HomeMy WebLinkAbout012197 RegularMINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 21, 1997 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Present were Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Kedrowski and Schenck, City Attorney Pace, City Manager Boyles, Recording Secretary Oden, Planning Director Ryel City Engineer Greg Ilkka, Assistant City Manager Blair Tremere, and Craig Ebeling of MSA. e PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Andren led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. 3. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY SCHENCK TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 6, 1997 CITY COUNCIL MEETING. Upon a vote, ayes by Andren, Kedrowski, and Schenck, the motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. B. Consider Approval of Resolution 97-0~ Authorizing Execution of the 1997 Joint Powers Agreement for Traffic Markings, Street Sweeping, Crack Sealing, and Sealcoating. C. Consider Approval of Authorizing the Execution of a Cooperative Agreement with Scott County for Operation of Traffic Signals and Integral Street Lights at the Instersection of CSAH 39 (Franklin Trail) and CSAH 44 (160th Street) S.A.P. 70-639-04. D. Consider Approval of Animal Warden Report for December, 1996 E. Consider Approval of Fire Call Report for December, 1996 and for Calendar Year 1996. F. Consider Approval of 4th Quarter Investment Report Summary. G. Consider Approval of Monthly Building Inspection Activity Report. MOTION BY SCHENCK, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. Authorizing Execution of the 97Joint Powers Agree for Traffic Markings Street Sweeping, Crack Sealing, & Sealcoating Coop Agree w/Scott Co. for Operation of Traffic Signals and Integral Street Lights at CSAH 39 & CSAH 44 R: \COUNCII.,\MINUTES\ 12197. DOC 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55S72-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-42S0 / Fax (612) 4~7-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Upon a vote, ayes by Andren, Kedrowski, and Schenck, the motion carried. PRESENTATIONS: A. Be a PAL Presentation by Friends of the Library and Prior Lake Parks Advisory Committee Requesting the Scheduling of a Referendum Election on Tuesday, February 25, 1997. Parks and Recreation Director Hokeness gave a presentation on this item. He talked about the need for park and recreational facilities including a new library building to accommodate more resources. He discussed a bond referendum, and the success of the School District's referendum. If the City Council approves the resolution, it would add an additional 80 to 100 acres of community playfield. They could expand and renovate the downtown library and replace older, unsafe playground equipment in addition to other park improvements. The total cost of the referendum is $7.8 million. Per resident, the cost is $89.02 per year over a 20 year period for a $125,000 valued home. It has been over twenty years since the City of Prior Lake has had a Parks Referendum. That was a relatively small referendum. If this referendum succeeds, it will be 15-20 years before another Parks Referendum is looked at. They are projecting that 15,000 square feet will take care of community library needs. The referendum is community driven, not City driven. He introduced the group behind him, PAL, which has talked with virtually every civic group in the community. If approved, the referendum would take place on February 25th. Tom Schutz, Park Advisory Committee member (PAC) went over the maps. He said the referendum is an investment into the community. He went over the Master Plan for Lakefront Park He said there would be a playground structure, which currently does not exist. Band shell and amphitheater, which would be used by Prior Lake Players, and others. Natural Resource management will be employed, with the parks as natural resource. He said there would be two volleyball courts and a basketball court. Other athletic fields will be added. Councilmember Schenck asked about access to the Park. Parks and Recreation Director Hokeness said that they would have the alignment of the Main Street access reconfigured for safety and to minimize residential impact. Councilmember Kedrowski asked if there was room for expansion of parking. R:\COUNCIL\MINUTES\I 2197.1DOC 2 · Two hundred stalls are called for with expansion capacity. · Councilmember Schenck asked about a construction timeline. · A timeline would be done if the referendum succeeds. · Parks and Recreation Director Hokeness said lights would be installed at the Ponds in the spring to increase usability. Pat Heany (PAC) gave a brief presentation on the playfield proposal. He said part of the package that PLAY wants was a community park for soccer, softball, baseball, and football, which were all growing at 10% rate, and all were running out of space. With t-ball teams from ages 10 to 12, they were always pressed for space. He said they did not want to limit PLAY programs for youth. He said the Ponds was filled to capacity, and used every day of the week. All of the neighborhood parks would be somewhat relieved, they are not made for such heavy usage. He said the new playfield is a need not a want. Parks and Recreation Director Hokeness introduced Friends of the Library member Chris Mosley .She said they really felt the ball was rolling since they joined with the PAC. She said the Prior Lake Library has more circulation and fewer hours available than any City in the County. She said that the Library was undergoing expansion, like many libraries. These buildings are resource centers. She gave examples of Preschool Story Hours. She said she hears a lot of school kids being sent to Bumsville for research. She listed some