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07 10 1967
tt MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Villa g Villag Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and fl -I :• State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said. Council. j July 10, 1967 The Common Council of the Village of "Prior Lake met in regular session in the offoe.of the Village Clerk Monday evening July 10th, 1967 at SPM.' The`meetin� was called to order by Acting Mayor Richard Hess. Roll call :present , ' were Clerk Bents and Councilmen and Rose absent ji were Mayor Borchardt and Councilman Stock. • • The minutes of the previous meetings were read and appa� owed. ' Zmmett Zweber was present in regards to letter from Attorney a ` \4 ' Menke and action taken by the council in regards to payment of assessments in the amount of #1335.60.. He advised he couldnot pay the entire assessment it once but one third of the skabsk total and the bilanos a latter date. Motion was made by Honnens akxXW1s xbXk"xkk that f smmett Zweber pay $500.00 now and the balance be paid quarterly and should the property be sold 'the balance must be paid at that time in full, seconded by ,Clients upon ,and a vote taken it was duly passed. - Loren,lalal was present in regardan to a - request made by • the council to have the porch repaired at the Mr4 August 'Mueller F residence, owned by his mother Mrs. Mrank lala1. After a short discussion concerning. this test Mr.-.,Nalal , was advised' this iteb was given attorney Menke for ; 'handli ., and an ,,y� questions he had in regards to the repair nQ 3 he is to discuss this with Mr. Manke 0} Cyril Smith, Justice of the Peace, presented all traffio <tick. eta acted on for the months of May and June 1967. Policeman Blenkuph stated Scott Courty Sheriff Rip Obsoeder advised that the Village of Prior' Lake refused payment of a bill at the Shakopee Mediael Center for intoxication tests given in October 1966 in the amount of S35.00. .f t y.. Sherriff Schroider advised it this bill,le not paid the Village of Prior Lake will not 'reoeiwet dispatching service and the"dootore in 8hakopee will not give tests for s # intoxication in the future. At the tes •the bill was presented !, if wan felt that this was•s personal obligation, since it was for . not I ntokication tests, but•was a request by two men >, invoiied to see a doctor t he declined. Motion was,±. r/ bill was < < NOV made by Monnens to pay . the td ll of $35.00 to the Shakopee ; Medical Center ¢eoonded� by L,ess and :upon a ,vote taken it; II was duly parsed. _ „ Motion was made by- Monnena seconded by Gents to pay all bills; ` Karl Killian Sal '7►' 50.00 .Xugene .Blenkush h 1 NS ueiken (: N 5 02. : 45 Street lites 272.75 Slum Mobil Gas & 011 etc. 889.00 ' LdL Edwe Rd" suppl Is s �Superio Oil 515 Co. Gas and Oil 75.30 �, Aoott Rice Telephone Telephone Y8, go i Motorola Communioati ons Mainiinance i 5.50 Harl Killian Washing police car ' 3.00 om the Garage Polioe p o oar repairs 11.98 Jordan Indepeddent Printed supplies, 83.60 >I�iler Davis Co., 8.55 ' Dog Robert MoA111stes n Pound fses;'eto ,185.00 Engineering. %ff :Valley Co. services 601 Blacktop, Allied 04al coating street 2000.18 ' Zaul Lillian Salary 50.00 , r gene Dienkush if w 1971. 45 Intl Revenue Service fired. withholding tax88840 i, State Treasurer JRetiremen.l 1 90.00 ;_ Commissioner , taxation 9tata M 58. 20 r ' } z r ` MINUTES of the Proceedings big the Pillage Councll of the Village of Prior lake in th *..County of Scoff and ` ". State of'Minnesota,`ncluding all accounts oudited by said Council ;- E" Water Fund:: x Zlmar .Dues@•, Salary a y ;146.30 'Ih Mu61ka Meter reading 36.00 " Odiiassianer of Taxation Sales tax permit 1`11,00 - Nep /r .timer 3usee, snips °,° eta. Sal''ary ' 94024 145.30 1 Intl Re Sortie* State Treasurer Federal withholdi b ,tax 946,00 Retirement in8 ` withho 63.00 0,6121211 loner of Taxation State w,thholdlnM tae :, 21.20 rld. } I Soot 111 ce Telepphhone . Telephone #37.90 *eb'er and Iroseth Reohar8e lire Bet. 8.00 ¢fo -yer i Akio ,B]!umber s Mobile �� t Supplies, aad and 011, 11.36 4g � ` Jfardein Independent Printed .euppiies 1§0 ' ' ,/ )/ Al Ee r9ott . _ \ $alarF f" r' $804.00 4J`01 1111"Its 111e�e ©o, Meter lMadinB r " 11xs1 'oil 34,15 l c ;011, b7.00 ll�sNlt►ins: Chemical Cc.' N� Chlorine _liquid ' 39,00. � d f 1i° Noreott ps, etc. Baldry 60.33 x04.00 f ibla �.�etenue Ser oe ' Fsder� "withholdin< 168460 State Treasurer Retirement tL1. Oo»iss ones of Taxation State. 11ith1ioldinQ. tax i} 1 F mk und: h f lrior. Lat •Ready Nis Ready Piz 11 Joe arahaP CradiuB 0.: -rn hlook� lroduots Roati 04.86 xortlurn '9tilvsrt J � � t Qoasolidated' �IsnroTemat r o! 1983 s � Audi iosn 11 10nal Bank Bonds ajid Interest $4356.60 F J No further business the meeting. , was adjournede" 11.11. aents,'Olert y ii J 1) 1 , ks _ f *A. IA ( / / `,r