HomeMy WebLinkAboutPleasant St & Ridgemont ROW Permit DEC-12-2��5 �9 � 44 C I T`�' OF PR I OR LAl:E P1A I NT P. �1i�4 � Post-it� FaX Note 7671 nate�,�,l��� ���es� � , PRI pF piQ �... �`�.?�1��.� (__ .. To 4 From ` tr /' 6.�- � � _., ._� CoJDept Co. C ' r i l,Ol Lq, � tr1 �� C.�:��� C�', C,,, g�.. yw� Phone k PhonE # '�' L/l� '`�6 y��SN �.,:.}-��C: f"w. �;"�?�� Y7��' C� � Fax � _ I Fax ri t t �-, , , ;�`. : ,�-, ��, -� �� P��nnir � .�p �,�6 �-� ( i c . .� u �.,.; PERMIT TO WORK WITHIN CiTY PROPERTY RIGHT-OF-WAY/�QSEMENTS AND APPI�tCATtON FOR INSTALLATION OF UTiUTtES l. Location INTt�rL�Ef�� �IZ� �t,,.E��4�vT" c.5r � 12co�Erc.oN't' k�-vE 2. Narure of Wark {Z.�P�� 2 c� F G,c, sn,.�� 5�.�,e. Lr,.� 3. t�idicate below items ta be affected and include a sketch or plan of work to be done. Curb & Gutter �_ Str�et � TraiUSidewalk �Trees: Poi1d/Wetlar�ds (pubtically owned �____ � Traffic Control Devices/Si,�ns Or Privstely owned ) _ Draina�*e Utilides ShvctureBuiltiings Otl�er _ _ _ 4. Method of Installation or Constr�.icdon ___ e ��+a� � C'�,�,sra-�� � uG c�oz-i�- „� 4�c�c,ccc..c. 5. Work to start on or aFter: Z Ja-+� o�- and shall be conipleted by: �� m�H O 6 unless an extension a anted to: _ by; DATE STAFF/DAT� 6. 1'Vill detouring of traffic be necessary? ES 1f neeessary io detour traffic, describe suggest�3 route: Dv[.0 r�- A.�: _ � Co� oe .s.ov 57' ro � o� s .r� o�. r �� 7. Provide �vith this appIicatioiz a copy of the conrractors Public Liability Insurance. DETOURS: Tite Direetor of Public `Vorks siiall be notified in writin� at Ieast 72 hours in advance of any detaur being t;stablished, cl�anged or disconiinued. NAME OF APPLICANT S�j-,+= �M��ao�� PHONE Cs�TI —�'`j 1!/ PLEASE PR.1N1' ADDR�SS �'8o z �.�n».��... IZ t1 ST t�A-�.�c. /Y1 N ,ST O� STRBET CITY STATE Z[P NAME O�' PARTY OR ORGANIZATION PERFORMTNG �'VORK CG1 CONTACT PERS()N: I G2e.-� F�a¢.-f� EMERG�NCY (Z4 HR,) P��ON�#: .3Za-T1.�'�i3'¢ ADDRESS: �-Bo $ae� g. G's��..r.�cr.� Z� Sr i',a.�.,� �••�•o DAY PHbNE (�1 Z-�3 /D -�4Z1 S7REET C1TY STATE 21F S"�hc 7 Z The undersigned herewith accepG� the c�m�s and condi;ions of this permit by the Ciry of Prior Lake s� fierein containcd and agrez to fu1ly comply d►ere ' '� actio of the City of Prior Lake_ 5ign � � vE✓t Date• ��/��d S ' 12715/26�5 12:19 FAX 6512969113 ECI � 003/006 bEC-12-2005 �9 � 45 C I T`I OF PR I OR LR�CE t�A I rIT P. 02iC�4 EXHIBIT "C" . TO PRIOR LAKE PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN MANUAL PERMIT TO Wt�RK WItHIN C1TY PROPERTY RIGFI7•OF-1NAYlEASEMEN ANb APPLICATION FOR INSTA�I.ATION OF UTILITIES PAC�E 2 FOR CITY USE ONt_Y AUT�-tORiZnTION OF PERMiT FINANClAL SECURITY: AMOUNT: TYPE: (Cash, Bond, LOC, E1c.) Fee: � �,st�•Od Receipi No. � _Permit No. �,�,. " � LIAI311LITY WSURANCE PROVIDED: ,� � In con,ideration of agreem�rrt to comply in all res;,ects with the regulations of ihe C8y of Prbr Lake covering such operafions, and pursuar�t 10 autho+yz�Gon duty given by sa�d City ot Prior l.ake; permission �a hereby granted for 1he vuutk to be done as descrlbad in the abov'e applicat�nn, said work lo be done in accotda�ce wilh sPecial Drovisions as hereby staleci: ��� �� m j,� ,�,� pS� ��j/ APPRO D BY: DEPT, OF PiJBLIC WORKS ' r G G� l cr- gy; j%����i�� /Z'��i'�fS� b✓�v►� �� � -�. ' /DATE �1� rhl�� W���'"�1 _ �D� ar�� �••� . . �kLL LEGAL REQUIR�MENTS SHOWN ON PAGE ONE (1) A►N[� ON ALL "SPEGI/U. PROY�SION�' SHAU, eE COMPLlED W17H. THE DATE WHEtd U�lORK IS COMPLETED MUST BE REPORTED 70 THE GITY OF PRIOR LAKE CITY CNGINE�R. a�ren�nsutow vert�M.ow �F�wcrs.roc •� 1�/13/2005 1�:19 FAX 6512989113 ECI � 004/006 DEC-12-2005 09�a5 r_IT'� OF PRIOR LAKE MAINT p,g3rp� EXHIBIT "G" TO PRIOR LAKE PUBLIC WORKS DESIGN MANUA� rni.