HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 01 1967r MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in th County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited, by said Council, r;} D6cember lst, 1967 The Commonf ouncil of thil Village of Prior Leke met in special t i session in the office of., the Village Clerk Friday ,evening /­­n x "`" necember let, 1967 at 7P11. Mayor Borchardt Galled the meeting to order -roll ea11A Maiyox Borchardt, Clerk Gents and "Oounoilmen MOfineris, Stock. and Hess. I The purpose of they meeting was to "open bids for plowing snow i on 'pillage Streets. The Iifo.11owi`ng bid were opened and tabulated: Johnson end Sane s11,00 per hour l� . Bohneack and Mennen X13.50 per hour Motion was made by,. 'Hose t'o, accept the bid of Johnson and Kane for plowi .snow on �tillsge Streets for $11.00 per hour, _seconded by Stock andfupon a vote itaken, it was duly passed. , No further:-bi eine,ss the �eeting was adjourned. 1 W.1?. Gentz� C lerk beeembar 11th, 1967 .The Common Council -of the lVillage of Prior Lake met iii regular "- r `session in the office .of' the Pillage Clerk Monday eveiinq/ Oeoembe a 11th, 71967 at 7PV. . TThe meeting was oalleid to order =bjr Mayor e Borchardt -roll call -Mayor Borchardt, Clerk Gentz and{Councilmen ` 46nnens, Stock and �ttees. I� l The minutes of the prey ou II meetings were read and aplpr; dv Mot ion was made b. , Monnene �,to Arlene Schmidt #15 00 Y; pay Mrs, £ for service fees' for blowing 'the .6 P.M. siren for the Fyyee 1967`., seconded by heea and upon a', vote te,Sen it was duly , . passed. . V 11ot.ion' *a4 made by.` Monnene I to -pay $he Prior Lake rirel "Relief -.; �lss�+aalat,ion l"raill' bn , `th'e t6to.1 "valuation of, the y "vilii�e, Liike for. 1867, raluation. 609,055, or s total o!! 409.06, seconded by Nees end upon a `vote 'taken it was duly passed.. A. ssi ektfi n`tor` a oigaro, `l�ioense was presented for_ R`= Ot lobert Gilbertson. of Pr or `L'al ke , Ybods, ,, Inc. for the �perl d t 4 c . ooisring "December l sl9S7 :through December 31, al9C7G " Kot1_on ! Brae' made by Xssa to: rang they kiQnarette license to Robert Gilbertson. of . Prior Aaki Foods,."Inc. : for the period covering a December 1, 1967 through December �1,. 1967, .aeconded by Stock r. �,G �� ,.TAnd upon "w votes "taken,, it was passed. i 'duly " A `applio►ation for a 3.8 Non - intoxicating besr OFB',`SALA license ., ,. i � ,. was „presented. by Robert ` tilbertson of Prior ,Lake' roods Inc. foz the period from December ,l, 167 through June 30th, 168. Motion was�raade by Iies`o to' grant Robert Gilbertson of P io'r Lake Foods, , Inc. a 3.3,Non- lntoxieating.OTJ' SALZ beer license, "•four the period,! '1967 from December I through` June 30th, 1958, seoox`iilad by Rboc>c' jr ': and upon 4 vote taken it , vas , duly 'passed. �. ` j• a 1 . The follows �: applioations were presented for license ,to sell i cigarettes at retail for the pe'xiod covering January 1, 1961 through December 31 1968: Robert D. Gilbertson of ,Prior Lake "'roods,, ,.Inc. , Robert Busse of Busse'' s Food Store; VrW Post #6208. ` l'ugene 2�fuelken of f3uperor 01;1 Co�rtvany; Peter Zorn of 'Zorn a Grocery; Lloyd' Zepherin of Marys s''Cafe; Florian Blumberg o! ' Blumberge Mobil "Service; Franois� Snell of Sne11's Bar;; Willard Graves of Gay Nineties; Gerald Hal kermann of`" the H,d�D Bar; MaIlt>r Schmokel of