HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract Documents CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION STREET PAVING, STO~1 SEWER AND APPURTENANT WORK FOR THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA PROJECT NO. 79-2 S.A.P. 201-111-01 ANNA TRAIL THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the 18th day of September, 1979, by and between the CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter called the "Owner") and HcNAHARA- VIVANT CONTRACTING CO., INC. (hereinafter called the "Contractor"). WIT N E SSE T H ------ That in consideration of their mutual covenants and agree- ments as hereinafter set forth, the Owner for itself and the Contractor for itself, its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees as follows; TO WIT: 1. The Contractor agrees to furnish all the necessary materials, labor, use of tools, equipment, plant and every other thing necessary to perform the work designated and referred to in this contract, including all Contractor's superintendence and to furnish everything necessary for the completion of the improvement which is the subject of this agreement (except such things as the Owner has specifically agreed to provide, according to the contract documents); and agrees under penalty of a public contractor's corporate surety bond in the amount of SEVENTY-FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHT AND 50/100 DOLLARS ($74,608.50) to perform -1- -- :~'''- and complete the work shown in the plans and drawings, entitled "Street Paving, Storm Sewer and Appurtenant Work for the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota, Project No. 79-2, S.A.P. 201-111-01, Anna Trail", Improvement No. 79-2 prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. of Minneapolis, Minnesota and dated June 25, 1979 and to conform in all respects with the provisions and requirements of the general conditions, special conditions and special provisions for said improvement, which are entitled "Contract Documents for Street Paving, Storm Sewer and Appurtenant Work" for the Owner prepared by said Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. and dated June 25, 1979. 2. The Contractor agrees that performance shall be in accordance with the terms, requirements and conditions of this instrument, and laws of the State of Minnesota, and the follow- ing documents: Advertisement for Bids for said Improvement No. 79-2 for the Owner. Proposal by the Contractor, presented to the Council of the Owner on August 6, 1979 and accepted by the Owner on September 18, 1979. Contract Documents for said Improvement No. 79-2 dated June 25, 1979 referred to in the preceding paragraph of this Agreement and made a part of the aforementioned proposal. Plans and Drawings, for said Improvement No. 79-2 as identi- fied in the precedin9 paragraph of this Agreement and which are dated June 25, 1979. -2- Any Addenda, to the plans, drawings, general conditions and specifications for said Improvement No. 79-2 which addendum was prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. Public Contractor's Surety Bond in the principal sum of the amount bid. Each and all of the aforementioned contract documents are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by specific reference and the terms and provision thereof are and constitute a part of this Agreement as though attached hereto of fully set forth herein. 3. The OWner agrees to pay the Contractor for the performance of this Agreement and the Contractor agrees to accept in full compensation therefor, the sums set forth within the aforementioned proposal of the Contractor for each unit and each type of unit of work to be performed. It is understood and agreed that the said proposal is for the construction of said Improvement No. 79-2 on a unit price basis in accordance with said proposal, and that sum of $74,608.50 as set out in said proposal, is the sum of the unit prices, multiplied by the estimated quantities of the respective units of work listed therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF PRIOR LAKE I MINNESOTA McNAMARA-VIVANT CONTRACTING, INC. Bl-~1"iff-[.', 2. ..~. :'~ JfJL. 'lUI.^. By ~ l~€a. Yi!~' . I (CITY SEAL) By '7Jf'j? .~...r;;~~ By (CORPORATE SEAL) -3- - , ,.- CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR STREET PAVING, STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF PRIOR LAKE,. MINNESOTA PROJECT NO. ' 79.....2. S.A.P. 201-1~1-Ol ANNA TRAIL ,.- DATE: SET NO. ,..... ,.- ORR-SCHELEN-MAY~RON & ASSOCLATES,INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2021 EAST' "~~~NBPIN AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS', MINNESOTA 55413 COMM. NO. 082-2918.01 '~ 03 ,.- r ,.- I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or'under my direct supervision and that I am, a duly,Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota. r ~:> rJ~ JamesP. Norton Da te : " I:J~/'''' Reg. No. 11606 r- f - 082-2918.01 ~ CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CITY OF PRIOR LAFE, MINNESOTA PROJECT 79-2 S.A.P. 201-111:-01 ANNA TRAIL TABLE OF CO~~~NTS SECTION - Title Certification Table of contents TC Advertisement for Bids AB Instruction to Bidders IB General Conditions GC Special provisions SP Special Conditions for Sanitary and/or Storm Sewer SP-S/SS Proposal Form PF Affidavit Contract 082-2918.01 TC ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 1'"- STREET PAVING, STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANT WORK FOR THE CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA PROJECT NO. 79-2 S.A,P. 201-111-01 ANNA TRAIL - NOTICE IS HEREBY given that sealed proposals will be received .by the City Council of the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 at the Prior Lake City Hall, 4629 Dakota street S.E. until 10:00 AM on the 24th of July, 1979, and will be publicly opened at said time and place by two or more designated officers or agents of the City of Prior Lake, said proposals for the furnishing of all labor and materials for the construction, complete in place of the following: App~oximately 800 l.f. of bituminous street paving, Approximately 1,600 l.f. of concrete curb and gutter, Approximately 450 l.f. of 12" and 15" storm sewer and appurtenant work. - Proposal-s arriving after the designated time will be returned unopened. The bids must be submitted on the proposal forms provided in accordance with contract documents, plans and specifications as prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc., Consult- ing Engineers, 2021 East Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, Minne- sota 55413, which are on file with the City Clerk of Prior Lake and may be seen at the office of the consulting engineers and at the office of the city engineer. Copies of Proposal Forms, Plans and Specifications for use by contractors submitting a bid may be obtained from the consulting engineers, Orr-Sche1en-Mayeron & Associates, Inc., 2021 East Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413, upon deposit of $25.00 per set. The full amount of the deposit for one set only of drawings and specifications will be re- turned to contractors who submit a bona fide bid and who return the drawings and specifications in good condition within fifteen (15) days after the opening of bids. One half the deposit amount will be returned on all other deposits, including deposits made to secure documents for subcontractors' or material suppliers' estimating purposes, upon the return of the documents in good condition within fifteen (15) days after the bids are opened. 082-2918..01 AS.;.l ,-- Individual drawings and sections of specifications may be purchased at a rate of one dollar ($1.00) per plan sheet and ten cents ($.10) per sheet of specification for which no refund shall be made. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Clerk of Prior Lake and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the Clerk of the City of Prior Lake, for five (5%> percent of ~~e amount bid to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the bid be accepted and bidder shall fail to enter promptly into a written contract and furnish the required bond. ,.... No bids may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of opening of bids. The City of Prior Lake ~ reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated: BY: Order of the City Council s/s Michael McGuire City Manager Ci ty of Prior Lake, MN Advertised week of July l,.and July 8, 1979': Prior Lake American "Advertisedw~ek of 'July 1, and July 8, 1979 Construction Billetin 082-2918.01 AB-2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS INDEX Item Pa~,e 1. Examination of Plans, Specifications and Site of WOrk Contract Documents 1 1 1 1 - 2. Bid Security - 3. 4. 5. Preparation of Proposal Conditions in Bidder's Proposal 2 6. Interpretation of Estimates 7. Delivery of Proposals 8. Rejection of Proposals 9. l'lithdrawal of Proposals 10. Public Opening of Proposals 11. Disqualification of Bidders 2 12. Equi&,,~..nt 13. Furnishing of Evidence of Responsibility 14. Requirements of Contract Bond 15. Failure to Execute Contracts 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1'. unit Prices 3 4 4 r- pC!- ,., INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. EXAMINATION OF PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND SITE OF WORK The bidder shall examine to his satisfaction the quantities of work to be done as determined from the plans and specifications. Quantities indicated by the Engineer on drawinqs or elsewhere are estimated only, and bidders must rely on their own calculations. Bidders shall be thoroughly familiar with the Contract DoCuments including all General Conditions and Special Conditions. Bidders shall inform themselves of the character and magnitude of work and the conditions under which the work is to be perfo~ concerning the 'site of the work, the structure of the ground, the exist~ce ..of ~.surfa:ce-:and ground water, availability of drainaqe, the obstacles which may be encountered, means of approach to the site, manner of delivering and handling materials, facili~ies of transporting equipment and all other relevant matters pertainiDq to. the complete execution of this contract. No plea of ignorance of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist, or of diffi- culties that will be encountered in the execution of the work here- under which result frOm the failure to make necessary examina~ions and investigations, will be accepted as a sufficient excuse for any failure or omission on the part of the Contractor to fulfill in every detail all the requirements of this contract, or will be accepted as a basis for any 'claim whatsoever for extraoompensation or for an extension of time. No bidder may rely upon any state- ments or representations of any officer, agent, or employee of the OWner with reference to the conditions of the workof,the character of the soil or other hazards which may be encountered in the course of construction. 2 . BID SECURITY Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid security in the form,and amount as specified in the Advertisement for Bids. Such bid security is a guaranty that the bidder will enter into a contract with the OWner for the work described in the proposal, and the amount of the bid security of a successful bidder shall be for- feited to the OWner as liquidated damages in the event that such bi.dder fails to enter into a contract and furnish COntractor'. bond. , .........~~. 3 . CONTRACT DOCUMEN'l'S The Contract Documents' will consist of the Advertisement for Bids, Instructions to Bi,d"d,ers", ,Ge, ',neral cond",i"t,' 10,n, s,' s~c1,.alCO,ftd"i~ions, Special Provisions, Proposal Form, Contract~for ConstructJ.on and all 'plans and ,:arawings. These Qocuments are on file with the Owner. ---4-. PREPARA'1' ION OF PROPOSAL The bidder shall subltlit his proposal on the foras provideclby the -1- IB - ". , ,;- ~, ,...~ "... ,..,.. "'~ ,e:.:... Enqineer without removing them fromtbe bound Contract Documents. He shall also submit; a duplicat;eproposal on t:he addii:loaal un- bouncl fontS provided, by the Engineer. The blank spaces in the proposals shall be filled in correctly with ink where indicated for each and every item for which a quantity is given, and the bidder.ball state the price. for which he proposes to do each item of the work contemplated. The bidder's proposal shall be siqned correctly with ~nk. If proposal is made by an individual, his name and post office address shall be shown. If made by a firm or partnership, the name and post office address of each member of the fi~ or . partnership shall be shown. If made by a corporation, ~ person signinq the proposal shall show the name of the State under the law of which the corporation was chartered and names, ti~les and business addresses of the President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All bids, from Corporations shall bear the official seal of the corporation. s. CONDITIONS IN BIDDER' S PROPOSAL The bidder shall not stipulate in his proposal any conditions not provided for on the proposal form. . 6. INTERPRETATION OF ESTIMATES The Engineer's estimate of quantiti,s as shown in the proposal shall be used as a basis of calculation upon which the award of contract will be made, but these quantities,are, not guaranteed to be accurate and are furnished without any liability oni:he part of the OWner. 7. DELIVERY' OF' PROPOSALS All bids sha~l be placed in' a sealed envelope with a statement th~re~n.sho~J.ng the work coveredby.the bid, and addressed as st~pulated 1n ~he Ad~ertisement for Bids. Proposals may be maJ.le<:l or submJ.tted J.n person. No bids will be received after the t1m7 set ,for receiving them. Bids arriving by mail at t~e of~J.ce of the Owner after the hour designated for receiving b1ds WJ.ll be ~eturned to the sender unopened. 8 . REJECTION OF PROPOSALS Proposals may be rejected If they show any omission, alteration o~ form, additi~ns not called for, conditional bids or alternate b1~S not: specif1ed or irregularities of any kind. Proposals in wh1ch the prices are obviously unbalanced may be rejected. 9 . WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS Abi~dermay ",!ithdraw~is propo,salwithout prejudice to himself prov1ded he f1les a wr1tten request with the 'Owner before.'. the hour of letting, andsucb withdrawn proposal may be modified -2- 18 r- .,..-~ ...~. ,.- ~-- - .c.. -... '- ,.-. .- ~ - :s; and resubaitted by the bidder at antt.iIle prior. to tile hour se~ for the opening of bids. 10 . PUBLIC OPENING OF PROPOSALS Proposals will.be opened publicly and read aloud in such place as designated at the ~ime and ~edate se~ in t:he .Aclvert:i......t... Bidders or their authorized agents are invited to be, pre.eat. 11. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS More than one proposal for the same project from an individual fi~, partnership or corporation under the same or differen~ names will not be considered. Evidence tha~ any bidder is interested in more than one proposal for the same work will cause rejection of all lauch proposals. Collusion between. tJae bidders will be considered sufficient cause for ~e rejection of all bids so affected. Failure on the part of any bidder to carry out previous 'contracts satisfactorily or his lack of the experience or equipment neces- sary.for the satisfactory completion'of the work maybe deemed sufficient cause for his disqualification. \- 12. EQUIPMEN'l' When requested by the owner, the bidder shall furnish a complete statement of the make, size, weight (where weight is. one of the specified requirements) condition and previous length of 88..i08 of all equipment to' be used in the prOposed work. 13. FURNISHING OF EVIDENCE' OF' REsPONS'IB'ILITY When reques~ec:t by the Owner the Bidder shall furnish a balance sheet, cert1f1e~ by a certified public accountant as to a date not more than S1Xty (60) days prior to date of the opening of ~roposals which shall set forth outstanding assets and liabilitie ~nl:easonable detai~..The bidder shall also furnish when reqUest:d a 1St of work ?f s1m1lar nature performed with dates of completion ~ereof.. The b1dd7r shall also furnish any other additional ~nf~rmat10n relat'tve to financial responsibility and competence Of ' 0 the work as may be requested by the Owner prior to acceptance o any proposal. 14. REQUIREMENTS OF CONTRACT BOND The successful bidder, at the time' for the execution of the COD- tract shall furnish and at,all times maintain a sa~isfactory and sufficient bond in full amount of the contract as required by law. wi.th a corporate surety satisfactory to the Owner. tt'he F~rm of BoDdis that required by Statute. Personal sureties w1ll not. be approved. -3- IB ! ~., '""'", '~ , .- i ' """" 15. FAILURE '1'0 EXECtu.":' CONTRACTS Fa11ureto furn1shthe cODtraet bond in a sua equal to theamo8D~ of the award, or to execute the contract withi~ ten. (10) days, as specified, shall be just cause for ~he annulment of theavazd, and it shall be understood by t:hebldder that in tbe"fJ.ventof ,'the abRU~Mt,of.,.t:he-award~. .dleamount ,of i:Ite'CJUaranty. depo.i~ with the proposal shall be retaineclJ;ly the Qwner,-1lOt- -as a penalty. but .. LiquldabsdDaaacje8. - , .1.6. WI'!' PRICES In caseof.error in the extension of prices, the uait bid prices sltall govern. 1'he owaer reserves the eight towillve allY' iDfor- . ..lit!', in >the bids atM. 4:i.screUoa. ' .,.... . ~- ..-- .,...- ..... ~ I ! j . ................'" .~... .i~~(......~'.lo.; _.... .;. -4- D ,:."... r-, -- ..... ~ - ....- y-. ;,'''' - I ~ ,... F - - ..-- -., GENERAL CONDITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS ,Article Pai!!. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ,7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. ,39. In General 1 Definitions 1 Interpretation of Proposed Contract Documents 2 Form of Contract 3 Contractor's Insurance 3 Compliance with Laws, Building Codes & Regulations 5 Permits and Licenses 5 Assignment of Contract 5 Sub-Contracting ,6 Contractor's Responsibilities 6 , Termination of Contractor's ResDonsibility 7 Prosecution of Work 7 Limitations ,of Operations 7 Conformity with Plans and Allowable Deviations 8 Coordination of Plans and Specifications 8 Contractdr's Right to Request Changes 8 Alterations of Plans or Character'of Work 8 Increased or Decreased Quantities of Work 9 Changes in the Work 9 Claims and Protests 11, Superintendence and Supervision II Engineer's Status 12 . Inspection of Work 12 Delays and Extension of Time 13 Correction of Work Before Final Payment 14 Correction of Work After Final Payment 14 Failure to Complete Work on Time 15 The Right of the Owner to, do the Work 15 Right of the Owner to Declare the Contractor in Default 15 Exercise of the Right to Declare in'Default 17 Quitting the Site 17 Completion of the Work After Default '17 Partial Default 18 Scope of Payment 18 Application for Payments 18 Partial Payments 19 Certificate,s of Payment 20 paYnlentsWithheld 20 Final Inspection 20 '., ~ \ ...- - Article - 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. .-- "...... 50. 51. 52. 53. , 54. 55. 56. 57. -58. 59. 60. ,-.. ,.... - ~ 61. 62. 63. - - - - - ~ Pa2.!:!. Final Payment No Waiver of Legal Rights Defense of Claims or Suits Patented Devices, Materials and Processes Materials Defective Work Protection of the Work Damage to Existing Improvements Protection and Restoration of Property Privileges of Contractor in Streets, Alleys and Rights-of-Way Work in Storms Night Work Use of Explosives Noise Elimination Water Sanitary Provisions Fossils Accident Prevention "Or Equal" Clause -Labor Discrimination on account of Race, Creed, Or Color Prohibited in Contract Sites to be Kept Clean Measurements Guarantee 21 22 22 23 23 25 25 27 27 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 32 32 33 ....... - ,.... GBNERAL CONDITIONS -- 1. IU GENERAL The standard form of the American Institute of Architects, entitled "The General Conditions of the Contract", and con- taining Articles 1 to 14 inclusive, is apart of these spec- ifications, except that the following General Conditions shall take precedence/over and modify any statements of the "General Conditions of the Contract" and shall be used in connection with them as part of the Contract Documents. A copy of these General Conditions of the Contract is on file in the Engineer's Offices and is subject to inspection by this Contractor. Un- familiarity with the terms of these General Conditions of the Contract will not relieve this Contractor of the terms contained therein. The word "Architect" in the General Conditions of the Contract shall be construed to mea~ the same as "Engineer" in this specification. ,.... - F- ....... ...... 2. DEFINITIONS When used in these specifications and contract the following terms, or if pronouns in place of them are used, the intent and meaning shall be interpreted as follows: (a) The "OWner" shall mean:r the City of Prior Lake, Minnesota. (b) "Engineer" means the Consulting Engineers as designated for the project by the owner, in this case, Orr-Schelen- Mayeron & Associates, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota. (c) .Contract Documents" are the Advertisement for Bid, Inform- ation ,to Bidders, General Conditions, Special Provisions, Special Conditions, Proposal Porm,Form of Contract and all plans and drawings. (d) "Inspector" means an authorized representative of the Engineer, assigned to make any or all necessary inspec- tions of the work performed and the materials furnished by the Contractor. (e) '~Laboratory" means the testing laboratory which may be approved by the Engineer to inspect and determine the suitability of materials. (f) "Bidder" means any individual, firm or corporation sub- mitting a proposal for the work contemplated, acting directly or through a duly authorized representative. (9) "Contractor" means the individual, firm or corporation with whom the Owner contracts to complete the work and unless specified otherwise includes subcontractors. (h) "Proposal Form" means the prepared form so marked in the ContractOocume'ntson which the Bidder is to or has sub- mitted his, their or, its proposal for th~ work contemplated. - ,.... - - -1- GC ..- (i) "Plans", all approved drawings or reproduction of draw- ings, pertaining to the construction of the work and appurtenances. (j) "Specifications", the directions, conditions, provisions and requirements contained herein, together with all written agreements made or to be made, pertaining to the method and manner of performing the work, or to the quantities of materials to be furnished under the contract. . (k) "Proposal", the written Proposal of the bidder on the Form furnished for the work contemplated. (1) "Proposal Guaranty" the security designated in the Pro- posal to be furnished by the Bidder as a guarantee of good faith to enter into ,a contract with the OWner, if the work is awarded to him. em) "Contract", the agreement covering the performance of the work and the furnishing of materials in the construc- tion of the work. The Contract shall include the "Con- tract Documents" and "Contract Bond", also any and all supplemental agreements which reasonably may be required to complete the construction of the work in a substantial and acceptable manner. (n) "Contract Bond", the approved form of security furnished by the Contractor and his Surety or Sureties as a guar- antee of good faith on the part of the Contractor to execute the work in accordance with the 'terms of the Con tract. . (0) "Surety", the individual or corporate body which is bound with and for the contractor for the acceptable performance of the Contract and for his payment of all obligations pertaining to the work. , (p) The term "Work" of the Contractor or sub-contractor includes labor or materials or both. (q) "A.S.T.M.", American Society For Testing Materials. (r) Meaning of expressions. In order to avoid cumbersome and confusing repetition of expressions in these speci- fications, and whenever it is provided that anything is or is to be done, or as, or when, or where "contem- ,plated", "required", "directed", "specified", "authorized", "ordered", "given", "designated", "indicated", "considered necessary", "permitted", "suspended", "approved", "accept- able", "unacceptable", "suitable", "unsuitable", "satis- factory", "unsatisfactory", or "'sufficient", it shall be taken to mean and intend, by or to the Engineer. - - - ,... - ,-. 3. INTERPRETATION OF PROPOSED CONTRACT DOCUMENTS If any person contemplating submitting a bid for the proposed contract is in doubt as to the true meaning of any. part of the -2- GC - - - - - ~ - ,.... plans, specifications or other proposed contract documents, he may submit to the Engineer, a written request for an inter- pretation thereof. The person, submitting the request will be responsible for its prompt delivery. Any interpretation of the . proposed documen~s will be made only by addendum duly issued and copy of such addendum will be mailed or delivered to each person receiving a set of such contract documents and such other prospective bidder as have requested that they be fur- nished with a copy of each addendum. The OWner will not be res- ponsible for any other explanation or interpretations of,the proposed contract documents. 4.. 'FORM OF COli... .&\ACT The Form of Contract to be used shall be the form prescribed and provided by the OWner in the Contract Documents. 5,. CONTRACTOR'S INStmANCE No Contractor nor subcontractor shall commence work under this contract until he has obtained at his own cost and expense, all insurance required by this Article, such insur- ance to be approved by the Owner and maintained by the Con~ tractor until final completion of the work. Completed Opera- tions Insurance shall also be maintained by the Contractor for a period of one (l)year after final completion date. A. Workmen" 's CVA,,~e'nsat'ion Il'lS'uran'ce The Contractor shal~ take out and maintain for the duration of this contract statutory Workmen's Compensation Insurance and Employerts Liability Insurance as shall be required under the laws of the State of Minnesota. B'. .. Gen'er'al'Liability I'n'sUran"ce l.l)' Pub"l1c L'iabi'l'ityIns'uran'ce The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance as shall protect him from all claims for bodily injury including accidental death as well as from all claims for Property Damage arising from operations under this con- tract. The minimum limits which are required are: $200,000 for injuries including accidental death to anyone person, and $500,000 for injuries including accidental death result- ing from one ~ccident;Property Damage in the amount of not less than $300,000 per accident and the same amount in the aggregate. Such policy shall include coverage for: (a) Injury to or destruction of any property arising out of th~ collapse o'f/or structural injury to any building or structure due: (1) To grading of land, excavation, borrowing" filling, backfillirig,tunneling, pile driving, coffer-dam work or caisson work', or, -3- GC (2) To moving, shoring, underpinnin9,.ra~s~ng, or demolition of any building or structure or removal or rebuilding of any structural support thereof. (b) Injury to or destruction of wires, conduits, pipes, mains, sewers, tanks, tunnels, any similar property, and any apparatus in connection therewith, beneath the sur- face of the ground or water, caused by and occurring during the use of mechanical equipment for the purpose of grading land, paving, excavating, drilling, borrowing, filling, back-filling or pile driving or injury to or . destruction of property at any time resulting therefrom. ,-- (c) Injury to or destruction of any property arising out of blasting or explosion. - (2) Automobile Insurance The Contractor shall carry Automobile Insurance on all auto- motive equipment owned, rented or borrowed in the minimum amounts of $200,000 for injuries including accidental death to anyone person and' $500,000 for injuries including death resultiilgfromany one accident. This policy must also pro- vide $100,000 Property Damage coverage. (3) Contractual Liability Insurance The Contractor agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Owner, the Engineer and their agents from every claim, action, cause of action, liability, damage, expense or payment incurred by reasons of any bodily injury inCluding death, or property damage reSUlting from the Contractor's operations on this project. (4) Owner's Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance The Contractor Shall provide Owner's Protective Liability and Prope,rty Damage Insurance in the name of the Owner and the Engineer, insuring against bodily injury and property damage liability in the limits set forth above for which they may become legally obligated to pay as damages sustained by any persons, caused by accident and arising out of opera- tions performed for the named insured by independent contrac- tors and general supervision thereof. ,....