�++��r - - rr� � .r.n REGUI.ATIONS PERTAINING TO THE INSTALl.AT10N OR REPAIR OF UNDERGROIJNU UTiI.ITI�S tN C(TY S7REE7S OR lN Cl1'Y RICyNT-O� WAY/EASEMENTS The tollowing regulations and conditions constitute a patt af fha application made by any installer or contractor for the installation ot ulilitic:s in any City stree! right-of-way or Ciiy util(ty easement and the appli�ant, in making his app►►cation io do such work, shall agree io abide by these �egulatians and conditions: 1. The indivtdual obiaining the permit sha�l, hefo�e cammencing such work, noMfy the City Engineer when the work at Qach bcattort is to commence; and, when rzquested by the Enc�ine2r, shall submit plans and specifications. � 2. Uppn comalet�o oi thF nroieci, th� i n ividual shall promatly notifv the Citv En4ineerinq Deoartment tor finaf insnettfon. 3. The public is to be proteoted by the individual, at all t�me�, from the cor�mencement of the work until the campleGon and acce{�tance by 1he �ity. The installe� nr cbntractor sh�ll so conduct his operalions as to cause tt�e minimum inconvenience io t1�e public. The instalfer �r contractor shall iurnis�, erect, and mai�tain, in accardance with the (egally accepted siandards, all necessary warning and traffic coMrol signs, barricades, tratf"�c cones, and flashing li�hts to direct and aontrol the movement of traftic through the project in a11 direciions and at all times. The foregoing p�ovisions she1� not in any way re6eve the installer or contractor of any of his lagal responsibilities or li;�bilitfes for ihe safely of the public. 4. All openings in bituminous surfaces shall be cut in a straignt line witn sides smooth and vertical. No ragged edges wi11 be permitted. Cutting shalt be do�e wiih a cQncrete saw, cutting wheel, jack hammer, spades or similar approved tools. eackitu material shall be suitable for highw�y cmbankment consuucL'on. Na peat, irazen lumps, broken asphalt, sad, roots, or other undesirable matcrial shall be permitted as backfill. Rocks la�ger tl�an six inches (6") in diameter shall not be used in backfi)ling ot trQnches. 7he Dackfill materiat shall be plac�d ;n layers not lo excepd on� toot (1'} and mechanically cornpacted ta not less than J5 petcent of modiP�ed Proctor density. Th� upper six inches (6") of the backfill shall meet Minnesota Nighway Depariment Specif"icaGons for Class 5 material dnd shall De compacted to not less tha� 95 percenl of modified Prodor density. As soon as possible efle+� back�ill ap�atlons ar8 oompleted, the cul bituminous edg�s of Ihe trench sl�all ba painted wilh an aspha►t emulsion such a� SS-1, Immediately thereafler, the patching material shall be placed and mechanically compacted to not less than 9S percent of moditied Prxtor densiiy, The asphaltic material used in patching sha11 I�e of fhs same rype as removed frona the roadway, except that in no case, wiu � plant mixed asphalt ef less quality than Minnrsot9 Highway Departmsnl Specificatio�s 2331 be used. Tha flnishc�d surface of the patCtt sha11 conform to the suHaae vf the undistu�bed roadway. No permanerrt asphalt paRches shalf be on any bas� whose temperature is 32 deg�ees Fahrenheit o� less. Cold weather patching shall be of temporary nature, using co1C mixed asphalt, well graded crushad rock or simitar �pproved materials. i'emporary patches shall be true to line and c�rade, Temporairy patches shall C;VERM173UlOW W�TilylRONf PFJIMITS.Jee �� ' 12/15/2005 12:19 FAX 6512989113 ECI � 005/006 DEC-ZZ-�0�5 �9�45 CIT`� OF FRI�R LAKE MRINT p,pqiga be �eplaced by permanent patches when weathcr conditions permit and noGfication shail be requi�ed as sWled in 2. 