Mays Place; Gertrude "� a#eron of Cameron s ^Store;:; Richard D. Geren of Gernn Liquore ; Lyle' Wiese of hilltop Skelly Service; Dayton Wighiman of Hilltop Cafe; Irpin Clemens Of Iry and Donnas We Brooks Hauser of Brook's Superette Tnot.; " Motion Ras,, -made bey Hess to -grant the b above listed o garette lic seconded y monnens` and upon r, vote taken �t was duly passed. Al i 1( MINUTES of the Proceeding: of the Village Council ofjhe Village of Prior Cake in the County of Scott and • State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by 'said Council. December� 11th 196 "fi muting continued kotion was ",Made by lJonnerls to engage Jim Hanks of 'Midwest ng as speaker for t'he anr_exat ion meeting at the ftkO Prior lor High School January 19th, 1967 at BPY, , seconded by Stock and, upon a vote taken it was,,iuly passed.,, Motion was made;'by to reappoint«Lambert'Henn n on the Police Commission for a 3 year pxiod covering 1968- 1969-. and 1970, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it J =was nit duly passed. li n r ' Yoti on was ` by Stock to install', brick veneejj on .,the front pill &.;s on the , Prior Lake Fire Hal,! pax .being const ed,xstacoikdt which wa.e;` ommitted on i4e original plans, seconded by Hess and upon a v61te taken itX ffw as duly passed. A hearing is to be a t u h p p by, Attuney Menke on they. proposed' ordinance for a 30% -,1tax ratio on ;urban and rural property, ( !fie hearing is to coincide with the regular mee�in January t. 8th, 19681= Pir a Chief, Delbert Busse, presented a Dail madeb 9ches so to deliver, a tank truck N of Rater; to his re denoe. Motion was made by! Monnene to make charge of $7.50 for''the delivery, Bacon d 1 61 by Hess and,'upon a vote taken 3 w s. passed. a duly'' rIre Chief, ;, Delbprt Buses , presented a letter that request• ­*ss made by tha 1 i'ireman that 'the Village a 2.00 E � pay per hour fee for fines in the Village ate well as tha "$0 p that is being for couuntrry pjkid` fires, They also made a request that $250.00 be included in the 1968 budget for ` "ol State Fire 8cho !I. expense, °Motion was made b y !Rees` to ab is j > the BB• per`Yiour, request until the January meeting f, when 1 othar salarideltare act seconded by Stock Wand upon a vote takes ." it was duly, Pa'seed. The request fhat ;at least• $250.00 be included in: the 1968 budge t be made �. F , , was made to late` to include An. the 1168 we budget , . trh,oh was mnd�e September 27th 1967. = Th e., re;, to asked gain make the request when the 1969 budget„ is made;and at ' thg time it wil be oonsidex,`ed. , ;'a ` , l,§ L A 1 A appli�catitfn for an 017 SALB liquor.: li. R enee ,{ bY , John; Bro6ks Hauser for and in behalf "of. etora Ina, of waa .presented Brooksville Liquor ' , Prior Lake. Motion was made John Broe>c H auser the, =OFF b 9toolr�'to Y ' grant x r 8ALI liquor licenit covering Di►gember 11th, 1967 through June by Gents fqr• , ne ' period 30th, 1968` seconded +: ; and: upon a vote taken' was „d '�1y a .. passed. �' ' Notion waif made by Stock end seconded b Hews to all b { p. bills p e , ., General Fund: j 1 ( LawrencelMonnens Trustee seI' Y „ $245.00 k Richard , .ass n al Walter 6tock a ` roch ig,�.rdt Mayors Arlene',3chn►idt 355 Service �6PY ` fe siren` , 15:00 Melvin ;sister Treasurers Salary 150:00 OBaald° �Buese Buildin ns e, rs� fees iz P ct o J . 