HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 07 1967• MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. November 7, 1967 ::The Prior Lake Village Council met in regular•' session in the office of the Village Clerk 2oaidlWa wing November 7th, 1967 at 8PU. The meeting was called to order by ,Mayor Borchardt, roll call— Mayor,Borchardt, Clerk Gentz, and Councilmen Monnens, Stock and Hess. - The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. Sealad bids for the Construotion of the Prior Lake Fire and Police, garage were opened and tabulated as follows: t , Complete construction— Akron Bldg d Supply Corpn $43734.00 General Construction Conbrete etc. ae+.�.' "' 20,258.00 - Addtl 16 X 8 over a 10 X 8 door Steel Ij B6 Steel & Equipment 9,925,00 AFdolphson & Peterson 10 Electrical — Prior Lake Electric Prior Lake 2,500.00 .' Heating Steins, Inc. Shakopee, Minn.' 2,1'02.00•° r Simones Plbg Jordan, Minn. 1,,728.00 Gopher Heating Savage 1, Plumbing:; Steins, Inc. Shakopee Minn. 1,517.00 kinn. s8imones Plgo Jordan, 1,553.00 The above bids are to be reviewed and acted on at 'a later`' date. Wayne Conga, Harry Nystrom and severa @ther•residents of ' ti the < area were, .present to request thot tkukk Vilel" ' o donate of the Prior L.ake.,, Sk X400.00 toward the operation i ' After s short discussion a Motion has made' by Stock -tol donate $400. 00; ` toward the Prior Lake Ski Towm subject to the legglity portion, -`.. seconded by Gentz and upon a vote ,taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by.: Stock to appoint Don Bus`ee to fill the unexpired term of Delbert Busse on the Prior Lake Planning *Ommiission effective at once,` seconded by ftnneng and upon r a vote taken it was duly, passed. Motion was made by Monnene Ito passe resolution, J . ' the`' State- of Minnescta , to make a survey of ,Trunk Highway X13 `from Northerly ; the portion of the Village to'County °highway " ''• to determine if ,the tipped limit should be reduced' due` to the tremendous amount' of accidents in this area, seconded by Gents s , and upon a Tote taken it was duly - passed. Potion was, made by Monnens to pass a resolution to have Northern States Power Company install a street 1,ght.,near the Ralph Borka residence 'nn Third Avenue North,..,seoonded by Stock and upon , a vote taken it was duly passed. The following bids were received for the sale of that part of 'll Lots and -12, Baoek 4, Prior Lake, Minn described as 'follows; e Commencing at -the - North East Corner of Lot Number Twelve (12) in Block number Four (4), (running West forty (40) feet; thence South eighty (80) feet; thence East forty (40) feet; thence North eighty {80) feet to place of beginning); 'I F. Garrisson 6767 Valley View Rd Mpls, Minna $1151.00 Prior Lake Business & Professional Club 600.00 J b with - their intentions are to tear the building• 'do*ry and prepare the lot for public parking and donate, it back to the Village with the stipulation it be used for public parking -only in the future. The bids are , to be studied and airakwk acted on at ;a later date. ; Motion wt! tide b Y Monnens to hire Raymond Johnson for 475. W per -Mont or general maintenance and sewerage, Plant operator g, - beoinain& November 15th, 1907, seconded by Hwss and'upon a v6 te_. takei;it was duly passed.' {. Prior. Lake State Bank.., - Fed. Income tax withholding, 79.40 Zugene'B1 Salary 197.45 <, Bar , Ki211an Police salary William �:.. Yuelken Police-duty'. ° 0, 180. _ W ater, Zund c. Zlmer Busse Salary $1 ?5..95 Willlam.Iuelken � meter reading �� 36.00" u =' Tautes Roofing Labor, 4- Matl 38.00 Prior Lake Stake Bank " ` Deposit Fed. Income tax ,� 45`.50 Y1mer Busse Salary �] " „. 