- ,.... ,.... ~ - c. Builder's Risk-Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance If the nature of the entire installation or portion thereof, is such that it is insurable against the perils of fire, ex- tended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief, such insur- ance shall be p+ocured and maintained by the Contractor in behalf of himself, the Owner and his subcontractors, on a complete value form. -- -4- GC Insurance certificates evidencing that the above insurance is in force with companies acceptable to the Owner and in 'the amounts required shall be submitted to the Owner for examination and approved concurrently with the execution of the contract, 'after which they shall be filed with the Owrier. In addition to the normal information provided on the insurance certificates, they shall specifically provide that: (a) A certificate will not be modified except upon ten day's prior written notice to the OWner. (b) Coverage is included for blasting,collapse and underground hazards, and (c) The contractual liability hazard has been insured. ~ 6. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, BUILDING CODES AND REGULATIONS The Bidder is assumed to have made himself fami,liar with all Codes, State Laws, Ordinances and Regulations which in any manner affect thqse engaged or employed in the work, or the materials or equipment used in or upon the improvement, or in any way affect the conduct of the work and no plea of misun- derstanding will be considered on account of the ignorance thereof. The provisions of such codes, laws or ordinances are deemed to be apart of these specifications and the Con- tractor will be bound by the provisions thereof. - ,..- The Contractor shall and also by a Surety agree to indemnify and sav,e harmless the Owner and all of its officers, agents and servants against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such law, ordinance, regula- tion or decrees,whetherby himself 'or his employees. - If the Contractor shall discover any provisions in the Plans, Contract, or these Specifications or any direction of the Engineer or inspector which is contrary to or inconsistent with any such law( or~inanc~, regulation or d~cree;.he sball ' forthwith report J.ts J.ncons1.st.ency 1;o1;'-be:EngJ.neer J.n wrJ.tJ.ng. - 7. PERMITS AND LICENSES The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees and give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of work. - - 8. ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT No assignment by the Contractor of any principal construc- tioncontract'or any part thereof or of the funds to be received thereunder by the Contractor, will be reco~nized -5- GC unless such assignment has had the written approval of the Owner, and the Surety has been given due notice of such assignment and has furnished wri'tten consent thereto. In addition to the usual recitals in assignment contracts, the fOllowing language must be set forth: ' - "It is agreed that the funds to be paid to the assignee under this assignment are subject to a prior lien for services rendered or materials supplied for the performance of the work called for in said contract in favor of all persons, firms or corporations rendering such services, or supplying such materials." "...... 9. SUBCONTRACTING All subcontractors' s'hall be subject to the approval of the OWner and the Engineer and no subcontracts shall be let without such approval. - 10. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES The Contractor shall furnish all necessary machinery, tools, labor, and material of every character required, and shall fully complete the work in accordance with the plan, speci- fications and detail drawings, for the prices bid. The entire work to be performed under the contract for this improvement is to be at the Contractor's risk, and he is to assume the responsibility for and risk of all damages to the work or to property adjacent to or on the line of said work. The Contractor shall have charge of'and be responsible for the entire improvement until its completion and acceptance. He shall be liable for any defects which may appear or be discovered on his work. ,.-. ,..... Whenever the Contractor is not present on the work, direc- tions will be given to the Superintendent or Foreman who may have immediate charge thereof, and shall by him be received and strictly obeyed. The Contractor shall designate one per- son who shall have charge of the job and to whom the inspector shall give directions. If any person employed on the work shall refuse or neglect to obey th~ directions of the Engineer, :or his duly authorized representative, in anything relating to the work, ,orsliall appear to be incompetent, disorderly, or unfaithful, he shall, upon the request of the Engineer, 'be at once discharged and not again employed upon any part of the work. ....6- GC ~ r-- - 11. TERMINATION OF CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY Except as otherwise provided for in these specifications and in the Contractor's Bond, the Contractor's responsibility on his contract shall continue until final acceptance of his work by the Owner upon recommendation' of the Engineer, such accep- tance to be made promptly after final completion of the work, and thereafter until all obligations contained in the con- tract shall have been fUlly performed by the Contractor according to the terms of the contract. 12. PROSECUTION OF WORK All dealings of the Owner will be with the Contractor. No work shall be started until the Contract has been executed. Definite, notice of intention to start work shall be given to the OWner at least five (5) days in advance of beginning the . work. Such starting time shall be within ten (lO) calendar days after the date of receipt by him of notice to proceed. The official starting time shall be taken as the date on which the Contractor is notified by the Engineer that he has ful- filled all preliminary requirements of the Owner. The 'official completion date will be calculated from the number of calendar days between the starting date and the completion date or time allowed for completion, using the official starting date as hereinbefore defined. Should the prosecution of the work for any reason be discontinued temporarily, by the Contractor, with the consent of the Engineer, he shall notify the Engineer at least twnety-four (-24) hours before again resuming operations. The Contractor shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Engineer, schedules which shall show the order in which the Contractor proposes to carryon the work, with dates at which the Contractor will start the several , ~ parts of- the work, and estimated dates of completion of the several parts. If deemed necessary by the Engineer, he shall have the right to change such schedule of operation as required. The work shall be prosecuted in such manner as to insure its completion within the time set for it in the Contract. In case of failure to prosecute the work in such a manner as to insure its completion within the date specified, the Engineer shall have the right tprequire the Contractor to place in operation such additional force and equipment as is deemed. necessary. .-- 13. LIMITATIONS OF OPERATIONS In case of a dispute arising between two or more Contractors engaged on the same work, as to the respective rights of each under these. Specifications, the Engineer shall determine the matters at issue and shall define the respective rights of the -7- GC various interest involved, in order to secure the completion of all parts of the work in general harmony, and withsatis- factory results, and his decisions shall be final and binding on all parties concerned and shall not in any way be a cause for claim for extra compensation by any of the parties. 14. CONFORMITY WITH PLANS AND ALLOWABLE DEVIATIONS No deviation from, the plans for the work of the approved work- ing drawings of the structures will be permitted without the written order of the Engineer. - 15. COORDINATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS This Contractor shall take no advantage of any apparent error or omission in the Plans or Specifications, but the Engineer shall be permitted to make such corrections and interpretations as may be deemed necessary for the fulfillment to the intent of the Plans and Specifications. Any work not herein or on the plans specifically specified but which may be fairly implied or understood as included in the Contract, shall be done by the' Contractor without extra charge. Any ambiguity or discrepancy in the Plans and Specifications shall be adjusted by using the best class of work or materials. In th~ case of any discrepancy between the scale and figures on all plans, drawings, etc., the figured dimensions shall govern. In the case of any discrepancy between the quantities shown in the proposal and those shown on the plans, the plans shall prevail. In case any other discrepancy occurs between the plans and these Specifications, 'the decision of the Engi- neer shall be decisive thereon. 16. CONTRACTOR'S R~GHT TO REQUEST CHANGES If the Contractor shall discover prior to or during construc- tion anything in the plans or specifications or in supplemen- tary directions by the Engineer which in the opinion of the Contractor appears to be faulty engineering or design, he shall forthwith advise the Engineer in writing of the par- ticulars. It is understood and agreed that, if no objection is raised by the Contractor under the provisions of this paragraph, the Contractor waives any right to contest the provisions of his Contract on the basis of faulty engineer- ingor design. . l7 . ALTERATIONS OF PLANS OR CHARACTER OF WORK The Enginee'r is given the' right as the work progresses, to 'make such alterations in the plans or in the character of the -8- GC ,-- work as may be considered necessary or desirable, in order'to complete fully and perfect the construction of the work. Such changes shail in no way invalidate the contract. The Contractor will be informed in writing of all or any such alterations in character of work, before being ordered to per- form such work. After receipt of s~chnotice, the Contractor' will be. given, a reasonable length of time to accept or to protest the performance, of work covered by such alterations. Should the Contractor, after having been notified and before any agreement has been +eached, perfonn any of the work covered by such alterations, it will be construed that he has accepted such alterations of the work. The plans and specifications show the work to be performed. Construction conditions may require that'minor changes be made in location and installation of the work and equipment to be furnished and other work to be performed hereunder and the Contractor when ordered by the Engineer shall make such adjustments and changes in said locations and work as may be necessary without additional charge, provided such adjustments and changes do not alter the character, quantity or cost of work asa whole and provided further the plans and specifica- tions showing such adjustments and changes are furnished the Contractor by the Engineer within a reasonable time and before any work involving such adjus~mE!nts and changes are made. ,..... ,..... 18. INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES OF WORK The Engi'neer is' given tl1e 'right to increase or decrease any or all of the items specified in the Plans,.Proposal and Contract, including the elimination of one or more of such items. Such changes shall in no way invalidate the Contract. The Own,er through, the Engineer reserves the right to termi- nate the Contract as it applies to the item or items in ques- tion and t,o make such arran9~In,.eIl1: as he .may,deem necessary to ,compl.et-e -such it-em or iEems of work. No allow'ance for anticipated profits will be made. 19. CHANGES IN THE WORK . The Owner, to the extent authorized by law, may order extra work or make changes by altering, adding to, or deducting from the work without invalidating the contract, and the contract sum will be adjusted accordingly. No such order for extra work or change shall be valid unless authorized by official action of the Owner, and communicated t"the Contractor in writing. All - -9- GC ,-- such work shall be executed under the conditions of the or1g1- nal.contract,except that any claim for extention of time caused thereby shall be adjusted at the time of ordering such change. r-- The value of any authorized extra work or changes shall be determined for purpose 'of compensating the Contract in one or more of the fOllowing ways: A. By unit prices named in the contract wherever such unit prices are applicable to the extra work or change. B. By an acceptable lump sum proposed from the Contractor. C. By force account paid for in the following manner: r-- 1) For all labor and foreman in the direct charge of the specific work, the Contractor will receive the actual wages paid for each and every, hour that said labor and foreman are actually engaged in such work, plus the cost of bond, insurance, and taxes allowable to such wage cost, to which cost shall be added 15% of the sum thereof. No charge shall be made by the Contractor for organization or overhead expenses. ,-- 2) For all materials used the Contractor will receive the actual cost of such materials including freight charges as shown by original receipted bills, to which cost shall be added ten (10%) percent of the sum thereof. Where materials are not specifically purchased for "Force Account" work, ,but are taken from the Contractor's stock, the Contractor shall submit an affidavit of the quantity, price and freight on such materials in lieu of original bills, and invoiees. This affidavit shall be approved by the Engineer. . r-- 3) For any machinery, trucks, or equipment including fuel and lubricants, which it may be deemed necessary or desirable to use, the Contractor will receive a reasonable rental price, for each and every hour that said machinery, trucks and equipment are in use on such work, and to which sum no per- centage will be added. Such rental price shall not exceed the rates established by the A.G.C. for this district for comparable, rentals and shall be subject to the Engineer's approval. 4) The compensation as herein provided shall be received . by the Contractor as payment in full for work done by "Force Account" and said fifteen (15%) per'cent for labor and said -10- GC ,-- ten (10%) percent for materials shall be ag~eed to cover profit, superintendence, general. expense, overhead, bond premiums, insurance and the use of small tools and equipment for which no rental is allowed. 5) The Contractor or his representative and the Engineer or his representative shall compare records of work on a "Force Account" basis at the end of each day. Copies of the records shall be made in triplicate on "Force Account" forms, provided for this' purpose by the Engineer and signed by both parties. To all such claims for Force Account Work, the Contractor shall attach receipted bills for, or affidavits of, materials used, and freight receipts recovering freight on such materials used, and said claims shall be presented to the Engineer for payment not later than the twentieth (20) day of the month fOllowing that in which the work was actu- ally performed and shall include all labor charges and material charges insofar as they can be verified. Should the Contractor refuse or fail to execute the work as directed, or to submit his claim 'as required, the Owner may withhold payment of all current estimates until the Contrac- tor's refusal or failure is eliminated, or after giving the Contractor due notice the Owner may make payment for said work on a basis ofa reasonable estimate of the value of the work performed. 20. CLAIMS AND PROTESTS If the Contractor claims that any instructions by drawings or otherwise to be unfair or involve extra cost under this Contract for which he, would claim extra compensation, he shall give the Engineer written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the receipt of such instructions, and in any event before pro- ceeding to execute the work, 'except in emergency endangering life or property, and the procedure shall then be as provided for changes in the work. 'No such claim will be valid unless so made. 21. SUPERINTENDENCE AND SUPERVISION The Contractor shall keep on his work during its progress a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants, all satisfactory to the Engineer." The superintendent shall not be changed except with the consent of the Engineer unless the superintendent proves unsatisfactory to the Contractor and ceases to be in his employ. The superintendent shall repre- sent the. Contractor in his absence,' and all directions given to him shall be as binding as if given to the Contractor. Impor- tant directions shall be confirmed in writing to the Contractor. Other directions shall be so confirmed on written request in each case. ~ll- GC "....., ,-- The Contractor shall give efficient supervision to the work using his best skill and attention, shall carefully study and . compare all drawings, specifications and other instructions and shall at once report to the Engineer any error, inconsis- tency, or omission which he may discover, but he shall not be held responsible for their existence or discovery. The Contractor will be supplied, by the Engineer, copies of the Plans'and Specifications. He shall have said Plans and Spec i- ,fications available on the work, at all times, during the pros- ecution of the work. He shall give the work his constant atten- tionto facilitate the progress thereof and shall cooperate with the Enqineer in set.ting and preserving stakes, bench marks, etc., and in all other things that are necessary for satisfactory com- pletion of the work contemplat.ed. r-- 22. ENGINEER'S STATUS The Engineer shall have general supervl.sl.on and direction of the work.' He is the agent of the Owner only to the extent provided in the contract documents and as authorized by law. He has authority to stop the work whenever such'stoppage may be necessary to insure proper execution of the contract. He is recognized by both parties to the contract as the inter- preter of the contact documents. He shall, within a reason- able time, make decisions on all claims of the Owner, or the Contractor, on'a11 matters relating to the execution and pro- gress of the work, or the interpretation of the contract docu- ments. The Engineer shall decide any and all questions as to quality of material. furnished for the work, and shall decide all questions regarding the interpretations of specifications or plans relating to the work, and shall determine the amount and quantity of the several kinds of work performed, ,and mate- rials furnished, which are to be paid for under the contract. Any work not specifically specified on the plans, but which may be fairly implied, or understood, as included in the con- tract, shall be done ,by th~ Contractor without extra charge, and the Engineer shall be permitted to make such corrections and interpretations as may be deemed necessary for theful- fillment to the extent of the plans and specifications. In the case, of any discrepancy occuring between the plans and .specifications, the decision of the Engineer is final. 23. INSPECTION OF WORK The Engineer and his representatives shall at all times have access to the work wherever it is in preparation or progress, and the Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and for inspection. An inspector may be stationed on th~work to report to the Engineer as to the progress of the work and the manner in ".... ,.- r-- ,..... ~ which it is performed, also to report when it appears that the materials furnished, or the work performed by the Contrac- tor fail to fulfill the requirements of the contract and to call to the attention Qf the Contractor any such failure or infringement.. In case of any dispute arising between the Contractor. and the Inspector as to the material furnished, or the manner of performing the work, the Inspector shall have the authority ,to reject materials or suspend the work until such matter can be referred to, and decided by the Engineer. No advice which the Inspector may give the Contractor shall be construed as binding upon the Owner nor'will such advice release the Contractor from the fulfillment of the terms of the contract. ,...... If the specifications, the Engineer.' s instructions, laws, ordi- nances, or any public authority require any work to be specially tested or approved, the Contractor shall give the Engineer timely notice of its readiness for the inspection, and if the inspection is by another authority than the Engineer, of the date fixed for such inspection. Inspections by the Engineer shall be promptly made and where practicable at the sources of supply. If any work shall be covered up without approval or consent of the Engineer, it must, if required by the Engineer, be uncovered for examination at the Contractor's expense. ,...- ,...... ,.- Re-examination of questioned work may be ordered by the Engi- neer, and if so ordered, the work must be uncovered by the Contractor. If such work be found in accordance with the con- tract documents, the 'Owner shall pay the cost of re-examina- tion and replacement. If such work be found not in accor- dance with the contract documents, the Contractor shall pay such cost unless he shall show that the defect in the work was. caused by another Contractor, in which event the Owner shall pay the cost. ,.- 24. DELAYS AND EXTENSION OF TIME If the Contractor be delayed at any time in the progress ,of the work by an act or neglect ,of the Owner or the Engineer or any employee"of either, or by any other Contractor employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the work, or by strike, fire 'unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties or . other causes beyond the Contractor's control, or by any cause which the Engineer shall decide to justify the delay, then the time of completion shall be extended for such reasonable time as the OWner may decide, and the decision of the Owner shall be binding on both parties and shall not be arbitrary or unrea- sonable. No stich extension shall be made for delay unless claim therefore is made in writing to the Engineer within ,seven (7) days after the period of delay shall have commenced. The Con- tractor shall not be,'entitled to extension of. time for each one -13- GC -, of several causes of delay operative concurrently, but only for the actual period of delay, nor shall the Contractor be entitled to an extension for causes of delay if one of such causes for which extension is authorized above. The Contractor shall have no. claim for damages against the OWner for delay in performance of the contract due to ,any act or omission of the OWners or any of its representatives, and his sole remedy on account thereof shall be his right to apply to the Engineer for extension of time as provided herein. ~ 25. CORRECTION OF WORK BEFORE FINAL PAYMENT The Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all ma- terials condemned by the Engineer as failing to conform to the contract, whether incorporated in the work or not and the Con- tractor shall promptly replace and re-execute his own work in accordance with the contract documents and without expense to the Owner and shall. bear the expense of making good all work of the other Contractors destroyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. ,..... All materials not conforming to the requirements of these speci- fications shall be considered as defective and all such materials, whether in place or not, will be rejected and shall be removed immediately from the right-of-way, unless otherwise permitted. No material which has been rejected, the defects of which have been corrected or removed, shall be used until approval has been given. If the Contractor does not remove such condemned work and ma- terials within a reasonable time fixed by written notice, the Owner may remove them and may store the material at the expense of the Contractor. If the Contractor does not pay the expense of such removal within ten (10) days thereafter, the OWner may upon ten' (10) days written ,notice sell such materials at auction or at private sale and shall account for the net proceeds there- of, after deducting all the cost and expenses that should have been borne by the Contractor. . 26. CORRECTION OF WORK AFTER FINAL PAYMENT Neither the final certificate, nor payment, nor any prov1s10n of the contract documents, shall relieve the Contractor of responsibility for faulty material or workmanship, and unless otherwise specified he shqll remedy any defects due thereto and pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which shall appear within a period of one year from the date of final approval and acceptance by the,OWner. The OWner shall give notice. of observed defects with reasonable promptness. All ques- tions arising under this article shall be decided by the Engineer. -14- GC 27. F'J\ILURE TO COf-WLETE WORK ON TIME The Contractor guarantees that he can -and will complete the work within the time limit stated in the Agreement, or within the time as extended as provided elsewhere in the contract documents. In- asmuchas the damage and loss to the Owner which will res\llt from the failure of ,the' Contractor to complete the work within the stip- ulated time, will be. most difficult or impossible of accurate as- sessment, the damage to the Owner for such delay and failure on the part of the Contractor shall be liquidated at a daily rate in an amount as specified in the Special Provisions for each calendar day, Sundays and holidays included, by which the Contractor shall fail to complete the work or any part thereof in accordance with the provisions hereof, and such liquidated damages shall not be considered as a penalty. The Owner will deduct and retain out of any money due or becomes due hereunder the amount of liquidated damages, and in case those amounts are less than the amount of liquidated damages 'the Contractor shall be liable to pay the dif.... ference upon demand. Permitting the Contractor to continue and finish the work or any part of it after the time fixed for its completion, or after the date to Which the time for completion may have been extended, shall in no way operate as a waiver on the part of the Owner of any of its rights under the contract. Neither by the taking over of the work by the Owner, nor by the termination of the contract, shall the Owner forfeit the right to recover liquidated damages from the Contractor or his 'Surety for failure to complete the contract. 28'. THE RIGHT OF THE OWNER TO DO TaE WORK If the Contractor should neglect to prosecute the work properly, or fail to perform any provision of the contract, the Owner after three (3) day's written notice to the Contractor, may without pre- judice to any other remedy the Owner may have, make good such de.... ficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from the payment then or thereafter due the Contractor, provided, however, that the Engineer shall approve both such action and the amount charged to the Con- tractor. 29. RIGHT OF THE OWNER' TO DECLARE CONTRACTOR IN DEFAULT In addition to those instances specifically referred to in other articles her~the Owner shall have the right to declare the Con- tractor in default o'f the whole or any part of the work if: A. The Contractor becomes insolvent; or if B. ,The, Contractor makes an assignment for the benefit of credi- tors pursuant to the statutes of the State of Minnesota; or if ....15- GC ~./ '- C. A voluntary or involuntary petition in bankruptcy be filed by or against the Contractor1 or if ,.".'~ D. The Contractor fails to commence work when notified to do so by the Engineer, or if E. The Contractor shall abandon the work1 or if F. The Contractor shall refuse to proceed with the work when and as directed by the Engineer; or if -I .;.;:.. G. The Contractor shall without just cause reduce his working force to a number which, if maintained, would be i,nsufficient in the opinion of the Engineer, to ,complete the work in accordance with the approved Progress SchedUle, and shall fail or refuse suf- ficiently to increase such working force when ordered to do so by the Engineer, or if H. The Contractor shall sublet, assign, transfer, conveyor other- wise dispose of his contract other than as herein specified, or if I. A receiver or receivers are appointed to take charge of the Contractor's property or affairs1 or if . J.The Engineer shall be of the opinion that the Contractor is or has been willfUlly or in bad faith violating any of the 'provi- sionsof this contract 1 or if K.The" Engineer shall be of the opinion that the Contract.or is or has'beell., unnecessarily or unreasonably or willfUlly delaying the performance and completion of the work, or the award of necessary sub-contracts, or the placing of necessary material and equipment orders 1 or if L. The Engineer shall be of the op1n10n that the work cannot be competed within the time herein provided therefore or within the time to which such completion may have been extended: provided, however, that the impossibility of timely completion is in the En- gineer's opinion, attributable to conditions within the Contractor's control; or if M. The Engineer shall be of the opinion that the Contractor is not or has not been executing the contract in good faith and in accor- dance with its terms; or if N. The work is not completed within the time herein provided therefore or within the time to which the Contractor may be en- title~ to have such completion extended. -16- GC ,-. ;.;- o. Before the Owner 'shall exercise its right to declare the Con- tractor in default by reasons of the conditions set forth in items number A., D., E., F., G., J., K.,L., M., and N., he shall give the Contractor an opportunity to be heard, on two days' notice at which hearing the Contractor may have a stenographer present; pro- vided, however, that a copy of such stenographic notes, if any, shall be furnished to the.OWner. . "...., e::- 30. EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT TO DECLARE IN DEFAULT The right to declare in default for any of the grounds specified "...., or referred to in Article 29 hereof, shall be exercised by sending the Contractor a notice, signed by the Engineer, setting forth the ground or grounds upon which such default is declared. ~ """... 