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MINUTES of 'the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior 'Lako< in -the County, of Scott and' a
State of, Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
September 19h 1967
The Oommon Council of the Village of Prior° Lake' met in
segular session.,. in the office of the Village Clerk Monday
evening September 11th,,`1967 at 8PM. The. meeting was, oallfd
to order by .gayor Borah' dt -roll call_ Mayor Dorchardt
Clerk Gentz,r and Councilmen Monnens, Stock and Hess.
The minutes of the pr, evioue meetings were read and'approved,
Howard Will was,preaent to „inquire about buying.,Village
property to the rear'! of the Smil 8lingberg residence .
Motion was made by }"less that the above mentioned' property
r 'sale,
is not ,for seconded by Stook and upon a vote taken
v '
It was , 'duly i ,aeeed;.
Brooke Hauser resubmitted - his aprilioation for 3:8 0"- SALS
betx license in connection with Brooks Superette for the'
period overing ". feptember ll�th through June 30th ,'1968
1Tdotion. was made ,by Stock to ;;rant Brooks Haueer 3.a OFF BALM
beer license, seoonded by Gentz "and. upon a vote „taken it
was duly passed!:
Iry Clemens presented a applicatipn,for -a 'set ,up license `
# ,
in sonnedtion viith Iry and Donnas 0�►,fe for the per.od.eovering
September 11th; 1967 through June 30th; 1966.,.. Motion was
made by Monners :to grant the set up' licen se to ,Iry Clemens '
,seconded by .8,Eock and upon, a vote`.. taken it was, duly passed.
Iry Clemens'asked permission for the'teenagers to use the
village, hall approximately once per month. Potion waa made
Xbxk Hoes to grant permission for the teenagers ;,to use
the basement on these occasions, seconded by Monnens. and
upon a vole taken it was duly passed. ,
Motion w4s made by Hess to pay the Shakopee.House,Movers
''° •
$1000,00` for. moving the grandstand at the park and the
balanos ,''of' X250:00 is to be paid when °the grandstand is
set .do�rn, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed.
w tio�i' was ~Wade by Hess to have the Northern St ates tower
Compwiy install` a street 'light, on Birch; Lan45ziear� the. �'
Wanly° Langhorst :.residenos seconded by Monnens and upon a
vote, taken it was duly passed.
motion was `made by Hess to hire the D.H. Mullenmaeter, and Cc
as Auditors for'; the Village "of Prior Lake for yearly
retainer of $275.00, seconded by Stock and upon a vote`
it. r was" duly passed
Motion was made by Monnens to `purchase" 4` legal size filing
cabinets, one to be used in the Njillage Clerks office and -
the her in the, police offioe,, a eoonded by Stock and upon
a vote taken it was duly passed. w `
Motion was made by Stook that A letter be sent to °the 4rior
Lake Fire Dept suggesting that the ,Fire Chief- appoint a
committee to recruit firemen, use idiratever means they, feel
TepUbY plat ing posters around town:, newspaper, or If `.
necessary a•dbor "to door recruitment should be.made, seconded
by Gents snot upon a vote taken 1t was duly,passed.
Stock suggested being no one was interested in the poeition
as Civil Defense Director that divil Defense; Commission
be set up. Motion was made by Hesa to establish a `Ci.,v l
Defense Commission and eocept applications from interested
persons for a postion on the commission, seconded by Monnens
and upon. a vote taken it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Hes t introdue Ordinance No. 67 -31
` f"
an °'Ordinance combihe Clerk and Treasurers posetion
..effective January lst,F 1968, seconded by Stook and upon a
vote taken it was duly passed.
t.q/ �,,r
he rote i f th
ed n s o a Village ' Council f 'th f r
g o e V�Ilage o Prior Lake m the County of Scott and
: +I
State of Mitonesota, including all accounts audited by said Council
The following judges were selected for the September 19th
special election: airs Clare Muelken, Mrs. Margardt Suel,
Yrs. Borchardt, Mrs. Walter Stock and Mrs. Richard Hess.
Notion was bade by Stock not to accept the on and off the job=
accident and sickness Insurance plan for public. employees rom
the Minnesota Benefit Insurance Company as previously
disoussed iith a representative from their company, seoonadd
by, Hes,s and upon a vote taken ;it' was :duly passed..
There was a dissct esion pertaining to the out of town calls made
by tie° 1ooa1 policement as. requested by the Scott' O uaty Sh�riffa '
Office.; Notion was made by Monnens to .to make out of
town calls as per our agreement with the Boott County Sheriffs
office and have one of our men on the scene until they can have
_their men theme; seconded by Stobk and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed.,
Motion was made by Stook to accept the petition for annexation
of - the Stepka let Addition to the Village of Prior Lake and is
to We referred to Attorney Menke for review, seconded by Ease` and
upon a vote taken it was dul y passed.
