HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 08 1968° MINUTES ofKthe Proceedings of the Village Council of the_ Village of Prior Lake 'in the 'County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council'. x January `8, 1968 y The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake Met in regular a session in the office of, the 'Village Clerk Modday evenink January 8th, 1908, at BPM. The meetin was called to order-, by Mayor Richard,Geren -roll call-Mayor Geren, Clerk,Gentz end: Councilmen Monneris, Stock and Ness, h The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved: ` Newly elected Councilman ,Stock, and Clerk -Cents were sworn " ` into office by Mayor Geren. Paul Bueee,, J'. , a member of the. Board ;of Christanduaatonn � from St. paulte Lutheran.Church was present andL indicated that -" t St. Paula asked to again rent the basement of the Village Hall% for using as Sunday School . apace each Sunday morning during the months of January through. Ma;r A motion was made by Monnens to rent the basement to St. Paula Lutheran Church each Sunday morning to be used as 'Sund ay School space; during the period January through May for & $256 00''per month usage charge, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it. was du17 passed., Diadsay Engineering; was present and pretiininary . map for sewer and water trunk lines pertaining` fo'the`;;ltltkkktk*n ; w proposed annexations. Motion was° made by Stock' 'to authori Lindsat to complete the text, seconded by Hess and{ _ ' a upon�a vote taken It was duly passed. Donald Busse-, building inspector, was present and suggested = - a ehan �t or8ing be made cm- the building permit for John Bro•o>cs ,tistruct a commerioa .building j ust south Brooks Superette. The change �auggeated to' . Ra° have tant was cons 95 setback ti * t according to the curvature of the. highway. Motion was made by Stock to have the clerk send a let'ter,to John'Broikts advising -hi have the wording on the building - permit*. changed to a cona 95t setback accordin to the gg curvature ,of the.highway instead of'the'setbackAbeing the same as the existing building, seconded by Ness and upon a vote taken- it ' was duly. paese_a. ec�w 3 - Motion was m by Stoc to appoint Dom Busee building n � year 1968. the fee to b $5 Ott f cr eRCh inspe for the permit with an additional 20% 'of the building fee collected, ' _ y upon and upon s >si3kOd[ vote taken It was duly wised. , a • ;.Roger !Barris, member of the police commission was present in ' regarde. to the recommendations made by the eom ission,r fo�r' n _ J salary inoreaseo� eto f the or year 1968. A r'ssii Hof °$50.00 or�.month 'was recommended and d $100.00` per year clothing a2low"de be made' each year after the first year ihiteedi of. the $12 `" .00 per ye ex now allotted. Not ion was made by 'ock '16 raise the salary of policeman - ens Blenkuirh­ f rom � d5.00 J -Yipdf month to #550,.00. per� month and s clothiue'a1lowanoe • z ,, $100.00 be given 'after the ltshk second: year of'. service V insteeitl,of the. $12..00 now, allotted;, seconded_by ilentz ;and upon a vote taken it` was duly ` pas.e`d. F ,a A 11 cMbOr6 of the 'band *Spice, of Life" were present ,.in regards to giet,ting permission toy use the downstairs of the ViYlage . , y 1Sall' for danoss and practice sessions. Permission Irae` µon trail basil. •a 4 Villa gd Attorney Menke advised tt would be legal '.to`'give 400..00 to the "Prior, Lake` $k ;�Tow under ; eontrae sees, 1�lt VOTTI& all a �ts.rQ , Fide Chief' Delbert Busse, Hank Smith gad Clar.er,ce 'Sohmidt' were present to requast the Vi 1 Pay $'•00 per "n all fire calls in the village and 2. ov fire per drill pr, man for one fire drill per month. Motion t*ae made. by Stock to a - over NO t MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts. audited by said Council. _ pay the firemen. $2.00 per hour on all fire calla_in the village and $2.00 fire per drill per man with a limit of one fire drill 4 ;per