HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 12 1968MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village.of Prior lake in the County of Scott and a State of Minnesota; including ,all accounts audited by said Council. 'Feb ru6ry 12th, 1,968 The Common Council of e of Prior Lake i�et in regulw � session "in the office It he Villa ®e Clerk Monday evening Fetbrnary 12th, 1968 at 8PM, The meeting ca to order \ _ 1 b ' bK,ayo Geren -r call- Mayor Gerer., C ,erk Geri tz and Councilmen Stock and Ness. The minutes of _the previous meetings were read; an approved. , a yF The following recommendation wads received front the Prior Lake Civil Service Commission; that Patrolman Euge,�i 'e Blenkush who has been receiving and answer izg all co r respondence for the Chief of Police, should continue to do so.. Me shall set _up the schedule for police duties and submit this schedule to ` the Police Supervisor on request,. For extra work'he shall be biven the title of "Acting Chl.ef of Police." The word "actingM . ; is: to be dropped when it is necessary to add two or more fu1L. , " time ;patrolmen to the force, also that Mayor Geren should aec0 the responsibilities as Police Supertisor. Motion was made bg' Stock to give Eugene Blenkueh the title of "Acting Chief of Police" and that Mayor Geren should assume the reeponsibilitirell as Police Supervisor, seconded by Mess= and upon e, vote' taken it was duly passed. Richard. Rau was present in regards to bidding on th Village insurance ' for the Period , fr9m March 9th, 1968 to March 9th 1959`' Is Suggested a 30 day ertAneion be gotten so all ,interested, bidders- �rould have reasonabie,time to submit a bid, Motion was made by Stock to.. -'try and at"Up aa ' 30 day extension an all expiring village policies from the Karl 91,ckue 'Agenay, seconded by and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, 3 Motion. was made by Stock to appoint Robert YcAll Ater the Village DogPoundmaster for the year 1968, seconded by Monnens and upon a vote,, taken it was duly passed. Motion was 1 made by Mess to pwrchass s police uniform for Policeman Earl Killian seconded by Monnens and upon a vote take' .r k, it *as duly passed. , Motion was made by Monnens to purchase two signs (Radar -patrolled) 'and '2 signs (No parking police; =only) , seconded by z Stock andu upon, a vote taken it was duly passed. �;, <: l �•� - The police commission recommdnded that the vj.11age purchase a new, police car. ' MP.yor Geren stated the police car is to ',be .taken under consideration." A bid was re.ceivedl from Norbert Borka to install brick on the'' front of the. old >fixe, barn for $13Q*00.; Motion was made byv Monnens td, 1ks accept the bald from Norbert ' B,orka to install brick on the old .fire barn front and brick is to match with the existing brick, as close .as, pbssible,, seconded by Stock and'' upon a Mote .takers it was duly, passod. Ted N, Niakanen, Director of the 9cott_Cjrver Economic ,council), Inc. - of Chaska e xplained, th a ctivities of the Scott Carver Economic Council, and, requested the Village thzkek to. participate in the prggram, of activities for "older, persons Vy only providing a location for same. Motion wets made by Stock to give the ,Scott Carver Economic Council a letter of intent to participate, seconded by "?feee and upon . .. , a vote taken: it was duly y passed. ; Motion was`made by Monnens to appoint Don Meyer and Dick ` Rostad ukdk as recreation directors for the Village recreation progredt, f the year 1968, seconded by StocV and upon a vote taken it was °duly passed. ' Potion was mdde by Stock to appoint Al Hergott,.Sr. Village Weed Inspector for the ear 1968 e p y , .seconded by Hess �xfd upon a vote taken it was duly passed. : f i r �I MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott ard.. State Minnesota,' including all accounts audited by said Council. Motion was madd by Monnene raise Policeman# akkkxyEarl Killians salary to X8000.00 by u Yenrr, { it was duly passed. seconded Stock and upon a vote: taken ti Lotion was made by Stock to request the Health Officers Fire 14 Chief, and the Building inspector to make inspection of } the lxeoer building just east of the Scott Rice Telephone l+ their report of their findings Ij 11th, 1968, _;Company and give at the next rei;ular Marc seconded by Monnens and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. t Motion was made by Monnene for 1967, its 'to O.K. the Clerks finpncial statement receipts,, l f� by stock and ,upon a .vote disbureemants and indebtedness- taken it was duly passed. seconded Motion *as made by Stock to pass Ordinance. annexing ' akkka school property to the Village a vote taken it was duly of Prior Lake, seconded by Ness and upon passed Motion was made by Hess, seconded b Monnene ' to Y pay all bills. �{ General Fund : Ear]. Killian ,f Zugene Dlenkuth Police duty Salary (Police) $75.00: 207.50 • Con�iental Assurance Co. Insurance 1.00' N$P" Scott Rice 'Telephone street lights, etc. Telephone „� 289.12 18.44 Robert' � L cAllister . ICa'r Killian Do Pounds' fee�o &salary 55.00 Berl" Killian Police duty Uniform paid 36.00 10.70 Prior Lake Ready Mix . for' Materials -2.20- u A :J Lette'rp W01f Motor Co Police duty Poli 157.50 . Jos. F. Ries Audi car Repairs Prisio'ner board 1.55 5.00 Busse - Insurance Insurance 17.00' Shakopee Valley News e Legals 6.00= Walter Borchardt Qulf 011 Corpn Salary & Main t. dur6p grds 100.00 Karl Mickus ency go. Gas- end Oil Insurance 145.67 ?7.00 Bile V� P r or Lake State Bank Engineering Services Fed. Withholdi deposit.. r' 45.00' 82.80 Eugene ene Blenkush Salary (Police 207.50 Earl Killian Police, duty 108.30 d 4 . w •( ��d . / II � Raymond Johnson salary 218.46 c Bohnaack and•Mennen Dusde 0onstruction Repair water ling Kquipmint.ito 42.00 Haferman :an& St ark rip frost Gravel 333.00 76 j.Amer & Harvey Klingberg Simanes ° Gravel ' & Maui­, • • �TSP Re0air break in water l ine 193.8.9 °Powttnaster Pumps, etc. Postage 134.15 42.00 Prior lake statC Bank'. Raymond M. Johnson,9elary Fed. withholding deposit ; v 22.00 211.60' Fire :Fund: JI { Delbert Busse Reber & Troszth Co.` Subscription Min e Refill §4 $7.00 ` llallett Electric Scott Air bs Electric wiring 2.50 , g.50 Yinnesot&Gas Co. t3as 32.17. R .- Saott.Rice Telephone Colter & A' ins Telephone 37.82 Fire Equipment- Natl' Fire 'Pnotection Ass +n Materials 77.25 1.12 De,rley Cio, Equipment 16.40 183.7 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village,Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and E State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council., 'M2 x I 4,, ry a n t 1; „ r E'. li { j f,