooperation. - Assistant City Manager Kuhlmann, presented several areas which the Council should consider for grant requests. Council concurred that the following should be included in the grant request: Joint projects with P.L.A.Y., Chamber of Commerce, School District, Watershed (milfoil cleanup), Dakota Community, and Annexation. Discussion followed regarding application of the grants and Council directed staff to submit the preliminary applications. If the applications are considered for approval the Council will have an opportunity for further comment and review. MOTION BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY WHITE, TO SUPPORT THE SUBMITTAL OF THE GRANT APPLICATION. to Boand o~ Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott and White, ~n~o~,o~Zon the motion carried. ¢oop~a~on OLD BUSINESS A1 Consider Restrictive Covenant on Lakefront Park Access as requested by David and Dorothy Watzl. City Manager Boyles reviewed the history of this issue and discussed the options available for restricting the access should the Council desire. Dave Watzl, 15608 Red Oaks Road, discussed the verbal agreements between Wally Stock and Peter Patchin (officials representing the City) referring to limited access to Watzl's point and reviewed the various changes in the barriers to the road. Mr. Watzl entered copies of letters from past Mayor Wally Stock, and Parks Committee Member Pete Patch,n, confirming that a verbal agreement had been made between the Watzl's and the City of Pdor Lake. Discussion occurred on the moral vs legal positions, changes in federal and state law requiring ADA access and the matter of deeded access. Further Council discussion occurred with some members in favor of keeping the status quo and other members were in favor of a Resolution. Council directed City Attorney Kessel to research the deeded access question with the Scott County Recorder's office. Parks Director Mangan was directed to maintain the gate to make sure it is kept locked, staff was directed to notify all maintenance, emergency and Shedff's office of the restrictions and issue keys to those persons La/~ef. rorot Parg -3- Prior Lake City Council Minutes November 1, 1993 Bm who are allowed access to Watzl's point. MOTION BY FITZGERALD, SECONDED BY SCOTT, TO ADOPT ~5 73-77 RESOLUTION 93-97 WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS: ADD ANOTHER WHEREAS, "THE CITY COUNCIL OF PRIOR /_.a/~_on~ ~,~/~ LAKE WISHES TO SET FORTH ITS CURRENT POLICY BY THIS RESOLUTION VERSUS RECORDED COVENANTS IN ORDER TO GIVE FUTURE COUNCIL'S LATITUDE THEY MAY REQUIRE FOR FUTURE PLANNING IN THE USE OF THE PARK FACILITIES;" AND ...... and under Provision 1, end of last sentence, a comma be placed after the word property to read .... "OR OTHER TEMPORARY USES AS DEEMED APPROPRIATE BY THE CITY MANAGER OF PRIOR LAKE." Discussion occurred regarding the changes and the motion and wording in reference to handicapped in vehicles. Staff was directed to strike .... "in a vehicle" .... from the third sentence of provision 1. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott. Nay - White. The motion carried. Consider Approval of Resolution 93-85 Authorizing Final Plat of West Edge Estates. City Planner Horst Graser presented the issues and discussed the requirements for Final Plat. Mr. Graser noted changes in sections b, d and e requiring that the sewer, storm sewers and road base are approved and accepted by the City Engineer before Phase 2 completion. An amended Developer's Agreement was handed out by Public Works Director Anderson who discussed the changes in the Completion date and an additional $9,000 for landscaping and improvements as part of developer's agreement. A short discussion occurred regarding the private street and how it fit in with the Westbury Ponds development. MOTION BY WHITE, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 93-85 SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO RELEASE OF THE FINAL PLAT OF THE FIRST ADDITION TO WEST EDGE ESTATES AND THE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT AS AMENDED. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott and White, the motion carried. Prior Lake City Council Minutes November 1, 1993 w aw NEW BUSINESS Al Review of Proposed 1994 AMM Legislative Policies. - City Manager Boyles reviewed the proposed AMM 1994 Legislative Policies with Council. Discussion occurred on several of the proposed policies which included: Non-governmental tax exempt property, open meeting, data practices, concurrent detachment/annexation, tax increment financing, transportation utility charges, speed limits, selection of Metropolitan Council/Metropolitan Agency members, re-energizing the Metropolitan Council, HACA continuation, Mandated State and Federal Programs and Levy Limits. The City Council identified its top six policy priorities. MOTION BY WHITE, SECONDED BY FITZGERALD, TO DIRECT THE CITY MANAGER TO CONVEY THE COUNCIL'S POLICY PRIORITIES TO THE AMM. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott and White, the motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS City Manager Boyles announced that a Public Forum for Surface Water Management Ordinance would be held on December 16, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Prior Lake Senior High School Auditorium to provide the public an opportunity for input on the matter. Councilmember Kedrowski stated that he as a City representative member of the Minnesota Valley Transportation Coalition has agreed on behalf of the City to support the proposed High Speed Bus Project. City Manager Boyles discussed an invitation received from Savage ¢,~b.~ T. I/. City Administrator Mark McNeill regarding joint participation on the legal fees for regulation of Cable Television rates. After discussion, Council directed City Manager Boyles to review the issue and return or~ with his recommendations. City Manager Boyles stated that he had been contacted and would be meeting with a group of business owners in the vicinity of TH 13 £//4~2 & and County Road 42 regarding the loss of business and County T// ~3 Road 42 improvements. -- An announcement was made that there would be a special Council meeting on Wednesday, November 3 to canvass the election results. -5- Prior Lake City Council Minutes November 1, 1993 . 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY SCOTT, SECONDED BY WHITE~ TO ADJOURN THE ,qd4ou.~ MEETING. Upon a vote taken, ayes by Fitzgerald, Kedrowski, Scott and White, the motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. The next Council meeting will be Monday, Novemb~r.~5, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. Recording Secretary -6-