5. Other areas may be required to bA campacted at the diteclion of the City Engineer. s. Such permitlee to be re�pansible for rt�aiMenance and repai� of al) trer�ches 1or a period oi one (1) year and iF settlemerrt ocaurs er excava'tton cav�s in, the sarn� shdll b� promptly indicat�ed by adequate warning signs and shall be restored to p�oper candition in accardance with 6pecifications above provided as soon as condilions permit. 7. All culverts and d'rtches shall be replaced in their �rlginal pasiUon and condition ex�sting p�ior to �or►5truction�nd na change shau De made in drainage without appmval of lhe City Engineer. 8. Permitlee shall save ihe Cily harml�RS from all thircJ party claims for injury or damage which may occur Detw�en the time the work Commences and the time it is finally accepted by thC City. 9, The permiltee may he requi�ed to jack or bo�e ur�der nerlain streets, as determined by the City Engineer. 10, 7he applicant shal{ furnish evldenGe ot public (iability Insurance of not less than $100,Od01300,�00 and property damage of not less than $25,000 issued by an insurance company authori�d to do business in the State of Minrtesota on which the City is n�med as an additiona) insured pariy. 11, Except fnc the negligent acts of the City, its age�nts and lts employees, the permitt2e shalt assume atl liability tor, and save the City, its agents and its employAas, harmless and defdnd same at its s�le oost anc! cxp�nse frorn any a�d all claims for damages, actions or causes of action arising out of tRe work to b� done hcreln a�d the contlnuing uses by th� permittee, including but not limited to the placing, constructing, and reconstructing, maintaining, protecting and use of said facility under this appticatiun and permit for construction. 12. Exisiing Facilities - The utility facility and installaY►ons snaN not intarfere with any existing utility facility on the City's right-of-way or easements. Ii i� the respansibility of the applicant to call for necessary locations of exi�ting utili6es. (Go{�her One) 13. Private Property -� The work permit or pe,•mit for construction as issued do�� not in any way imply that the approprlate easement exists to allow the applicant io work on private property. 14. Cutti�g Trees - 7he pormission herein granled �o6s n�t confer upan lhe permittes the right to cut, {emove or destroy trees or sh�ubbery within the lega! limlts of the right-of-way. Easements that are nOt spe�cifically identifred on the plan atlached to this permk or �elieve permittee from obtaining any con4ent otherwise required irom the owner of the property adjacent thereto. 15. Clean-Up - Street, lrailway5 and affeqted rlght-ot-way shall be scraped clean at the end ot each wo�k d�y and swept cle�an after constructan is completed� and left in a neat and presentable conditiort. 16. Replacemerrt ot Sad - Wherevo� top-soil and sod are disturbed they shall be replaced in kind and maintained satisfactorily untfl the turt is establ'�shed. . The under�igned hereby declares he/she has re�d and will comply with alt thc PER7INF►�T REGULA710NS as stated abov� and refevarrt Ciry Ordinances. OATE: ) ,II4I n��"" SIGNED: . a:�raRMSrsveow wruy�kow rERMlts.ax TOTR� P.04