31. QUITTING THE SITE Upon receipt of such notice the Contractor shall immediately dis- continue all further operation under this contract and shall im- mediately quit the site, leaving untouched all plant materials, equipment, tools and supplies then on the site. 32. COMPLETION OF THE WORK AFTER DEFAULT The Owner, after declaring the Contractor in default, may then have the work completed by such means and in such manner, by contract with or without public letting, or otherwise, as it may deem advis- able, utilizing for such purpose such of the Contractor's plant, materials, equipment, tools and supplies remaining on the site, and also such sUb-contractors as it may deem advisable. .- After such completion, the Engineer shall make a ce~tificate stating the expense incurred in such completion, which shall include the cost of reletting and also the total amount of liquidated damages (at the rate provided for in the Specifications) from'the date when ~he wo~k should have been completed by the Contractor in accordance with the terms hereof to the date of actual completion of the work. Such certificate shall'be binding and conclusive upon the Contractor, his Sureties, and any person claiming under the Contractor, as to the amount thereof. -'" ~ ,.. , The expense of such completion, as so certified by the Engineer shall be charged against and deducted out of such monies as would have been payable to the Contractor, if he had completed the work; the balance of such monies, if any, subject to the other provisions of this contract, to be paid to the Contractor without interest af- ter such completion. Should the expense of such completion, so cer- tified by the Engineer, exceed the total sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by the Contractor, any such excess shall be paid by the Contractor to the Owner upon demand. ",..." -17- GC :- ,1-- 33. PARTIAL DEFAULT In case the Owner shall declare the Contractor in default as to a part of the work only, the Contractor shall discontinue such part, shall continue performing the remainder of the work in strict conformity with the terms of the contract, and shall in no way hinder or interfere with any other Contractors or persons whom the Owner may engage to complete the work as to which the Contractor was de- clared in default. jIIIiia. The provisions of the clauses herein relating to declaring the Con- tractor in default as to the entire work shall be equally appli- cable to a declaration of partial default, except that the Owner shall be entitled to utilize for completion of the part of the work as to which the Contractor was declared in default only such plant, materials, equipment, tools and supplies as had been previously used by the Contractor on such part. r. 34. SCOPE OF PAYMENT The Contractor shall receive and accept the compensation as herein provided, in full payment for furnishing all materials, labor, tools, equipment, royalties, fees, insurance, permits, bonds, etc., and for performing all work contemplated and embraced under the Contract, also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work, or from the action of the elements, until its final acceptance by the Owner, and for all risks connected with the prosecution of the 'work, also for all expenses incurred by, or in consequence of, the suspension or discontinuance of said prosecution of the work as herein specified and for completing all of the work embraced in the Contract. /'. ~ .- The Contractor shall under this contract price furnish and pay for all material and incidental work, furnish all accessories, and do everything which may be necesaary to carry out the contract in good faith, which contemplates everything completed in good working order, of good material with accurate workmanship. - 35. APPLICATION FOR PAYMENTS The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer an application for each payment verified as required by law for claims against the Owner, and, if required, receipts or other vouchers showing his payments for materials, and labor, including payments to subcontractors. Ap- plication for progress payments authorized by the contract shall be submitted at least twenty (20) days before each payment falls due and, if required, the Contractor shall before the first application, submit to the Engineer a schedule of values of the various parts of work, inCluding the quantities aggregating the total sum of the con- tract divided so as to facilitate payments to sub-contractors, made out in s\lch form, and supported by such evidence as to its correct- ness as the Engineer may direct. In applying for payments the Con- tractor shall submit a statement based upon this schedule, supported by such evidence as the Engineer may direct, showing his right to payment cla~med. Payment claimed on account of materials delivered ~ ~ ,.... .~~,~ . \" -18- GC ,-, ~ - ;- ,..;:.- ~ ,1'-, - ~ ......... (' ,.;.;. ... ~ ,.. and suitably stored at the site, but not incorporated in the work, shall, if required by the Engineer, be conditioned upon submission by the Contractor of bills of sale, or such procedure as will es- tablish the title of the Owner to such material, or otherwise ad- equately protect the interest of the Owner. The Engineer will ex- amine claims for payment promptly, and his determination of the amount due on progress payment will be final. 36. PARTIAL PAYMENTS Unless payments are withheld by the OWner for reasons hereinbefore stated, payment will be made at least once a month on a basis of ninety (90%) percent of the work done, provid(!d the work is pro- gressing to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Monthly estimates may include the value of acceptable materials required in the construction, which have been delivered on the site of the work or adjacent railway siding, and for which accep- table provisions have been made for their preservation and storage. From the total value of the materials so reported, ten (10%) percent will be retained. Such material, when so paid for by the Owner, shall become the property of the Owner, and in the event 'of the de- fault on the part of the Contractor, the Owner may use or cause to be used such materials in the construction of the work provided for in the contract. The amount thus paid by the Owner for materials shall go to reduce estimates due the Contractor as the material is used in the work. . . - When the wo~kis90 perce~t or more completed and upon the rec::ommendat~on of the Eng~neer, such portions of the retained pr7ce shall be re~eased as the OWner d~termines are not re- qu~red ~o be reta~ned to protect his interest in satisfactory complet~on of the contract. Vouchers ~ill be passed for payment by the OWner not later than' the ~enheth (20th) of the follOwing month, unless delayed by requ1.rement's for examination or auditing by other authorities. -19- GC - ,p;... 37. CERTIFICATES OF PAYMENT If the Contractor has made app~ication as above, the Engineer shall, not later than the date when each payment falls, due, issue, to the Contractor a certificate for such amount as he decides to be properly due. ,- No certificate issued nor payment made to the Contractor, not par,tial, or entire, use, or occupancy of the work by the OWner, shall be acceptance of the work Or materials not in accordance with this contract. ..::.- 38. PAYMENTS WITHHELD The Owner may withhold, in addition to retained percentages, from payment to the Contractor such an amount or amounts as may be necessary to cover: .-. A. Defective work not remedied. .c.. B. Claims for labor or materials furnished the Contractor or sub-contractor; or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of such claims. ..... C. Failure of the Contractor to make payments properly to sub-contractors or for material or labor. .-.. D. A ,reasonable doubt that the contract can be completed for the balance then unpaid. E. Evidence of damage alleged to be caused by the Contractor to other persons or property in connection with the work under the contractor for which claim has been or will be asserted against the Contractor, the OWner or the Engineer. ~ r ...... The OWner may disburse and shall have the right to act as agent for the Contractor in diSbursing $uch funds as have been withheld pursuant to this paragraph to the party or parties who are entitled to payment therefrom,' but the Owner assumes 'no obligation to make such disbursement. The OWner will render to the Contractor a proper accounting of all such funds disbursed. .~ ~ 39. FINAL INSPECTION The Engineer will make final inspection of all work included in the contract or any portion thereof, as soon as practicable after notification by the Contractor that such work is near- ing completion. . If such work is not acceptable to the Eng- ineer .at the time of "his inspection, he will advise the Con- tractor in.writing as to the particular defects to be remedied ~ ~ ~ .;..20- GC -... before such work can be accepted. If, within a period of ten (10) days after such notification, the Contractor has not taken steps to speedily complete the work as directed, the Engineer may, without further notice and without in anyway impairing the contract, make such other arrangements as he may deem necessary to have such work completed in a satis- factory manner. The cost of so completing such work shall be'deducted from any monies due, or which may become due the Contractor on his contract. - .e:- .-. 40. FINAL PAYMENT Upon completion of the work and its acceptance by the Engi- neer, the Engineer will prepare a final estimate containing complete'quantities of each and every item of work performed by the Contractor, and the value thereof, upon acceptance of said final estimate by the Contractor, the Engineer will cer- tify in writing to the OWner as to the completion and his acceptance of the work, and to the entire amount and value of each and every item of work performed in accordance with the terxns of-the contract. Unless as herein provided, the OWner will accept the Certificate and Final Estimate for final pay- ment andwi1l notify the Contractor and his Surety or Sureties of the acceptance of the work. The action of the OWner and the Engineer, by which the Contractor is to be bound and the contract concluded according to the terms thereof, shall be evidenced by the aforesaid Certificate and Final ,Payment. All prior certificates or estimates upon which payments may have been made are merely partial estimates and subject to correc- tion in'the final payment. Before final payment is made for the work on this Project, the Contractor must make a satisfactory showing that he has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Annotated 290.92 requiring the withholding of State income tax for wages paid employees on this Project. Receipt by the Clerk of the OWner of a Certificate of Compliance from the Commis- sioner of Taxation will satisfy this requirement. The Con- tractor is advised that before such certificate can be issued, he must first place on file with the Commissioner of Taxation an affidavit that he has complied with the provisions of M.S.A. 29.0.92. The requir~d affidavit form will be supplied by the Commissioner of Taxation, Centennial Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101, on request. Final payment will not be made until the Contractor shall have filed with the OWner evidence in the form of an affidavit and such other evidence as may be required that all cla~s against him by' reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satis- factorily secured. In case such evidence is not furnished, the OWner may retain out of any amount due said Contractor sums sufficient to cover all claims unpaid. p.. -- - ;a.. .... ,..;;;.;, ~ ~ ...... ...... ~, -21- GC -... 41. NO WAIVER OF LEGAL RIGHTS The OWner, or its Engineer, shall not be precluded or stopped by any measurement, estimate or certificate, made or given by them, or by any of their agents or emp10yees, under any prov- ision or provisions, of the Contract, any time either before or after the completion and acceptance of the work and payment thereof pursuant to any measurements, estimate or certificate, from showing at any time, that any such measurements, estimate or certificate is untrue or incorrectly made in any particular or that the work or materials or any part thereof do not conform "in fact to Specifications and Contract, and the OWner shall have the right to reject the whole or any part of the afore- said work or material, should the said measurement, estimate, certificate or ,payment be found, or be known to be inconsistent with the terms of the, Contract, or otherwise i.ulJ:"roperly given, and the OWner shall not be precluded or stopped notwithstand- ing any such measurement, estimate, certificate and payment in accordance herewith, from demanding and recovering from the Contractor and his Surety such damages as it may sustain by reasons of his failure to comply with the terms of the Speci- fications and Contract. ,.-.. ! k. .... - - Neither the acceptance of the, Owner or its Engineer or any of their agents or employees, nor any certificates by the Engineer, for payment of money, nor any payment for, nor acceptance of the whole or any part of the work by the OWner, or its Engineer, nor any extension of time, nor any possession taken by the OWner or its employees, shall operate as a waiver of any portion of the Contract or any power herein reserved by the OWner, or any right to damages herein provided, nor shall any waiver of any breach of the Contract be held to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. ~ "... .oil;:, 42. DEFENSE OF CLAIMS OR SUITS The Con~ractor shall indemnify and save harmless the OWner and all of its officers, agents and employees, from any and all loss, damages, expense, including cost and expense and attorney's fees of litigation arising from all suits, actions, or claims or any character, name and description, brought for, or on account of any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, or persons or property by or from the said Contractor or by or in consequence of any neglect in safeguarding the work, or through the use of unacceptable materials in constructing the work or "by or on account of any act or omission, neglect or mis- conduct of said Contractor, or by or on account of any claims or amounts recovered for any infringement of patent, trademarks or copy right, or from any claims or amounts arising or recovered under the "Worker's Compensation Law", or any other law, by-law, ordinance, order or decree and so much of the money due the said Contractor under and by virtue of his Contract as shall be con- sidered necessary by the OWner may be retained for the use of said OWner, orin case no'money is due his Surety shall beheld ...... - - ,.... .... -22- GC .... , .-...:..... - until such suit or suits, action or actions, claims or claims, for injuries or damages, as aforesaid shall have been settled and suitable evidence to that effect furnished to the OWner. ....... ,...... The unauthorized use by the Contractor of public or private prop- erty for any purpose may be considered an injury or damage to the property 'so used. - r No monies, payable under the Contract, or any part thereof except the estimate for the first month, or period, shall become due and payaple, if the OWner so elects, until the Contractor shall satisfy the said OWner that he has made a satisfactory settlement for all materials and equipment used in or upon the work and labor done for the preceeding month in connection therewith. - - f 43. PATENTED DEVICES, MATERIALS AND PROCESSES If the Contract requires, or the Contractor desires, the use of any design; device, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright, trademark or trade name, he shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or OWner and a copy of said agreement shall be filed with the OWner. If no suc.h a.greeme~:t isinade or filed as noted, the Contractor and the Surety shall indemnify and save har~ess the OWner from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented design, device, material or process, or any trademark or trade name or copy- right in connection with the work agreed to be performed under the Contract, and shall indemnify the Owner for any costs, expenses and damages whica it may be obliged to pay, including cost, expense, and attorney's fees incident to' lit~gation by reason of any such infringe- ment at any time during the prosecution or after the completion of the work. i'8- ..... .... .- -..:. ,4'4'. MA"J:.r.;RIALS Unless otherwise specified all materials shall be new, and both workmanship and material shall be of good quality. The Contractor shall, if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials or tools used by him. - 1'""'" The source of supply of the materials to be used shall be approved by the Engineer before delivery is started. The approval of the source of any material will stand only so long as the material itself conforms to the specifications. Only materials conforming to the requirements of these specifications shall be used in the work. The source of any material shall not be changed at any time without the written approval of the Engineer. The Contractor may be required at any time to furnish a complete statement of the orig- inal, composition and manufacturer of any or all materials required in the work, or to submit samples of the same. ..... ,-.. A.. -23' GC -.. - Materials shall be stored so as to insure the preservation of their quality and fitness of the work and such materials,~,even though aEproved before storage, shall be subject to test and must meet the requirements of these specifications at the time it is proposed to use them in the work. Materials shall be stored in a manner that will facilitate inspection'. ' The portion of the site or right-of-way not required for public travel may, with the consent of the Engineer, be used for storage purposes, and for the placing of the Contractor's plant and equip- ment; but any additional space required, unless otherwise stipula- ted, shall be provided by the Contractor at his expense. ,..... - All materials, supplies, and articles furnished shall, whenever so specified, and otherwise wherever practicable, be the standard stock products of recognized reputable manufacturers. - From the commencement of the work until the completion of the same, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the care of the work covered by this contract and for the, materials delivered at the site intended to be used in work and all injury or damage to the same from whatever cause, shall be made good at his expense before the final estimate is made. He shall provide means of protection for and shall protect all materials intended to be used in the work and all work in progress as well as completed work. He shall take all necessary precautions to prevent injury or damage to the work in progress of construction by flood, freezing or from inclemencies of the weather at any and all times and only approved methods shall be used for this purpose. - ,- ,"-' ~ When tests of materials are necessary, such tests shall be made by and at the expense of the Contractor unless. otherwise provided. The Contractgr shall_afford such facilities as the-Engineer may require for collecting and forwarding samples, and shall not use the mater- ialsrepresented by the samples until tests have been made and the materials have been found to satisfy the requirements of these spec- ifications. The Contractor in all cases shall furnish the required samples without charge. -- ~ "... All materials not conforming to the requirements of these specifi- cations shall be considered as defective and all such materials, whether in place or not, will be rejected and shall be removed immediately from the right-of-way, unless othe.~isepermitted. No material., which has been rejected, the defects on which have been corrected or removed, shall be used until approval has been given. ..... ,-. If the Contractor does not remove such condemned work and materials within. a reasonable time fixed by written notice, the OWner may remove them and may store the materials at the expense of the Con- tractor. If the Contractor does not pay the expense of such removal ,...., -24- GC ....... - ,....... - - .- ,-.. ,.... -- -. - ~ ~. ,-. within ten days thereafter, the OWner may, upon ten day's written notice" sell such materials at auction, or at private sale and shall account for the net proceeds thereof, after deducting all the costs and expenses that should have been borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall promptly remove from the premises all mater- ials condemned by the Engineer as failing to conform to the contract, whether inco~porated in the work or not and the Contractor shall promptly replaoe and re~execute his own work in accordance with the Contract Documents without expense to the OWner and shall bear the expense of making good all work of the other Contractors des- troyed or damaged by such removal or replacement. 45. DEFECTIVE WORK All work 'not conforming to the requirements of these Specifications shall be considered as defective and will be rejected. The Con- tractor shall remove and renew or repair all such defective work as ordered, in writing, by the Engineer. Should the Contractor fail, or refuse to remove or renew any de- fective work performed previously, or to make any necessary re- pairs in an acceptable manner and in accordance with the require- ments of "these Specifications, within the time indicated in writing, the Engineer shall have the authority to cause the unacceptable or defective work to be removed and renewed or repaired at the Con- tractor's expense. Any expense incurred by the OWner in making these removals, renewals, or repairs, which the Contractor has ~ailed or refused to 'make, shall be paid for out of any monies due or which may become due the Contractor, or may be charged against the I'Contract Bond" deposited; and continued failure or refusal on the part of the Contractor to ~ake any or all necessary repairs promptly, fully and in acceptable manner shall be sufficient cause for the OWner at his option, to purchase materials, tools and equip- ment, and employ labor or to contract with any other individual, firm or corporation to perform the work. All costs and expenses incurred thereby shall be charged against the Contractor, and the amount thereof deducted from any monies due or which may become due him under this contract, or shall be charged against the "Con- tract Bond" deposited. Any work performed, as described in this paragraph, shall not relieve the Contractor in any way from his responsibility for the work performed by him. The OWner shall ,also have authority to take over and use defective work without compensation to the Contractor when the Contractor fails or'refuses to rebuild such faulty work. 46. PROTECTION OF THE WORK The Contractor shall furnish, erect and maintain good and sufficient lighted barricades,.. at all approaches to the work and as necessary , \~\, .'\. 'ft I . -25- GC - - to protect the work and the public. He shall protect all por- tions of the improvements from damage or defacement, and shall keep all traffic and extraneous loads aff from the several parts of the .improvement for the period. of time herein specified or as required by the Engineer. . .-. Where the work is carried on in, or adjacent to, any street, alley or public place, the 'Contractor shall at his own expense furnish and erect such barricades, fences, lights and danger signals and shall provide such watchmen and shall take such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons and property, and of the work, as are necessary.. Excavations in or adjacent to public streets or alleys in which water stands more than one (1) foot deep shall be. securely barricaded with snow fence so as to prevent ac- cess by small children at all times work is not being carried on at the site of excavation. Barricades shall be painted in a color that will be visible at night. From sunset to sunrise, the Con- tractor shall furnish and maintain at least two (2) flashing amber lights at each barricade. A sufficient number of barricades shall ,be erected to keep vehicles from being driven on or into any work under construction. The Contractor shall furnish watchmen in suf- ~icient numbers to protect the work. ,.....- - - ~ When a detour is necessary because a street is blocked by the work, the Engineer shall designate its route and the Contractor shall turnish and post detour signs of type and size. as required. by the Owner, at places'designated by the Engineer. When existing sewers have to be taken up and removed, the Contrac- tor shall at his own cost and expense provide and maintain tempor- ary outlets and connections for all private or public drains and sewers. The Contractor shall also take caraof all sewage and drain- age which will be received from these drains and sewers; and for this purpose he shall provide and maintain, at his own expense, ad- equate pumping facilities and temporary outlets or diversions. The Contractor at his own expense shall construct such troughs, pipes, or other necessary structures, and be prepared at all times to dis- pose of drainage and sewage received from these temporary connections until such time as the pe.a.~"anent connections are built and in ser- vice. The existing sewers and connections shall be kept in service and maintained under the contract, except where specified or ordered to be abandoned by the Engineer. All water or sewage shall be dis- posed of in a satisfactory manner so that no nuisance is created and so that the work under construction will be adequately protected. At all shaft sites and on all open cut work, the Contractor shall provide and maintain free access to fire hydrants, water and gas valves, manholes and similar facilities. Gutters and waterways shall be kept open or other satisfactory provisions made for the removal of sto~ water. ,-., ,.... ~ ~ - -26- GC !*- - The Contractor shall provide at his own cost and expense all meth- ods for adequately draining the work and shall assume fullrespon- sibility and liability for damage to any persons or property resul- tingfrom such damage. No separate compensation will be paid for sub-drains, or other methods of draining, but the cost thereof shall be merged with such contract pay items as are provided in the pro- posal and contract. No trees-shall be cut except upon the specific authority of the Engineer. Trees adjacent to the work shall be protected from all damage by the construction operations. - .~ ,..- - 47. DAMAGE TO EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS All damage done to existing improvements during the progress of this improvement shall be repaired by the Contractor under the direction of the Engineer. Such repairs shall be mad.e according to the requirements of the standard specifications of the Village or City for various types of improvements or classes of' work re- quired. The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the protection of all improvements that are not designated by the Engineer to be removed for proper construction of the project. 1'"'- - 48. P'ROTECTI'ONAND.tUiSTORATION OFPROP'ERTY Where the work passes over or through private property, the Owner will secure right-of-way or easement. The Contractor shall not receive ~ny extra compensation or be entitled to any extras because of delay on the part of the owner in obtaining right-of-way or ease- ment. ,......, - The Contractor shall not enter upon private property for any pur- pose without having previously obtained permission from the OWner. The Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of, and shall use every precaution to prevent damage to all trees, shrub- bery, plants, lawns, fences, culverts, bridge, pavements, drive- ways, sidewalks, etc.; all water, sewer and gas lines; all conduits, all overhead pole lines or appurtenances thereof; and all other pub- lic or private property along or adjacent to the work. The Contractor shall notify the proper representatives of any pub- lic utility, corporation, and company or individual, not less than forty-eight hours in advance of any work which mdght damage or interfere with the operation of their or his property along or adjacent to the work. