May 15, 2012
The Lake Advisory Committee (LAC) Meeting was called to order at 4:33 P.M.
Members present: Liz Weninger (Co- Chair), James Streefland, Char Jasan, Tom Voll, J.
Allen Nemecek and Theresa Feldman. Members Absent: Donna Mankowski, Chair.
Others present: Ross Bintner (Water Resources Engineer), Rick Keeney, Council Liaison,
Paul Nelson, Scott Watershed Management Organization (SWMO), Prior Lake /Spring Lake
Watershed District
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Jasan made a motion to approve the April 17, 2012
minutes. Streefland seconded the motion. All ayes to approve the April 17, 2012
A. Scott WMO Update (Paul Nelson) - Nelson showed a map depicting the
boundaries of the SWMO. Nelson also talked about various SWMO program
elements: They are: Monitoring & Data Collection, Inventory & Assessment,
Education & Public Outreach, Land & Water Treatment, Regulation and
Planning. He talked about monitoring and data collection.
B. June 2 nd Dive the Lake — Bintner presented the 7th Annual Dive the Lake poster
and announced that the dive and lake cleanup will be held on June 2, 2012.
C. 2012 -2017 Water Quality Budget CIP — Bintner asked if the LAC had any other
suggestions /comments regarding the Water Quality Budget. There were no
other comments.
D. MS4 Public Hearing — Bintner noted that the MS4 permit expired in mid -2011
and the city is waiting for new revisions /regulations to the permit process.
Bintner asked the LAC for comments. Voll asked Bintner to explain the Best
Lake Management Practices and what MS4 stands for. Bintner explained that
MS4 stands for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. He said the permit
sets up regulatory standards and practices for reducing pollutants and how to
keep them from entering the lake. Voll added that the MS4 permit comes from
the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on an annual basis.
Jasan made a motion to open the Public Hearing. Feldman seconded the
motion. The Public Hearing was opened at 5:06 p.m. Weninger asked if there
were any comments from the public. Wenininger advised the public that
written comments can be submitted until June 30 which is the deadline.
Weninger asked again if there were any public comments. There were no public
comments made. Weninger asked for a motion to close the Public Hearing.
Jasan made a motion to close the Public Hearing. Feldman seconded the
motion. All ayes to close the Public Hearing. Feldman asked if the change in
application of driveway tar was a regulation of the MS4 permit. Bintner replied
that the City chose to ban PAH material used in driveway sealants and that it
was not part of the MS4 permit.
IV. OTHER BUSINESS —There was no other business.
a. Council Update — Weninger asked Council Liaison, Kinney if he had any Council
updates. Kinney talked about the budget process and said that the Capital
Improvement Plan (CIP) is scheduled for discussion at the June 18th Council
Meeting. Kinney said the final budget will be approved in December.
b. Watershed District Update — Bintner said that the Watershed is currently in the
process of rule revisions and that they recently reviewed their wetland rules and
will be developing storm water management rules next.
c. Communications /Website Update — Bintner noted that recent changes were
made to the City of Prior Lake's webpage and the navigation menu to various
agency links (eg. information regarding boating, dock sites, parking boat trailers,
and the DNR website regarding invasive species, etc.
Bintner said that the improvements in 2013 include the Sunset Avenue
Improvements which will provide a unique opportunity at the corner of County
Road 12 & 17 to create a pond for storm water and better drainage of that area.
Weninger asked if the pond concept would be similar to the one that was
designed near the Spring Lake Regional Park. Bintner said that the pond option
is in the very preliminary budget phase and that the first step would be land
acquisition from the homeowner by Scott County.
Bintner also talked about future improvements to the Spring Lake Regional Trail
and the connection to County Road 12 & 17 improvements. He added that
future plans include an underpass in the road similar to the one built recently on
CR 17. He also talked about the benefits of the wetland. Bintner asked for any
comments. Weninger commented that she noticed a large amount of water
standing in the ditch along the side of Sunset Avenue. She said that something
needed to be done there. Bintner inquired if the water backs up into the lake
from the ditch and Weninger said that it did. Voll asked what the total
estimated cost of the project was. Bintner said the cost would be approximately
$100,000 - $150,000; however the cost of land acquisition is not included in that
figure. Jason commented good collaboration between the County, City and the
Prior Lake /Spring Lake Watershed District. Jason questioned the timeframe on
the Sunset Avenue Pond Improvement once land is acquired and the budget is
approved. Bintner discussed the various steps (eg. land acquisition, budget,
feasibility report, TMDL projects, etc.) that need to be done by the County, City
and Watershed before this project can happen. Voll asked if there was any
future grant opportunities for the project and if the drainage area to the north
and east would be routed towards this proposed area or would there be a
separate treatment area. Bintner said that the PL /SL Watershed has some grant
funding set aside but haven't determined what site or how much money would
be dedicated for the project.
ADJOURNMENT — Jasan made a motion to adjourn the May 15, 2012 LAC
Meeting. Feldman seconded. All ayes to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Ross Bintner
Water Resources Engineer