1T5.95 ± Trlmer Bussa ° ° " Vacati'on pay 77.18' ° Commissioner of ,,Taxation °Sales Tax 47.44 U.B. PQstoff ce Postage 4000 f .. . Fire ftnd: Minnesota Valley Natural Gas Gas X3.50 � Scott Rice Telephone Telephone 38:02,, 114fity J. 'Hauer Printing Plans Fire !Sall 52.88' ='I Skelly $ervi ce Gas 2. r 8 j( 0 7�. } w} MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including a S '� Motion was made b Stock to y pay �rlmer Busse one weeYs"vacatic14. pay due to the faot we a are unable to have , it man reliete hims;✓ seconded by Hess and upon a a vote taken it Was duly pass I I� Yot ,pn was made by Stock t to lease part of the Village H Hall «to a lady giving music l lessons for $25.00 per month, s seconded; a by Moranens and upon a vote t taken it was duly, passed, l a Canvassing of the ballots a and votes of the Village Slection h held November 7th, 1967 was,made. Votes received were as f follows:,;{ There were 333 ballots c cast. Ma; -or- Richard "D. ,� Garen 1 It A. Hank j ; • a} S Smith 72; Treasuter - Donald t torchardt.,`258;; Trustee - W Warmer e' A. Stock 239, Mrs. Richard O1 son ,76, Justice of P,e Ronald J. Lattery- 1 246, Olerk - W W.W. Gent2 284. Motion was m made by - _ _Stock to accept the vote t.aly as listed, ;seconded bq G Genta and upon a vote taken it was duly paeaed. ' - Motion was made b Hass e econdedb [onnens to • a. General Fund: } }, a William IYuelken P Police, "in iitoft ai low aiias $ $100.00 Ear:'!. - ,Killian " " Salary 1 175.00 � ��J Eugene Blenkush S Salary 1 197 L Al Borchardt f Labor, 9 9 . Al Hergott Z Zie_ction udfe ' • 0 Isabel- :Blingberg N N 2 21.75 �I Yargatet 874e1 N N, N r ;. 2 21.'75 `Clare 11fielken° « « w al Aliop- Muel,lex 2 21.,75 Mayne Borchardt... A Annexation survey 8 89.00 � 4kikHlit=kkit R.° ` M ,r 94.00 oger, Z._ Harris CO • n D Dog tag!! 9 9.07 Nat 1 Lba� of Ct�ties u ub- scription 2 20.00 " ' 2ierliert Bass P Police duty r 1 110.81 Soott Rios Telephone T Telephone 1 18.90 1�alter Borchardt S Police Car 1 18.61 > - Motorola Coremunicatione M - : : Jordan Inde endent L Legals 5 56..10 Joseph A. 6.16 T Tax base- for annex: survey 85.00' J.A. Lyons & Sons.. H Hdwe Supplies 1 187'.96 Yueen,e, B Annexati on survey 1 108.00 Gulf 0i1 -Corpn a an 9s. 49 c Wolf .Motor Co, G car, repairs 2 211. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including ail accounts audited by said Council. Motion was madd by Hess that Mayor kelvin Borchardt be appointed spokesman for the Village ° Council for the,f annexation hearing Tuesday December 12th, 1967,'seoondid by Monnens and upon a vote taken it `was duly passed._ Motion was made by Stock to have Attorney Menke prepare an ordinaries setting up a 344 tax ratio on urban and rural . districts, seconded by Gent and upon a vote a,aken it was duly passed. Motion wt .,�de'oy Stock to deduct three thousand dollars • t ;.itil the �19 er.a; operating budget due to the rebate being j�ceived due to the State Sales Tax, seconded 'by Gents •.and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was madd b t a t { e n Concrete work etc. o� Y�8 a $20,549.00, seconded by Hess and upon a vote taken -it was duly passed._ i w d ward the Steel Roof cont �t 9 o'1411 011pilit Inc. for $9,935.00, seconded by _,Sto;ok, and upon a vote taken it was du] y «° ]lotion wazi made- by Monnens to sward the plumbing„ oontract for, the construction of the Prior Lake Fire Ball to Stl n, ,,, Inc. of Shakopee, Minn for $1,511.00, seconded by hies and upon a vote taken it was duly ,passed. r - Motion was made by Monnens to awart' the heats contract Ball for the construction of the Prior Pke Fire Ma to Simpnes Plumbing and seating for $1,.728.00 (Gopher Heating bid,"' rejected account no bidders bond or certified .check - with the bid), seconded by Stoct, and upon a' vote taken it l was duty,.paesed _ y o f Motion was made by ,Stock, to table the awarding /the >,,electrical oontrad.t' on