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The City of Prior Lake Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) has completed a
Business Retention and Expansion (BR&E) survey program for the primary Industrial and
Business Park areas of the community.
As part of its mission, the EDAC conducts BR&E visits with local company officials. BR&E
visits are an economic development tool used to recognize the importance of existing business in
the community. The EDAC and City of Prior Lake understand the success and growth of existing
businesses is extremely important for the economic vitality of the community. While attracting
business from outside Prior Lake and encouraging new business start-ups are important priorities
of the City Council, EDA and EDAC, studies have shown that up to 80 percent of net new job
growth comes from existing businesses.
Through BR&E visits, and additional conversations with business leaders at events like the
Business and Industry Forum, the EDAC is able to identify challenges, opportunities or barriers to
the growth of businesses in our community. The EDAC uses the BR&E surveys as a tool to gather
data which is used by the committee to provide information and make policy recommendations to
the EDA. Another benefit of the surveys is they provide opportunities for EDAC and city staff
members to follow-up with expansion and development assistance or respond to concerns of local
business leaders they may otherwise not be aware of.
Deerfield Business
Park, Waterfront Passage, and Welcome Avenue Industrial Park as the primary target area for
BR&E surveys. The EDAC compiled a list of approximately forty-five businesses within the
target area and established a goal to contact all businesses on the list and provide each company
with an opportunity to complete the survey. The EDAC was successful in contacting nearly every
business in the target area. Twenty-three businesses chose to complete the surveys with a total of
twenty-seven businesses in the community represented.
In 2012, the EDAC identified the target area for BR&E surveys, developed their own questionnaire
and began completing the surveys. In early 2013, EDAC members reviewed new BR&E reporting
forms developed by GREATER MSP which were recommended by the Scott County Association
for Leadership and Efficiency (SCALE).
GREATER MSP is a non-profit Minneapolis / St. Paul regional economic development partnership
dedicated to providing public and private sector leadership, coordination and engagement to grow
the economy of the 16-County Minneapolis Saint Paul region. With its economic development
partners from throughout the region, GREATER MSP is advancing a coordinated regional
a coordinated regional business retention, expansion, and recruitment program to stimulate capital
investment and job creation in the region.
The EDAC endorsed the new survey forms; however, committee members still desired to have
Prior Lake specific questions included in the survey. The EDAC determined that the specific Prior
Lake questions asked on the original survey would still be requested, in addition to the questions
on the revised surveys.
Instead of each individual community or organization conducting separate BR&E surveys, the new
coordinated and organized approach developed by GREATER MSP will result in the sharing of
information and aggregate survey results throughout the entire Minneapolis / St. Paul area.
Surveys are currently being completed by City and County officials, Department of Employment
and Economic Development (DEED) workforce and business development representatives,
MNSCU custom training, utility companies and association trade organizations throughout the
entire metropolitan region. The information collected by GREATER MSP will then be combined
with survey information collected by regional chamber organizations through the Minnesota
Chamber of Commerce Grow Minnesota! Program to stimulate capital investment and job creation
in the region.
Visiting current businesses and understanding their concerns is only one part of the BR&E process.
The EDAC also uses the BR&E program to build awareness of existing projects that may impact
businesses, recent changes to City ordinances or policies that the business may not be aware of
and to provide information related to available incentives or other programs that may assist a
There are many objectives of the Prior Lake BR&E Program, including:
To demonstrate support for local businesses and appreciation for the contributions these
To help businesses solve their unique challenges.
To assist local businesses in gaining awareness of available resources.
To identify opportunities where the City of Prior Lake can support local businesses growth
and expansion.
To establish and maintain ongoing communication between the City and the local business
To develop a clear understanding of the businesss view
To identify any obstacles which may discourage a business from continuing operations or
expanding in Prior Lake.
Below are a few examples of community strengths and challenges identified on the surveys from
the twenty-seven companies interviewed.
Strengths and successes reported:
84% of responders indicated that sales were either stable or increased over the past 12 months.
None of the existing businesses reported a change in ownership over the past 12 months.
No businesses indicated a decline in employment over the last year.
None of the businesses felt their employment numbers would decrease over the next year.
Many company representatives expressed a desire to grow their business.
85% of responders indicated the labor supply is adequate in the community.
70% of the responders stated their overall opinion of Prior Lake as a place to do business was
good or very good; 25% ranked Prior Lake as fair.
Many businesses commented that the increased population in Prior Lake was good for
Business leaders ranked the local K-12 school district very high.
Recreational opportunities were ranked very high in Prior Lake.
Challenges or areas for improvement:
A need for additional building space and/or land options in Prior Lake was noted for businesses
looking to expand.
Many responders commented on high local property tax rates and City fees.
21% of responders did not see an opportunity for growth in Prior Lake.
A concern about signage restrictions was expressed by a few of the businesses.
The lack of recent commercial growth is an area for improvement identified by a few
A need for better communication from the City was identified.
A feeling the City has not been fair in providing incentives and enforcing zoning ordinance
requirements was expressed.