of the things that they wanted, space, more computers, for kids and for businesses. Interactive video conferencing, etc., Dance Studio. The new library would be 15,000 square feet and would include a Dance Studio. This is preliminary but based on what they do know about the City of Prior Lake. She said there was a strong sentiment to keep the library in the downtown area. It is an investment in the community, and patrons have a role to play, too. Councilmember Schenck asked about the design of the Dance Studio, whether it would require demolition of the existing library building. He asked about footings, to see if a second floor could be put on the new library. · Chris Mosley said they would not lock themselves into anything yet. R:\COUNCIL~MINUTES\ 12197 .DOC 3 Councilmember Schenck said he voted against the existing Library because of its location, but now he likes the location. Parks and Recreation Director Hokeness said that all PAC members have been giving presentations. Mayor Andren said that they were fortunate to have people in the community on such committees, and new people on the committees getting involved. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. There were no Public Hearings. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY SCHENCK TO TABLE ITEM 7A, CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 97-XX RELATING TO AN APPEAL FROM JOHN CRAIG OF A DECISION OF THE ZONING OFFICER RELATING TO DETACHED ACCESSORY STRUCTURES UNTIL THE SECOND MEETING IN FEBRUARY PURSUANT TO THE PETITIONER'S REQUEST. Upon a vote, ayes Andren, Kedrowski, and Schenck, the motion carded. NEW BUSINESS: A. Consider Approval of Resolution 97-XX Authorizing A Special Election for A Parks and Library Referendum, Appointment of Election Judges, Approval of Ballot Question. City Manager Boyles introduced the item, and reviewed minor revisions recommended to the resolution. RS Relating to an appeal from John Craig of a decision of the Zoning Officer relating to Detached Accessory structures Item tabled 2nd Feb. mtg. Mayor Andren commended the PAC and the Friends of the Library for all of their hard work in putting together this package of Community Parks and Library needs. She also mentioned Don Busse, past Councilmember, because of him, the City Purchased Lakefront Park, and 20 years later they now need to invest in future again. As long as she has been Mayor, everyone has wanted the library downtown. The people want their library right them, they are very supportive of it. Councilmember Schenck said that Parks Advisory Committee and Friends Of the Library have done a great job; the legacy of Don Busse and now these groups have now started a legacy for tomorrow. R:\COUNCIL~MINUTES\ 12197.DOC 4 · Councilmember Kedrowski said there was an excellent opportunity for Prior Lake to set tone for future. MOTION BY SCHENCK SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 97-06 AUTHORIZING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR A PARKS AND LIBRARY REFERENDUM, APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION JUDGES, APPROVAL OF BALLOT QUESTION Upon a vote, ayes Andren, Kedrowski, and Schenck, the motion carried. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY SCHENCK TO APPROVE EXHIBIT A (Election Judges to serve at the February 25, 1997 Election). Upon a vote, ayes Andren, Kedrowski, and Schenck, the motion carried. Consider Approval of Resolution 97-07 Authorizing an Agreement for Participation in the Installation and Operation of a Street Light with Scott County at the Intersection of County Road 82 and CSAH 17. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY SCHENCK TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 97-04AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF A STREET LIGHT WITH SCOTT COUNTY AT THE INTERSECTION OF COUNTY ROAD 82 AND CSAH 17 Upon a vote, ayes Andren, Kedrowski, and Schenck, the motion carried. Co City Manager Boyles introduced the item, a Feasibility Report is being recommended for all assessment related Capital Improvement Program projects. He said this does not approve the project, it approves a feasibility report. MOTION BY SCHENCK SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 97-08 ORDERING PREPARATION OF FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR MUSHTOWN ROAD, PIKE LAKE TRAIL, CSAH 42, STREET SEALCOATING AND LAKEFRONT PARK INCREMENTAL IMPROVEMENT. Upon a vote, ayes Andren, Kedrowski, and Schenck, the motion carried. 9. OTHER BUSINESS RS 97-06 Authorizing a special election for a Parks & Library Referendum Election Judges to serve at 2/25 Election RS 97-04 w/Scott Co. for participation in the installation and operation of a street light @ Co. Rd. 82 RS 97-08 Order preparation of feasibility report for Mushtown Rd., Pike Lake Tr., CSAH 42, street R:\COUNCIL',.MINUTES\ 12197.:DOC 5 City Manager Boyles said there were developer feedback responses outlined in the Update, and he wanted to know if the City Council was comfortable with response. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI, SECOND BY SCHENCK TO APPROVE THE REPLACEMENT OF BETTY ERICKSON AND CRAIG GOUTORAK FOR THE WATERSHED BOARD. Betty Erickson Watershed Board Upon a vote, ayes by Andren, Kedrowski, and Schenck, the motion carried. City Manager Boyles asked is staff directed to solicit applications? The Council concurred. Mayor said she went to Prior Lake Community Forum. She distributed to each Councilmember a copy of the agenda, and some surveys that children had filled out. The findings should concern each parent. There is a follow up meeting scheduled. She encouraged all Councilmembers to attend. journed at 9:15 p.m. by ge~on~sent. C'~/y Mar~~r~f~ - ' Recor~ding Secretary R:\COUNCII.,\MINUTES\ 12197. DOC 6