HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 08 1967x r; MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village ; council of the'Villoge of Prior Laka in the of Scott and ..State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. May Sth, 1967 4 G The Common Council of the wtllage, of Prior Lake' met in regular session in the office of the Village Clerk Monday ' :evening May 6th, 1967 at 71 The meeting was called to or`de'r by Mayor Borchardt, roll call- present were Mayor Borchardt, Q1erk Gentz, and Councilmen Yonnens, Stook -and Ross. ; The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. - t, _ ` Motion was made b Stock to t)hise the ON SALZ LIQUOR LICZNSZ from $1950.00 to by per year, seconded by Monnens fr _ a vote taken it was duly passed. Droops Nauser made application for b building permit to buildt an addition of 40 Y 60 to the preeen t " 8uperette . Motion was made bar Monnene to grant the building permit t4s only after the plans are presented to the Plannning Commission and "O.X. there, seconded by Stook and upon`- a vote taken it was duly passed. Q Francis Snell made application for a building ermit to pp 'install an alumimum awning on the front of Snsll Dar: Motion was made by Mess to grant Francis Snell a building, Permit to install the awning, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was _duly passed.' fx Motion was made by Stook to renew the contract for the f "the dog catcher for Village to Robert McAllister, seconded b Ross and -upon a vote taken it ties duly passed: 1 y q . 4 , y , MOtian was made b y Monnene to purchase 6 building permits > , required sAgne and have them installed can main highways >l into the village, seconded by Stock and upon a tote taken %! � It was dul' y Passed.. _ . , A letter was received from J.J. Schwantes, Trainwtster for the Yilwaukee ,R.R. requesting the village oounoil to ` consider the 'abolishment of a; stop that is required w the railroad at the crossing ust west of the depot appror,- imately, 100 Motion was made by Ness to abolish the stop at the above orossing, but that we request that a max imum ,. speed of 1911PH is maintained over this crossing, s000tided by �. Monnens and upon a vote taken it was duly parsed.,,, n The following applications for OF!' SALZ LIQUOR L'ICZNSZ were 5 presented to the Council for approval: Gerald Rafermann, Francis Smell, Willard, Graves, Gertrude N. Cameron, and Richard D'. Garen Motiom wan made by Counoilmam u ses to Grant Ge Z. :Safe ii as OFF SALZ LIQUOR LICZNSZ, seconded by Clerk Gents and Upon,a a vote being taken it was approved unanimously. Motion wan made by Councilman Monnene to'grant Francis 'Small "OFF an BALZ LIQUOR LIOZNSZ, seconded by Councilman Stook and . upon &'vote being taken it was approved unanimously. Motion was made by councilman Rees to grant, Millard Graves an 017 OALZ LIQUOR LIOZN3Z, seconded by Councilman Monnens. and - upon a v ote being taken it was approved unanimously. Motion was made by Councilman Stock to grant "aertruds,11. Cameron -anOFF SALZ LIQUOR LIOBNSZ seconded by Oouncilnte�n Revs and upon a vote being taken it was approved unanimously. ". Potion was made by O'ounoilmer. Mormons to grant Richard' D ;Y { 'Garen . an OFF SALZ LIQUOR LICZNSZ, seconded by Counoilman �;: x Stook and' ,a vote lkeing 'taken it was approved unanimously. r, as MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village" of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council., may 48th, meet i nt continued. ♦ letter from Agriculikural Agent, James L. Rabehl o! Scott' , county was received asking the x Vf,IIW Council designate one resident of the Village to sit 7 on a :county' wide committee to lit-ones the - advisability of Soott, °A,ountyls participation _ = in, %- Clomiijeh,lnsive Land Use planning fogram. Motion was made by Clerk' the 0ounoilman Walter Stock be designated ao ill the above position, .seconded by and upom vote ° taken it was duly passed. Motion wile, madd by Stock to purchase two Pilot Rook Grills whioh is to be" ian`talled in Memorial Park, seconded by Yonniaj `and upon w vo "te, taken it was, duly passed.