month, seconded by Heafi and upon a note taken it ! duly passed._. , Motion was made by Stock to des •gntte the Prior Lake tState Banc the offical bank for the Village for 1968, seconded by Bess and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion; was made by Gents to have thex2akdkzk1kctajK prior Lake American the legal newspaper fors the 'Village of Prior Lake for 1968 who offered the`following bids to do the legal printing Offic2l proceedings of the village council, at 1 80 g _g per ;c ' „folio, for tabulation composition 60 cents per folio additional. ; „The statement (one issue) and all other notice* i and advertisements and prirzging to be done at the rate of X1:80 per folio and 60 cents per folio extra for tabulated comp - Y „° < osition of `Ghe type used for the first ineerti,dn end $1.20 for ' folio for eagh'subsequent insertion ke shall be ordered or required, seconded by Mcnnene and upon a vote 'taken, it was duly passed, ” notion 'was made by Stock to retain Richard Menke as Village attorney for the, Village of Prior Lake for , 1968' with the yearly retainer, to be 800 00 for the � ye as, this e• includes attendance at the Council meetings, normal correspondence, and e bn minor , desk work. Trail work, prep *gat tion of pleadings, necessary - trRVel .sad long distance tolls, and, preparation of other document& and ( other reports, are extra to 'be charged,at the rate of SnjjjX� $15.iO per hour, seconded by Monnena and upon a:; vote tskei�_ it” was z x Yotiontwas,made by Hess to retain William 8ehmokel as Vi?lage' , Zngineer for ,1968, sedonded by Stock and upon a votes taken it .,° ;wad` duly passed. Mgtisn was made by Hess to retain, Clarence' Schmidt,," ae Village Plumbing no for .196 8, seconded by, Gents and upon K vote taken aq, rjz� 1 t was, duly - passed. ,. M Motion- Ras :Wade by Monnens to apaoint Dr. Olaf Lukk, Wally Langhoret, Roberti Busse, Francis Snell and Jack Andrews as health officers of the Pllage,.of Prior .Lake for 1968, seconded by Gent :. and upon a vote o taken it was dulp_pa•sed. Mayor Geren °designsted he following obligations to,eaeh member of the council for 196V as per: Richard Gerer), Police Chief, Lawrence Monnene, Street Commissioner: Walter Stock, Water and °Sewer .Commission &r; and Richard 'Bess, Park and Recreation C,ommissioner.n C� Motion - wt a macs 'by Stock to retain Jahn - Schmitz and William kuelken. pip, meter, read, ! for 1988 and they are to be paid 25' cents ner meter, sttonded�ay �terae upon vote taken .and it was duly. passed. 0 a Yoion`� made by Stock' to_appont Gerald; Justin Civil Defense Director:.., b ` >3e °'votetaken seconded it was duly based. �y •s and upon„- a ��o� of oii`w�is'`mads by: "Yo�►nens to'have olerlE notify. townboards to attend° " a special mneti'ng of the Village dq 4nQil Tuesday evening µ y ary ao tf 1968 at ePgoln regards to signing fire protection 'r. agre , the, year 1968, seconded by Stock - and upon a vote taken it was duly.paseed' Yoton' was maids by Stook to establish: the sames rates �of`2.5 mills . for fire protection on 'taxable valuation for Credit River and Q) Spring Lake Towneh3ps andL a flat fee of $1300.00 for Glendale, x for Eagle Creek a Standby fee of $200.00 With a charge of $100.00� ;- i'or fir`ef'hom, the of *bash fire cal' and X75.00 for each additiotrar' j < hour, seconded by 06fito and upon. a vote teflten it wale:: duly passed.- M9tion was made by Stock to establish the follor ing- s4lar1res for °the.... . } H MINUTES of the Proceedings,of the Village Council the Village of Prior Lake inr County Scott and cif °the of State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. " pnuary STH me c onTinuea Raymond 9..'Johnson $490.00 per month Elmer Busse 450.00 " Pay rate for pert 'time labor 41.75 per-=hour frm .. 6A2,t to 6P1rt and X2.00 Der hour from 6PM,, =, 6ADS '° ° ' ' '' Pert time police duty $9.25 per hour, °seconded by 'ktonnens and upon a note taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Stock to set .the. Clerks salary at 02050. 