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damages or injury to property of any character resultinq from any act, omission, neglect or mdsconduct in the manner or method of e.xecuting,the work, or due to his non-execution of t.he work, or at any time due to defective work or materials. He shall restore, or -.. ~ f""""a - -27- GC - have restored ~t his own cost and expense, such property to a con- dition simi~ar or equa~ to that existing before such damage or in- jury was done, by repairing, rebuilding, or otherwise restoring as may be directed, or he shall make good ,such damage from injury in a manner acceptable to the OWner or the Engineer. In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to restore such property or make good such damage or injury, the Engineer may, upon forty-eight hours' written notice under ordinary circumstances and without notice when a nuisance or hazardous condition results, proceed to repair, re- build, or otherwise restore such property as may be determined nec- ,essary, and the cost thereof will be deducted from any monies due to the Contractor under this contract if not so deducted, the Con- tractor will be obligated to forthwith reimburse the OWner for the cost thereof. ,-- - ,....... Prior to construction, the Contractor shall obtain field locations or other assistance as may be required to determine the existence and location of gas main and other private utilities as well as public utilities 'of the Village, City, County or State which may be underground or overhead within street and highway right-of-way or within easements and which may be interfered with under this contract. ....... - ,....,.. Existing underground, surface, or overhead structures are not nec- essarily shown on the plans, and those shown are only approximately correct and no responsibility is assumed by the OWner or the Engi- neer for the accuracy of location. The Contractor shall make such investigations as are necessary to dete...."ine the extent to which existing structures may interfere with the work contemplated under this contract. ,.... The sizes, locations and depths of such structures as are' shown on the plans and profiles are only approximately correct and the Con- tractor shall satisfy himself as to the accuracy of the information given. The Contractor shall not claim or be entitled to receive compensa- tion for any damages sustained by reason of the inaccuracy or the omission of any of the information 'given on the drawings, relative to the surface, overhead, or underground structures or by reason of his failure to properly protect and to maintain structures. ,.....,. The Contractor is to exercise extreme care in crossing or working adjacent to all utilities and shall be responsible to protect and maintain their operation during the time the work is in progress. The Contractor shall restore, at his awn expense, any public struc- tures such as water mains, water connections and appurtenances, sewers, manholes, catch basins and sewer connections which are damaged or injured in any way by his acts. ~ .- -- -28- GC "'Ii'.; ,- ,... The OWner shall be indemnified and saved harmless frol'n any suit or expense claim brought for or on account of any damage, main- tenance,removal and/or replacement, or relocation of mains, con- duits, pipes, poles, wires, cables or other such structures'of private utility firms or corporations, whether underground or overhead, that may be caused or required by the Contractor during the time the work is in progress. However, in cases where the alignment, as shown on the plans, coincides with the existing location of either an overhead ,or underground privately owned util- ity (installed and located in accordance with a permit issued by the Village or ,city) so that, in the opinion of the Engineer the relocation of said utility is required to complete the installa- tion, the OWner shall provide for such relocation. ,.... ".- --- 49. PRIVILEGES OF CONTRACTOR IN STREETS, ALLEYS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY For the performance of the contract, the Contractor will be per- mitted to occupy such portions of streets or alleys, or other pub- lic places, or other rights-of-way, as shown on the plans, or as permitted by the Engineer. A reasonable amount of tools, materials and equipment for construction purposes may be stored in such space, but not more than is necessary to avoid delays in the construction. Excavated and waste materials shall be piled or stacked in such a way as not to interfere with spaces that may be designated to be left free and unobstructed, nor inconvenience occupants of adjoin- ing property.. Other Contractors of the OWner may, for all purposes, required by their contracts, enter upon the work and premises used by the Contractor, and the Contractor shall give to other contrac- tors'of the OWner all reasonable facilities and assistance for the completion of adjoining work any additional grounds desired by the Contractor for his use shall be provided by him at his own cost and expense. , r- -- Where the work encroaches upon any right-of-way of any railway or state or County Highway, the OWner will secure the necessary ease- ment or permit for the work. Where railway tracks or such highways are to be crossed, the Contractor shall observe all the regulations and instructions of the railway company and Highway Department as to methods of doing the work, or precautions for safety to property ex- cept the right-of-way, shall be made by the Contractor at his expense. The Contractor will not be paid direct compensation for such railway or highway crossings, unless so provided in the special provisions and proposal. ,...... 50. iiORK IN. STORMS The Engineer may have the right to stop work during rain or snow storms and all freshly placed work, unless otherwise protected, shall be protected by canvas or other suitabl'e covering in such a manner as to prevent running water from coming in contact with it. Sufficient ,covering shall be provided and kept . ready for this pur- pose. The Contractor will not be entitled to extra compensation for work so stopped or delayed by the Engineer. "..... -29- GC ."-0 - 51. NIGHT WORK Work shall be done at night only in the case of emergency and only upon the direction of the Engineer. The Engineer has the right to order work to be carried on at night, if in his opinion, it is for the best interest of the OWner. Work performed after dark shall be adequately illuminated, and suitable and sufficient lighting facilities shall be provided for this work. No extra com- pensation will be allowed the Contractor for work under this item. ,..... 52. USE OF EXPLOSIVES If it is necessary to use explosives in the performance of the work, the Contractor shall take out permits and comply with all the laws, ordinances and regulations governing same. He shall fully protect all completed works as well as all overhead surface or underground structures and shall be liable for any damage done to the work or to other structures on public or private property and injuries sus- tained by persons, by reason of the use of explosives in his oper- ations. Explosives shall be handled, used and fired only by ex- perienced men. All firing shall be done by electricity. All explos- ive supplies shall be safely stored and protected in an approved manner. All such. storage places shall be marked clearly "DANGER- OUS - EXPLOSIVES". Caps or other exploders shall not be stored at the place where dynamite or other explosives are stored. - ,...- 53. NOISE ELIMINATION The Contractor shall eliminate noise to as great an extent as pos- sible at all times. Air compressing plant shall be equipped with silencers and the exhausts of all gasoline motors or other power equipment shall be provided with mufflers. 54. WA'J:~R The Contractor shall make arrangements with the proper Village or City officials and/or private parties for, obtaining any water which may be needed. 55. SANITARY PROVISIONS The Contractor shall comply with all laws, rules and regulations of the State and Local Health Authorities and shall take the nec- essary precautions to avoid unsanitary conditions. Suitable sanitary conveniences for the use of all persons employed on the work, properly screened from public observation, shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor. ,.-.. '56 . FOSSILS If any fossils or treasure or other unusual or valuable geological formations are found in the progress of excavating, such fossils, treasure or samples of geological formations shall be carefully pxoeserved by the Contractor., who shall convey such items to Engineer. These items shall ,become t.he prop~rty of t.he owner. f""'-' -30- GC ,..- / 57. ACCIDENT PREVENTION Precaution shall be exercised at all times for the protection of persons (including employees) and property. The safety provisions of applicable laws, building and construction codes shall be ob- served. Machinery, equipment, and all hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the.safety provisions of the Manual of Accident Pre- vention in, Construction, pUblished by the Associated ,General Con- tractors of America ,to., the extent that such provisions are not in contravention of applicable laws. 58. "OR EQUAL" CLAUSE Whenever in any of the contract documents any article, appliance, device or material is designated by the name of the manufacturer or vendor or by any propr~etary name and such name is not followed by the words "or equal", it shall be deemed that such words "or ,equal" to f,ollow such designation, Wlles$the context clearly re- quires a contrary construction. Any article or material equaling the standards fixed may be used in place of that specifically men- tioned,by the specifications, providing that the material proposed is firs~: submitted to and accepted by the Owner or his authorized representative. ,.- ~ - - 59. LABOR None but competent labor shall be employed on this work. Wherever mechanical, work is required, it shall be performed by skilled labor. The foreman or other person directing the work shall be competent, sober, and reliable, ,and shall extend every facility to the Engineer to enable hiDl to properly discharge his dutie's, and' shall furnish such help as may be necessary to facilitate the inspection of mater- ials. ,..... ,.-. The OWner rese.rves the right to require the removal of any partic- ular workman or workmen on the job, if in the judgment of the En- gineer it shall be for the best interests of the work that such particular workman or workmen be removed. Wherever possible, local workers shall be given preference over imported workers, ;providing that 'they are equally competent at the work applied for. ~ The Contractor will not be allowed added compensation for any work performed on Saturdays, Sundays or Legal Holidays. -- 60. DISCRIMINATION ON ACCOUNT OF RACE, CREED, OR COLO~ '~J;(U.t1J.BrrED IN CONTRACT "Every contract for or on behalf of the OWner shall be deemed to contain provisions by which the Contractor agrees... (1) That, in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the -31- GC ,.- ,-.. performance of any work under any contract, or any sub~ contract hereunder. no contractor. materia1 supp1ier, or vendor, shall, by reason of race, creed, or colordiscrim- inate against the person or persons who are citizens of the United States who are qualified and available to perform the work to which such employment relates: (2) That no Contractor, material supplier, or vendor ,shall, in any manner, discriminate against, or intimidate, or prevent the employment of any such person or persons, or on being hired, prevent, or conspire to prevent, any such person or persons from the performance of work under any contract 'on account of race, creed or color: - (3) Any.. violation of this section shall be a misdemeanor: and (4) That this contract may be cancelled or terminated by the Owner, and all money due, or to become due hereunder, may be forfeited for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms of conditions of this contract" (Section 181.59 Minnesota Statutes). ,..-- 61. SITES TO BE KEPT CLEAN The Contractor shall clean and keep clean from waste, materials or refuse resulting from his operations, the site of work, the streets, the work and public property occupied by him. Equipment not usable on the, work shall be promptly removed and the adjacent premises maintained in a neat and orderly condition at all times. Advertising signs in, general will not be permitted on the work. Upon completion of the work and before acceptance and final pay- ment shall be made, the Contractor shall remove from the street and adj acent property, all surplus and discarded materials, ,equip- ment, rubbish and temporary structuresl restore in an acceptable manner all property, both public and private, which has been dam- aged during the prosecution of the workl and shall leave the site in a neat and presentable condition. .,..-. --- 62. MEASUREMENTS Before ordering any material or doing any work, each Contractor shall verify all measurements and shall be responsbile for the same. No extra charge or compensation will be allowed on account of dif- ference between actual dimensions and measurements indicated on the drawings; any difference which may be found shall be submitted to the Engineer for consideration before proceeding with the work. "....... u.' S. Standard Measures will be used in the measurement of all work acceptably completed and such measurements will be used asa basis for the computation of the quantities of work performed. Linear -32- GC ,--.. measurements will be taken horizontally on all work except struc- tures which will be measured according to the neat lines shown on the plans or as ordered. Where work is to be paid for by units of length, area, volume or weight, only the net amount of work actually done, as it shall appear in the finished work and measured as here- inafter specified shall be paid for, local customs to the contrary notwithstanding. for the estimating of quantities in which the com- putation of areas by geometric methods would be comparatively lab- orious, it is stipulated and agreed that the planimeter shall be considered an instrument of precision adapted to the measurement of such areas. . ,.- - 63. . GUARANTEE The Contractor shall be held responsible for any and all defects in workmanship, materials and equipment which may be developed in any part of the entire installation furnished by him, and upon writ- ten notice by the Engineer shall iinmediately replace and make good without expense to the Owner any such faulty part or parts and dam- age done by reason of same, during the period of one (1) year from the date of final approval and acceptance of the installation by the Owner. ' r-- Should the Contractor fail to make gOOd the defective parts within a period of. thirty (30) days of such notifications, after written notice has been given him, the OWner,may replace these parts, charg- ing the expense of same to the Contractor. ,..- ,........ --- ,........ -33- GC ,..... ,...... Section ,..... ~ I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 2Q.. . 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.' 38. 39. 40. ~ ,....... SPECIAL PROVISIONS INDEX General Starting and Completion Dates Liquidated Damages Scope and Order of Work Basis of Award Detours and Traffic Control Block Manholes Payment for Extras Existing utility structures Turf Establishment Excavation on Streets Disposal Area Subgrade Preparation Aggregate Base Crushed Rock for Driveways Plant Mix Bituminous Base Plant Mixed Bitwninous Surface for Driveways plant Mixed Bituminous Surface Bituminour Tack Coat and Prime Coat Testing and Samples Right-of-Way Acquisition Tree Protection During Excavation Right of Entry' , Temporary Protection of M.H. Covers & Gate Valves Affidavit Cleanup Water compaction of Backfill Concrete Pipe Classes Pipe Bedding Utility Support and Relocation Rubber-Tired Equipment Construction Staking and Property Monuments Umbrella Liability Insurance Pipe Salvage Pre-Bid Conference Article and Item Titles Casting/Manhole and Box Adjustments Concrete Curb or Concrete Curb and Gutter and Driveway Entrances (2531) Boulevard Restoration 082-2918.01 SP-Index Pa~ I 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 II 11 12 12 12 12 13 14 15 r- - 'SPECIAL PROVISIONS STREET PAVING, STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA PROJECT NO. 79-2 '2'0'1:-'1'1;1'."01 .t\1'U'f~.1. .t(.t\.1.!.I . r- ,..- I. GENERAL The General Conditions and the Special Conditions as embodied in these Contract Documents shall be applied to all work and material furnished under these Special Provisions, except as hereinafter modified. 2. STARTING AND COMPLETION DATES The Contractor shall commence work within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of notification to proceed from the 'Engi- neer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of his intentions to commence work at least five (5) days prior to his moving onto the site. ,..- All work to be constructed under this project shall be completed in place and accepted on'or before November 1, 1979, except the bi'tumirious wearing surface shall be placed the following year before September I, 1980. ,..-- It shall be understood that all work performed after the date specified for completion shall be subject to pay Liquidated Damages. ,..-- ,..-- 3. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Should the Contractor fail to complete all work on or before the date hereinbefore set or as agreed upon for completion, a sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per calendar day, includingS,unclays and Holidays, shall be deducted from any monies due, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages; all in accordance with Arti- cle No.' 27 of the General Condi tions of these Contract Documents. r- 4. SCOPE AND ORDER OF WORK The work under this project shall include the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, and equipment to construct complete in place, all utilities, paving and all appurtenances as shown on the drawings and specified herein. -- - The Contractor may schedule the order of work as he deems neces- sary to complete the work in an expeditious and orderly manner. Special work 'priorities, however, will have to be incorporated into his scheduling as the OWner may direct. 082~2918.01 SP-l ,-- s. BASIS OF AWARD Award will be made to the lowest responsible bidder based on the Grand Total Bid. - r-- The award of this contract is contingent upon State Aid approval. The OWner reserves the right to award the contract to the, lowest responsible bidder at a time within sixty (60) days after bid opening and further reserves the right to delay the notice to proceed for an additional thirty (30) days. The delay in notice to proceed may be necessary due to the pending administr'a~ive approvals of Mn/DOT State Aid Division. ~ - 6. DETOURS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL The Contractor shall furnish sufficient detour signs and barri- cades to adequately control and direct traffic and any additional the Engineer may direct. Barricades shall be provided with a flashing light at each end and detour signs shall be provided with not less than one flashing light. Flashing light shall be battery powered with six C61 inch amber lenses. All detour signs and barricades shall conform to fed~ral, state, and local require- ments. The Contractor's attention is called to Appendix "B" of the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for proper barricades and sign construction and placement. A copy of said manual is on file at the Engineers office for review. 7. BLOCK MANHOLES ,-- Manholes constructed of concrete block in lieu of pre-cast con- crete shall be paid for at..the same unit price bid for conven- tional manholes, unless indicated as being lump sum bid items. Block, manholes shall be used only in specific locations and as may be permitted by the Engineer. 8. PAYMENT FOR EXTRAS All requests on extras for additional work performed shall be presented to the Engineer for consideration during the month that the additional work is performed. Requests submitted for extras after the month in which the work is performed will not be considered and no additional payment will be allowed. 9. EXISTING UTILITY STRUCTURES ,-- It will be assumed that all existing manholes in the construc- tion area are clean prior to commencing construction. The Engineer shall be notified of any dirt in manholes,pridr to construction so that they can be cleaned out by the City. The Contractor shall be responsible for cleaning out any dirt with- in the utility structure after construction begins. 10. TURF ESTABLISHMENT Sodding shall be done in accordance with Article 15 of the Special Conditions for sanitary sewer. 082-2918.01 SP-2 r-- ,-- Seeding shall comply with the requirements of Section 2575 Mn/DO';l' Specifications. M~lch when ordered by the Engineer shall be Type 1, and shall be paid for 'at the contract unit bid price per ton in place. Topsoil shall be obtained from other work on the project or supplied by the Contractor at no additional compensation for sodding and seeding. Topsoil shall be placed to a minimum depth of 4 inches. Payment for seeding shall include all work and material neces- sary to establish herbaceous ground cover. Water will be made available from the city at no cost to the Contractor. r-- r- II. EXCAVATION ON STREETS Excavation will be paid only on those streets where the plans indicate a change in street elevations and where unsuitable soil is found to exist in the top 3 feet of subgrade. The quan- tity to be paid will be calculated based on before and after field measured cross-sections. The basis of payment and measure- ment will be at the contract unit price per cubic yard and shall include compensation for removal, incorporation in new construc- tion, compaction, salvage and/or disposal thereof of all types and kinds of materials. 12. DISPOSAL AREA The designated disposal area for this project is Pleasant Street. All excess suitable material will be disposed of at this location. He shall place the disposal material according to the grade stakes set by the Engineer and shall compact the material in a maximum of 4 foot lifts according to ordinary compaction methods. All leveling of material, compaction, stripping and stockpiling of topsoil, and any additional haul distance shall all be considered incidental to the project and no additional compensation shall be paid. --- 13. SUBGRADE PREPARATION The required density shall be 95 percent modified 'proctor densit~. The density will be tested by an approved testing laboratory. An approved testihg method using a nuclear density meter may be used for the density tests. A minimum of one test per five road sta- tions and a maximum of 'one test per one road station will be re- quired. The location of the test 'will be at the direction of the Engineer. The OWner shall bear all costs of testing. In conjunc- tion with the subgrade preparation, the Contractor shall shape the full width of the roadway, including back slopes, to the cross section and elevation shown on the plans. 14. AGGREGATE BASE Aggregate base, Class 5, shall conform to the requirements of Mn/DOT Section 2211. Compaction of the base shall be accomplished in 082-2918.01 SP-3 r- r- .,-.- layers not exceeding three (3) inches in compacting thickness regardless of the type of compacting device used. An approved testing method using a nuclear density meter may be used for th~ density tests. Before any aggregate base is placed, the Contractor shall sub- mit gradation analysis from an approved testing labora'tory certifying that the'materials to be incorporated in the work meet these specifications. r- r- r- Compensation for aggregate base will be considered payment in full, all costs incidental to construction including water added and compaction shall be included. , \ Basis of payment and measurement of aggregate base will be at the contract unit price per ton delivered and compacted in place. ,,...... - IS. CRUSHED ROCK FOR DRIVEWAYS The material shall consist of 100% crushed quarry rock with lOOt passing the 3/4" sieve. The type and color of the rock shall be as determine4 by the Engineer. The'crushed rock shall be placed to a depth of 4 inches. Basis of payment and measurement will be at the contract unit price per ton delivered and compacted in place. --- 16. PLANT MIX BUITUMINOUS BASE Apply over the compacted subgrade or aggregate base a plant mixed bituminous base. The materials and gradation shall con- form to the current Minnesota Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, Section 2331. The bituminous material shall be an asphalt cement (AC-I), penetrationSS to 100. As- phalt content of the mixture shall not be less than 3.5 percent nor more than 5.5 percent by weight. The following Marshall Design Criteria shall hold. Stability shall not be less than 500, flow not less than S nor greater than IS. Compaction of the bituminous mixture shall be by the specified density method as inaicated in Section 2331.3H of the Minnesota Standard Speci- ficationsfor Highway Construction. r- r- r- The construction requirements, method of measurement and basis of payment shall be in accordance with Section 2331 of the Minnesota Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. ,.-.. ,.... 17. PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS SURFACE FOR DRIVEWAYS Plant mixed bitwninous surface for driveways shall be con- structed in accordance with the provisions of Section 2341 Minnesota Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, 082:"2918.01 SP-4 r- ~ ,..- except as modified herein. Compaction of the bituminous mixture shall be by the method of ordinary compaction.Thick- ness of the bituminous mat shall be2-l/2" with a 3" Class 5 aggregate base. r- . Bituminous material for driveway surface shall be AC-l pene- tration 85 to 100 and content shall be 5.0 to 6.5 percent by weight. ,..- The gradation of the aggregate shall be modified to 100 per- cent passing the 1/2" sieve. ,...... Method of measurement of this item shall be measured by area in square yards and the tons to be paid for shall be the number of cubic yards of bituminous mixture completed and accepted, measured complete in place, multiplied by a factor of 1.98. The length ~nd width will be the actual length measured along the surface. ,.... Basis of payment for bituminous mixture for the tonnage com- pleted and accepted, measured as provided above shall be paid for at the contract unit price per ton for bituminous surface for driveways. The price shall be full compensation for furn- ishing, hauling, preparing, placing, and protecting of all materials, for filling core holes, for all labor, equipment, tools, and lncidentals necessary for constructing the bituminous driveway including the gravel base. ,..- ,...... - 18. PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS ,SURFACE Apply over the prepared base a plant mixed bituminous surface. The materials and gradation shall conform to the current Min~e- sota Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, Section 2341. Bituminous material for binder and wearing course to be AC-l, penetration 85-100 and content shall be 3.5% to 5.5% by weight when used as a binder course and 4.5% to 7.5% by weight when used as a surface course. The following Marshall Design Criteria shall hold: stability shall be not less than 8S0i flow not less than 8 nor greater than 16. Percent air voids not less than 3 nor greater than 5. Compaction of the bituminous surface shall be by the specified density method as indicated in Section 2331.3H of the current Minnesota Standard Specifi- cation for Highway Construction. On streets up to 38.00 feet wide, (B-B,of curb) bituminous pavers shall be capable of spreading and finishing courses of bituminous plant mix material equal to one half of the pavement width. The bituminous wear, shall be placed in a maximum of two passes. The construction requirements, method of measurement a.nd basis of paYlUent shall be in accordance with Section. 2341 of the Minnesota Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. 082-2918.01 SP-5 r- r-- 19'. BIT,UHINOUS TACK'COA'1'. AND 'IUME COAT The bituminous tack coat shall be a~.Lied to all construction ' joints and bitUJllino\18 base surface prior t.o the construction of . the bituminous surfaae. The .bit.\DIlnoua ,_terial 'shall conform, tothe.'requiremelitsof ~ecurreDt. Minnesota Standard Specifica~ tioDa, forHlghway Con_q:uctionSection 2357. The tackcoatmaterlal shall be "an _ulsified asphalt applied at the :rate of o. OS 'gallons per squareyard~ Method of measurement for this item shall be measured by area in square yards and the yardage to be paid for shall be the number of square yards of bituminous surf_ce completed and accepted, , measured cODlp~ete in place. The width of measurement will be the widthfrom~utside to outside of .the completed bitum1noussurface . but. not to exceed the widtha. shown on the plans or'; as , directed by . the.Engineer. The length will be the act.Ual length lIleasured alonqthesurface". , Basis of paymentforbit.\Dinou8 tack coat for the yardage com- pleted and accepted m...ured a_,provia.a above shall be paid far at the contract Uft,it price per square yard for bituminous tack coat..on the Propos&lPom. The price shall be full com- pen$.tion,for furnishing, ,hauling ,preparing, placing ,and pzotectlng ofallmat.erlal., for.lllabo~, equipaent., tools, and inc1d~nta18 Dece..ary for constz'Uc'tingthe bituminous base. The bituminous prime coat ahall be a~plied in a uniform, con- tinuou8 spreadwlt.h a distributor, atarate of 0.3 gallon 'per. '. squa.reyard , 1n . one application. .' The bi tuminou8 material .hall confQt'II\ t.Qthe r_quir_en~of.the ~urrent. Minne,ota Standard Speci.fication for highway oonsU-uctionSec,tion2358. ,20. TESTING AND SAMPLES Pr1.ortopJ.acing any of the materials for street paving, the Contractor shallsubm1tto the Bngineer a letter and mix de- signs and qradations, from an approved te.tinglaboratory that the aggregate and proport.ion..eet. t:her~quirements ,of the specificatiQlis. A mtn.t.mwa ,of one core from the aggregate of bituminous 'base and bituminous ,surface shall betaken for' every 1,000 square yardspl_oed and t.e.ted for thickness,and' desigl\})yanapproved te.t.inglabora,toxy.The.cost: of ,all of ~ea~ve1:est.lng .ba~lb.anexpeJl8.of ~41 Owner,exc:ept tha'tthe Contractor .halldo 1:11. CoZ'ing at. bi..penae. 21. RIGH'1'-QF-WAYAcqUISI'lIOR It 1s.thelnteDt.1onOI 1:heOWDer to have' rlgbt-of-wayacce8s on.llea...nt..orrlght.-of-w~ypurcba.e.prior tothecolll- ..IJ~n~i (Jf'~k,Qnthl.. pz:oject.. ....,. Bowevear,ifany.cquisi-, t~ol'l. .j..,4..1ayect,anfli' t;hi. 'c181~t~n~.'.. the 'C~I1i:r.ct9r"'. pro- grel$'s"ln ..~cha.a~_' ..to ~.V_~COIIp1.t.:lollof the.W()rk ,.- r- ,.- ,.- ,.- ,..- ,-- ,.... ,,-- - ,.- 082-'2'918.,01' SP~' t""" - on time, an extension of time will be granted to the Contrac- tor beyond the date of completion of this contract. The Con- ,tractor must make a written request to the Engineer for this extension and the extension is subject to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall have no claim for damages against the OWner or the Engineer for delay in performance of the contract due to any delay in acquiring right-of-way. It is the intention of the OWner to begin condemnation proceedings on all necesaryright-of-ways prior to the commencement of work on this project. ~ r- r- 22. TREE PROTECTION DURING EXCAVATION The following procedure shall be adhered to when constructing sewer near trees: Cut roots cleanly Paint cut root ends with asphalt base paint Backfill trench as soon as possible - don't leave the roots exposed to air Cleanup around trees immediately after construction ~ 23. RIGHT OF ENTRY Any person representing the Federal, State Agencies, the Engi- neer, and OWner shall have the right of entry to inspect the work being performed'by the Contractor. If the case warrants, the Contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and inspection. ' 24. AFFIDAVIT The Contractor shall submit with his Proposal Form, an executed Affidavit of Non-Collusion. ,..... r- 25. CLEANUP During its progress, the work and adjacent area affected thereby shall be kept cleaned up and all rubbish, surplus materials and unneeded construction equipment shall be removed and all damage repaired so that the public or property owners will be inconven- ienced as little as possible. Where materials or debris has washed or flowed into or been placed in water course, ditches, gutters, drains, catch basins or elsewhere as a result of the Contractor's operations, such material or debris should be entirely removed and satisfactorily disposed of during progress of the work, and the ditches, chan- nels, drains, etc., kept in a clean and neat condition. On or before the completion of work, the Contractor shall unless - otherwise especially directed or permitted in writing, tear down and remove all temporary work" tools, and machinery or other construction equipment formed by him; shall remove, effectively. disinfect and cover all organic matter and materials, containing 082-2918.01 SP-7 ,- ,..- - organic matter over, and around privies, houses, and other build- ings used by him, shall remove all rubbish from any grounds which he has occupied; and shall leave the roads and all parts of the .premises and adjacent property affected by the operation, in a neat an~ satisfactory condition. ,-- 26. WATER Water for new construction purposes may be obtained from the City. The Contractor shall make suitable arrangements with the Water and Sewer Superintendent for the location where water may be ob- tained. The City will not charge for water for all normal require- ments, but reserves the right to charge the cost of any water which is used over these normal requirements, such cost to be charged against the project. ,-- ,..- 27. COMPACTION OF BACKFILL All backfill in trenches shall be compacted in maximum (2) foot lifts with a compactor such as a vibratory roller in sands or vibratory sheeps foot in plastic soil. Any water required for compaction shall be incidental to the project. The required density of trench backfill shall be 95% modified proctor and the Contractor shall compact all lifts until this density has been obtained. Testing of backfill density will be by others and will be the cost of the OWner. ,-- 28. CONCRETE PIPE CLASSES All concrete pipe classes shown on the plans are 0.01" D-Load. 29. PIPE BEDDING All pipe bedding shall be a minimwn of Class C unless otherwise noted or specified. Where Class "B" bedding is indicated, the bid price shall include any additional sand or gravel material. ,-- 30. UTILITY SUPPORT AND RELOCATION Except in the case where an existing overhead or underg'round utility, whether public or private, is in the same horizontal alignment as the location of the sewer and water shown to be installed on the plans, the Contractor shall bear the cost of supporting or relocating and replacing the existing utility in its original location. 31. RUBBER-TIRED EQUIPMENT The Contractor shal provide and use only rubber-tired dozers, front-end loaders and other necessary equipment, other than the paving machine, on all work where street pavements or pOrtions of pavements are ,undisturbed and shall be protected or in loca- tions as the Engineer may direct. No compensation will be allowed the Contractor for replacement of damaged utilities. 082-2918.01 SP-8 32. CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND PROPERTY MONUMENTS The OWner wi~l provide horizontal and verticle control construc- tion stakes to allow the Contractor to construct the streets and utilities as follows: ,.... A. Offset stakes placed at 25 foot intervals for gravity sewer with a cut sheet indica~ng horizorttal artd vertical distances from the stake to the pipe. B. One set of offset cut and fill stakes placed at SO foot in- tervals on each side of a street for rough grading to subgrade. C. Onesetol bluetop offset stakes placed at 50 foot inter- valson eacheideof a street for f1ne gradingand,placement of bitUl1\1nous. ,.... It shall be the Contractor's tot.al responsibility to accurately construct the streets and utilities in accordance with the con- struction stakes. The stakes will be set only one time and it will be the responsibility of the Contractor to preserve the stakes. Construction stakes will not be placed by the OWner until a written request is received ,from the Contractor giving tne Engineer 24 hours notice, describing where and when he wants the construction stakes placed. The replacement of any construction stakes will be done by the OWner at the Contractor's expense and for which the Contractor will be billed. Grade stakes in sufficient quantities and of a shape and length approved by the Engineer shall be supplied by the Contractor. ,...-- ,.... The Engineer shall have the right to order the Contractor to have construction stakes replaced if the Contractor attempts the Construction without sufficient construction stakes in place. The Contractor shall be responsible for replacement of all pro- perty or section corners he removes. The Owner will mark all property corners and section corners the Owner is aware of prior to cqnstruction. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any property corner, whether the OWner has marked them or not, which the contractor may disturb, in sufficient time to allow the Engineer to measure ties to the corner. The replacement of -- property or section corners shall be by the Owner at the Con- tractor's expense and for which the Contractor will be billed. No additional compensCition shall be allowed the Contractor for any claill\sof crews being held up because of lack of line and grade stakes. 082-2918001 SP-9 33. UMB~LLA LIABILITY INSURANCE Add to Article 5, Contractor's Insurance of the General Condi- tions the following: - ~ The Contractor shall provide and maintain an Umbrella Liability Policy to satisfy claims in excess of the limits of liability set forth in Article 5 up to a maxi- mwn of one million dollars ($1,000,0001 filed against himself or "his' agents. The Owner and the Engineer shall be named as also insured on the policy. Prior to com- mencing any work on the project, the Contractor shall submit evidence in the form of certificates that the in- surance is in force. ,.-- 34.' PIPE SALVAGE All pipe materials that have been designated for salvage shall be removed in a manner that will not result in' unwarranted dam- age. The salvaged material shall be dismantled into sections as required to facilitate removing in undamaged ~ondition and permit convenient handling. The material shall be delivered to a site designated by the Engineer. 35. ARTICLE AND ITEM TITLES All title heading of articles, items, sections, paragraphs, etc., are for identification of the general topic contained therein and are not to be construed to modify or limit the contents of ,the article, item, section, paragraph, etc. 36. CASTING/MANHOLE AND BOX ADJUSTMENTS Adjustment of all existing manhole frames shall be constructed to bring the casti~g to finisheq. grade. Basis of payment will be at the contract unit price, which shall be compensation in full for all labor and materials for said adjustment. Compensation for adjustment of valve boxes will be considered payment in full for all labor and materials for said adjustments. All manhole castings and valve boxes shall be adjusted to a tolerance of one eighth inch (1/8") to three eighths inch (3/8") below the. fi~ished s,treet surface. If the castin~s and boxes are not w~th~n the allowed tolerance, the Contractor shall re- ad~ust them at no additional compensation. House service curb boxes shall be adjusted to match the finished boulevard elevation. Compensation for adjustment of house service curb boxes wil,l be considered payment in full for all labor and materials for.said adjustment. 082~29l8.0l SP-lO - 37. CONCRJ::,.~..a=. 'CUI\D' 'OR C'ON~!UI'''''~ CUl\D' AND 'bUJ.'.I..6A AND' DRIVEWAY ,t,1~'''' R1u~~ES' '('2'5'::)'1 ) The concrete used shall be furnished by a ready-mix plant of the Contractor's choice. Prior to the placing of any concrete, the ready-mix plant shall submit to the Engineer a letter from an approved testing laboratory that the aggregates and the proportions meet the requirements of these specifications. The Engineer may take such samples as he deems necessary to deter- mine the quality of the concrete. Compression tests made, on cylinders shall show not less than 3,900 P.S.I. at the end of 28 days. The Contractor shall provide the suitable storage at the site and shall transport the cylinders. A minimum of one test cylinder per 100 c.y. delivered shall be provided. "^- Concrete edges and surface designed to straight lines or grades will be checked with a 10 foot straight edge, and any deviations therefrom in excess of 1/8 inch will be considered to be un- acceptable work. Contraction joints for curb and gutter will not require sealing. ""- Membrane Curing Me~hod in accordance with Section 2301, Minnesota Sta~dard Specific~tions will be allowed. Hand operated spray equipment will be allowed. The minimum rate of application is one gallon per 125 square.feet of surface area. The top, front, and back of the curb and gutter must be cured. .......... The removable insert divider plates shall have cut-out at the bottom of the section as shown on the standard plates. ,...;.. The driveway entrances shall be placed on a 4" sand cushion for which no additional compensation will be paid. Driveway ,entrances are to be poured monolithicly with joint construction as per detail plate. The basis of payment and measurement for concrete gutter or concrete curb and gutter will be at the contract unit price per lineal foot of B618 concrete or curb and gutter constructed J.n place as measured along the gutter line, except that no payment will be made for concrete curb or curb and gutter in that length taken up by driveway entrance. The unit price per lineal foot shall include all necessary excavation, contraction joints, expansion joints, protective coating, treating oil, tamped backfill and steel reinforcing. The basis of payment and measurement for concrete driveway entrances will be at the contract price per lineal foot of 6" (Residential) or 8" (Conunercial) driveway width constructed in place. The unit prices shall include all necessary exca- vation, 4," sand cushion, contraction joints, expansion joints, protective coating a~d tamped ,backfill. ' ....,., - -. 082-2918.01 SP-ll ----'- ~ Driveway repair shall be perfo~ed wherever the new concrete driveway entrances do not match the existing grade of the driveway, as directed by the Engineer. The basis of payment will be at the contract unit price for type of material used for replacement. The unit prices shall include all necessary excavation, labor, and materials. ~ r-- 38. BOULEVARD RESTORATION Boulevard restoration ,shall incluoe the removal of and replace- ment of, in their original condition, all existing mail boxes, signs, and all other minor structures which will interfere wi~h construction. All such removal and replacement to be per- formed at no addi~ional, cO&u.t'ensation. . f"'" --- r ,-. t"""- - . ,.. ~ r ,....., r' - v- 082-2918.01 SP-l2 ,.;:':_" SPECtAL CONDITIONS - SANITARY & STORM SEWE~ INDEX ~ Section ~. General 2. Scope of Work 3. 'Metho(l of Proced~e 4. uti~-it_ies 5. Materials A. Sanitary Sewer _ . (1) 'Vitrified Clay Sew~r Pipe (2) Reinforced Concrete Pipe (3) - Polyvinyl Chloride Sewer [4) Ductile Iron Pipe , (5) Pipe Fittings (6) Jointing Materi.als _ (7) Precast Concrete Manholes (8). Manhole. Castings t,l, Pil:(ng (10), Seeds (11) Topsoil Borrow (12) Sod (13) Fertilizer (14), Rock Foundation Material (15) Granular Trench Backfill Material (16) -P,ipe Bedding Mat.erial I \ r..c., ...... , .a. - -B. Storm Sewer ~ (1) (2 ) (3) _ (4) (5 ), {6l (7) -, (8) (9) . (10) Reinforced Concrete Pipe ,Reinforced Concrete Pipe Fittings Concrete End Sections Corrugated Metal Pipe and End. Sections Jo~ntingMaterials Precast Concrete Manholes, Inlet ~anholes. an~ Catch Basins' Manhole Castings Bulkheads . Other' Mat.erials. Bedding Material' ~ C. Forcemain (1) Ductile Iron Water Pipe '(2) Gate Valves (4" to 12" in Diameter) , (3) Gate Valve Boxes (4) Rock ,Foundation Material " (5) Bedding Material (6) Additional Trench Backfill (7) Jointing' fS) I'i't:~ings .-, .~ ,:::... 082 ,'-'" .'- ,"-'-" - , Page . 1 I 'I 1 3 3 3 ,3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 '8 ..8 8 -8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9' 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 I'~",,~.... .-. - r - ,-, .,-..., ,.... " ~ 4. ".... .-. -, ,-. ...... ,.... Section b.. P1.i>e J01.ntJ.ng, (11 Vitrified. Clay Pipe (2)"Reinforced Concrete Pipe (3) Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe (4) Cast Iron and Ductile Iron Pipe (S)Corrug,ated Metal, 7. Construction Stake~ - Alignment and Grades 8. Excqvation and Preparation of Trench 9. Sheeting and ~racing 10. Pilinq 11. T~41~orary Bridges and Crossings 12. 'Laying of. Pipe 13. Backfilling and Grading 14. Restoration of SJlrface '15. Restoration of Sod, Trees, Driveways and Curbs 16. .ServiceCorinections A. Risers B. House. Service Connections 17. Manholes and Catch Basins 18. Forcemain (Joint Restraint) 19. Infiltration and Inspection - Sanitary Sewe~ 20. Testing Forcemains 21. Detours ,- Traffic Cont.rol 22.Rubber~Tired.Equipment 23. 'Concret.e Structures 24. Methods of Measurement and Payment A. Sewer Pipe in Place B. Cast of Ductile Iron Pipe in Lieu of Vitrified Clay c. Manholes D,. Excess Depth of Manholes E. Drop Section for Drop Manholes F. -Risers for Drop Manholes G. Connection. to Existing Drop Sections H. ,Wyes, Tees and Special Fittings . I. Catch Basins J. Flared End Sections in Place K. Piling L. Rock Foundation Materials M. Additional Trench Backfill and N. Sod o. SPecial Sections P. Pi.ling Foundation for Manl\oles Q. Additional Cost for.l?ipe on'Piling R. MergedItems S. Seeding . 082 P~.p 11 II -11, 11 12 '12 12 14 15 15 15 16 19 20 21 21 21, 22 23 23 25 2ti 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 22 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 Bedding Material . 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 , ,,~,~ ,-., - ,....... ,. ~ I:r ,...., ..... ) ,-. ,.Q. ~' ,...,. "a' ,..... - ~. 'SPECIAL CONDITIONS SANITARY '&' ,:sroRM~J:!,vmR 1. GENERAL The General, Conditions and the Special Provisions as embodied inthese,Contx-act Doe~nta shall be applied to all work and inaterial to be furnished under tilese 'Special Conditions. '2'. SCOP'E'OF WORK The work to be done under this Contract shall include the 'furnishinq of all materials, labor, tools and equipment to con~truct c9mplete in place a sanitary sewer, and/or storm sewer and all appurtenances as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. Included unde~ this Contract, the Con- tractor shall" do the excavating of all kinds of materials encoWltered, furnish or cOAUt'act foundations where required, furnish ,and install all timbering, sheeting and bracing nec~ssaryor proper to safe1y support a11'work,remove .all water, protect, repair, relocate, maintain and restore ,all "sub-surface, surface and overhead structures directly or 'indirectly disturbed" inj~r.eq. or 'affected :by his operations, furn,ish al10tper appurtenant items and services necessary o'r specified. ' . In the following specifications, reference is made to "M.H. D. Specifications" which shall mean the "Standard,Speci- fica1:ions. for _ Highway Construction.' of the Department of Highways of the State of Minnesota, dated January 1,1972 and subsequent amendments. ' 3. METHOD OF PROCEDURE , The Contractor shall perform his work in $ucha manner as 'to cause the least interference and delay to such other work as may, be in progress.atthe time byotherContrac- tors. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer'inwr'iting of his intentions to commence work at least five (5) days prior to his moving onto the site. Prior to the start of any wor;k, the contractor shall submit inwritingto,theEngineer for approval, a schedule of procedure 'and'after o;nce approved, he shall not deviate from ,it wi thout written. pe.l.wi.ssion from the E~gi~eer. 4. UTILITIES, '. Everyeffort.haS been made' to position and dimension all existing unde~grourid, utilit.ies.' Thisinfo.....uationwas :01>- 082 1 sc-ss ~ ~ t.:b~~ /~J;omthe,~,re.,pecti'Veuti;:Li.1;Y. ,~anie..., However, , . the owner;'"dQ~.(PQt.!~~t..e.'t.he'lC)eatiOftS,~asqsh~ ()n,~e"Pl~S '.~d,~txi.':j.tbe.,',.. aontr.cto%','s., respc)nsi~i Ii ty" to : 'as:oertain<the , f1nall.()~~ionofthe8e utilites, 'and ,to., notify the ,'utility ~" an", i.,',e,", -.'..".w.h,en,. ,.",qo.".,n",stru,ction". comme., nces in 'sa.cP-,",ar,', e".a.' .,T,."h."e, ' .ContJ'aot.orcJlustprQtect all e~8t1-ng, ut!litiesand, improve- ment.s,'public ,or. private, during the entire period Qf hi,s , ' 'work.Special,caJ:'e must betaken in backfilling and compacting under" and. aroUnQ such i~,rovements. ' I ' ,~ ~ ~ -'"-." It will be 'assumed that all existing manholes iri the 'construc- tion .area ,are ,clean' priri,r to commencing construction.' The Engineer shall ,be notified of anY dirt. ,in manholes prior to construction'sothatthey can be cleaned out by the Village. Thec:ontr~actors'hallbe ,respons'ible for cleaning out any 'dirt in manholeS in, the construction area' after construction begins. f-- ,;-.. ~,' ~ All water main curb boxes and gate valve boxes in the construc- tlon area wi:i.l beassmnedto be in good condition and clean prior to constructionunles8 the Engineer is notified otherwise. Damaged valve boxes~or curb boxes and valve boxes or curb' boxes filled with dirt in ,the construction area 'shal,l be the ,Co~tract.or's responsibility to correct.,after construction begins. - ,A. Telephone and Electric Cable- 'l'his,CQntractor shall locate all buried cables prior to any constrl1ctionincluding'all buried power ,cables to the street l~ghts. " ,When, ,a cab1~isbroken, this' Contractor sball imm$Ciiatelyhavesaid break repaired at no additionalco~en- 'satiori. ' ~ .I ~, .-, ~-'./ B. Gas Service Whenever, during excavation for the utilities, a house service line, which is part of thegas,.system, is encountered, thecostofcu1;.ting said service, providing temporary, service and ,reconnecting house ,serv:ice shall be borne by the Contractor ., The ContractQrshall,cooperate with thegasc~any on this phase of the work. If 'any expense is incurred by . the gas company in connection with such cutting and'replacement of gas service lines which is chargeable to the Owner,' the : cost of same s~all be paid by the' Contractor. Nothing '. herein shall be construed as an obligation of the Qwner'.to as,s,ume anyoblig~tion of 'the 'Contra<?tor tothe,gas,c~any,nor as an agreement 'to indemnity either the Contractor or said gas company. ' " , Itshal1'< be th~ Contr~cto.r 's ,respo~s,ibill't.N tono;t;ify "1;.he, gas' company SUf:f;cie.ntly, in advance of his. proposed . construc- ,~ ,.,.. . ~, -, t ~. , ~ ~,' ~ 082 2 . sc-ss ~ , ',(3) # ,.... .-.. 1- ~ If& ~ ('4) ~ ,..., "",; ,....x --. 082 be',f8rm1~ueClt.o~e,'concret.. wlt.h 'th.' AHWA"C302f.\tbbei~and ~~p.\Cl1:1~r.14.StlW.X' P.12! <<porvnYlo!Uo~ia. aewexp.1.pe an4. fittil198 8h!io11 Qonlomtothe,requirements of'the stan4ardapecif1-' cation. for type, PSM poly (VinyJ, Chloride) (WC) :.ewer, pipe aJ1dfittings,'ASTMDeaignation 03034, latest:reviI1on. Tne pipe andfittings,8hallbe' _de, of PVC,plastiohav1ng 8 call classifioation of 12454-B .spresQribed in ASTM,Dl784 latest revision. The minimum wall thickness shall ,conform t.o SDR-35. The'pipe' shall be capable of oarrying atren6h,lo.a equal to 30 feet of cover when installed in aecordance with ASTM DesignationD2321, latest revision. Pipe bedding shall confo~ to AST~- D2321 for class I materials except maximum partiCle size shall be 1/2". Upon c,omP1etion of backfill and street repairs, the Contractor shal11:8st the sewer for 'deflection by PUlling aGO, NO-GO defleotion testing Mandrell through the sewer. A deflection of more then 5% of the inside diameter shall be cause, for rejection and the line will be removed and replaced at the Cont:r:act~r:'s expense. J)\lctilfi! ,Iron P iiJ:. '. . , . '.J)uetile iron pipe shall be SU.l. table for 150 p.8. ~. working,presel1re and shall contorm,to therequire-, menta of ANNA Specification CISl, latest rev~sion. E:verypipe ~ndfittinq shall be tar coate.d on the outside and shall_be cement lined on the inside. Cement mortar lining shallbein'acaordance with ASA Specification A21.4. Ductile iron pipe shall have a minimum wall thickness, prior to adding casting tolerances and oorrosion'allowances capable of with8t.anding earth loads based on,awide trench ditch condition and ,laying .condi-tion Bforth$ depth of bw:yshown ' on 'the plans, plus traffic load. Minimum class' of pipe shall be class 2. , ,Cathodi'c protedti.onfor C1uatile iron pipe shall be prov14edl>>y th. Contractor att1oad4ttionalQOJn- 4 se-ss .11I(. " :atf ~ ....q&~.~:' .,~I: " '" ". ,,:14, .' ...aal,:_t , '.' " ;'n.~t' ft>app:roYed b~" th8;,;.wirlee ~,";~' " . ; " ,', , ", ' ' . ' .z ' " ' .' 1lJ' .' '.. ~'." ,".; '- ~.,~- ; , , . -' .. , .:.., ~, . - ;' ,~ -. . ~ ":WC'tiil..:'Xt:On ''4liCl,:cas't;.~ Ptt~ihu. ' . '. '. ',' " ,>tltt"\ , ",iot ditCtrte -eel ',aa.t;~pipe 'ahe11be c_.l#9ft. ,8hall-'be'Cl.88 ,250f<>*>sl...,up.to- ,&l\d'L~l.".~~bIe~'" (~~)<' lll~f!. '>~ ,'" 1":'150",- .fpl-8j,a., ,fouJ't_ n:4;1 1D..~:1.'. ..~"j;i:~ - "~ln9. 'aM':('l, CO!ifoa-.'tQ .1:hf)' , iequit8MDt.:~~'of 'ABA. '. s~tf;ic:at~OD A21.10'. ' ' .~, ,082' 5' 'Be-ss , ...-, ~, 1"...... ~ r-- ,..... ~\ ,..---... . ,..... ..-. ~, ,..-, ,....... ,......, 1"""-. ,. .. ~. ,,-' 082' All pi~ and fittings shall be cement,lined 'in- side and tar coat.ed,out.side. d.P'Ol1"inylChloride' 'Fittings, , ' Fittihgs,. such as 'sadiileoutlets, elbows, tees, wyes'andothers shall be of material, construction and joint design corresponding to the adjacent pipe. Adapters shall be provided,for transitions t.o oi:her fypes of pipe. (6) Joi'n.tin'g' Mat'er-ials' a. . ClayP'ie,: . All clay pipe usedshal1.have 594-B flexible joints conforming to ASTM Designation, 'except. as hereinafter' noted and must'be approved by the Engineer., The joint fUrnished must be satisf-.ctory for any radius c~..e shown,()n the Plans. b. Reinforced Concrete PiE!. ' . Reinforced concrete pipe Joints shall be the Bureau of,ReclammationR-4 confined Q-Ring gasket joint. Gaskets for rubber and steel joints ,shall be in, conformance with'AWWAC302 Sectio~ 3~4~ . c. Pol;yvinyl Chloride PiE.! Pipe joints shall be capable of withstanding an int.ernal hydrostatic pressure of 25 p.s.i. for one- hour without leakage. An approved e1ast.omeric gasket shall be used. d.' Ca'st Iron and Ductile Iron Pi~ " Castiron and duct.ile iron 'pipe shall, have push on joints and plain rubber gaske'ts'inC?on- fdrmanee with AWWA Clll. Fittings -shall have mechanical joints. (7JPrecastConcrete Manholes Precast.'concretemanhole sections shall be manufac- tured to standards at least equal to or greater than the requirements'of the St.andard Specifications for' Reinforced Concrete Culvert" Storm Drain and ' Sewer Pipe, ASTM,Desiqnation C76, for Class II. Jointing-'shall be with the'R-2 type confinedO-:Ring ",gasket:.. Manholes shall. conform to all requirements , as 'Sl1OWrl on the detail drawi~gs. ' 6 SC-ss - j (8) Har1hole '.. Castini!. 'Castings for'manhole 'frames and covers shall be Class 30 of gray iron, free from'all,injurious , defects and' flaws,' in confo.&..&uancewi th ASTM DEuJignation A4S';"S6, latest revision. All covers " , must fit closely in the rings in any and all pc:>sitions, so there will be no rocking from pres- sure applied on,any point on the cover. 'All (;:'a.tinqsshallconform to the weight, type and size 'as shown' on the detail' drawi~qs. " , The supplier of castings must be approved by the ,Engineer. The supplier shall certify totlie Engineer 'that' each. shipment, conforms to these Specifications. Such 'certification shall' acco4LIJ:o'any each 'shipment to the job site. (9) , Pi1inc.{ Norway Pin~, Jack Pine, Douglas Fir (Coast Region) or Southern Yellow Pine, may be used under these Specifi- cations. Ba'lsam, Fir" Hemlock,.Soft Maple, Poplar, Slippery or Swamp Elm, 'or any other wood which would not stand ~iving will be rejected. All piles shall have a butt diameter of not less than 12". ,Piles less 'than 40 :feet in length shall have a tip ofnotlessthan8,lncbes' diame'terarid, piles over 40 feet long shall have a tip not less than 7 inches in diameter. Pile'S shall be sound and solid and free from any defects which may materially i.Ai&"air their strength or dura- bilit.y. They must. be so straight that when a line is drawn from' the center of the butt. to the center of the tip, the ,line will be within the p()dy of the pile 'and shall' have uniform taper from the tip to the butt. ' ,-.., T', - " "" ".-. I"" ,..... .r- -" I~ ~, ,- ,....... ,. ~. Piles shall be capped and cradels provided' in accordance with the detailed drawings. ' 'All piles, caps, and ties shall be creosote treated in conformance with'Minneso'ta Highway Department Specifica'tions' 3491. (10) Se'eds Al19):assand,legwue seeds shall be in conformance wlthMinnesot:.a'Highway DepartDlent.Speeiflcat.ions, 3876 __ m1.xt::. ure 6 It \\ ,...... """, .-., -. 0,82 7 5e-S5 [ :('.., (11) ',T.,T" ..,.~,."....,...,pP,',. ..~" .,1.1.,.,.1.1."". ,.Bf".,.."oo, :, .... .r".",.","'~8,"'.'.',ee.""..,'",'.,d"...'1..n..., 1'1. ",' o,.",."r, ... __. ....... .......~. 8Odd:i.a9~hal1,b. '~:n'C)Ol)formance 'wi,thlUnnesot.a -Hig~w~y' ~epar:tmentSpec:1fica tiQn ~ 8 7 7 . (1:2)". '.Sod , S~ shall 'be'in'accordance. with Minnesot.a Highway ne~tment. Specifioat.ions3818. (13) F.ertil:i. zer Fertilizer for seeded areas shall be in accordance wtth.Minnesota Highway pepartment Specification_ 38'81-, Nitrogen 10%, Phosphorous 10%, pot.ash 10%. (1'4) Rock Foundat.ion'Materlal "All rock foundationmat.erial shall be 100% crushed angular rock,: 1" -1-l/2" clear unless otherwise specified-by theengineer~" (IS) Granular Trench Backfill Material Granular - t.rench backf,ill mat.eria.l shall consist. of pit-run ,sand ~r gravel, not more than 20% of which passes the ~o. 200 sieve, screened as maybeneces- sary t.o remove all st.ones which would be retained on a three (3) inch sieve. r\' 1 . Y,;t~~' r, ,- - ,-. ,.-. ",.-. ~. (16) Pipe Bedding Materia1 Beddingmat.erialshall meet. the requirements of M.R.D. Specification 3138, Class 4. B. STORM SEWER ;(~ --. ('1lReinforced Concrete PiE!. Same' as paragraph SA f2r. f21 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Fitt.in9s' Same as paragraph SA (Sb) . (31 Concrete ,End Sections Concrete end,sect.ions shall be in accordance with Minnesota State Highway Specification 3236 and, when stated in the Proposal, end sections shall be provided with a trash guard ?lnd rip-rap as shown on the ~P lans . r- -- I"""> ~ "(4) Corrusrated Metal Pipe and End Sections Corrugated-metal pipe, fittings and end sections shall.conform to, the requiremeritsof Standard Specificationsfor,corrugat.ed.Meta1pipe, 'AASHO- M36, exoept thatguage ',of metal in arch-pipe ,"""" .