the Fire Hall for further review and study, seconded by Hess and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. I, Mot•iOn was made by Stock to advertised for sealed Wide to plow snow on all Village Streets with a truck and a aril way plow on an ';hourly rate basis seconded by Kees and upon a vote k ; 'taken it was duly pas 'aed. 43'c s to be opened. Dee 1 190:7 at 7PY. Moiloasomade, by Stock to advertise for bids to Gover, all %,. anc ages for the Village for 1968.., 'which is` to be put in a package, seconded by Gents and, upon a vote taken it ` was duly passed. Potion 'Was, made by. Monnens to pass a resolution to , revoke 'UY6 dasigna,tion, of G"ounty State Aid Highway Vo. 12 within 1aie Corp- F orate units of the Village of Prior ha:* as hll that > -. part. bf .Fourth Street in the Village of Prior Lek *beginning at, the Northeast corner of Blook Three in. said Village. and running Southerly along the East side of Block Three .to the Northerly right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee 'arid 3t Paul .., Railt;ay; thence Xaste,rly along said. right of way to the West erl.y right of;," "way of Trunk ?Iighway' No. .13 as now constructed and there terminating, seconded by kbftaks Stock and upon a'b ; taken it was duly passed. Ito ion was made by Stock to peas a resolution itbxdesignatlrg of County State',Aid Highway No., 12, within the corporate limits of the Village of Prior Lake as follows,: Beginning at the intersection of Pleasant Street and Main Street ins said Village ' of Prior Lase and running' Northerly to the intersection with Dakota Street sa d•Street now being part of C.SAA.H. No. 12., seconded by Hess and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. j MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ";November 7th meeting continued Sewer .Fund " John Schmitz Meter reading $35.00 " American Natl Bank Bonds & Interest 5608:73 Dorr- Oliver Inc. Strip liners, for disb, 41.20 Superior 011 Co. 'Fuel oil 61.99 ' Transport TO Clearing Frbight charges 3.50 Richard J. Kenke Legal services Sewer a water Imurovement 1981 3 American , ldatl E Bonds & Interest $935.73 Park �nc Don Zngdl Parts $4.15. Earl Killian` Labor St andfir'd 011: 000 Fuel. oil►l "1.60 Street. Fund: ` Mike McPhillips• Street sweeping *346.50 Wm Mueller & Sons Bituminous Mix 84.00 Cargill Inca Snow's Ice Sel! 47:92 42 Im' rirovements of" 1984 Fund:, N -m. Natl Bank of, Bonds and Interest 2488.50 No !further business the me ti ng was adjourned., ' W W, Geiis Clerk November 18th, 1967 ife Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in special session In the d9fi.ce of the "Village Clerk Saturday btowember lath 1967 at LOAM: The' meeting was called to' order by Mayor Borchardt - e, `:.roll aal]� Ya or Bor.ohardt Clerk t3enta and Councilaem Honnen`s y Oak and 34,88 . William Sehmokel, Village Engineer and,iim'Lindsay. present ry to,' dibousis the necessity, of `the Village ,to hire 'ax, special engineer fbi' the ,pur}�ose of 16 Us nexat"ion hearing etc.. .It etas ;estimated 4�e£s ths� cost ,for this puzpore would be about . #300.00. ' . Yo,_tton' .was i�i, made*" Stook to hire Jim 'Lindsay of Lindsay Znineering : as a special sngihose for the pUS0066 of "the annexation hearing, `seconded by S No'ss"ate upon vote taken it was duly passed. = , Ybtion" Wag made by Stock to have Wm; Schihokel check with the Minnesota .StatS Nigbvay Department to see "if the &I ek for the storm newer` improve - h::ment from this Otto' 1Clingberg res4dence?, rein to )liinnesatA, Trunk Highway Fi3 >it Still available or if theq willi:l dap their share, seconded bHess and upon a vote taken it was ciy passed. y, Motion was made by Monneni .to. accept the tad of the Prior "Lake Business': and Professional Club for the sale ;:,parts of lots 11 -12 -: of the original plat' in the Village` „ -Of Prior .Late, : with the, etipuldtion the building can be used by the Vill a until the e w Fire hall, ie completed, that the buil#'�g be removed from the lot and,` the Sot be deeded back to the' Village with # the s 1' 1 tion It be used. for public parking, seconded by Bess and upiitn a vote taken it was duly passed. MINUTES of the Proceedings >of the, Village Council of the Village, of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said; Council. r continuation of November 18th,. 