100.00 C lerks ea, ary & .iliac. " 464..55 Pe rl, �eurve !'sad Kerkk� A ihixatio y 21 Eugene {l, Bl�kush � M , n 12,00 itoiala " j.;e0,.00 Latter ; r e Aicha�td J. M Anne �' it 36. 00 enke NSP l ' xat� on filing' fees aid x- 225 00 Street j�. rtes etc. • dyne. 'Borchardt p, �Pb exatio • r DAnrin eotrvey 33.06 errt YoAllieter ! Pot earl. Killian , g pd fees etc. 120.00 8elar 93,OC� �, MINUTES of the Proceedings f gs o the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott x ( State of Minnesota, including ;all accounts audited by said Council. and u the Blenkush William E. �aelken Sa. "lacy Poli duty $197.45 t { .Yt Scott Ri ce Telephone Walter Borchardt Telephone 144 00 19 wQlf Motor Co 8al.ary Repaira police car 50:00 18.73- �Andrewe Rexall -Drub �Prior supplies •Lake American I.e �,als .98 21.70 q y Gulf Oil Corp}. 46torola Communications Gas and Oil 93.27 Inc. Motorola Raintenaace Monnens Supplies Smiths t;Far e . ag Supplies - 5.5 0 12 l0, � .' Blumbe'r e)�io'o.'l Jordan In•dependent lepair Vii'nt truck 189.87 G,ae and Oil & Rep77 airs458. �fiese''011 Co; Le�ale etc. Gas Oil 53.75 Prior Lake State Bank Eugene Blenkueh and 136.5 Fed, withholding Up 79.4p Earl gill su Salary, Salary., 187.45 #438 9. Water und ,� I Northern 5 tatet3 Power Pumps,, etc.111.�'3 „phriam De sudette Labor �# ° Simonet 'sohneack and Rennen Rep airing; HydrantB' eto6443 Backhoeing etc. 109.�75 =� W.W. Cfentz Amer Busse SalarY- ,800 , ( Prior 'Lake State, Bank Salary 1Tra "'95' Fed. Withholding tax, 14l' 7E ]Cla►e Busse Salary _175 S k .I i r, • ,• ,' Fri hind: I ,. ��� - : ,. � •.. Rot%ert Beaudette � Donald Borch Outside Fire oalls` M n n . `5.00' X8 /Men Busse Dblbert Busse n " " n " 54.00 16.'00 z . R0 ort Bu`ose " n " N 172.00 ' ` 35.00 89.00 t t er.ald Bble *inn Eaztroy . 11 nng�b erQ n- n " 111.00 43.00 9 Zlmer' Ylin berg b `1oe 111 bdrg �Wil,aoear>�horet n n n 40. ,00 14.00 'Aan�a Lattery " " N 55.00 $7.00 37.00 Ruetien Muel r ;; " " " 94.00 73.00 iOlar4Yce; Schmidt n; w n 13C 00 nalc� Sc�dn�rner J � " " `101 <, "ene s■ith " " 66.00 8. 00 A C.. Smith,,. Francis ine11� n n n 100.00 Q .z c �~ Y nnesQta Ratl Qae Co. ' Dan 50.00 . O Sc att Rice To Standard Brake' Tuneup Telephone Repairs 38.02 00 Delbert Due' e ,= Fire School .AeSr "iAUtion 8.30 7.90 =0. f 31 ' Ains n� F d irezt.1 Co ° . Supplies Air Packs $5.00 530.00 Nelson ;Radio 644 TV °. Prior Lake Relief Ale n Transformer Relief fund 1 mill ' 3OAO 409.06 O D umberts Mobil Service Gas and oil 43. 24 - 2277.48 r t e Al, 0 0 r' i NIP M MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Viliaye of Prior Lace in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts oudted by said Council. ° W ith the notice of bond, al at the rotes of interest set forty and to .pay therefor t,14e um of $36 <,000 (plus a premium of $25.003 `is + hereby found, determined and declare to 15e. the most — „favor able bid received; and is hereby accepted and sad'bonds are. , hereby awarded to' said bidder. The Village Clerk is , directed to retain the deposit of said bidder and to forthwith return the 40r -: good.,faith checks or drafts to the u uccesoful bidders. Said bodds shall be payable as, to principal "and- interest at the Prior Lake "State Bank, the resolution was seconded,by Councilman ' �C Hess and upon a vote 11eing taken it was'. duly passed. "No further business the meeting was advurned. ".kww W.W. Gent z,= Olerk O _ ✓ V1 ., 7,r « M web k 5 0 x .