~. I . t: 082 8 ss-SC ~ c:'~",,; Drop covers on ", the valve boxes shall bear the , work "~qrce,mainn on ths top and shall be Clow F-2494 .Stayput"c:overs with extended skirt,. or app;:,oved "equal. Valve boxes shall be 'Claw, Mueller ,Tyler or approved equal. ' (4) Ro:ek Foundation Materi'al Same as 'Par~graph SA (14) (5) , 'Bea4in9 Mat'e'rial' Same, as Paragraph SA. '(16} , (6) 'Addit:..iO"I~a'1' . Tren'ch Ba'c'kfil1 SameasPar~graph SA {IS}. (7) 'Joln.tincz JOinting of ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be done in- accordance'with' "Notes oti,Method'of Installation" included in ABA 'Specification A21.ll. When pipes are cut in the,f~eld,the c'Qt. or straight end-shall have all sharp or rough edges removed before assembly. ' ' (8) Fittini! _ Scuoe as paragraph SA(S) c 6'. ,PIPE JOINTING (1). Vitrified Clay Pia! All clay pipe joints shall be installed in accordance wi-thASTM C-12. ".-. J1IIIi"o.. . J""'-.., (~) ,-< ?" ~- ,-" ......... f""'4 , ,..... _fllIiliI"~ r- ..-~ ~ ,-., ~.. ,,-.., ,-. '082 Gate Valve Boxes' . Valve boxes, sna11 be of sufficient 'len~l1 to ,p:rovide>for adjus'tment above and beloW<,grade'o,f not less' tb.ansix(6) inches when the'plpe,is~ laid .tothe spec1'fied depth.' '. (2 ) Reinforced Concrete Pi~' ' All pipe joints shalloe install,ad with a lubricant as reco~ded bythemanu'facturer of t.he pipe. polyvinyl, Chlo'ride' Pi'~ . . ,,' . AllpipejQints Sha~lDe install~din accordance with manufacturers recommendations. (3) (4) 'cas't'Ironan'dDu~'ti17", 'I'rort .P'i'~ ,'., " All."castor ,.auqtJ.1e' 1:ton,p1peJoints ,shall be installedin'accQrdance withAWWA - .600,,-Sedtion 9C~ 11 sc-ss -- I - IIII 111111 - ,...... ,.,... (5) Corru9atedMetq~ CoX'-rugat.ed metal pipe shall be jointed in accOrdance with Minnesota Highway Department specification 2501. '~.\ ~'-- 7. C()NSTRUCTION STAKES - ALIGNMENT ANP,GMDES All work under this Contract shall be constructed in accor- dance',with lines and .grades shown on the drawing~ and as established by the Engineer. These lines and grades may ,be ~~ifiedby the Enginee,r as provided in the Specif-ications. The Contrac,tor shall give the Engineer sufficient notice as required of his need for the establishment of line and grade so that the Engineer may have time to provide the same. After line$ and grades for any,pa~tof the work have been. given by t~ -:..~ll.qj..n~eL,t)le ~~n~J'actor wi.~l_ b,~ '. h~ld . .~espons1ble ,Lor the proper execution of the work to such lines 'andg'rades and all stakes or other marks "given shall be protected and preserved by him until he is.authorized' toreJDOve them by the inspec1:or. 'I-he Contractox: shall, at his own expense,. correct anymi'stakes'that may be" caused by their . unauthorized -disturbance or removal. The Engineer may require that work be suspended at any time when, for, any reason, such marks cannot ,be properlY,followed.',Grade stakes in suf'fic'ient quantitiesapd of a shape and length approved by the Enqineer shall be s~pplied by the Contractor. No additional compensatiDn ,shall be allow,edthe, contractor ,for any ,claims of crews being held up because of laok,of line and grade stakes. . 8'. EXCAVAT'ION AND PREPARATION OF TRENCH \ The ,trench shall be dug only SQ far'in advance of the pipe line as the Engineer shall permit. The sides of the 'trench shall -be sloped and/or braced and the trench drained sotha:tworkman can.. work safely and efficiently. All work must be donei-n a dry,trenc;h and no.waterwillbe permitted to discharg~down the pipe previously laid without written permission of the Engineer. ,It is essential that the discharge 'of pumps 'be laid to natural drainage Channels or to drain sewers. Care, must betaken to avoid over-excavation. Should any over- excavation exceeding two (2) inches be encountered,the material added.. shall be moistened and compact.ed to the, satisfaction of the Engineer"or foundation material shall be added at the ex- penseoftne Contracto!:,. Thefinished$ubqrade shall be pre- pared' accurately by-means-of'hand tools. . .- ".... r-' ~ ....- , , f''''''~, r"'l ._, ,..~ - --, "", In al.lcaseswhere t.he sewer alignment is located so that space and access is very limited'with respect to the safety and welfare 'of ,adjoining buildings, such as a property line, between houses, the ,Contractor shall, di,8continue ,open trench excavatipn and shall,' jack ttu!p'ipe in place ,for'"an adequate, ,length ,to sa~equard settlement',aJld d~ge, to :these'4djaceni:structure$ at no extra qompensatiol1. ,.... . ~ , .,....-.-.., "-",,,~,_-.0.82 12 SC-SS II II ............,1 IIII II I III IIIII III II II 111111 1IIIIIlII ,-, ,.- The trench width 'at the top of the excavation may vary depending upon the depth of the trench and the nature of material encoun- tered. ".Thewidtb o.f the trench shall also bekeptata minimum to prevent, excess destruction of the existing st.reet or' highway pavement. "..... "..-.., The trench bO.ttom shall be brought' t'o grade 'to provide a uniform and.cont.inuous bearing and support for the pipe,on solid and und1~turbed ground at every ,point between bell holes. When the bottom atsub~grade is soft and cannot support the pipe, a further depth and/or width shall be excavated and refilled to pipe foundation grade as required under the above paragraphs, or other'approved plans shall.beadopted to assure a firJQ foundation for the pipe. The cla~s qr type of material which is to be used 'for refilling, up to pipe grade shall be foundation material as specified in Paragraph SA (14) of these Specifications. The rough ....sub:-grade beneath the pipe shall be finished to within 0.25 feet of a straight line between pipe jOints or batter boards, and all tolerances shall be above the specified grade. A strlng line shall be 'set to check the line and .grade on all, excavation and pipe laying. r-~ "...-""""""" ~. r~', Ledge rock, boulders, and ,large stones shall be removed to pro- vide a clearance of'at least six (6) inches but not exceeding twelve, (12) inches below the outside barrel o'f pipe', or fittings, and allow a clear,width of six (6) inches on each side 'of all pipe and appurtenances with 15" additional clearance,for each foot of depth over 15 feet. .' . ,.,.<,,\ '""""" .1"'..... The space ,between 'the bottom of the trench in roCk and 'the'bottom of the pipe shall be backfilled with suitable material fn three , (3) inch uncompacted layers and thoroughly tamped. Generally speaking, :the,material shall be specified bedding material. No additional compensation for placinC] or tamping this "material shall be allowed. --.. .-, All excavation shall be unclassified, and no extra cOaut",ensation shall be allowed for rock, clay or hardpan even though ,it may be advantageous to use explosives for their removal. Blasting the excavation will not proceed until~e Contractor has notifiedth~ Engineer of .the necessity to do so., This notifica- tionshall in no manner relieve the,Contractor,ofthe'hazardan4 lial?ilit;.ycontingen-t.onblasting, operations. The hours of blast- ing willbefi..xed'bythe ,Engine,er. ~ ,."""" r- 082 13 se-ss .(~"---. ./JII"""'-, r>-., Any damage caused by blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor athi~ . expense:t " The ,Contractor's, methQdsof procedurerelat.i ve to blasting shall conform to local' ana State laws andmuni:c::ipal ordinances. ' All excavated mate~iai. sha1lbe piled in a manner that will not endanger the work ,and that will avoid obstructing sidewaJ.ks, driv~ways , and fire hydrants, and wil1notco"er, lawnS. . Gutters. shallbek~Pt clear or other. :satisfactory provisions made for . street drainagE! at all times. ,....., .......... ,..,. --...... 9. SHEETING AND BRACING The C.ontract.o,r, to prevent the disturbing .or settlement of adja- cent road surfaces, foundations, structures, utility.lines or i railroad tracks, shall furnish and pi1aceall sheeting anti bracing necess~ry ,for good' working, conditions. acceptable to !,the Eng~neer, . and to prevent damage and delay to, the work. . The.. contractor shall be responsible for thest.rengthand sufficiency of all ;sheeting and bracing. All sheet.ing .and bracing shall be placed ' at. tbeContra~tor's expense. ' Any damage to theworkun~er this Contract o~ to adjacent struc't- Ur,es,oir~ property caused bysettl~t., water ~r "earthpressuree , slides I caves or other causes due 1:0. failure or1ackof,sheeting and.br.cing.,or br,.cing".orlmproper .'braciJl9 or.,1:h~uc.#l'ne9li9en..' "or." fault,..,. of '.f.he .coa~ract.oJ: ,ill ~y,~D.r:' shall,. '~;,:...ir:.d ,by tile Contractor without delay at his' expellee, '. > , .......... ",-" ~.,."\: . . BracingsbaJ.lbe soarrangedlilst.oprovide amplEr working s~ee, 8o.aanot.t.o interfere,withthework,andaoaanott:oplace an:i8traiJ'lon ,. the' a't.ructures .belDgconatruet.ed"until." stich st~~~t;ure8 . are . 'ot,,.aPleatrength' .1:0 '.wi~8t.and '8\lQll.8,train. Al18beetingand'bracing, . unless '".,' oth4lrwlse "specj.fi'''Cior 'or(iered''to be left In"place by theBngineer,ab.all beinstalle~ andramoved ifromthe workatnoadditionill conapensation.No/sbecatin.g and bracings'hall be removed uneil.theQonstruction'bas proceeded far enough tQ provide ample strength "in the opinion of the Engineer. ' she~'tfng~or"bracingmay '-be--i~ftinplace In the trench at the discJ,=etion ,of the Engineer. ,. Any sheeting or br~cin9 left ,in p1ac$ shall be cut of.fapproxitnately 10 feet from the surface a~dthecqtlooo()ffportiQnremoved, unless. the Enqineergives writ.t.en permission to leave i tlnplace it.' ,.. '. .TlleCqn.tractorshall r~ceive no compensation for sheeting. and,' ' brClcing,left.in place,. .. ~~'\ r-- -. ,-., J"""-, ~ ~.-""... ,...""",~ 082, 14 5e-55 '-, ......, Where the trench is not located near existing utilities, build- ings or 'other structures and where water and other conditions' permit, theC6ntractormay, with the approvalo~theBngineer" olllitsheeting and bracing of t.he excavation. 'In this event., he shall excavat:e a trench of sufficient. sl~eto provid,e, . adequate , spa~efor t.he construction work so as t.o, prevent.slidinq.or,cav- ingof the ,banks into the<'area within the lines, of structures.' r~ JI"""', ",..... 10.. ,PILING --- -------.- , The Contract.or shall furnish, place"and drive piles as directed byt,he Engineer. ,All piling shall be driven to substantial re- fusal as defined by M.H.D. Specification 245.2.3. Piles shall be driven vert.icallyinexact. posit.ion at loeat.ionsgivenbythe Englrneer. Piles which -may become shifted, must be relQO,veCl and good piles driven in their places, or additional piles put in as 4irected by the , Engineer " wit.hout. -addi tionalexpen~e to the' OWner. Pi.les'shall be, battered when, so -directed by the Engineer at no 'ad,dit..ion~l compensatiDn. - r'-., r--'\. 11. TEMPORARY BRIDGES AND CROSS.INGS The Cont.ractor shall construct and maintain tdnporary bridg.es and crossings, complete with flagmen, whenevernece$sary to expedite the ~orkor to maintai~ traffic., Temporary bridges 'or' crossinqsshall be of ample size to safely carry the load whict) comes ,upon t.hem. The cost of all labor, mat.erials, t.ools, and.equipment for tempOrary bridg.s, and crossingsshallbeboJ:'ne byt.h~' Contractor, ,and' no separate or additional payment ~ill.. be,l'llade. . 12. LAYI.NG OF' PIPE , . ProperimpleJl\ents" ,tools, , and facilities. satisfactory to 'the "Engineer shall, be .provided and used by 'theCont.ractor for the safe .and convenient prosecution of the work. ,....... ~'"~ ,'.... ~ Pipe and materials shall be unloaded and distributed on the job ina manner approved by the Enqineer.. In no case shall mat.er- 'ialsbethrown or dumped from 1;he truck. Befor~ lowering and while suspended, the pipe shall be, inspected for defects 'to detect. anycra.cks.. Any defective, damaged or unsoun~ pipe. shall'be rejected. ' All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed ,from the instde 'of the pipe before it is lowered into its position in the trench, and shall be kept clean by approved means during and after lay- ing. ,All 'openings ,along ~he line of the. sewe:r, shall be securely Ql()sed~s directed, and in the suspension of workatanyt.ime, sui'tablestoppers shall be placed to'preventearthorother sub- 'stance$ from entering the,. sewer. ~ ~ 1""-. ,~, ,........ r'...... . 082 IS SC-SS ,.....,.., ,'Pipes shall be laid to a true line 'and at uniform rates of grade betw.een manholes as shown on the Plans. Fine gradin9, to the boi;tom of the barrel, shall proceed ahead of the pipe laying, and should any over-excava'tion exceeding 1:wo (2) inches be en- count.ered, ehe material ~dded shall be moistened atldeompactec! to the.. satisfaction of the Engineer ,or foundation material' shall'be,ad~ed at the expense of the Contractor. Holes shall be dug for the pipe bells, and the material placed at the middle of the preceding pipe laid. The pipe shall be supp():r:-~_~dfor~he.. 'bottom 90 degrees." .and throughout its length (except for t~e nti.nimum--dtb""c:tnce-iiecessary at the bell holes) .asshownon the Plans. Bell holes shall; be adequate to make the joint, '. but no larger tnan ,necessary so that maximum support on undisturbed ground will be p'rovided for the pipe. Thebeddinq of 'all pipe shall be Class "e" unless specified or .detai1ed otherwise. ,Pipe laying shall proceed-'upgrade-':With the-'spig-ot:-ends pointed in .thedirection of flow. No pj,pe'shall be, laid in, water or when t.he" t.renchconditions are un'suitable for such work, except by written permission of the Engineer. The Contractor shall make all connections of pipe to the man- holes which have previously been constructed. He shall re- ceiveno, extra compensation. for conneotionto capped s,tubs or cutting into present manholes.' For completing drop'sec- tions for drop manholes I the Contractor shall be 'paId as .per un! t price bid. ' If the Engineer considers pipe, as shown on the plans, is' not suitable for the subgrade soil cond'ition,he may order the Contractor to install cast. iJ::on, 6rpuctileironpipe in lieuofothe'rpipeto beplaceCl on rock stabiiiz~d subgrade or on piling. ~ ~ ~-"""'" t'~, ,...-. "...... ,-.. -. 13. BACKFILLING AND GRADING All excavation in trenches shall be backfilled to the original ground surface or to such grades as specified or, shown on the dr.awings.The backfIll, shall begin as soon as practical after the pipe has been placed and shall thereafter be . carried on'as rapidly as ,the protection ot the balance of the work will permit. Compl~tecleanup,shall proceed directly behind the backfill- ing.' to."accommodat.e the return to..normal conditions. Should the Co~tract()r~ in the Engineerts opinion, fail to'dili- ,- C-. p,." r..... ,...~... 082 16- se-SS ,- gent,ly pursue the backfilling and cleanup, ,the amount of work on which complete cleanup has not been accomplished shall'be limited to 1,000 lineal feet for the en,tirejob. TheCon~ractor shail have sufficient equipment on the job to assure ,timely backfill and cleanup at all times. Backfilling and compacting shall be done as tll.oroughly' as possible, so as 'to prevent aftersettlement~ Depositing of the backfill shallbedDne so the shock ,of ,falling material will ,not injure the, pipe or, structures. " Grading over ana' around all parts of the work shall. be done as directed by the.Engineer. Granular Jna~erial, or other sui tablemateria.l as de~e~:rnined by the EngIneer, free, from rocks and boulders, shall,be de- posited in the trench simultaneously.on both sides ,of the pipe for the full width of the trench to a height at, least six (6) inches above the top of the pipe, shovel placed ,and hand tamped to fill comp1ete'ly all spaces under and. adjacent to the pipe. , 'in the event that natural ;suitable, granular material is not enco~teredduring the normalexcavationof.t.he sewer trench, or when ,the material encountered is det.erminedunsuit- able by t.he Engineer, for hackfilling around the pipe ,as re- quired above, the Contractor shall provide and place such approved material. The Contractor.shall furnish approved material from surplus material obtainable from other excava- tionon the project, within a haul distance of two (2) miles one' way,at noaddi.tional compensation. Ifsuitablematerial is not available a,s stated above, the Contrac1;or"shall pur-, chase backfill material for backfilling around thepipe. The Contract.or shall be paid foronl;Lthat. backfill mat.erial required for filling or.backiil1inq as he may bedir.cted to purchase and place' by the Engineer. Allquanti'ties of'such materia]. used shall be verified by the Engineer. Succeeding layers of backfill may contain coarsemate:r;ials, but. shall be free from pieces of rock, frozen material, con- crete, roots, stumps, tin oans, rubbish and other similar' articles whose presence in the backfill, ,in 'the opinion of ,the" Engineer ,would ,cause excessive settlement, of the trench or dama.ge to tn.e pipe. Wherever select material, that exists in place in the upper four (4) feet of the finished qradeof the paved.oJ; trav~led portions of the street 'of roadway, .is removed by the trench excavation, 'the Contractor shall replace.said.material (or ,materialot equalqualityl as backfill intheupperfo.ur (4) feet of ,the finished grade. Where selec'tmateri:al does'not --.. ?"""' - {.......... ....... ,.-. -- ,- "-'"' ..--..." ,,-'.... ,....". 082 17 'sc-ss """"" e~ist in' place as described 'above, the cont'r acto r shall p-ro- vide and .place sufficient select b,~ckfill~O, stabilize tile _ f1nished,..,grade from ,_s~rplus ~ ma~er1al obta~nable from ot.her , excavation on theproJ ect., W1 th1.n a haul d.1.stance -of two (2) miles one way ,at no, additional a01llp~n8ation. Backf:i.lllngshall .be done in lifts of. uniform l'ayersnot, ~o exceed ~e, depth shown on theco..'t",act10nchar~, an~ each 11ft. shall be. completely c()mpa~t.ed overtp,e.full w1~th of the exc:avated area.'Compacting shall cont1nue unt1l,no ~re settlement occurs . . ,Three feet of material, over, the top of t,hepipeshall be required before a vibratory orsheeps- foot roller may be used, ,- -, ~-, COMPACTION 'CHART Maximum,Loose Soil ,Lift Height (Ft. ) """",' Compilctor.T~ Sands Plastic Soil- Vibrat()ry Rqller (Vibro-Plus CK-IO) or eqtial 4.0 Vibratory Sheepsf'oot (150 PSI Mil)imum) Not allowed' Button Head Pneumatic 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.0, 0.5 1.0 Not allowed ,...- ........, Plate Tamper Plate Vibrator Not allowed ~ Special compaction shall be done around all manholes, catch ba.sins, valve' boxes, curb boxes, end of sewer. services, other s.tructu,res; and. utili ties, by the use of pneumatic, tampers, p1at.e tampers, or 'plate vibrators with lifts not to exceed that shown inthe COMPACTION~CHART. ,...... ~ Catch basin leads and sanitary sewer service trenches must be compacted in the same manner a.sthe sewer trenches. They shall. not be', left, openoverniqht. In areas, where curb and gutter eXists" sufficient curbing shall be removed to allow this com- 'paction over the-entire disturbed area. All deficiencies in the quantity of material for backfilling the tt'enches or for fi,llinq depressions caused by settlement sballbesuppliedpy the Contractor. Any ,excess suitable ma- terialshal~ be haule'd away and deposited and ,leveled where ' dir<<!ctedbytbe Engineer' at n,o additional compensation. The h~ul limit shall not. exceed two (2) miles orieway. JI"'-'-, ,-........ --.. ,.-.~- 082 18 sc-ss IIIII 11111" I I III II II ~...... NO,waste material or debris shall bedeposited'on'any public or . pr1vate pr~pert.y, wit.binthemunicipality's limit,s . without t.he ,wr~.tten permission of the Enqineer..Waste material and debris s~a.lli~c:lude, but not ,be ,limited to, trees, stwnps, pieces of PJ..p~ "pJ.eces of conc~ete, 'pieces'ofasphaltic conc:-et.e, tin cans, or other waste mater1al from the construction'operations. ,~en.the ,tr~~ch exc~vation ,for the sewer and appurtenances is w~th~n ,the rJ.qht-of-ways of State or County: Highways, the back- f,.1.111.~9;, of the tren~h, cO"'.t",action of I!'aterials, Sub-grade pre- parat1onandsurfacl.ng shall be d()ne 1n' strict accordan.ce wi t.h the ' requirements and specifications of the State or County High,- way" Department at no additional compensation. . In all'cases, the,Contractor shall blade and compact the road- way after thetrench.has been backfilled, so t.hat it shall be passable to traffic at all t.imes. The Contractor shall main- t.ainthe roadway in a condition acceptable to the, Enqineer at all times until fina:!. accept.ance of the entire work by t.he ' Owner. Therefore, t.he COntractor sh'all p'rovide one mot.or grader which ,shall be available to the ~roject at all times fOl"surface'maintenance.,If,in theopJ.nion of the Enqineer, ,the.Contractor is not. maintainihg'streetsurfapessufficlently, with one motor grader;,' he shall provide addition'al 'motor qraders ., The Contractor shall alsoblade and maintain all de'tours and ,bypasses. 'AIl maintenance work shall be done a~ no&dditi9nal compensation. In 'addition to ,the bladinq andmaintehance requirements speci- fied,the Cont.ractor shall provide a~,leastonetank<truck 'with'pressurizedspray pars for sprayinq water on the streets to' cont,rol the dust. Dust control shall be' require'd,as necessary, on all streets aft.er cQmpaction and grading, and on all detours or by~asses. ' . The Contractor shall remedy'at. his own expense any defects, that appear in the backfill for a" period of on.eyear follow- ing'complet.lon of this entire contract. ;w-- "'_:0__, ,- ~ -, ,-- ,....... ,.- """-, 14. 'RESTORATION OF SURFACE Wherever the ,surface of,the, qroun<l is removed or dist.urbed by the,Contractortsoperation, the Contractor shall restore., 'replace or rebuIld all 'such surfaces, to a condition'at' least equaltq, its condition at time of removal. Bla~ingand . maintaininqof,streetsanc;i,roadwaY8"a~ecovered by ArtiCle ,1 J,.>"Backfi 11 inq ana' ,Grading ~. ,0 ~,these ,Standard Spec! fica- tic.ns. " ,..:-, ?--.. ~"""-.. ,082 19 SC~SS I 1.111. I ''''.''."".",,,.._1.1. .....J ----..... ~" If the alignment of the sewer and its appurtenances, as shown on the Plans, is. alongside or parallel to a paved roadway, 'but the proximity of suchaliqmnent to the pavin,g 'does not war-rant damage or removal of such paving, the Contractor shall repla'oe or repair the pa'ving which he h~s removed ordamaqed at no additional compensation. When thealiqnmentof the sewer-and its appurtenances 'lies within a paved roadway, the ContJ;'act.or 'shall replace or repair any ,pavement which is - damaqedor removed as $pecified in the Special Provis~ons. IS. RESTORATION OF SOD, TREES, DRIVEWAYS AND CURBS,_ _ Any and all curb andqutter disturbed by the Contraotor dur- ing.construction shall be replaced with new curbandqutter in,oonformance with the muni_~ipalit,y 'sJltandardswith. ~Q, additional compensation. ,The replacement shall oi~clQ.ae the obtaining of lineand,grade on existinq cu'rb andgut.ter and - setting ~ine and qradeat the time of' replacement. Any trees 'which lie within the limits of the excav.t~Qn shall beor~moV'edby the Cont.ractor onlywiththeexpress>pe.....is.ion of-the Engineer. ,~"-""'.." ,,","'-- _. JI-'~ .~",..~ Any concrete, blacktop, or crushed rock driveway ,disturbed bY~J:1eCont:racto~.d';'X"inq construction shall be replaced or, rebuJ.ltto a condJ..t:Lon at least equal'to its condition at the time of removal. To be paid for at contrEu::t unitpr'ice bid. AnYSOd",hichi.Sdisturbedduringthe installation of sewer lines or appurtenances. shall be replaced, including theneces- sary black dirt. The Contractor ~ilf-'be reimbursed for 'soddinq- up to a maximum o width, as detailed in the followinq table. ,..,. , Main Sewer or Service Depth To · Inve'rt Of-lOt 10'-20' 20" -30' 30'-40' 40'-50' 50'-60' Maximum sod Width ' Eli9ible for Reimbursement 10' 20' 30' 40 ' 50 ' 60' ~w~. r-o", ,Any, sOd,requirinq replacement outside the maximum shall' be replacedbytheContraotor at no additional 'compensation. Black 4irtshall be .r~J:?laced to a _, thicJu18ss equal to that removecil1pto amax1mumof one (l )fo()t . No.sod$hallbe la~d on'1~s,s than ,four (4) iJ\ches,'of,black dlrt. ,......_""-, 082 20 . 1111111111111111 11111111111 ~r_Q~ ,...-';, -~ -.. 'At the'end of all house connections, located at the property line, the Contractor shall furnish and set at no additional compensation, a 2-inch by 2-i.nchlong wooden stake, set vertically from the service pipe to 'the ground surface'. In undeveloped areas this stake shall extend within six ('6) inches of'the'ground sur- face. The Contractor shall measure to the nearest t,enth of a foot the depth from the invert to top of stake and notate same on cut sheet., ?""'--. --~ 17. MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS Excavation shall be to a,depth and size to provide for con- ~struction of the manhole or catch basin as shown in detail on the' Plans. Concrete base shalr'-be of size and depth as shown on. thePlans-. Concrete used shall have a 28-day comprehensive str~ngthof:'at least 3,bOO'pounds per square inch. Material used for this purpose shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer., Base snaIl be poured on undisturbed earth.. Walls shall be of a precast concrete as shown on the Plans, and shall be neatly grouted to form a completely wate'rtight manhole. ~~ Precast concrete bases may be used when approved by the,Engi- neer. Precast,base must be placed ona minimum of 6 inch~s of granular material which has b~en thoroughly compacted and leveled riff across the ent1re width of 'th~ base. ,...~ Frames and covers shall beset to the designated elevation in a full mortar bed. The Contractor shall provide ,a minimum 'of 6" and a maximum of l8uof.sewer brick or precast concrete adjusting rings be- tween the cast iron frame and the manhole top section or pre- cast catch basin section. Each ring or brick' shall be set in a full bed of mortar and shall, be made wa.tertight. Wood or other foreign material will not be allowed. Adjusting rings shall conform to the size and shape of the casting frame. ,... -,. The bottom of all manholes shall be shaped to conform to the pipe as shown on the detai,l drawings, so as to allow a free" tininterrupted flow of sanitary sewage, or storm water. The bottom of all catch basins sha,ll be shaped so that all water will flow into the discharge pipe. The Contractor, with the approval of the Engineer, where standard manhole.sectionscannot be used, as in junction and transitional manholes, ,may construct such sections, of brick, 'manhole block, ,or concrete ora combination of such materials set.ona,concrete base. ' 082' 22 sc-ss :1::, ';::j.;):,,; .~ "'.,', .,ML,?.'. ';,:;, ;f'~ ...;".',',,', '~J 'r> ",. ::.,,,,;,~' 1 ,........:.. ~;,. _... '. ,c'' '.,'.,. ,'~, ." , ........ 'T"'-", ~."'"~;; . ',.,}" ~'M"",.. .,' ';- ,--- ,....... ,The Contractor shall furnish- the weirs and other material and 'labor fOr placing the weirs in the sewer and shall assist the Engineeriri. ma~~ng measurements. . The Contr-actor shall receive noad(j.itional'compensation ~ormakin9the.leakage tests or corrective,. work necessary to reduce 1eak'age, be1owthe'maximum allowed:by the specifications. In,addition to the infiltration test, eXfiltration.tests will be required on sewer lines.which are above the present ground water. /"'"- The test section shall be bulkheaded and the pipe subjected to a hydrostatic pressure producedby.a head of water ,at a depth of four' (4) feet above the bottom invert of the sewer under test at its' lower end. This head of water "shall be maintained for a period of one hour during which it is pre- slimed'that full absorption of the pipeboay has'taJ<en place, and thereafter for a furtherperiod~ffour(4) hours for the actual test of' leakage. During this four (4) ,'hour period,the'measured loss shall hot .exceed that specified for infiltrati'on. r- ~ The introduction of any substance into the water used for testing with the intent to seal' such leaks as maybe indicated will not be pe~itted. Two such exfiltration tests will be required foz-each type of pipe and for each size of pipe. If the- resultsaresatis- fac;:toryon the two sections chosen by the Engineer, no further exfiltra-tibntests will be required. If reE!ql~s of the, e~.fi~t:r~tion. ,1:.eS~_,.are not satisfag.~ory, additional tests may be required until the Engineer is,satis- fied, that the leakage requirements are being met.. Pri.or to final acceptance of each'section of the sewer line, the Contractor shall flush a ball., the full diam~ter of t.he sewer, tht'oughthe 'line. All dirt and debris shall be' .pre- ventec;ifrC?mentering the existing sewer system by means of watertight plugs or other suitable methods. Upon completion of the Contract, the Engineer will carefully in.spect all sewers and appurtenances.' Any cracked or ,brok'en pipe shall be removed ,and replaced ,with a sound one and-the inver~ .of the sewer shall be ""left clean and ;free from any ob'ltructionsthroughoutthe ent.ire line. ",-- ,.........:. ,-- r- t"'-' ""--"~~-,_.~,,,~,,,;..