Motion was made by Monnens pay the $35.00 to the Shakopee
Medical Center as, item was declined for payment A a. ;
previou 'date, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed.
A letter of res.�nation was sub #fitted by Al Herg�tt,.Village
Maintenance man effective' September 30th, 1987. The resignation
was accepted,
Notion as made by Hess and seconded ,by Stock to pay all bills:
General Fund.
'Earl Killian Salary - ,$75.00
EuKene 8lenkush Salary, 191.45
we Yuelk ' to licit duty 144.00
Wiese, 011 Co. Gas and oil 164.23
Walter Borchardt Salary 50.00`'
Motorola Co'
ommunications Motorola, Maintenance 5.50
506tt "Ride'Tele0hone Co. Telephone 18.40
XillIan Salary poltes duty 54.85
'Prior Laks American Le als 6..30
,..Jordan Independent
Robert McAllister Dog pound fees a salary! 34.50
Herb Sass Police duty 153.00 .
N8t Street ;lites; oto, 867.
'Bo2 nsedh and Eenn Stfeet ;grading 213.00 `
Karl Killian Salary 75.00
Eugene Blenkush M
ltate�. fund : .:
Elmer Busse Salary $145.30
Rm Yuelke'n 'Reading metere 36.00
U.S Postoffics Postage_ 35.00
Larson Tank Co. Repair & Psint tank '1485.00
'NOP Pumps, etc. 70.50
Commissioner of Taxation Sales Tax 30.00
Elmer Busse Salary 145.30°
fire Fund':'
Volunteer Benefit Asp In Insurance $40.60
Shingling fire hall 108.50
Standard. Brake & Tuneup Fire Equipment repair - 90.80
Scott Rice Telephone Telephone 37.87
Minnesota Usti Gas Co. Gas 1.28
Francis `Snell, Dry .cleaning 4.25
t i
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott 'id
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. +
Mr. Hawx a used- that each municipality and township select �t:
one board member to meet and discuss boundary lines for anneX
to what municipality or if townships ahouXd be incorporated,
f 1
No further= business the meeting was adjourned.
W.W. Gentx,.Clark f
September 19th, 1967
The Common Council: of the Village `of Prior Lake °:set its zko tra.
special session in the office of the Village Clark Tuesday
evening September 19th, 1967 at 83OPM. Mayor Borchardt
called the meeting to order -roll call- Yayor Borohardt, Clerk
Gents, and Councilmen Monnens, Stock and Hess.
The puspose of the meeting was Ao canvass ballots and votes
of the special election for the question "Shall the Vill e
Lake; Soottounty, Minnesota, borrow mono ' ,by its
of Prior , C
negotiable coupon bonds in andamount not to exeesd' 6 000.00
the proceeds of which are to be used for the conetraotlon of a
Village fire Hall ?: The vote was ast follows, Test 159 and
NO 4.3, there Were t201t ballots oast.
Motion was made by Stock to accept the vote talley' listed
above, seconded b"y` Gents and. upon a vote taken, it .wasp duly passed.
No further business vthe meeting was adjourned.
i s
W.W. aents,
September 27th, 1967
The Common CourA61 of , the Village of Prior Lake met in special
session in the office of thef inin
,- Village. Clerk Wiadtesday ovg
"September 27th - 1967. Mayor Borchardt called the meetin to
order -roll cali_ Yayor Borchardt Clerk Geri�ts and Couaoi en.
Yonens and Stool. Absent Co nciman Bess,
The ;purpose of, the meeting was to review' oonetructIOz` plans for the
ire hall ;and decide what ;should be • cut so a hall osn be built'
,f the money that is, aysilabii to the —Village:.` Tenative plant
for opening of bids is Monday, October 16th, 1987 if blueprints
and specifications can 'be drawn so the advertisement of bide
san be
1[6tion �*is made, by Monnens Ito advertise for-bids for she sale
o! .the old village; hall .and property, That apart �f` Lot 11 and,
'Block e, lrior.Lake, Scott County, Minnesota, described as
follows Comnoneing -at the North - Bast corner of Lot ,number Twelve
(18)'.in,Dlaok number Four (4), ( West fo rty (,40) feet; thence
South.e ghty (80); thence., last forty (40) feet;`thendo North
r `
, alghty (86) feet to place of beginning) In the Villa � of Prior
Late, County of Scott, aid, State of M nneec+ta, 8h0x dxlt1dtttsbik
Andki*ik °the opening of bids to be October 16th, 1987 at SPH
"seconded by "S.took.and upon a vote taken it was -duly passed.
� further business the meeting w an adjourned.
dents, !Clerk