There was a desire to feel more support from the community (both from City Hall and residents
of Prior Lake).
The Prior Lake BR&E program is included in an overall effort organized by GREATER MSP.
The BR&E visits are completed locally by City of Prior Lake Economic Development Advisory
Committee volunteers. EDAC members donate their time to contact business representatives,
schedule meetings, complete the surveys and compile results.
The EDAC conducted a total of twenty-three BR&E visits which represented contact with twenty-
seven individual Prior Lake businesses; however, the original Prior Lake EDAC survey
questionnaire was amended during the interview process to mirror the GREATER MSP
recommended survey form. Because the EDAC used two separate survey forms during the
interview process, not all businesses were asked the exact same questions. In addition, some
business representatives chose to only complete a portion of the survey.
The full survey packet included three separate survey forms; 1) a general reporting form; 2) a local
business climate community ranking form; and 3) a Prior Lake specific questionnaire developed
by the EDAC.
The general reporting form requested: i) general company/contact information; ii) business details,
such as business sector and company ownership; iii) local employment and workforce information,
such as employment numbers and training needs; iv) primary market information; local, statewide,
national or international; and v) a future facility or equipment investment plan. The community
ranking form asked business to rank (1-5) the local business climate related to: i) education and
training; ii) transportation/location; iii) quality of life; iv) local access to capital; v) local
government; and vi) utilities. The Prior Lake specific questionnaire asked businesses to share their
rankings of Prior Lake as a place to do business.
Twenty-three surveys were completed representing twenty-seven separate businesses during the
BR&E interview process. The EDAC appreciates the willingness of local business leaders to give
their time to help the City of Prior Lake understand its strengths and challenges. Although the
individual survey responses will be kept confidential, the EDAC felt it was important to
acknowledge the participation of the following businesses.
Above All Distribution Metro Cabinets Co. Inc.
Above All Hardwood Floors & Carpet Minnesota Valley Millwork
American Glass & Mirror NOREX Inc.
Anderson Bus Co. OnSite Engineering & Forensic Services Inc.
Boevaag Plumbing Inc. Paws & Pals Pet Resort
Cifelli's Salon & Spa Performance Construction
Confidential Prior Lake Mini-Storage
Diversified Snack Distribution Schoenberger Drywall Inc.
Dorrel-Torsch Sales The Cutting Edge Moulding Co.
EM Products Phillips & Temro The Laker Store
Insulfoam Technical Center The Pointe Grill & Bar
J. Hage Construction Co. Inc. Triple Play Sports
Key Land Homes Zenith Exteriors Inc.
Metro Air Inc.
Below is a list of BR&E survey questions and the responses provided by the local company officials.
The survey questionnaire was amended during the interview process so not all businesses were asked
the exact same questions during each interview and some businesses chose not to answer all questions
on the survey.
General Report Form
Q1: What is the primary business sector at this location?
This question was asked during twelve of the completed BR&E visits and only one business, which
is a new business in Prior Lake, identified a change in ownership.
Q 3: Is this facility owned or leased?
Q 4: Has this company introduced new products or services during the last year?
This question was asked during twelve of the completed BR&E visits. Seven businesses responded
that they have introduced new products or services during the past year, five businesses responded
they have not introduced new products or services.
Among the businesses that expanded products or services, four companies described additional
products and three businesses identified additional services provided by their business.
Q 5: Over the past year, have total company sales: increased, decreased, been relatively stable, or
fluctuated widely?
Q 6: What is the total number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees at this facility?
Business owners identified a total of 249 FTE employees working at their businesses with a high of
50 FTE and a low of 0 FTE. The mean (average) number of employees, based on a total of 27
businesses, is 10.8 FTE per business and the median is 8 FTE.
Q 7: Have the number of jobs at this facility changed in the last year? If so, have they: increased,
decreased, or stayed the same?
This question was asked during twelve of the completed BR&E visits. Six businesses indicated the
number of jobs has increased over the past year, six businesses indicated the number of jobs has
stayed the same and zero businesses identified a decrease in employment over the past year.
Q 8: In the next year, do you expect the number of jobs at this facility to: increase, decrease, be
relatively stable, or unsure?
None of the businesses surveyed stated they plan to decrease employment over the next twelve
months. For those companies that responded they plan to increase employment, follow up questions
related to the types of jobs they expect to hire and the anticipated need to train employees within the
next twelve months were asked.
Minnesota, or United States?
Q 10: Does this company export?
This question was asked on twelve of the BR&E surveys and two businesses indicated they export.
One business exported to Canada and one businesses exported to multiple international locations.
Q 11: Does this company plan to (check all that apply): invest in new facilities, make major
equipment purchases, or renovate/expand current facilities?
Six companies indicated they planned to make major investments over the next twelve months. Four
of the six companies stated they plan to make major equipment purchases. Three of the six stated
they plan to renovate or expand their current facility; one plans to invest in a new facility and one
stated they plan to expand their offerings.
Q 12: Does this company require follow up? If yes, what organization(s) should assist: city,
chamber, college, state, workforce, or other?
