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04 10 1967
f; MINUTES of the Proce•edinga of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited.,by said Council: j April 1¢th,, 1961 ' f ,The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake tvet lu regular session in the office of the Village•Olerk Monday evening April 10th, 1967 it 8PM. The meeting "was Called to or'dsr by Mayor Borchardt, ro \il call- present were Mayor Borchardt, Clerk tents and Councilmen Monnens, Stock and Mess. n The minutes of the pr�avious meetings „were read aind appreved. Roy Clay was present to mate application for a building * I, permit to remodel his, home, "A motion was made by Hots and seconded by Yonnens to 'grant the permit, and upon a vote I taken it was duly passed. Kenneth'Zisman, Virgil °l DeGrote, ob Beaudette,adked'what x was oing to be dons t0 improve iroh Lane They „ wers - „ advised. k if Joy >wanted the.road improved they °should'o rculato s petition amongst the .p operty owners ooneeraad. and'! a majority signed °t.e p we c ould proceed with the f i. improvement. %ryil Smith Justice of the Peace, presented all *ralfio tickets acted on for the month of,, March` 1967. ; h Mayor Borchardt adeispd the following g _ interested in j - reading water meters: a ' Pulliam uelken, Roaer ,Harris ;, Fred' Kerkow, Mre. 81me= Kitngberg and Reuben Yua or Attorney Menke" to draw up weed 4 outting•,ordinanoe."snd trash '-ordinanoe `for the., next regular 'meeting May 8th, 1967. .. ;' gsne ,lenkush presented written rertgnat on`s as Civil Dolmas Director toffective mmed ateli April 84th, 1967 at 730lM' the bids will be let for the :sealing of , various „streets in the Village of Prior , Lake.` Yotioii was .made by Stoop ” to` grant persuission `to the eoott ©ountY Bookkol�ile Y to" park directly in f ront of the' old .�r tows garage, " °seconded by Hers and upon a vote " %taken it was t duly passed. Motion was made by Hess, seconded by „Stock to pay. •d1 bills s General Fund t u Zug0ne Blenkush Salary =18$.30 earl Killian. Salem" 50.00 Jordan lad ndent L° al* 3. 60 Prior Lake ee�g l ady Mix Yato5rials 2.00 y Labor 6.16. p , w ieT Laboratories Inc. Bab tests 13.62 Maher Borchardt Salary 50.00 Berl, Killian wishing police oar 5.85 Superior 011 Co. Gas and, oil 66.76' Robert NO-Allister Salary • Dog pound fee*, 60.80 w1s Yueikon Police duty = 188.00 Joe* Std 8e2T se• Gar and oil 138.13 Fred will Labor 14.50 Scott Ries Telephone Telephone gg.80 lop J1 3 Street lites eto. .878.65 Y Zarl 1111-ion Salary 50.00 Zugene B lenkush N 18840 Intl Rsw Service Fed withholding tax 888.00 State Treasurer c ' PZRa 90.00 Commissioner of Taxation / State withholding tax 8 B A• 1 ,/i Aj }. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and. �...� State ofilMinnesoto, including all accounts audited by said Council. � Water Fund, Al Hergott' Al Rergott Salary r $108.39 $304.00 ; 11ohnsack -and Mennen Aatt.1 line repair 110.00 lfSt lumps, eto,. 180.99 j Al Ne'rgott Salary 204.00 l = Intl Revenue 8ervioe federal - withholding 150.40 State Treallurer 00mmssioner of Taxation - ?ZItA` = . State withholding 84.15 39.50 a ," General fund Tranafsr a 000 0 } 0.7. OoTer 4 Associates Zquipment $68.60 ; Pnt, 9dws �� Supplies;' 16.61 , ll Minn :Yalure �Yanrato ass coo � r3as 44.00 �il'ding gelding 7 00 ,a _ „ So it t Rion ° A�Telephone Telephone �: 37 9 , k ; I ., Se id nr dun � lmer 8ussel ?Salary $145.30 M thsi Jsimdetto Labor 18.00 •, 8g Not iot 0! 1 00. ; ` 6umalk Oil 734090 1t3 i10.'> 1tie1 o�ii 70.60 wallais and Tsrran Co. Val i askets 34 55. 1&*1 m ahemisal Oo. Cha,nrin� :.. 41.50 -< � 7yus 2 '!�RB,. sit d. 95.98„ er .Salary i : Int �snue 8ervise tsdsrai withholding; to =` 94.,80,. :"#$a, o Treasutot lZRA ` � � 63.,00 ' r coissioner o! taxation " State withholding teal b. :: 21.`6 lot 1 � ti wit Yuailer i Bo • as �itiminoua mix �' 48�'�00 . f'�obnagok and amen sBno� pl.owing ;. Wiese ml 016'. Super! or Oil Go. Fuel oil M N 4115.00 We ... '` N o further,; business the .'sell =ng was ; adjournsd. 11.1!: Beats, Alerk •_ fff r 4 n I . , 'yiac ttvr -.+.s ru , hmt'y!e'A�. < �'."r". v"..""`°b «- _ . ...< </ /✓�. /�"+ ;?j d