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MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village Pri�� Lake in County
of r the of Scott an_ d
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited, by said Council.
October 4th, 1967
The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in V �
speoial. session in
,the office of the V14lage Clerk dnesday
evening October-4th, 1867 at 730Pm. Mayor Borchardt palled
the meeting do ardor -roll call - Mayor Borchardt, ,Courioilraen
Monnene, Stock Hess.
and Absent Clerk Gents.
The Planning Oommission attended the meeting with the purpose {'
of discussing annexation. The ' :ollo*ing sections' In 6k listed
townships were agreed on for �ann6xation, Eagle Creek a5= 96 -$7 --
-3 34- 35-36, `Spring Lake ZZ One through twelve, Glenda+
30- 31 -32; Credit. River _P-. 6-7 and $. Motion `was 'roads 'by,
Stock to t ake survey ", o the above townships,.. seconded' by 77;:j
Mormons and upon a vote taken it ' ' *as duly
. passed.
Thert was dissoussion on hiring som to take the survey,
This' .item was tabled to be acted: on at the next council mee151ng
there was a iisecuesion on, g x ne sgrioultural property
tax: break. This item was tabled ,fox , further study,.,
�1 ,r
.W. Gent
W.W. s ek
���� Ootober 9th 1967 f
1 The, Colmon Oovneil - : -pf the Vill�ga of P -rips'. L,�ke met /in
re Jar r e sip �.
g a . + r r _n in the ofiioe of tha Village. Clerk Monday'
g 0ctcl
evenini,'i 8th, `1967 st',8PM. , Mayor ~�orchardt. �cailed
the meeting to�;order- roll , oall -. Mayor iZorehardt, t�ounoilmen
monnens, Stock ��and Here 'and Cle Gent*.:,
The minutes of �thp 'previoss meeting. were read .a lzt 'appr"Old. ,
t., was
motion made by Monnens to appoint Hl Gar* �a� y as Sill e
Assessor fns' 19 8, F
seconded by Stook and upon s�vote taken,
it was duly pasoed
{ Potion 'Was made ', s
by Stock to 'set the assessors, salary for
1968 at > 5t)O. t�tbonded y Monnene, and ken
upon a� vote- ta -�
It w � w duly ipa ed: �
" B]naer' Duress wain' present and requested a salary .inoreare
due. tof, the � %dd d.` work load and respons bilitCie.r��sinoe the
Hergott. Motion was made>;by Monnena to
increase lmer,'Dusse's Salary to 435.00 per month effective
October let, 1967, seconded by Stock and upon'a dote taken
it war duly paeQd. {,
The foil i
oR nZ ,raen were apt7ointted to, make/anneaation
surveys': ' Rorer Harri Ron Lat:tery' Buge„ne :31enlush and
Mayne Borchardt. f
uotian was. mada by Stock to /the men 03. 00��per hour, to - make'
the annexation .survey, seconded by Hose; slid upon 's vote te,ken
!t was duly passed.
A Call w�'ta presented by Fire Chief' Delbert. deliver a�
eat .tank truck of water to the Joe shoo' residlnoe. A motion`'
was made cy, moanens to present Joe 6 , ehan_s b,ili for
for' =labor' and ectuipment, seoonded by r ,Hsee and upon a vote takes �
it `
was duly passed. )� .—
Motion waa b. ade by Monnens to introduce a resolution urging
delay .by .the State of �1Minnesote, municipal Commission of
hearing on .a petition for consolidg of Glendale-T o wnship
and the Village of. 9evsige Becaues file Village of `Prior Lake
previously, announoia its ntenrtion to file , e: Petition
for Annexation of part of 01ania ;w Township ;and the pillage