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MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the i1/illa g o e of Prior lake in 'the Count of" Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all ccco'unts audited by said Council.
June X18 19676
i'hs, Common Council of the Village of Pr`,ior Lake met In secular`'
sees ion in the office of the irillage Olerk Monday even ing
June lath, 1967 at 7M. Mayor Borchardt called the meeting ,to
order, roll call, Mayor,Borc ardt, Clerk 'Gent,, and Councilmen
Yonnens, Stook. and Bess..
The minutes ,of the previous meetings were read and' approved.
A request for at newer and water onnnection application was
made by Roman lop to connect to "ebile trailer home ust
us east of the Stepka Apartments. It was dedded'hat
, Village Clerk notify Yr.h Kop to appear at theL next council
meeting to make applivation "and present his plans for' the
mobilev trailer court.'
Th® Tillie Schmitz sewer priAlem was discussed. Motion
was made by Monriens to have! plumbing inspector Clarence
Schmitz examine the pluebinj etc at the Schmitw and report
his reoommendatiane a+: one 'of the next meetings, seconded
by Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The Twin Lake, Days Coemittete asked ,fore permission to hold
a street dares on North Central Avenue between peasant its
and Main St. Notion was made by Ross to grant permission
to hold the dance on North Avenue between Pleasant
St.' and main St - . , seconded b Monnene and upon a vote taken
it J
it was duly passed.
Lambert Rennen, a. member 6f the !olio* 61vil Service
Commission, presented a re►contmAndation made by -.the Commission
to increase lolioemane Yu�;ead .Blenkush salary )35.00
per month. Notion was made by Stook, to increase S'ugene
Dlenllitshs salary #25.00 per month, seoonded, by Monnene
and upon :a vote taken it was duly passed..
Walter Borchardt, Zlmer Garvey and Williau' White were
present to discuss very problems that oocur` at. the -Prior
Lake Dump. It was decided the following rules be setup
for halter Borchardt the' , caretaker of the dump. 1. poison
rats every 3 months on oftener if necessary. a Absolutely
.; '
no junk oars or other type• of'bulkr junk is to be dumped'`
remove all ears and bulk junk that you pots iblj,oan °that is
now I n the dumping
the dump grounds. 3. Peep the top of`
area levelt and comp so people can dump off the drop off.'
Also the drive to the
dumping jooation is to be kept .in better
condition. 4,. loop entrance of dump neat and clean at all
times. & Set standard price and post in due . d. Set up
signs at entrance to the effect ONO dumping al lowed along cou$*,'
highway right of way, violators will be pprosecuted Also sign '
stating the, hours open Wednesdays and Saturdays 8AY- TO 6PY
7. If burning,
takes puce control it to oombust ble attiell
Burn as seldom as possible. 8 Have someone in charge
at all times when the dump rounds is open. Thi's we belie're
the to
16 most' Important item have better oontsol.
Delbert, Busse, Bob Deaudette, and Berry Rafeemann were present
th regards to di souse Ing �thi� -need `for more daytime, firemen.,
they are' to dtud the need further "and bring., T e oC their reCOmmendatiol�.
to the 0' noil at a labor date. Attorney Menke is to secure
the minimum legal age of < firemen and cheek 04 , . , the insurance% on
the firemen.
Motion was made by Monnen• xtsht "have a ttorney ='M
notify Ilsmett Zweber to pay a substantial amount of his, ^`t
sewer assessment of $1335.60 on or before June 3pth 1837
* passed.,
4soon0sd.by Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly
A meeting was set, for, - ,Saturday June 17th, 1967 at 11AY to
inspect the Village for cleanup and study of the -need for
work to be lone on Ditch Lane, zMs ft0ft k Y
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Notion was made by Stock to prosecute Hart Noyes for the
delinquent water bill which ii due at the Prior Lake..Faft Store,
total due $90.00 seconded by Hess `and upon a vote: taken it W48
duly passed.
A;, application was ,received WIZAtman for a net up'
license for the period covering July 1, 1967 to June 30 1 9 ea.
Motion was made by Mess to an the set up license for the
;. period coveriig July 1 196' to June 30, 19;68 to Dayton lli6htmaa,'
seconded by Stook and upon a vote taken it ,was duly pas 44.
The following applications were presented for Non Intozioating
Beer' License ON AND OFF SALS, Gerald B. Rafatt6ann Frannie Snehl,
. Millard Graves, Gertrude Caa►eron, Mae Schmokel, 'Vl�'p Club` 6208,
l Dayton- llightman, Richard B. Goren OFF SAL,H ONLT V Prior Lake
x, l'''ire Dept and the Prior Lake Jays Baseball Teaii ON SALZ ONLY
Motion' was made: by Monnens to grant the .a�a�e license, eeccnded
by Stick and upon a vote taken it 'was dull? passed. '
Motion was made by Hess seconded by ' stook ,to pay all bilhs t
Scott' Rios' Telephone s , Telephone
Zugene Bleakush f -,,, 8alary 18 AO
Zarl, Killian.
Jordan , Le ale � 46:20
llroif Motor Company to ice. car jr'epair %'89.45
Prior Lake American Le allli
21. eo
= " Oommunioet Ion
s, utenanoe
Ya� 5.60
Go sr �`tamo" 00 " 47. 81gni 19 -
Y 1iy Znginweri- Co - ]Cr ineering sere► X0.00
Joseph- F.'Aeis ✓ Prisioner board. 10.00
- Y� filer- Davis Co: - Supplier "t' ' 1. `Floyd 4leaen 41 Ske lley, Gas and f oil
fin �Yualken
lblioe deity 264.
'•. Yonnene S m
Supply 8u lies
�! a
sMalter `Nor.ch'ardt Sa 80.00
Superior 011 Co: Gas quid 011.
'Al 45
sne_Blenkush == police un3lora i 100.00
street ° 11tes I� 272:6Q
. trI " Yinkus °;Agent yW `
Insurance! 20 x.0],
Carl. Mickus .. Raid areat on p`r'ograll bareation prop
' one xlenkush Salary,,
�� t '_ 1 � �
� sari Killian Ij - Salary ' ��
` }, a Al" N& ott a �'. 3 Sai►ary 2�4.00,�
_ v >lm °�� Repair water , «line 13. e0
Plater 'grips etc ;� _ 64. a3
} �> 8
i ..l 1 Y •
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800tt Mice Te tephoney C Tsl'ephgns :S7 , 72
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, 8c1'tults" Im�t Qa .��t Repairs
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