1967 meeting Motion was made. by Hess to delete the followings; Crater and setter , age bills from the records that have'not been paid: prior Lake Farm Store $90400, Reuben Tehbhester $44 Sylvester Ziegler X6.25, Town Treat Cafe $37.50 Joe Fischer J35.00, Milliam 3 aston $26.50, Arvid Johnson 150.25, LeVern Knutson $15.25, Er. Arthur Moss ;19.,50, Orrin Plath $49.00, Harold Pruess $46.50, Harley Bjerke $31.31, City Club leverage, $133.00., Town Treat Cafe x'38.`87, seconded by Stook and upon a vote taken it was. duly passed. No further business the meeting was adjourned. r W. W: Cents, •Clerk ! ovemb er 2 7th , 1967 w The iommon Council of the Village of Prior - Lake met in .special � session in the office of the Village Clerk -Mor da,y evening " 11ovemb'er 27th, 1967 at 73OPM. The meeting was eal]iad to order by Mayor„ Borchardt —roll call_ Ysyor.'Borchtarrdt, Clerk cent, tuid Councilmen Monnene, Stock and Fjess. Potion.wa,s made by Stook Eo atta "Juran and Moody Inc. " to .furnish complete b is *" onsulti sere c for`�the sale" of } 4 the c- $3 ,6,OQO.00 bonds i'or the fire and police gar s , including ` the . preparation of,` ari of.feri ng ,prospectus, superV ss ,the prooed+s ure and make the necessary bond, sale publicat ions, attend bond sale to c oiyute the bids,and advise the"Councl�,ae to the aocentability of in consideration of bond market conditions, supervise; the print ng of the bonds and "their delivery and the delivery of .the proceeds' to the Council, seconded by Mon: and upon a vote "taken it was duly.,passed . Potion was mad b tie introduce tho•.,• following" ree'olution" and moved ` its odoption.; ! RESOLUTI614 PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC 81L� OF $36 0 011b, GXNBR4 OBDIGATION PUNIC PAL ,BUILDING BONDS 'b 1867, .th f� Issuance of J1 s aid having heretofore been;:approved bey the m c�ual3fiad voters. 9f tbe.�Vil1e at,, a spec a� electron held "on 8e0ember 19th, 19E7 6' ,- cleA'As hereby` authorized and directed to, cause .,notice of the time's planes and purpose of said `xeetl Q ;,to � .published in the. official newspaper of `" the Village= `knd_ in the Oommera ai West .provided b -7 `law, With t1 }e: bid, opening "to: be ;Wedne,adaty December 13th,; 1967 at 7304 at the ,,Cii m oil Chambers in �, the .Village Mall, seconded by kfi es� , and upon ,a gote` taken it was duty assed..' µ p � Potion was, made b'y Hess to authorise, the various .organizatidifs In the community to clean the village property to the north of Dakota Street between 2nd and 3rd_ Avenues, xhakakckkd:wyhah " " z will tb�an•. b e: used as a .. park ' area, seconded. bp Stock and upon; , taken it was di ly passed. ` Potion ,,was made byMonnerie to award the eledtrical .bfd of SQQ,:iOO to Pribr Lake Electric' providing a: bid bond or certified chock is received, Borers bid on fire hail and police "garage, second by Stock and upon a vote taken it was /duly passed. ,., . Mo ion was made b� .Stock to add $325.00 to the general .Conitructi bid the Prior. eke" 'ire Mall-Or the continuation of foot s through the doer openings which were omiitted on the drawings in error seconded, y b rHesa and upon, a, vote taken it -was duly passed. Nq further busineas the meeting was adjouraed.. Gents, Clerk " �`, 7;