- " t „ Y. otion was made by `seconded by `Stook to pay' all bills: f Y 'aeaeral Bund t s Sort rilliaia Salary \ $50..00 : r ` 4 ae 3lsnkush ' Salary ��) 188.30 Y orola 0aitmunicattohe Maintenanos 11 °.00 Scott )!five Teidphor r '00. �slep 'one '��� 83.49 r _ + oseph P-." Apt .' Prieinea so srd . 10.OQ m. t. Hue poli0e` duty 138.`00 06 Independent , Le al s + , �138, 90 ��Ralt,er iorohardt 8a�ary :10.00 Robert McAllister pound fees l3jS00 r, sari. tillim Salary 14 00 3ugen6 31enkush ��« Salary ti ' i xue Ywh+ 8ala* wa0 4.00 heading looters ig 'pp Postage .. , 40,.00 ' ' , F 7 ��Richard Yeake ." Attor"y services 366 85 b ii1 `mIIs+tt •'glary 8 4' a a : f 4tic2us 1b1 '6t6re ' A;i ear• ' repair s X60. s0 ierald 6a a ?ire,6oho01 expense 10:00 � - l�xlsiD�lr's 3�tiaN'�� M • : ,M, 1A.00 � ='i�sit�ts liar +� Repair fire t me 14.20 -teyar `isosintes ° 3critips�nt ..:.x, `!9.50 a 8eott 21,06 Telephon Telsyhone, y f »> *0 Russo. �islasy' 145 * • oft . t, Sebattz Rsadia me'tera i 1 t aw i3 t+ry OIk I"l' Ob . 0b1'oriae liquid x:00 8tandard;r bit Oo, !'ui3 011 '0i 46 � �` k ' w Ohior anntos resrwio0 m ltspai�r' Ohl, iaator Amiri4ean+ tat2 %loads ind interest 16831* !,T3 ` >SiaM9` pu<fss Salary, 145.`30 it R(1 i aL .^ �iser.icsa Ittl: Rant" + , Rondo A Intersst $5091.03' + MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including oil accounts audited by said Council. ' P ark Fund: _ r, Lawrence Wilds 1abor3350 Noward 'Will N 42.00 Louis Ysboldt N 34,00 Peterson Oo. Lawn seed 35.00 Al Doroh Labor ' S aS �. 4VI48 75 Street ZUnd: " Eaterman and Start arevel 75,30 Valley Z nseriad Zngr. services Shakopee Valley News Legals 8.90 ;. •Oarlson•Trac Zqupment Trac ,repair- 16.25 General weYdi - N " .1 OC Improvement s_ of 1964 f 1. t. Natl Yank Bonds A interest $480.00 , No further business ,the meeting was adjourned. W.W. Gfenis, 01erk may 16th, 1967 The' Common Council of the Villag ° of Prior Lake not in special session is the office of the Village Clerk' Tueotty`evgning- Yay 16th, 1967 at, 7PY. Mayor Borchardt called trio, meeting to ordes,,, roll- Mayor Borchardt, Clerk dents, ;and Oouno lmen Noa3nens Stock and ,Foss. 'there was a short - discussion pertaining to a set" up ordinance. v ltotlon ►as made by Monnens to not a fee of $100.00 per year ' !or a set' 'up license, seconded by Stook and upon a vote taken It was duly passed. Aotion wse made by -Ross to adopt Ordinance No. - 47 -39 In ordistase relatias to liquor control, to the consuption and display of l quo end to prooedures and - sea for the granting '. of . permit• for the �! consugptioa; and display of liquor to clubs . and public places, , *seconded by ,, Stook sand upon a vote takes . it was tmly passed:* , AM ORDIYANOZ DOOI TOROOKPLSTt ORDIVANO3) ..' ,hoi dounoil also reviewed rough copies of a bur*&& ordinance, various items were deleted from the rough copies. Attornev Yeaake is to redraft the ordinance and present to the iasxt seating for further study and passage. Motion was made b! ltonae+s .tc adopt the loilowDns resolutions A :;resolution` regpert iluai lrom..the soft OoualV 6tae Aid Mun Fund. �MRZAS, Thr iYlagi ,, of Prior. Lake is about to' improves ' "'o.