-JlB.i~ 24 ' sc-ss -'I ,..,,--., The city :reserves the right to televise, v.1.a closed circuit T.V., any or ,all of the sewers Qei'nq installed under this contract., after backfill and before acceptance by the City. During the course of this inspection, if' any defects are 'fowtdrequiX'ing repair" .i.ntbeopinion of the Engineer, such defects shall beco~reeted at the expense Qfthe:Contrae~or. The cost .of such inspect.ion shall bepaid'by the,City. The City may inspect the sewer before it i,s - put in useandlor at such' a t.!me before the expiration of the.one(l) year gUa.rantee. ""-"-""\ 20. TESTING FORCEMAINS Aft.er the pipe has been laid including fittings, valves and has been backfilled in accordance., with these specificat'ion's,,' all newly laid pipe, on any valved section thereof, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, shall be subjected to hydrostatic pressure . of 100 pounds per squar.e inch. The durat.ion of each'such test shall be, at least two hours.' Water ,added to maintain the pressure. shall not exceed the volume per 100 lineal feet of ,pipe being ,. tested during the tW9hour,test as specified in the following table: MaximUlnAl10wable Leakage in Gal lonsllO 0' ft. of' Pi~,e/2 .hr~ Test 0.2 ,gallon" 0.3 gallot:l 0.35 gallon 1.0 gallon P.iile, Siz'e 6," 8" and 10" 12" ,16" and Larger ,........ Each valved section of pipe shall be slowly filled'with water and the specified test pressur'e, measured at .the lowest' point of elevation, shall be applied' by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a satisfactory manner. The pump, pipe connection, gauges and all necessary apparatus shall be turnished by the ' Contractor.. ,Gauges and measuring devices must me~t with the approval of the Engineer and the necessary pipe taps made as directed. Befo.re applying .th~ ,specified test pressure, all air shal~ be expelled from the pipe. To accompli.sh this, taps . shall",. be ,xoade, 'if necessary , at points of highest ,elevations, anda,fterward tightly plugged. 'Any cracked or defective pipes , fittings or val vesdiscovered . -in consequence of-the pressure ,test. shall be relllQvedanci replac.edby 'theContrac'torwii:hsound material -in the manner 'p:r:ovided, ,and the test shall be repeatea until' SCltisfac:tory to the Engineer. . , r..... ~ ?E: ~rt.~~ " ~'-'i;,}~ \':/'~",;-::'~-':->"". -.! 'f:""-( ';:'-:y; (. !'Si.;;';:: , ~~~,~,~~!, ....:.......'...()'~.:...'..i!l~ ~i/~~ti.>. ..,.. ,.,',' ........ ...'''j~~:t.()f~..' ,..,.,!i.:..!\, '. " '~~'-<Jr'~~~.~~~~9 .Of'~'.i~~~~;~.~{ il':: '-'S'..()~..~)'~'s~a~e .,.;"Ht9h".d1'<'01"'0_~.1i .'. '.....,'.... ..,. .'. .h, ()f'Ct)P.~~:r~tion..~Ui.,Pm8~t "~~li~.f.', . ", '.' ..'. ....,.,.'.. ,;.".;'.,',...',~\1!lJ?<<e.t).s.ion..of,.~Ork ....dOe$... ..no~. ..... J:~~.t~,,~~'., ~~i:'f.et.or ". o'r-ttie,.*,f!"pofts;ibi l.:i ty Qutlinedln .'tbe "above-; tequir_n-i:s . 2;2'.,,' ;aUBBla..TI.~" EQt1XP~'.t',' 'l'lle~C~~~r.Qtor/$hallprov~de and ,use only;rUbbe~tired .4o~ers, fr()ll.t....enCl(loaderSatld other neces,saryequipment,otl1~r than, the .~c~V'''t.i.ng. '.itllach.in. on .....a11 work ..' where' $t;r~t 'pavemel'1"~ .o~\ ,por- 'tionsof:pavements are undistur~edor in, locations 'as the. , ~ngine~rmay direct ~ . "r,'.",';., . , :< r ,r: r 1 r 23. : -CONC:RETESTRU~'J.'uRES Construction of ,concrete ,structures shall be in accordance with the' Minnesot.a , Department of Highways StandardSpec;ifi- cations for Highway Construction, SectiOn 2411. The Concrete shall be 3Y36 and conform to Section 2461 of the ,Standard Specification for Highway Construction. Reinforcing steel shall be ASTM A61S Grade 60, Deformed bars. The concrete 'us'ed shall be furnished by a Redi-Mix plant of the Contractor's choice. prior to the placing of the concrete the Redi~.Mix pl~nt shall submit to the En9ine~.a letter from an approved testing laboratory that the aggregates and pro- portions meet the requirements of these specifications. The Engineer ,may take such samples as he deems necessary to determine the quality" of the concrete. Compression tests made, on cylinders shall show'notless~han 3000 p.s.i. at the end of 28 days. , The Contractor shall provide the forms for casting of the cylinders. ,..- ,..- ,-- -- ' No concrete shall be ,poured under water unless approval is . granted. for a specific structure. The design and method must be appro,Veclby the' Engineer. 082 26 sc-ss All form worltfor concrete shall be thoroughly braced and rigid to prevent deflectipn or movement of, concret.e.F,orms shall beoile'd to provide smoothformedsurfac;;es. Forms shall not be removed unti,l ,thoroughly harden~d. Concrete shall be maintained at a 700 F. temperaturef~r3 days, .ora ,500 F.te~"J:J,erature, for 7da)'s after, plaoing. 'Any struct.ure, which, shows e"idenceof frozen concrete" shall be replaced with no additional compensation at the Engineers discretion. r-, ".~ , ,....- , ..1 11~ -!'\1ET~ODS OFMEAS UREMENTAND PAYMENT, A. ,..-..- ,..-. , r- 'B.. ;-- c. ;-'- ~-, -~...-.~.. :~'..- Sewer Pipe In 'Place Sewer pipe will be paid for at the Contract Price per linear foot, for each type, for each diameter of pipe ' furnished and accordinq to the depth zone classification. Increasers and reQu<;::ers will be paid forat~ the Contract' Unit Price per'linear f,ootforthe largest diameter, pipe 01'1 the section. Unit Prices bid shall include excavation, Plhll.tJing,sheet- ing,pipe completely installed, and backfil~inq. All measurements will be made along the centerline of the p.ip'e and from center of manhole, to center of manhole, or center to center of appurtenant $truc'tures. Depth zone classiflcatlonshallbe bas'ed on total depth of trench , from surface of the ground to inve,rtof the sewer. ca, S,,'t ',,'ot'})U,", Q~j.'l~l,'r,',"on,' _Pipe 'in,,', ~tieU:O,f .\ti~ifi.8," G..., C"i,a,Y.. castr,o~,..duc"t.ile ,-i~on pipe , n.ot;i, shown 'on 'the I plan's , ~ut ,placed upon direction of the Engineer in, lieu of clay, pipe shall be paid for as" clay in accordance with Item "B" above plus the contract unit price per lineal foot bid as "Additional cost per. foot for Subs titut:i ng 'castordoctil~ iron pipe in lieu of ,clay as listed On the Proposal Form for the diameter of pipe furnished. cast iroll pipe fittings shall, be paid. for at. the Con,tract Unit Price per pound for the sta.qdard w~ight of,fittinqs ,and', speoials .' insta1~ed . Payment will 'not be made' for glands, gaskets, bolts or other accessories. Manholes ' Manholes will bepCiid for to a depth of. eight (8lfeet ctt:the'Contract Unit Price per manhole, including base, C()V~r,CU1d,r;ng. Manholes will be,measure<1 .fX'Qa'top of 'covet "to invert:of :$;8wer. 27 sc-ss Excess Depth of Manholes Manholes constructed to a depth greater tp.aneight (8) feet will be paid for at the Contract Unit Price per linear,foot ,for each ,foot ofd~pth greater than eight 'C">feet: . All excess depth on the pr~j ect '''1,J.1.l, be addE!d ,together ".to 'de termine, ,payment, for, exces$tlepth for eaco diiilmeter, o~ manhole. . Orop,Section for Drop Manholes TypeA- The drop section ,with ,the tee' for drop manholes shall,corisistof,elbow, tee.and4 feet of sewer pipe or part of lE!ngtb, as . may b'e required ,including, conp:rete base ,and pipe support and will be paid for at theCon~ . tract,Unit Price for each unit,. .'1'ypeB-The 'drop, section without tee for drop manholes shall consist o'f an elbow' and 4 feet of sewer pipe or .part .c:)f~length ~s ,may ,be "required with a .clay, ,stopper, :inCluding,concretebase and'pipesupport'andw~llbe paldfor at the Conci:'eteU~i-t price ,for eachu.ni t.. F. ~ Risers for Drop Manholes . Tile 'risers for drop mallholes consist of V.S.P. orP.V.C. 'including pipes'u{)pot\tan4. willbepaiq forat,tbe ,Con- trapt:Unit.,price 'per '1.ineal foot above the height covered by HE" a.bove. ,',' r- 'D. . ~-'.. E. ~. CoiinElction to EXl.st.inci Dropsee'tloris -~--, '~connec.tionto an~existi,n9 drop section shall .consist ofc~pletin9 a type "B"drop section" as covered:under Item ,"E" above , by cutting into the 'existing "manhole andfurni'shing a tee, completely installed andwilJ. .be >pa~d.foJ: a~theCol1;ract UnitP;J:.ice. Any remova19f, or>adai tion .' to ,existing drop section 'shall 'be: paid for as pe:r:, Item "F" above. H. Wyes,Teesand- Special .Fittinqs . '.',. ' Wy~s,tees and, special.fittingswill bep~idfor at the 'COntJ:'actPr;ioe for each unit furnished of 'the size al'ld class"ificaticOn specffj.ed in t.heProposaIForm. , I. Catch . Basins Cat:ch.basiX'ls will', be paid 'fo:r at the Contract Ul11t Price including .base and casting. J. Flared End Sections in Place Snd,se(:t,iQnsw.i.~lbepaidfor:at the Contract UnitPric'e' :f:qx:'ea.ch.~+zep~u17nt$~ed,' al",lcishall include plaoingcos,ts; and'r,ip . ':rClp'and: tr8'.h gu~rd. .--- r-' <l:IL 28 s~~,~ ,-- - I t"'... r- P+linq. P1.1ing up to ,20 feet long incluaing caps shall be paid for at the Contract Unlt Price, for each single pile bent in place. Noadd~tional payment will be made 'for cradles. AnY piling- required over 20 feet in length shall be paid for as exce'ss length of piling_ Cut off lengths will not be paid.. Double pile bents shall be, paid for according to the length of each individual pile. There shallb~ no addi- tional compensation for lumber or hardware used to tie the piles ,together. L. Rock Foundation Materials Material used for refilling to pipe foundation grade to assure ,firm foundation for pipe shall be paid for at the Contract Unit Price per ton in place. Payment shall include cost of excavation and p~acement. K. M. Additional Trench Backfill and Beddin9 Material Material used for. ,backfill and'bedding which .the Engi- neerdirects to be purc~ased shall be paid for by the ton'in place. N. Sod Sod will 'be paid for at. the Contract Unit Price p~r square'-yarcf--iii--pIace. Quantities will be determlhedby measurement in the field. The price shall include all nec.ssary black' dirt. Special Sections Special sections will be paid for at the Contract.Price .on alump'sumbasls fo.rall work and material necessary for the complete installation or c,onstruction. Pilin9 Foundation fo-r Manholes Payment for "Piling Founda~ion forUanho'1es"willbe.paid at the unit price bid and shall include steel reinforce- ment of the base, together with four (4) twenty (20) foot piles each. Pillngover twenty (20) feet in len9thw~11 be paid for at,.theCpntract Unit P~ice per linear foot for each foot .of, length over twenty, (20) feet driven in place below cut,":"off. Additional Cost for Pipe on Pilini An additional cost per linear foot will be paid for rein.;.. forced concrete pipe 'on pilingwhiQh will be compensation for installing special piling pipe, where required, by .the~ngineer, for all depth zones for each size and class 'of .pipe as indicated on the Proposal Fonn. o. P. Q. 082 29 SC-ss r-- An~dd~ti.onalcost,per linear .foot will 'bep.1df()r :,duotile iron pipe on piling in lieu' 'ofV.S.'''.~,wb.:re ~~,!lP1red, by the Engineer, which will, beco~sation for "'.installing t.heduc;ile iron pipe on piling, ,:l.nC:luding allnece.llaryfittings, for all depth 'zones as indicated on,t.l1e Propq~alForm.- , , , R. Her<;Ted]];.ems, - ---. -.--, ' .--,---,. -- -,--- , 'rhecostof all material,and,labor required to complete 'this project as specif'iedand shown on the Plans, bu1;. not'spec'ifically included as a pay ite~, shall be merged , with, the various unit prices bid. ~'" B., Seedin~ , ' Se.dingofareas as required by the Engineer shall be- att.he'unit price bid per, acre including 4ft of topsoil, ,f~rtilize as recommended by the ,manufacturer 'and ma,in- tenance as ,required under M.H.D. Specification,257.S. ,- ,r- ~ 082 30 ~c~ss - PROPOSAL FORM ~ STREET PAVING, STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANT WORK FOR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA PROJECT NO. 79-2 S .A. P. 201-,111-01 ANNA TRAIL (TO BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE) r To the City Council of Prior Lake, Minnesota 4629 Dakota Street Southeast Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 - Gentlemen: 1. The following proposal is made for furnishing and install- ing Street Paving, Storm ~ewer and Appurtenant Work (Project No. 79-2, S.A.P. 201-111-01.) - 2. The Undersigned certifies that the Contract Documents listed in the Instructions to Bidders have been carefully examined, and tha't the site of the work has been personally inspected. The Undersigned declares that the amount and nature. of the work to be done is understood, and that at no tLme will misunderstanding of the Contract Documents be pleaded. On the basis of the Contract Documents the Undersigned proposes to furnish all necessary apparatus and other means of construction, to do all the work and furnish all the materials in the manner specified, to finish the entire project within the time herein- after specified, and to accept as full compensation there- fore the sum of the various products obtained by mutliplying each unit price herein bid for the work or materials, by the quantities thereof actually incorporated in the completed project, as determined by the Engineer. The Undersigned understands that the quantities mentioned herein are approxi- mate only, and are subject to increase or decrease, and hereby proposes to perform all quantities of work as either increased or decreased in accordance with the provisions of the speci- fications, at the unit prices bid in the following Proposal Schedules, unless. such schedules designate lump sum bids. - ,.- I. 082-2918.01 PF-l ~l 1 1 1 1 ] 1 J ~ . ~~~l '---J '] '1 '1 1 1 '--1 'J 3. PROPOSAL SCHEDULE Bidder agrees to perform all Street Paving, storm Sewer, and Ae.purtenant Work described in the specifications and shown on the plans, for the following unit prices:' SPEC~ REFERENCE NUMBER 2104.503 2104.503 Spec. Prove Spec. Prove 210S.501 2211.501 2331.504 2331.514 2341.504 2341.508 Spec. Prove Spec. Prove 082-2918.01 ITEM Remove Bituminous Drive- way Pavement Remove Bituminous Pavement Crushed Rock for Driveways Driveway Wearing Course Mixture (including aggre- gate base) Common Excavation (Cut) Aggregate Base Class 5 Bituminous Material for Mixture Base Course Mixture Bituminous Material for Mixture Wearing Course Mixture Bituminous Material for Tack Coat BitUminous ,Material for Prime Coat TOTAL ESTIMATE COST TOTAL UNIT :QUANT ITY UNIT COST Sq . Ft. ' 300 Sq . Ft. 3,000 Ton 5 Ton 5 Cu. Yd. 1,500 Ton 1, 10 0 Ton 19 Ton 380 Ton 19 Ton 260 . Sq. Yd. 3,000 Gal. 900 PF-2 1 } ') "1 '-1 '1 '} "I ' -'--1 1 1 '1 , c1 1 C-1 . 1 SPEC. TOTAL REFERENCE ESTIMATE COST TOTAL NUMBER ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST 2503.511 12" R.C.P. Sewer Class IV L.F. 216 catch basin leads 2503.511 15" R.C.P. Sewer Class IV L.F. 235 Spec. Cond. Install 15" R.C.P. Flared End Section with Rip Rap Ea. 1 Spec. Cond. Rock Foundation Material Ton 100 Spec. . Cond. Construct Standard Storm Ea. 3 Sewer Manholes, with Cast- ings (8' deep or less) Spec. Cond. Excess Manhole Depth for L.F. 7 Each Additional Foot in . Depth 2506.509A Construct Catch Basins Ea. 4 With Castings 2506.522 Adjust Frame and Ring Ea. 5 Casting for Manhole 2531.501 Concrete Curb & Gutter L.F. 1,430 Design B-618 Spec. Prove Concrete Driveway En- L.F. 30 trances (6") Spec. ProVe Concrete Driveway En- L.F. 180 trances (8") 082-2918.01 PF-3 I Ii SPEC. REFERENCE NUMBER 2575..505 Spec. Prove 082-2918.01 ) } . '.-J Sodding Seeding 1 ITEM -J 1 ) , ..} UNIT Sq. Yd. Ac. GRAND TOTAL -1 , ,.,,' ' , , TOTAL ESTIMATE QUANTITY 600 0.5 1 COST UNIT . ~ "I TOTAL COST PF-4 r- '~ r- 4. The Undersigned further proposes to execute the Contract Agreement and to furnish'satisfactory bond within ten (10) days after notice of the award of contract has been,received. The Undersigned further proposes to begin work as specified, to complete the work, on or before date specified, and to maintain at all times a Contract Bond, approved by the City, in an amount equal to the total bid. S. Accompanying this proposal is the Bid Security r~quired to be furnished by the Contract Documents, the same being subject to forfeiture in event of default by the Undersigned. r ,.... ,,-. 6. In submitting his proposal, it is understood 'that the right is reserved by the OWner to reject any or all proposals and to waive informalities. - 7. In submitting this proposal, the Undersigned'acknowledges rece!ptof Addenda Nos. issued to the Con- tract Documents. f" 8. If a corporation, what is the state of incorporation? ~ 9. If a partnership, state full names of all co-partners. ,.... Official Address Firm Name r- By Title ~ .-:.. By Title Date ...... I r- ,.- 082-2918.01 PF-S ,..... ,... APPENDIX "..... " Soil Borings ,'- - - r- ~ 4 "..... r- ,..... ,- - * Soil borings were taken by Braun Engineering Company for project design. Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. is not responsible for their accuracy. - I - ..... 082-2918.01 AppendIx ~ ,.- r- AFFIDAVIT AND INFORMATION REQUIRED OF BIDDERS Affidavit of non-collusion: ,- r-- I hereby swear (or affirm) under the penalty for perjury: (1) That I am the bidder (if the bidder is an individual), a partner in the bidder (if the bidder is a partnership), or an officer of employee of the ,bidding corporation having authority to sign on its behalf (if the bidder is a corporation), - (2) That the attached bid or bids have been arrived at by the bidder independently, and have been submitted without collu- sion with, 'and without any agreement, understanding, or planned CO~~Dn course of action with, any other vendor of materials, supplies, equipment or services described in the invitation to bid, designed to limit independent bidding or competition, (3) That the contents of the bid or bids have not been communicated by the bidder or its employees or agents to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished with the bid or bids, and will not be commu- nicated to any such'person prior to the official opening of the bid or bids; and ~ r ~ . (4) That 1 have fully informed myself regarding the accuracy of the statements made in this affidavit. ,.. Signed': Firm Name: ;- Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 ,.... ...-. 'NotaryPubl ic My commission expires 19 - Bidder's E. I. Number (Nwnber, used ,on Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return, U. S.Treasury Department Form 941J: -l- AFFIDAVIT - ,....... . .-- ~ r- ,-. . Fair Trade Items: List below each which is affected by ,contract between the item to the bidder. ,.... r- ,...... ~ "... ~ ,... r- ~ - ,... -!"""'- '!"'""' ~ item upon which a bid is made, the price of a resale price maintenance or "fair trade" bidder and the person or fIrm supplying the (Use reverse side 'if necessary) . -2- AFFIDAVIT ,..-. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR THE r I r- , THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of the day of by and between' the r- f.iINNESO'I'A, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of - Minnesota, hereinafter called the "OWner" and hereinafter called - , the "Contractor", WITNESSETH: That in consideration of their mutual covenants and agree- r-- ments as hereinafter set forth, the Owner for itself and the ..- Contractor for itself, its successors ~nd assigns, covenants and agrees as follows; to wit: ~ 1. The Contractor agrees to furnish all the necessary materials, labor, use of tools, equipment, plant and every other thing necessary to perform the work designated and referred to in this contract, including all Contractor's superintendence and to , furnish everything necessary for the completion of the improvement ,-.. - r- which is the subject of this agreement (except such things as the OWner has specifically agreed to provide, according ,to the contract doc~ents); and agrees under penalty of a public contractor's ,- corporate surety bond in the amount of to perform and complete the work shown in the plans and drawings, entitled r- ~ I "'""" -1- r- ,-.. Improvement No. prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & A~sqciates, Inc.bf Minneapolis, Minnesota and dated and to conform in all respects with the provisions and requirements of the general conditions, special conditions and special provisions for said improvement, which are entitled "Contract Documents for ~ r- r- r- for' the OWner prepared by said Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Ass!Jciate's, Inc. and dated 2. The Contractor agrees that performance shall be in accordance with the terms, requirements and conditions of this instrument, and l~ws of the State of Minnesota, and the following documents: Advertisement for Bids for said Improvement No. for the OWner. Proposal by the Contractor, presented to the Council of the OWner on and accepted by the OWner on Contract Documents for said Improvement No. dated referred to in the preceding paragraph of this Agreement and made a part of the aforementioned proposal. Plans and Drawin~ for said Improvement No. as identified in the preceding paragraph of this Agreement and which are dated Any Addenda to the plans, drawings, general conditions and specifications for said Improvement No. which addendum was prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates, Inc. Public Contractor's Surety Bond in the principal sum of.the amount bid. ,.,.,.. -r-- r- ,,- r- ,..... .,.-. ,,-. - ,..... - -2- ".,- ,- ,,-. , Each and all of the aforementioned contract documents are ~ hereby incorporated into this Agreement by specific reference and the terms and provision thereof are and constitute a part of this.Agreement c;lS though attached hereto or fully set forth herein. ...... ,.... 3. The Owner agrees to pay the Contractor for the performance of this Agreement and the Contractor agrees to accept in full compensation therefor, the sums set forth within the aforementioned proposal of the Contract'or for each unit and each type of unit of work to be performed. It is understood and agreed that the said proposal is for the construction of said Improvement No. on a unit price basis in accordance with said proposal, and that r- ..,-. sum of as set out in said proposal, is the sum T of the unit prices, multiplied by the estimated quantities of the respective units of work listed therein. ,-. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. ,-. ,-. Contractor "...... By By (Corporate Seal) ~ - By By ,.... Ci ty Seal) ,.- -3- r- r- r- ."..... 77-402 SOILS INVESTIGATIONS Anna Trail & Vine Street Prior Lake, Minnesota r ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON & ASSOCIATES, INC. .,.... I ( August 31, 1977 ~ ,.- ~ ,..-. ,-.. - ,.-. i r- ~ ,..- BRIlOn"' ENGINEERING TESTING , An Expansion of Soil Engineering Services, Inc. DRIIU.D'.' ,-. INr APOUS/ST.PAUL 6800 S. County Rd. 18. P.O. 801 3S108. Mpls.. MR. 55435/&12.941.5800 Df( !ERN MINNtsOTA 3219E. 18th Avenue. Hibbing. Mlt. 55741/218.283.8869 ENGINEERING . cSnNG " r- August 31,' 1977 J. S. BRAUM p, E,. "'.nt P. H. ANDERSON. Vh>> /lira. Opf/rllt,on. t. G, KRUSE p, E.. 'V.c."'" EItfi"..,ill, 0, R, MOMAHAN P. E.. Vit.Y Pr... r.,i/lf r- Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. 2021 East Hennepin Ave. -Suite 238 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 r- Attn: Mr. Leroy Nyhus, P.E. r Re: 77- 402 SOILS INVESTIGATIONS Anna Trail & Vine Street Prior Lake, Minnesota ,.... I t Gentlemen: ,..- As requested, we have conducted a soils investigation on the two above referenced projects. Soil ~orings were taken to evaluate the soil and water conditions for support of the storm sewer on Vine Street and for design of the surfacing . on both streets. . Thiswork'was done in accordance with our proposal dated July 29, 1977. -r- r- The borings were taken at the locations. shown on the attached sketch. These locations were referenced to center lines of existing streets. Surface elevations were notdeter~ined as a part of this work since it is assumed that they are available from profiles or cross-sections. The borings were taken on August 17,1977 with a truck~ mounted core and auger drill. Penetration test b9rings were taken through the hollow-,stem auger in accQrdance with ASTM DIS86 "Penetration Test and Split Barrel Sampling of Soils'-J. Using this meth6d, the bore hole is advanced with the hollow- stem auger to the desired test depth. Then a140-pound hammer falling 30 inches drives a standard 2-inch OD split barrel sampler a total penetration of l~ feet below the tip of the hollow-stem auger. The blows for the last foot of penetration are recorded and are an index of soil strength characteristics. Soil samples were generally taken at 2~- foot increments to the IS-foot depth and at S-foot increments to the termination of ~he borings. Use of the hollow-stem auger eliminated the driving of casing and the need for jetting water. , ~ ,-. r- .,...... ~ ~ J"- Power auger borings were also taken with this equipment. The soils encountered and the strata depths were inferred from the samples brought to the surface by rotation of the auger. Thus, these are somewhat more approximate. ,-- CONSULTING ENGINEERS I SOilS AND MATERIALS T 8st BOrings. Foundation Engineering and RecommendatIons . Inspection of ConstructIon. Matetl,,1 Testing of Soils. Concrete and BUIlding Components 77-402 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc - >- August 31, 1977 .-- Each boring was probed immediately after its completion to, .cheekior the presence of groundwater. The borings were then. backfilled. ,- RESULTS: - The logs of It he soils encountered, penetration resistances, where recorded, and water level observations are shown on the attached Log of Borings sheets. Anna Trail: Power auger borings B-1 through B-3 were taken on this street. These borings generlly encountered a limited amount of sand at the surface, underlain by silty clayey sands. Water was not encountered.in probing the borings immediat~ly atter their completion. Vine Street: Power auger boring B-4 and penetration test borings 5T-5 through 5T-9 were taken on this alignment. Boring B-4 encountered silty clayey ~ands below the bituminous surface and aggregate base. This material extended to the termination depth of 10 feet. The penetration borings encountered fill soils to depths ranging from 3 feet to 12 feet. Immediately below the fill soils, there was typically a thin stratum of slightly organic to organic soils. Boring ST-7 encountered the most organic materials with approximately l~ feet of peat andmu~k. Because this boring was taken 6 feet feet off the center line, and a sewer line . has been installed down the center, it is probable that this is backfill of the sewer trench. At some distance away from the s~wer trench, it is possible that the depth of fill is smaller and the thicknes~ of the organic stratum is larger. However, the bottom elevation would he expected to be approxi- mately the same. The penetration resistances in the fill soils and the slightly organic soils immediately below the fill indicate that these materials are in a medium to stiff condition and thus are not particularly low strength or compressible. Water was encountered in these penet."ation test borings at depths of 2 to 6 feet when measured immediately after with... drawal of the auger. Given time to stabilize, it is likely that all of the penetration test borings would have water levels approximately 2 to 3 feet below the surface at the location 6f the boring. In the power auger boring, B-4, which was taken at a higher elevation. no groundwater was encountered. - ,..- - ,..... - ,- ~ r- ~ - ,.-. BMun~ ENGINEERING TESTING , ' r- 77-402 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc., Inc. -3- August 31, 1977 ANALYSIS & RECOMMENDATIONS: ~. Anna Tr.ail: The three borings taken on this street indicate relatively good soils conditions for the proposed surfacing. Because of the slightly plastic nature of the silty clayey sands, it is recommended that'this street design be based on an "R" value of 30 for use in the current Minnesota Depart~ ment of Transp6ration design procedure. The MN/DOT "Speci- fied Density" method of embankment placement and control is recommended. This requires compaction of the upper 3 feet of ~ny fill material to a minimum of 100% of standard Proctor dens ity. Al so , it is recommended that the upper 1 ,foot of the existing soils ,where they will be the top of the embank.... ment, be compacted to this requirement. ,.- ,... ,..- Vine Street: We understand that it is proposed to install a storm sewer along this street, regrade, and then surface the. finalized street. You indicated that the storm sewer would have a typical invert depth of approximately 6 feet. It appears that it would be desirable to raise the finished grade of the street ort the order of 3 feet in this area. This would get the finished grade approximately 5 feet above the water table and would reduce frost heaving potential in the area. It is suggested that this fill be a clean sand and gravel to further limit th~ potential damage from frost. I""""" r- ,.- ,.- The soils encountered in the power auger boring at the northerly end of the project are good soils for support of the storm sewer and proposed street. However, 'the soils encountered in the penetration test borings through the low area are somewhat marginal. The weight of the fill needed to raise the grade will cause a limited amount of settlement of the existing fill and organic soils. Also, there is some possibility that organic soils exist in thick~r layer out. side of the sewer trench. This could result in somewhat more settlement. Thus, it would be desirable to place the fill as early as possible a'nd delay final surfacing as long as possible. If the grade is raised approximately 3 feetr a storm sewer with a 6-foot invert would generally fall w1thin the existing fill. This material appears to be adequate for support ofa storm sewer. However, there maybe limited areas ~here some subcutting will be required and it is recommended that a pay item for this be included in the contract. It is assumed that the storm sewer will have sufficient slope that it can tolerate some settlement which might occur. In the event that this is not the case, it would be neoessary to subcut the fill and any underlying organic materials and replace them with a controlled, compacted backfill for , support of the PiPe'BRIIUn'. ,-. ,.