00for the year 1968, seconded by 14onnen01 and upon r� a .vote taken it was duly,passed. :f letter of resignation was received. from Frank Lyons;'. a member of the Prior take Planning Commission Ike requested the resignation be `effective as soon &e, a replacement can be found. A leteer of resiignat on w-as reeei "ved iron Ronald Lettery, Justice of the Peace, resignation effective January 1, 19'68. Me stated resignation was due' to the fact that he has accepted the position of Police Patrol for the Villao and a conflict of intereet exists between the r J two positions. ' Motion was made by Eeso� t9 the �; - resignation of Ronald Lattery as Justice of the Peace elfe�ctiva- January 1, 1968, seconded by Gents and upon a Vote taken it was duly passed. A verbal: complaint was received from Stanley Blaaejat concerning Perry Lathams horses running loose on ;his ,lawn. ' Attorney Henl�-e was to send letter to Mr. Latham and sekkA ,that,thls bw cozrected. A °doplication fora license to., sell cigarettes at retail was received f rom Jack Andrews of Radrews Rexa11_ , Drug foltz 1968. Motion was made by 1[onnens' to grant Jack Andrews a cigarette license to sell cigarettes at retail n. for the period January 1, 1968 to Deoemb.er 31, 1;968, seoonded by Stock and upon a note taken' it *at "duly paised., A letter , is to be sent to Mr. Farnham by Att.or,,X*Y Menke ,. requesting that he connect to the Pillage sewer system`.. ` as. soon as the frost' gods out of the ground this spring. Motion was made by Mesa to pay all billt3' ' 666hd6d by a = Yonnens and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.,,., General fund., ]Carl gillian Police duty $75.,00 <z, Rugene; Blenkush Salary X207.50 Jordan, Independent Le gals 22.95 'I Motorola Communications Maintenance 5.50 Prior Lake Ameri °can Legals 3.00 Smith* Garage Police ear repairs 17.84 Ouperlo Oil ,Co. Tube 4..00 Earl Killian Police car wash fees 4.25 Scott..Rice­Telephons Telephone 19.42 Jos P. Rles Prisioner board 250 Margaret Busse Annexation survey, 12 ..00 Robert McAllister Salary & Dog pound 66 50 'Lindsay Engineering En�ineer'sng servicesl00..00 Merb Saes Police duty 1$9.,87 Ronald Lattery " " 273.)40 The Old Line Insurance Co. Insurance - 157.09 Continental Iesurance Co. " 295.00 NSF Street li tas etc 279.90 Intl Revenue Service Fed. 'Withholding 79.4.0 State Treasurer' Retirement withh 94. commissioner of "taxation State if 57: Eugene Blenkush Salary (Police) 207.50 , 'Earl ,Killian Salary a ` u MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council 6f the Village of Prior lak6 in the County of Scott and, i State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by Council said Water Fund; Raymond M. Johnson Wm- B. Muelken Salary 213.07 _ Reading meters 36.00 j P.os,tm`aster Posta 4.00 l; N$P Intl 'Rev :. 8erv. Pumps, etc. o Fed: With Tax 206.86: 45.20 State Treaeurer Retirement wither' 83.97 R' Commissioner of Taxation state. M ;` 37.50" Raymond M. Johnson salary' 208.17 ' Commissioner of Taxation Sales tax 47..58 Intl Revenue Sery 'ed. rt ithh, Tax 9.4' Fire Fi Minn. Nat1 °Gas Co. Gas, $28.44 sootf Rios Telephone;, Telephone, 37.78 .Rome .1te Repairs 14635 " s ,¢uperior 011 Co.` Gas and. nil WWO 05 " Sewer Fund; `. ° Slmer Duesa sal -e,,ry X179.05 John Schmits Meter reading 35.00 Minn. League of Municipalities Sch Reg. Fee 6.80 '. E3tandard X011 Co.- Fuel ;oil 64.88 �. -Del' Chemical to Sewer- Compbund 182.78 N84 Intl Revenue service eabpi , .et c., 66. i8 Fed; withhoidl4g 83.40 state Treasurer Retirement N 44.03 ` -'• Coamfisioner` of Taxation State 16.70 ,;Zlmeraueee � Salary i3treet :Fund:` . wm Mueller d� Bonn Bituminous Mix ` >�48.Q,0 } Ilafetm end -'stark Gravel iE } BQildi Fund; : w y RphFbua, Dedudette ' _ Labor ` $3.00 Goneol dented Imorovemerte- of 1963 merioan Natl D*n)c D'onda Interest *1303.85 No further 'b`iieineee the meeting was adjourned. <Y _ w :W: dents, Clerk , n i . i i I y` YY r i Y i t t