The EDAC identified four businesses which required immediate follow up from the City of Prior
Lake and/or the Prior Lake Chamber. City and Chamber staff have followed up with the four
identified businesses to discuss issues identified during the survey. Follow up discussion primarily
related to additional space needs and Chamber involvement.
Community Ranking Form
The survey included an optional questionnaire which asked the businesses to rank the Prior Lake
business climate. Businesses were asked to rank the following features of the community on a scale
of 1 to 5; 1 being least favorable for business, 3 being neutral and 5 as most favorable for business.
Below are the results of the survey which were completed by eleven businesses. Note, this
questionnaire was not available when the EDAC began completing the surveys, some businesses
chose not to complete this optional questionnaire and some businesses only completed a portion of
the rankings.
# of Responses Average
Education and Training
K-12 9 4.1
Higher education 6 3.5
Customized Training Programs 5 3.2
Overall Workforce Quality 8 3.5
Public Transportation 9 3.1
Highway Infrastructure 11 3.6
Air Service 6 2.5
Proximity to Suppliers 10 2.5
Quality of Life
Recreational Opportunities 9 3.9
Cultural Opportunities 10 3.3
Crime Rate 9 3
Social Organizations and Networks 10 3
Housing Supply for Workforce 9 3
Local Access to Capital
Lending by local financial institutions 9 2.4
Assistance from local governments and/or non-profits 8 2.25
Local Government
Attitude towards business 10 2.4
Permitting/Zoning 9 2.22
Local Taxes 11 1.2
Local fees 9 1.7
Telecommunications/Broadband Service 9 2.6
Telecommunications/Broadband Rates 8 2.25
Electric Rates 10 2.7
Electric Reliability 10 3.3
Prior Lake as a Place to do Business
The third section of the survey was specific to the City of Prior Lake as a place to do business.
Q 1: What are the Characteristics of Prior Lake that appeal to you?
The survey provided seven options for businesses to choose (as many as they wish) including:
hometown feel, business environment, transportation, support of local community, workforce, local
amenities, or other.
Comments from the other category primarily inc
Q 2: What were your primary expectations when your business moved to Prior Lake?
The responses varied but many expected to run a successful business and proximity to home was also
mentioned often.
Q 3: Have those expectations been met, how so?
Among the responses, fourteen businesses indicated their expectations have been met, 2 indicated
their expectations have not been met and 3 either stated their expectations have somewhat been met
or did not indicate whether or not they were met.
Q 4: Do you see an opportunity for future growth in Prior Lake?
Among the responses that indicated no opportunity for future growth, only one comment listed a
reason why, which indicated they would move to a community with lower taxes and less restrictions.
Q 5: Is the labor supply at this location adequate to fulfill your current and future needs?
Seventeen of the twenty surveys which answered the question regarding labor supply indicated the
labor supply at this location adequate to fulfill their current and future needs. Three businesses felt
the labor supply was not adequate at this location. Among those that indicated a less desirable labor
supply were businesses which employ workers with a specific skill set such as plumbers, welders or
Q 6: What is your overall opinion of Prior Lake as a place to do business: very good, good, fair,
poor, or very poor?
Q 7: How has Prior Lake changed since you started your business here and has it affected your
business? If so, in what way?
Responses to question seven varied and included the following:
Prior Lake has grown, business has grown.
Prior Lake has changed; no effect on business.
Slower growth but is still growing. CR21 build-out is positive.
Prior Lake has grown, no effect on business.
Prior Lake has pushed for more business but has changed little.
Prior Lake has almost doubled in size since we started in housing. The increased population
has been very beneficial to our business.
I have a retail store. When the decisions are made to buy from the internet, out of state or
other cities, I am forced as well to go elsewhere to support my business. We have shortened
our retail hours because we are going to other communities to build a relationship with them
moving forward. We want, more than anything, to continue to grow with this community.
Growth, no effect.
No, business has been here three years; resident here since 2008.
Continued to grow and develop. Added new roads.
Economic downturn changed the construction of new buildings in Deerfield. I do not want to
see zoning changed because of that.
Not much.
New construction has helped the City. The City is very hard to work with [e.g.] garage doors
[in industrial districts].
Business has grown as the city grows.
Q 8: What changes, if any, would make this location more appealing to your company?
Among the responses, the EDAC received six comments related to lowering property taxes, five
comments related to relaxing signage standards, four comments related to infrastructure
improvements, two responses mentioned the need for new businesses or improvements to existing
commercial areas, two mentioned providing incentives to businesses and one commented on the need
for available buildings or land for expansion. Three businesses responded no changes are needed.
Q 9: What can the City of Prior Lake do to help your business prosper and grow?
Five responses mentioned less restrictions, three responses were related to attracting new businesses
and three were related to better communication, two comments were shared for each of the following:
lowering property taxes, loosening signage requirements and ensuring buildings and land were
available for expansion. One comment was received for improved infrastructure and for providing
incentives to businesses. Three businesses responded by saying the city cannot help their business
prosper and grow.