-.. ,..... ~ - ENGINEERING TESTING .' r- 77-402 Orr~Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc. , Inc. -4- August 31, 1977 ,.- Street surfaciIlg design should probably be placed on the silty clayey sands encountered in B-4. These materials would have an "R". value of 30. I f the fill soils brought in' are clean sand and gravel, they would have an fiR" value of approximately 60. However, because of. the relatively high water table, an "Rtf value of 30 would provide additional strength against the frost damage potential. As notcdfot Anna Trail, it is recommended that the~lN/DOT "Specified Density" method be used for cOI'ltrolling the embankment. ,.- r- - REMARKS: r- The analysis and recommendationssub~itted in ~hisrcport are based upon the data obtained from the 9 soil borings performed at the locations indicated on the attached sketch. Variations may occur between these borings, the nature and extent of which may n6t become evident until construction. If variations are encountered, it will be necessary to make a re-evaluation of the recommendations of this report after performing on-site observations during the construction and notirtg the characteristics ~f any variations. Such varia- tionsmay result in additional foundation costs and it is suggested that a contingency be provided [or this purpose. r- - ,-.. ,- To permit correlation of the soil data obtained to date \vith the actual soil conditions encountered during construction a.nd to provide continuing professional responsibility for the conformanc~ of the construction to the concepts originally contemplated in this report and to the plans and specifica- tions, it is recommended that we be retained to develop and perform the necessary observation and testing program for the excavation and foundation phases of the project~ If others perform the recommended observations and/Qr testing of construction~ professional respoIlsibility becomes divided since in doing so, they assume responsibility for verifying that the soil conditions throughout the construction areas are similar to those encountered in the borings or recognizing variations which would require a change in recommendations. lfwe can be of further assistance in evaluating these data or providing further services, kindly contact us at your convenIence. r- ,..... ,..... ,.- r i Very truly yours, ,.- BRAUN ENG/N~RIN .-6f:xr C. G. Kruse, P. E. Vice President-Enginecrin2 ,.- CGK/skf ,.-- ~ t. ,(in',.,' r ',I n.,,, '~PC'1 "nd SlJppO"I,ng UOCl.(rTienlS are lor the e.l'llJsl~ '1ll<;t: of the adrjrt..,<;(,.." In lhf' "t)S/mC f' of r'W p"or wrItten approval , . "".' ill".', 00 rt'rr('<;t"llal,on and as'iume nO't'sponSlh,LI) 1(\ allY othpr parl'l'S rcgai!:1:fJq suet! ('olltl'rd r- r- ~ ,-- r ,....... r. ,.- ( - 1*- ,.... r- r- r- : ,-. ,.... , . ,,'" ~-5' ANNA 7i~/L. ../ tJ . B-1 . I . B-lJ .-B='i - .... =-=- -'l.. 4'" oE~:~C6;r>tc z.; ~-- 200' 1~. ..~ ~. \:J / / '/ . ~. ~~ /~ ;.,t ~ / ~ / ~V .~ I I VINE .5'r. ~ I \- IJ) t'-' (() ~ I I \ h '""' ~ V) V) V) /f " ~ " s ,S-S--S- , ~ ~ ISO -4 - L_.. ....~. J 1:"0' -.I " '75 IT 7 ~ rl -' ~l S L_ Dr l'rll;)rl (' (' I :;"~JPlrt'// / '.. I 7~~::i I...:;'. 'i /~i() . L 0 Cd II (J I) g{' fo v.Jr r A j J . . I L-:. .~ t /ll () " BMUn" . 77- 402- AAlNA T~A/L AND VIN~' STAtET /1--101''' lake!!, M/V Det.: S - 2 9- 7 R.viild: Or..n: c~ K Sc.": /" =- 2{)() I ENGINEERING TESTING '" LOG OF BORINGS - ~~~- --%";~~~~:~~:~~~.~; DATE: 8/1 7/77 PROJ Eel: 77-402 Soils loves tigation Anna Trail and Vine Street Prior Lake, Minnesota SCALE: 1" =4 ' ,..... BORING: B-1 SURF. ELEV: BORING: B-2 SURF .ELEV: ., - ,..... LOCATION: 20D'E of Duluth. 5'S of center- line Anna Trail. , .ASJ'H D:l.A~~ ..' ASTM- . De~th DeSCription ot' N\atereals 1124RL Wl - _A_~ _ SAND ~T ,IGHTLY. .sILTY.. ~.. SP.=-S~t >. SILTY CLAYEY SAND, with / . Jf a little fine to medium SM-SP o Gravel, brown, moist. I ~ / "1"'4 e cu o6.J LOCATION: 400'E of Duluth, 5'S of center- line Anna Trail. . . I ASTM D2488. . I AST of Depthl DescriptIon of' ~terla s D~J7 Wl SILTY SAND to SAND, fine to medium-grained, with a SM-SP trace of fine Gravel, brown, moist. - / A A, ~.H. 0 /// "'. ,J ,/ ~." ~.) .f) / C'1 /1 A _ \ . b 5 Slot ,..... SP-SM r- - I \.Ja ter level not ~ncountered when probing boring immediately after withdrawal of auger. Water level not encountered when. ,rGbing boring immediately, after withdrawal of auger. Bbring then backfilled. Boring then backfilled. -- *with a little fine to medium Gravel, brown, moist. ,.... r- ~ Note: Surface elevations not de te ined ,is part of this work. r- ) r- ,.... "..... r ,.- ,..... ~ r- - ,.- ,.-. ,..... ,.-. ,..... r ,..- LOG - l-' ----- --- '-. --. OF B 0 RING S "--..- PRC>JECT: 77-402 Soils Investigation Anna Trail and Vine Street Prior Lake, Minnesota - ~.- - lOCATION: 600 'E of Duluth, 5'S of center- line of Anna Trail. . 1\::> J. L"l 1..' q 99 . A::> J. L"l ' _ D?~h ~:~~~!p~~~{~;~'I.~!~r..~~~.._-",ek:,Wl SILTY CLAYEY SAND, brown mo is t . BORING: SURF. ElEV: B-) . >- 00 o .-I o ~ ___,.1. e OJ .., SM-SC OJ > "rf ~ Po ~ J.l o fn OJ -0 SILTY SAND to SILTY CLAYEY SAND, with a trace of fine Gravel, brown, moist. SM-SC -0 c:: ro 10 t:: o ~ .., ~ ...:i .." > ~ *bro,wn, 1110 ist. Water level not encountered when probing boring inmediately after withdrawal of auger. J.l o 4-l Boring then backfilled. fn OJ .., ro .-I ~ -0 ,.. ." -0 c:: ." .u en ." c:: ." +oJ' J.l o ~ OJ ~ <U OJ en "-' ------- --- DATE: 8/ 17/77 SCALE: 111_4' BORING: B-4 SURF. ElEV: Depth 5" loeA TION: 100' S of S. Anna Lane, 10' E of centerline Vine St. A~TM U..!4~ A~TM Description of f.itaterials D24R7' Wl * SILTY CLAYEY SAND, light brown, with a trace of SM-SC _~__ _~~~d. moi~t. _. _..___-.___ SILTY CLAYEY SAND, gray, moist. SM-SC 7 .._ _W.".__"_"_'_'_" . _..__ '_'_"'_'___' ___._._....4 SILTY CLAYEY SAND, light-- brown, moist. SM-SC 10 *0-1~1t Bituminous surface. 1~"-5" Aggregate Base. \-later level not encountered when probing boring immediately af ter wi thdr awal 0 f auger. . Boring then backfilled. r ,--. ,...... r i - . ,...... ~ ..5]- 2 .e L- t). ~ r C) .2: ... 0.- e_ I L- U Vt 'G -c r r ,..-- Cc .9 ... -. g 0' >. G r- ~ "'1 r- , Vt G ... J2 0.. ,..... -c L- a -g o ... V') ~ ,..... 0 ... ~ Q. G Ck:: 1)- I) V') ,..... - ,..... LOG OF BORING HHIIDII ENGINEERING TESTING " PR()JECT: 77-402 Soils Investigation Anna Trail and Vine Street Prior Lake, Minnesota BORING. ST-5 LOCA TION: 250' S 0 f S. Anna Lane, 12'S of centerline Vine St. DATE: 8/17/77 T..... Elev. ASTM Depth D2487 o , Symbol BPf WL of Matertals D2488) Oeser tptt on (ASTM : 1 GP -'-----.---".'- --.- Fill, crushed limestone, brown. SILTY CLAYEY SAND, dark brown to brown, moist, loose. (Probable Fill) SM-SC 6 4 9 SILTY CLAYEY SAND~ with a trace of SM-SC organic, gray mottled with black, wet, soft. 6 (Alluvium) -0 C o SAND, SLIGHTLY SILTY, with a trace SP-SM of fine Gravel, gray, waterbeartngt 6 loose. (Alluvium) 13 9 CLAYEY SAND, gray, wet. . __ ~~.~~,.._ .._~C . <~.~}~~i,um~ SP SAND fine-grained, gray water- --,. _ .J~. ~~. __ __" . _l?_eJ~~!'!!U~.L~~~.9 iu~. _<!~_!!~_e..~ J~J. ~.~v i um) ~ 14 Water level down 11' with 15' of hollow-stem auger in ground. Water level down.3' immediately after withdrawal of auger.. Boring then backfilled. . lsCA l.E: 1"-4' << Not.. 'LOG OF BORING BRIIUn ENGINEERING TESTlNG ... PRC>JECT: 77-402 Soils Investigation Anna Trail and Vine Street Prior Lake, Minnesota BORING" ST-6 LOCA liON: 400' from S. Anna Lane, 7'S of centerline Vine St. ,..... ~ ASTM Elev. ' Depth 02487 o Symbol b" __ __..Gf p . DATE: 8/17/77 " "Tests DescrIption of M:lterlals' BPF WL (ASTM: D2488) Fill..c.D1s hed..llmes.tone." brown.__ SILTY CLAYEY Sl~~D, brown, moist. (Probable Fill) " 1SCA LE: 1"-4' << Not.. SM-SC - - 3 4 SM-SC r- >- ---......- ~, ...2 2 ---- .e L. 4): ... SM SILTY CLAYEY SAND, gray mottled* -5 Ii ty- SANIi,'-wi th"" a"'-tr-;ce 0 f fine Gravel, gray, waterbearing, medium dense. (All uvi um) 15 - G .2: .. .e- L. u '" G -0 8 9 11 -0 C' 10 . - SANfi-;---mecT:fUrii--to'-coEirse":'-ralned, SP .. _.2ra"W,. waterbearinj;l.. (Alfuvium) SILTY SAND, fine-grained, ,gray, SM waterbearing, medium dense. (Alluvium) 12 r r- c. 0' .';: g o > G ~ __,.,_ _ . ,J5- _..J.. .... 22 ,.- 24 *with black, 'moist. (Alluvium) .,. G .. ..2 0.. Water level down 9' with 15' of hollow-stem auger in ground. ,.... -0 L. a ""2 o. .. V') Water level down 2' immediately after withdrawal of auger. I Boring then backfilled. -- "'2 o .. a Q. C) '" C) t) V') ,.... - - LOG OF BORING PR()JECT: 77-402 Soils Investigation Anna Trail and Vine Street Prior Lake . Minnesota ,-. r- E rev. ASTM Depth 02487 o Symbol DescrIptIon (ASTM : of MaterIals 02488) . ,-. * crushed limestone. brown, moist. ,...' _"'_' ..1____ ___ __G.P__._ - ,-. >- 0.- ~ .g e .. t,) .... --.--' ..-- ,-.. C) > .- .... .e.: .. u ~ t,), ". " c o ,-. ,.... ! c .-'-- .2 .. g ~-,--- g C>> ,.... ~- ~ r- ~ G- .. -2 -.-'. 0... ,-.. " .. " "'2 " .. V') ,.- ~ o ,-. .. h Q t,) '" C>> t) V') ".... ......... . ,-.. SM-SC 6. _._ Fill, SILTY CLAYEY SAND, light brown with a trace of black, moist, medium dense. Fill, SILTY CLAY, with a trace of CL-CH organic, brown mottled with gray. wet, medium to stiff. 12 13.5 Pt ML 17.5 SP-SM 20.5 PEAT and MUCK, with lenses of SILTY CLAY, dark brown to ** SILT, gray, wet, medium dense-':'.'-' (Alluvitnn) SAND, SLIGHTLY SILTY to SILTY SAND, gray, waterbearing, medium dense. (Alluvium) *1~' Bituminous surface. **black, wet. (Swamp Deposit) Water level down IS' with 20' of hollow-stem auger in ground. Water level down 6' immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring then backfilled. BRIIUII ENGINEERING TESTING , BORING. ST-7 LOCATION: 550' from S. Anna Lane, 6's centerline Vine St. DA TE:8 /17 /77 , . T.... BPF WL SCA Lf. 1"-4' r , or Not.. 17 13 8 5 12 12 LOG OF BORING BIVIUII ENGINEERING TEsnNG PRC>JECT: 77-402 Soils Investigation Anna Trail and Vine Street Prior Lake, Minnesota BORING. ST-8 lOCATION: 475' from S. Anna Lane, 6'S of centerline Vine St. ,..... Elev. Depth' o 1 -- ----,~ --. --. ._- ASTM D2487 Description of tVaterlals Symbo~ (ASTM: D2488) _~M, *s~~~:_.._~~.n._~. ~,.a.:~. ~~~~_~..~,~~st. DATE: 8/17/77 Tesh lsCA 1.E: 1"-4' or Not.. ,..... BPF WL SM-SC Fill, SILTY CLAYEY SAND, light brown to brown, moist. . I I - :- ,..... >. 0'.. J?' 0-'.- c: .- E ... t) .. _.._.__4._..,._ ___ SM-SC -> _. --. "---~-_.'._-.-."'---'".---''' '-... -...--.......-... -_. -.".- SILTY CLAYEY SAND, gray mottled with black, moist, rather stiff. (Alluvium) 12 C) . .~ -. .s. ... u .... t)" -0 ..6...5- I SM .-- SILTY SAND, with lenses of SI~T, gray, waterbearing, loose to medium dense. (Alluvium) 8 ,.- 12 'tJ c o ".-- "... c .2 .. __.__.., "0_ 13..__. ~ g SP C1 15.5 ~ -...... -'" -.'_. ...- ..... 22 .... -. ..-..--. SAND, medium to coarse-grained, gray, waterbearing, medium dense. (Alluvilml) 13 r- *1" Bitminous surface. .... I) - ~ 0- Water level down 10' with 15' of hollow-stem auger in ground. ,.- - -0 ... o ~ .E Vl . Water level down 3' immediately after withdrawal of auger. Boring then backfilled. ,-- -g o ,-- .. ~ Q. C) a:: 4> 4>-; Vl ,-- LOG OF BORING PROJECT: 77-402 Soils Investigation Anna Trail and Vine' Street Prior Lake, Minnesota - . E lev. - - >.1 tni ..2' g. .- E~ '- --..---.... ... tJ .... - tJ .2: .... --_. .9- '- CJ' 1)---,... '''OJ ." C o. ,-- c o. -- : .... j. g tJ ,..... ,-I 0-"'--'-' ~ I) .... o 4:, -- ." '- o "'2 .E. V') -- -g, o -- .... ~, Q' tJ ex " tJ V') -- ASTM Depth 02487 o Symbol DescrIptIon (AS TM : of !\Jatert a Is 02488) 1 Crushed limestone, brown, moist. GP Fill, SILTY CLAYEY SAND, light 3M-SC brown to brown, moist, loose to medium dense. 5.5 r _.Q .,,S l+-, S C SILTY CLAYEY SAND, smells .organi,..* . SILTY CLAYEY SAND, gray t wet, nU:~QJ lJ~Lc!~!!S~_..." (A~ 1 uvi urn) SILTY SAND, gray, waie-rbearIng, medium dense. (Alluvium) CLAYEY SAND. with a trace (~'f ...--..---- organic, gray, wet, medium. (Alluvium) ~_,I!-.?. .. . ~ M- S C 9 SH ML 11.5 SILTY SAND, gray, waterbearing, SM 'medium dense. (All uvium) 15.5 *black, wet. (Alluvium) ~ater level down 13' with 15' of ~ollow-stem auger in ground. ,vater level down 3' immediately ~fter withdrawal of auger. 30ring then backfilled. HIUIUII ENGINEERING TESnNG . BORING.~ ST-9 LOCA liON: 700' from S. Anna Lane, 6'S of centerline Vine St. DATE: 8/17/77 Tests ISCA LE: 1"=4' (X Notes BPF WL ,9 12 _li... 7 14 16 ." . -._. ". ....._.J . PARneLE IIZE IDENTIFICAnON ,.-. Boulden Gtevel eoerlt MedIum Fine Send eo... MIcIum Fine Very Fine Silt Clay No. 4 - No. 10 No. 10 - No. 40 No. 40 - No. 100 No. 100 -No. 200 No. 200 - .oos mm 1_ than .00& mm over 3"' 1" -. 3"' 1/2" - 1" No.4 - 117' ,- - RELAnVE DENSITY OF COHESION LESS SOl LS ,.-. ,.-. very 100M loose medium dlI.... din. very de.... o - .. BPF 6 -- 10 BPF 11 - 30 BPF 31 - &0 BPF 60+ BPF ,.-. RELATIVE PROPORTI'ONS OF GRAVEL ,...... a trace 0- 6" a little 6 - 15" somi 16 - 30Wt ,..- end 31 - 50% r- DRI LUNG NOTES: r- DESCAI,PTIVETERMINOLOGV 501 L INTRUSIONS THICKNESS 0-1/8" 118" - 1" 1" - 12" alternating ...... or lentil of clays and Iiltl in lake deposit RELAnVI PROPORTIONS with e few 0 - 10" with IOmI 11 - ~ wi. eMr 20" lense ..m leyer varved MOISTURE CONTENT ORGANIC CONTENT Dry Moist Wet Waterbellring leu than 6" under optimum moisture over optimum moilture i8tureteet und non to slightly Organic slightly orglnie orgIftie muck put o - I" 1-1" 11 - ." 26 - ." .. CONSISTENCV OF . COHESIVE SOl LS PLASnClTY OF SOILS WITH LESS THAN 201. CLAY very soft , .oft rather soft medium rather Itiff .tiff very Itiff herd o - 1 BPF 2- 3 BPF 4 - 5 BPF 6 - 8 BPF . 9 - 12 BPF 13 - 16 BPF 17 - 30 BPF 30+ BPF plastic non plastic Ilightly plastic .itty. cannot thread rough to smooth. hard to thread smooth to waxy. easy to thre" LABORATORY TESTS DO WD MC LL PL PI Dry Density. pet Wet Density. pet Natural Moilture Content, " Liquid Limit. " Plastic Limit, " Plasticity Index, " oc S SG C . qu OrgMicCOntent. " ,,"*,t of "turation. " Specific; Grwity Cohesion Angle of ........ Friction Unconfinld Comprenive ~trength Standerd penetr.tion test borings were edvanced by 2"" or 3"" 1.0. hotlow-stem 8UgIfI unl... noted other- wise. Jetting water wn used to cleen out auger prior to sempling only ~ indicated on loga. Standard penetration test borings ere designeted by the prefix "ST" (Split Tube). Power euger borings were advanced by 4" or 6" diameter. continuous-flitl.lOIid Item a.,.rs. Soil classification and .trata depths"e inferred from disturbed semples augered to the IUrface _ a,. therefore somewhat approximete. Power auger borings ere designeted by the prefix "B". Hend probings were 'dYanced manually with a 1 W' diameter probe and are limited to the dep,h from which the probe can be manually withdrawn. Hand probings are Indicated by the prefix "H". Classification on logs i. made by inspection in accordance with the Unified Soil. CI_ific:ltion Sy.tem (IH attached chard uling vilual-manual procedures unle. noted otherwi.. Obs8rvations WIre made at the timel indicated. Porosity of 10011trate. I88IOft8I weather conditionl, lite topography. etc.. may cau.. changes in the water levels indicated on the I.. All umplet are taken with the Itandard 2" O. D. split-tube .mpler. except where noted. TW indicat.. thin- WIlli undilturbed sample. Numbers indicate blows per foot recorded in .tandard penetration _to 8110 known II UN" value. The .mpter i. .t 8" into undiltUrbed soil below the hollow-ltem auge,. Driving ............ are then counted for second and thi;'d 8" increments and added to get BPF. \'Where they differ significantly. they .... reported in the following form - 2/12 for the second and third 6" incrementa f'IIPICt.vetV. WH indicatel that .mpIer penetrated soil under weight of hemmer and ... ..... driving not NqUired. All Mltl run in accordance with eppIicable ASTM ltandards. ~ BRIIUn" ENGINEERING TESTING ''; r r ~ i V) -0 .,.. z: o V')C o "t:l CU"t:l CCU .a- C .res.,... s..1U c.!:) +J ~f V) s..~ 1U0 0Ll') U r ~ - ~ ,.... ~ ~ ,.... r o III 0 _N '0 VlO z: "t:l CUIll CCU .,.. III IUIIl s../O c.!:)~ I ~~ .,.. 0 ~e '" o ~ o Lr) CLA,SS I F I CAT JON OF SO I LS FOR ENG I NEER I NG PURPOSES ASTM DESIGNATION D-2487 Major Divisions CU > CU .... V) o o N CU > CU c.... ':;0V) , .... -=:t ~ft; . ~if~ IU It- s..s..cuc CJofo ~ 1U"t:l OoCU Ll')UC .:; +J f V) c_ lG,clI cu> -IU us.. CJ V) -.cV) ~~ ~ f~u:: CJ C IU .c +J It-C~ OOCU .~ . .... ~+J1Il OU V)ll')IU-=:t "t:l s.. C CIt- lUlU 0 V').ccuz: +JfV) f~~ oUV) :E: /0 c.. CV) 1U"t:l CUC _ IU uV') f o :E: ~:5~ C.,.. C ~~u:: cv > CU V) ~+Jv) _.,.. V) uecu .,.. - "t:l - C s.. 1U"t:l 0 V) 'S a~ ~' CTO _ ..... ll') .,.. ....I V') .,.. III III ~ ~+J~ W'E C .,.. /0 "'O-.c C +J /O"t:l .,.. s.. V)::JQJ +J CT +J _.,.. IU ~....If ~ Hignly organic soils ~ ~ Group SYnOols Typical Nanes (JIll Well-graded gravels and gravel-sand mixtures, li ttleor. no fines Classi f1 cati on Cri teri a Cu = DBO / D1.0 C =(D~ 2 DUJ X DfJ11 Greater than 4 Between 1 and 3 GP Poorly graded, gravel sand gravel-sand mixtures, Not neeting both cri teri a for GW little or no fines GM Silty gravels, gravel- sand-silt mi xtures GC Clayey gravels, gravel- sand-clay mi xtures SW We ll-graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fi nes SP Poorly graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fi nes SM Silty sands, sand-silt mi xtures BC Clayey sands, sand-clay mi xtures ML Inorgalli c si lts, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sand CL Inorganic clays of low to nediLm p 1 as ti ci ty, grav- elly clays, sandy clays, s i 1 ty clays, 1 ean clays Organic sl1tsand organic silty clays of low p 1 as t i ci ty OL MIi Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous silts, elastic silts Inorganfc cl ays of hi gh plasticity, fat clays CH OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity Pt Peat, lIIuck dnd ot~ler highly organic soils Atterberg 1 i mi ts plot below "A" line or p 1 asti ci tyi ndex less than 4 Atterberg limits plot above II A" 1 i neand plasticity index qreater than 7 Cu = D60/D10 C = (D~ 2 Dl.O X DIM Atterberg limits plot- ting in hatched area are borderli ne 'classifications re- quiring use of dual symbols Greater than 6 Between 1 and 3 Not meeting both criteria for SW Atterberg limits plot below "A" line or plasticity index less th an 4 Atterberg limits plot above IlA" line and plasticity index greater than 7 Atterberg limits plot- ting in hatched area . are borderline clas- s i ficat ions req ui ri ng use of synt>o 15 60. . . . I I Plasticity c~t Fore c'tassification of fine- 50 .g.rained soiZs and fine freaction of coarsa-fll'O.ined soils. ~ Ii Atterebereg limits pZottir.g in @./ ~ 40 'hatched al'"ea are bomflre, tins g' .~ o~a8Bification8 reequil'ing ~ 30 .;~~{o~~} ~:~~;~. /': ~ '6 PI - O.?J (LL-20.- iCV, /' t'!' .~ ~ / ] 20 '/ R. / l~ :::.::.~ i<<.!<'!:~ /@:f@ o 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 00 @)l@ Liquid ti17ri t Visual-manual identification V) - o S-S '''' ~ ~- UfO .... ::J It- "t:l .... V) It- ~ ~~~i ~~~~c:n C .... C ~ eg"'g~:~ 8. .. -:; '" 0- It- ~~~ f o , I I I cu , V) QJ>' .... > ell , V) cu...., IU .... V) ell .c V) > o ell S 8~~ N S .08 .... 0 z: N +J z: IU V) U V)V)O .... lit IU z: ~ IUQ. .... Q. V) V) ~V) V) ~N fO IU ll').... Q. - U V) ell C c;: ifi~ 5.c:~ ~o :f~ cuQ~ -'%Ln 90 10 ) BMun~ " ENGINEERING TESnNG I( _ .. PROPOSAL FORB STREET PAVING, STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANT WORK FORo CITY OF PRIORLAKE~ MINNESOTA PROJECT NO. 79-2 S . A. P . 20 1- 111- 01 ANNA TRAIL (TO BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE) To the City Council of Prior Lake, Minnesota 4629 Dakota Street Southeast Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 Gentlemen: 1. The following.proposal is made for furnishing and install- ing Street Paving, Storm Sewer and Appurtenant Work (Project No. 79 - 2, S. A . P. 20 1- 111- 0 1 . ) 2. The Undersigned certifies that the Contract Documents listed in the Instructions to Bidders have been carefully examined, and that the site of the work has been personally inspected. The Undersigned declares that the amount and nature of the work to be done is understood, and that at no time will misunderstanding of the Contract Documents be pleaded. On the basis of the Contract Documents the Undersigned proposes to furnish all necessary apparatus and other means of construction, to do all the work and furnish all the materials in the manner specified, to finish the entire project within the time herein- after specified, and to accept as full compensation there- fore the sum of the various products obtained by mutliplying each unit price herein bid for the work or materials, by the quantities thereof actually incorporated in the completed project, as determined by the Engineer. The Undersigned understands that the quantities mentioned herein are approxi- mate only, and are subject to increase or decrease, and hereby proposes to perform all quantities of work as either increased or decreased in accordance with the provisions of the speci- fications, at the unit prices bid in the following Proposal Schedules, unless such schedules designate lump sum bids. 082-2918.01 PF-l \ '. . 3. PROPOSAL SCHEDULE Bidder agrees to perform all Street Paving, Storm Sewer, and Appurtenant \vork described in the ~pecifications and shown on the plans, for the following unit prices: SPEC. REFERENCE NUMBER ~104.503 2104.503 Spec. Prove Spec. Prove 2105.501 2211.501 2331.504 2331.514 2341.504 2341.508 Spec. Prove Spec. Prove 082-2918.01 ITEt-1 Remove Bituminous Drive- way Pavement Remove Bituminous Pavement Crushed Rock for Driveways Driveway Wearing Course Mixture (including aggre- gate base) Common Excavation (Cut) Aggregate Base Class 5 Bituminous Material for t'lix ture Base Course Mixture Bituminous Material for Mixture Wearing Course Mixture Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Bituminous Material for Prime Coat TOTAL ESTIt-1ATE COST TOTAL UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST Sq. Ft. 300 Sq. Ft. 3,000 Ton 5 Ton 5 Cu. Yd. 1,500 Ton 1,100 Ton 19 Ton 380 Ton 19 Ton 260 Sq. Yd. 3,000 Gal. 900 PF-2 SPEC. REFERENCE NUMBER 2503.511 2503.511 Spec. Cond. Spec. Cond. Spec. Cond. Spec. Cond. 2506.509A 2506.522 2531.501 Spec. Prove Spec. ProVe 032-2918.01 ITEM 12"R.C.P. Sewer Class IV catch b~sin leads 15" R.C.P. Sewer Class IV Install 15" R.C.P. Flared End Section with Rip Rap Rock Foundation Material Construct Standard Storm Sewer Manholes with Cast- ings (8' deep or less) Excess Manhole Depth for Each Additional Foot in Depth Construct Catch Basins With Castings Adjust Frame and Ring Casting for Manhole Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B-6l8 Concrete Driveway En- trances (6") Concrete Driveway En- trances {8"} TOTAL ESTIHATE COST TOTAL UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST L.F. 216 L.F. 235 Ea. 1 Ton 100 Ea. 3 L.F. 7 Ea. 4 Ea. 5 L.F. 1,430 L.F. 30 L.F. 180 ?F-3 SPEC. REFERENCE NUI:.1BER 2575.505 Spec. Prove 082-2918.01 Sodding Seeding ITEH UNIT Sq. Yd. Ac. GRAND TOTAL TOTAL ESTI~1ATE QUANTITY 600 0.5 COST UNIT PF-4 TOTAL COST '" .. It ~ r 4. The Undersigned further proposes to execute the Contract Agreement and to furnish satisfactory bond wi thin ten (10)' days after notice of the award of contract has been received. The Undersigned further proposes to begin work as specified, to complete the work on or before date specified, and to maintain' at all times. a Contract Bond, approved by the City, in an amount equal to the total bid. 5. Accompanying this proposal is the Bid Security required to be furnished by the Contract Documents, the same being subject to forfeiture in event of default by the Undersigned. 6. In submitting his proposal, it is understood that the right is reserved by the Owner to reject any or all proposals and to waive informalities. 7. In submitting this proposal, the Undersigned acknowledges receipt of Addenda Nos. issued to the Con- tr:1.ct Documents. 8. If a corporation, what is the state of 'incorporation? 9. . If a partnership, state full names of all co-partners. Official Address Firm Name By Title By Title Date 082-2918.01 PF-5 f.., '~'\\.~"- PROPOSAL FORB STREET PAVING, STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANT \^lORK FOR CITY OF PRIOR LAKE, MINNESOTA PROJECT NO. 19-2 S.A.P.201-111-01 ANNA TRAIL (TO BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE) To the City Council of Prior Lake, Minne~ota 4629 Dakota Street Southeast Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372 Gentlemen: 1. The following.proposal is made for furnishing and install- ing street Paving, storm Sewer and Appurtenant Work (project No. 79 - 2, S. A . P. 2 0 1- 111- 0 1 . ) 2. The Undersigned certifies that the Contract Documents listed in the Instructions to Bidders have been carefully examined, and that the site of the work has been personally inspected. The Undersigned declares that the amount and nature of the work to be done is understood, and that at nO time will misunderstanding of the Contract Documents be pleaded. On the basis of the Contract Documents the Undersigned proposes to furnish all necessary apparatus and other means of construction, to do all the work and furnish all the materials in the manner specified, to finish the entire project within the time herein- after specified, and to accept as full compensation there- fore the sum of the various products obtained by mutliplying each unit price herein bid for the work or materials, by the quantities thereof actually incorporated in the completed project, as determined by the Engineer. The Undersigned understands that the quantities mentioned herein are approxi- mate only, and are subject to increase or decrease, and hereby proposes to perform all quantities of work as either increased or decreased in accordance with the provisions of the speci- fications, at the unit prices bid in the following Proposal Schedules, unless such schedules designate lump sum bids. 082-2918.01 PF-l 3. PROPOSAL SCHEDULE Bidder agrees to perform all Street Paving, Storm Sewer, and Ap"purtenant ~vork described in the ~pecifications and shown on the plans, for the following unit prices: SPEC. REFERENCE NUMBER ITEt-1- TOTAL ESTIMATE COST TOTAL UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST Sq. Ft. 300 Sq. Ft. 3,000 Ton 5 Ton 5 2104.503 Remove Bituminous Drive- \'lay Pavement 2104.503 Remove Bituminous Pavement Spec. Prove Crushed Rock for Driveways Spec. Prove Driveway Wearing Course Mixture (including aggre- gate base) Spec. Prove Bituminous Material for Prime Coat Cu. Yd. 1,500 Ton 1,100 Ton 19 Ton 380 Ton 19 Ton 260 Sq. Yd. 3,000 Gal. 900 2105.501 Common Excavation (Cut) 2211.501 Aggregate Base Class 5 2331.504 Bituminous Material for Hixture 2331.514 Base Course Mixture 2341.504 Bituminous Material for Mixture 2341.508 Wearing Course Mixture Spec. Prove Bituminous Material for Tack Coat 082-2918.01 PF-2 SPEC. REFERENCE NUMBER 2503.511 2503.511 Spec. Cond. Spec. Cond. Spec. Cond. Spec. Cond. 2506.509A 2506.522 2531.501 Spec. Prove Spec. ProVe 082-2918.01 ITEM 12"R.C.P. Sewer Class IV catch b~sin leads 15" R.C.P. Sewer Class IV Install 15" R.C.P. Flared End Section with Rip Rap Rock Foundation Haterial Construct Standard Storm Sewer Manholes with Cast- ings (8' deep or less) Excess Manhole Depth for Each Additional Foot in Depth Construct Catch Basins With Castings Adjust Frame and Ring' Casting for Manhole Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B-618 Concrete Driveway En- trances (6") Concrete Driveway En- trances (8") TOTAL ESTIl-1ATE COST TOTAL UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST L.F. 216 L.F. 235, Ea. 1 Ton 100 Ea. 3 L.F. 7 Ea. 4 Ea. 5 L.F. 1,430 L.F. 30 L.F. 180 ?F-3 SPEC. REFERENCE NU11BE R 2575.505 Spec. Prove 082-2918.01 Sodding Seeding ITE!1 UNIT Sq. Yd. Ac. GRAND TOTAL TOTAL ESTIMATE QUANTITY 600 0.5 COST UNIT TOTAL COST PF-4 "'. 4. The Undersigned further proposes to execute the Contract Agreement and to furnish satisfactory bond within ten (lO)' days after notice of the award of contract has been received. The Undersigned further proposes to begin work as specified, to complete the work on or before date specified, and to maintain' at all times. a Contract Bond, approved by the City, in an amount equal to the total bid. 5. Accompanying this proposal is the Bid Security required to be furnished by the Contract Documents, the same being subject to forfeiture in event of default by the Undersigned. 6. In submitting his proposal, it is understood that the right is reserved by the Owner to ~eject any or all proposals and to waive informalities. 7. In submitting this proposal, the Undersigned acknowledges receipt of Addenda Nos. issued to the Con- t:c::tct Documents. 8. If a corporation, what is the state of incorporation? 9. . If a partnership, state full names of all co-partners. Official Address Firm Name By Title By Title Date 082-2918.01 PF-S