�it oerfasaa Streetie; s, •streets including certain municipal Steve Aid 11IQ11ZAa3, 3unail of the of Prior Lake understands that _ �yee p arly certain funds undo- available frog the' State Aid ,muniol al tUbd for, improvement o unioipal State Aid Streets, after plans e:hprepared and aproi±ad by the Scott County and Stawe of Minn ig, way Departments; , IP!l1=AS, the Oounwil of the Villag o! Prior Lake linde, it to hays the masimm amount, of assistance lraaN; said `.,State Aid fund, is order to ooaplee said s ' `su et i>rprovenaent pro ject= N01I TlYZRZYOU BZ IT RZSO BD BY TU COUNCIL OF THE PILLAOZ OF I+RIOR LAU, That the Scott County .. Boards ok ap Oonm ssioners prove and set aoideL for the ' u font of the Vinage 'of Prior Lake the Yaxi>jum of Funds next available 'from said �. taie Aid/,imunicipal fund" J for the imrpoyement of the a>Qorementioned r m oipal" State Aid streets; seconded by Stock _d upon a Vote taken } t was duly passed. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including .. all accounts audited by said Council. May 16th, 1967 meeting continued Motion was made by Stock to adopt the following resolution: A RZ80LUTION REQ UZS TING THS CLASSIFICATION ST TIN SCOTT COUNTTT BOARD Oh COMMISSIONERS OF A CZRTAIN STRUT AS A MUNICIPAL STATZ.AID STRUT. WHERNAS, There exists in the Village of Prior Lake, Minnesota two unconnected streets, "namely, part of Dakota Street and part of Main Street, which are designated an a Municipal State Aid Street; WHZWZAS, A part' of.'Central Avenue connects the aloremention- " ed part.g of.municiDal State Aid Street;, RHSRNAS the Council �'of the Village .of Prior Late deems it fair and ui e - _ t ble R a .that ._;that part of Central Avenue e►foremeationed 'e' 'diiignat part of 'said municipal Sta Aid atruo l that said Atreeit 1s one continuous road; NOW, 112 3T "PIiSOY.VZD: bT TAE COUNCIL OF TU, VILLA61 . JP lRIOR LAfl That, the `1'0dttz County Board of Commissioners designate the ifOr6msii1oh4& part of Central Avenue as part of said = municipal.' State.:AiQ Y ,Street, : seconded b Monnens and up a, vo taken it; was ; F , y passed. (,r 4 complabAt .wtas' received from the. Glendale Torrnboard 'rAeea+rding the ' oper atioa ' of the Prior Late Dmp. Thoxbz townboalyd contends 'the operation seems to occasion some e< eriour hea asOr', a fdr, oommunity ae well as It, Being a auu'stantl8,� 'nu�eaioe because of the busing, odass und',ums ig�tlq, a'pdarauaoe This item was discussed at quite a omeie> th bt�t*een the 'o,ourcil and Mm halter Borchardt t o work Ott .eft e so2atio n t'o this problem. It was decided to meet wilth the t.awub'omrd .to further study this item and .- _ reach a ieeson.able: soIuti . nv_ C • - °' rt - - Y 1(c3 futther bus `heels` /the meeting was a ng a adjourned. W.11. t ents , Clerk June Sth, 1967 The '' °Costen: Council of the Village of Prior Lake met� " r+cgule►r A3aici; in the office of the Village Clerk i ' Thursday e . r►eai g` uie ° 8rh, 1967 at SPI. Mayor Borchardt called the , seeti�ig' toorder -roil call- present were Mayor Borchardt, �1 d ;and Oouna�lms>7 Monnens, S�Pock and_Hess. absent Clerk Gents. The purpose Mfl the mesti was to review and equalise all r ' "NiO property taxes in the soilage of Prior Late along :R r , with the county assessor and .village assessor: The counoil f It several of the property Owners were. assessed to low end therefore will be notified a000rdingl' and will be } r, "Muested to appear if any objection is to be made at ,a* later date as set by the council. No further buskAsss the meeting was adjourned. v iF' W.W. Bents, Clerk ' a Mlly4t�ESof the Procsedings of the Vih'dAe Council of the Yill %fie of Prior lake in the C,,; ty of Scott a �s. Stag of 7Ainnesat6,': r eluding all acct uR s`audited by said Council. t` e L, } f f ..,4 r [: h ,.y F • 1uD a f` C p an Nw +� q G 1 S 3 F (l 5 µ ft Y, I 1 i I 4 ���, -3 AlY tirt',. � q;i,A ^ � � ✓s'li�C'% � �` - s.n.'iC c„wEkea�AM. ^^ fi'w:ac,, j}'. - ,. � �. t.�:: F x!a ...: