HomeMy WebLinkAbout020397 RegularMINUTES OF THE PRIOR LAKE CITY COUNCIL Date: February 3, 1997 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Andren called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Mayor Andren, Councilmembers Kedrowski, Mader, and Schenck, City Attorney Pace, City Manager Boyles, Assistant City Manager Tremere, Planning Director Rye, Planning Coordinator Kansier, Recording Secretary Oden. Councilmember Greenfield was absent. o PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Andren led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the meeting. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING MINUTES: Councilmember Schenck said that on page 5, under other business, there was a motion to approve replacement of Betty Erickson on the Watershed Board. It should also say Craig Goutorak. City Manager Boyles said City Attorney Pace should be listed as present. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY SCHENCK TO APPROVE JANUARY 21, 1997 MINUTES AS AMENDED. Upon a vote, ayes Andren, Kedrowski, and Schenck, abstention Mader, the motion carded. CONSENTAGENDA: riay a) Consider Approval of Invoices to be Paid. Disposal b) Consider Approval of Tidy Disposal Refuse Hauling Permit. Refuse Hauling c) Consider Approval of Amendments to Bylaws for Scott Joint Prosecution permit Association. d) e) 0 g) Consider Approval of Resolution 97-0ff ~pproving Purchase of Two 1997RS,tpprove Crown Victoria Squad Cars. 2 '97 Squad Consider Approval of St. Michael's Church Requests for Temporary Licenses: Cars i) Temporary Liquor License Temp Ziq. ii) Temporary Consumption and Display Permit Lic. St. Consider Approval of Recommendation to Appoint Two Persons to the Lake Michael's Advisory Committee. Consider Approval of the Treasurer's Report. Appoint 2 people LA C R:%7Ot!N(:lL\MIN UT[7.S\2397M N,DOC 1 16200 Eagle Creek Ave. S.E., Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372-1714 / Ph. (612) 447-4230 / Fax (612) 447-4245 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MOTION BY SCHENCK SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS A - G. o o Upon a vote, ayes by Andren, Kedrowski, Mader, and Schenck, the motion carried. PRESENTATIONS: a) Presentation "St. Michael's School Salutes Prior Lake City Hall" St. Michael's second graders gave a presentation to the Mayor and City Council. "saluted" the City of Prior Lake with the presentation of a poster, and a cheer. PUBLIC HEARINGS: They o a) There are no Public Hearings. OLD BUSINESS: a) Consider Approval of Ordinance 97-05 Amending Sections 3 and 8 of the Zoning Ordinance 83-06 to Permit Recycling Facilities in the 1-2 Zoning District as a Conditional Use. ORD 97-05 Zoning MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY SCHENCK TO APPROVE ORDINANCE Amending 97-05 AMENDING SECTIONS 3 AND 8 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE 83-06 TO ORD 83-06 PERMIT RECYCLING FACILITIES IN THE 1-2 ZONING DISTRICT AS A Recycling CONDITIONAL USE. Facility o Upon a vote, ayes Andren, Kedrowski, Mader, and Schenck, the motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: a) Consider Approval of Resolution 97-07 Pertaining to the Acquisition of Tax Forfeit Lands. Councilmember Mader asked if there was cost to the City. City Manager Boyles said there was not. MOTION BY SCHENCK SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 97-07 PERTAINING TO THE ACQUISITION OF TAX FORFEIT LANDS. RS 97-07 Acquisition of Tax Forfeit Lands Upon a vote, ayes by Andren, Kedrowski, Mader, and Schenck, the motion carded. R: \(X) [ i NCII.,",,MI N [ i'i['ES',,2397 M N,DO( ' 2 b) Consider Approval of Ordinance 97-06 Amending the Zoning Ordinance and City Code Regarding: i) To Remove Planned Unit Developments as a Conditional Use in the R-1, R-2, and R-3 Districts. ii) To Apply the Setbacks for County Roads and Collector Streets to "Major" Collector Streets Only. iii) To Remove the Language Requiring Zoning Board of Adjustment Approval of Tree Replacement Plans Conforming to the Tree Replacement Formula. iv) Adding an Ordinary High Water Mark Elevation as Determined by the MN DNR to those Lakes Which Do Not Have A Previously Established OHWM (Jeffers Pond, Markley Lake and Blind Lake), and Changing the OHWM on Howard Lake to the Elevation Determined by the DNR. Councilmember Mader if terminology of"major" and "minor" collector streets would be subject to interpretation. RS 97-06 Amend Don Rye explained that it was clearly defined in the comprehensive plan. Zoning Ord. MOTION KEDROWSKI SECOND SCHENCK TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 97-06. Upon a vote, ayes by Andren, Kedrowski, Mader, and Schenck, the motion carried. c) Consider Approval of Various Issues Discussed at the January 10 and 11 Winter Workshop. City Manager Boyles introduced the item. He said that the goals reflected some items carried over from 1996 as well as numerous policy issues discussed by the Council at the workshop. Councilmember Kedrowski asked if the goals were in priority order. City Manager Boyles said they were not in priority order. Mission Statement MOTION BY SCHENCK SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO APPROVE THE MISSION STATEMENT. Upon a vote, ayes Andren, Kedrowski, Mader, and Schenck, the motion carded. MOTION KEDROWSKI SECOND SCHENCK TO APPROVE THE 1997 PRIORITY GOALS. Top 10 Priorities TOP R: \ CO U NC I I.),,Mi[NU I'ES",,2397 M N ,DOC 3 Councilmember Mader said he was not at the session, and there were a couple of goals that he was not in support of. Mayor Andren said that he could motion to delete certain items or vote no on certain items. SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY MADER TO APPROVE THE 1997 TOP PRIORITY GOALS AFTER DELETING THE 3RD AND 12TH. Motion failed for lack of a second. Upon a vote, ayes by Andren, Kedrowski, and Schenck, nay Mader, the original motion carried. MOTION BY SCHENCK SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO APPROVE THE COUNCIL WORKSHOP NOTES FROM JANUARY 10TH AND 11 TH. Council Workshop Notes Upon a vote, ayes Andren, Kedrowski, and Schenck, abstention Mader, the motion carried. OTHER BUSINESS: City Manager Boyles said Code of Ethics and Conduct for Public Officials was in the Update memorandum. He asked for Councilmembers to review it and offer input. a) Councilmember Mader said that one of the issues he has heard discussed a number of times is whether or not the City Council can televise through local public cable. MOTION BY MADER, SECOND BY KEDROWSKI TO HAVE CITY MANAGER Council PREPARE A PROPOSAL FOR CABLE TELEVISION AND EQUIPMENT WITHIN televise SIXTY DAYS. through cable Upon a vote, ayes Andren, Kedrowski, Mader, and Schenck, the motion carded. b) Councilmember Kedrowski said Council should take an official position regarding city services to unincorporated areas. One of the things that he would like the Council to go on record is saying to townships that there will not be any City services without annexation. He said he was not in favor of providing services to unincorporated areas without annexation. ,~nnexation Council's Official Position R:\CO [ NCII.,\MI N [ JTES",2397 M N.t)OC. 4 MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY SCHENCK FOR OFFICIAL CITY POSITION TO BE THAT THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE WILL NOT PROVIDE SERVICES TO UNINCORPORATED AREAS AND AREAS OUTSIDE CITY BOUNDARIES. The motion and second were withdrawn. MOTION BY KEDROWSKI SECOND BY SCHENCK FOR OFFICIAL CITY POSITION TO BE THAT THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE WILL NOT PROVIDE SEWER AND WATER TO UNINCORPORATED AREAS AND AREAS OUTSIDE CITY BOUNDARIES. Upon a vote, ayes by Andren, Kedrowski, Mader, and Schenck, the motion carried. 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE 11. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. by general consent. Recording Secretary R:',COLiNCIL\MINt. TES\2397M N,DOC 5