HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 11 1968MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Sc. > tt and IR State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. v. March 11th, 1968 , The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in regular session in the office of the Village Clerk Mor_d4 y evening ar ch llth, 1088 at 8PM. The meeting ryas called to order _ y„ Mayor Geren -roll call -mayor Geren, Clerk Gentz, and Councilmen Monnens, Stock and Hess. r, The minutes of the previous meetings were read and epnroved. The following bids were opendd and tabulated for the purchase of a new police car golf Motor Comnany Jordan, Minn. $1400.00 ° Shakopee Ford Shakopee, Minn 2078.00 C.Lnd Ford New Prague, Minn 2350.00 ration was-made by Monnens to accept the bid of Golf ffotor Company, Jordan, Minnesota in the amount of $1400.00 for the purchase of a new police car, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 'receiving, r Brooks Hauser, tiresented petition for /water tend_ sewerage to the Brooks Sh6pping @enter. Attorney Menke and Engineer.. ° ` Schmokel are to accummulate necessary holdback figures and other ne- cessary data for a special meeting to t - to Mr. Hauser. The cost` figures that is to be, presented is to include the entire commerical area alone Highway .y o 13> that is opened by Mr. Hauser: r Eugene Simpkins gave a report of the Southwest Sewer District. He advised the approximate cost to the Village would be 12 mills or $5400.00 per year for 3 or 4 years and after this °k= w time it would be reduced according to needs. LeOre Bolts was 'present in regards to a building permit =_ to make an addition to the present Car "Nash. He was advised r. to present his piing ukd at a special meeting " the near future.`' tj Fire Chief Delbert Busse, Clarence Schmidt and H2nk Smith `' were present ;and ask ?permission to investigate verious fire trucks as to costs and specs for consideration to purchase same for 'the Prior Lake Fire Department. Motion was made by Bess to give the firemen permission to investigate various lire f trucks as to- cost etc., se'conded..by Gentz and upon ,a vote taken i t was duly passed. f ire- Fire Chief Bussetxttittttbt asked that onebr.an be sent to' the 4th annual Emergency Care Seminar to�be held at the North Memorial Hospital Auditorium in Robbnsdale, Minnesota March 28- 29 -30, 1988. He asked that the Vill a pay the registration of $20.00 and the mile�e of15.00. Motion was made by Gentz to pay $20.00"xkdk registration and $1.5.00 mileage fees to send one mean to the Emergency Care Seminar, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was duJly.paesed. Allan Muelter represented the Prior Lake, ,Baptist Church and had various questions regarding sewer and water assesseents •' to the Lyon property where they propose construct a church and passonage. Motion was made by Stock that the council meet with the h Metropolitan Planning Commission for an informal meeting _ as soon as possible, seconded by Monnens and upon a vote taken �a it was duly passed. Motion was made by Monnens to adopt an ordinance #88 -31 establishing a 30 rural taxing strict s g' .- , s c tided by Hess and upon a vote taken it w \duly passed. � } MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and j State of Minnesota, , /including all accounts audited b s y said Council. ; Mot on "ryas made x�y Ger, z to adopt and ordnance , 68 -3 the Prior Lake H1 anzex er,to i seconded. by Stock,ar_dcupon Pro r vote V yaken ,it was nassedr lake Motion was made-by Stock to L;r °: for Raymond Joh-zson to attend rtand water0in0etttuteischool at the Univerei'ty of Minnesota Aril 29th ' April 4tr., 1988 seconded a by Gents and upon vote taken it was du-2y passed. 240tion was made: by Monner_s seconded by Hess to Pay ° rr all bills. ,. General Fund Earl Killian ° Eugene'Elenku h: Police duty $83.34 Jos. F. Reis salary (Aolice) 207.50 Auditor Pri sior..er board 10: qA Scott Rice Telephone Telepb:one' NSF 24.65 * Smith Garage Street lites, etc: 29, 47 Police car repair `` 42'.33 Motbrola - Communications - Motorola Maintenance. 11.00 - Hubert Euesens Key Laboratories, Inc.* Attending r eed meetings ` 5.00 IntoticatIn tests 12,62 t C�.ull 011. Corpn Gas and oil 4 g 82.6 �3 ese Oil o. C x �'dalter Borchardt 008 and oil 159.90 Valley Engineering In,�, Engineering services 50:00 ' L &L -Rdwe 60.00 xdwe Prior L a ;supl ies 305 .7 a e Ame_ican Legals - � Robert McAllister 268.40 ' Salery & Dog pound lees` 64.50 John DuBois. . Operating radar ° R.J. Le,ttery �' g police .dept 10.0 Hbebert .Sass Polnce�duMy 246.25 f aye ,Dens wear 155.25 Earl Mickus ° Police uniform 82.10 Agency Ins 82.1 a 212, 00 ,Lindsay Engineering Engineerin services ' g4a • +Midwest °Planning_ & Reasearch - Plann.ing,;end , r.eseerch y4, 73 -Prior Lake State Bank',.. Earl Killt`an Federal withhold ing tax 82.80 Eugene_Blenkush Sal ary ,83.34 Sa 207.50 o Water Fund : - Raymond NS Johnson Salary Pumps, et:c. so Ray Blumberg Backhoei 18.00 . Jordan Independent . Artiru Johnson 2fue2ken Printed supplies 22.95 T >, Q Hauling gave Willi Plilliata, Meter reading 36.00'` Prior Lake Stateb Bank Fed rfi thholdi ng tax Y 26.40 R` , Mond : -Johnson Salary General 'Fund transfer 211.60 comriti set oner. o! Taxation 3000.00 ° $ Sales tax ° 45.16 y =o. Tr Fir Fund • « ;: , Coyer an& Alone Equipment Scott .Rice Telephone Co. Telephonic LaCenter Fire Safety Corpn Air TankIrefill 37.72 ki. Giese 011 Co. 10.50 Fraa018 Snell . Gas and ui 15.99 D'usse Super Dlarket Supplies', ; 24.35 8uppl e s e, _ 1 �-: 8.47 4133. 4 Sewer Fund: " Standard Oil Co. Plielro3l $179.05 Rawkine Chemibal 'Inc Chzoring Liquid 83 Fadden Pump C'o. 39.00 Superior oil Co. Re 17.20.. t13P , ftel oil 63 .84 John Schmitt Pumps 81..34 fl ior Lake State Bans, Meter reading 35.25" tner B se Fed withholding deposit g 4� UniversYt Salax Y Of Mi nn. f _ 179; „_.... _.. _...M. , of : f sewer ';'a.ter `0< sch Qi - MINUTES of the Proceedins: of the "Villas Council of,the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott' and State of,.Minnesato, including all accounts audited by said Council. } , �March;;llth meeting continued Street Fiend- "� ILI Johnaon and .Kane Pio, snow "$50.0.0 �., � itildins Fund ' Superior Q11 Co. rue I oil > 28,13 First Ptah Bank Bondi 3414:75 i General Oblidation Building Bonds 1968 Fund ,., 3a1c,o Building System's,. 3tee1 Aoof .contract $9925.00 Duran °and Moody Issuance of sale of bonds 1000.00 3r Briggs and Morgan Band Isauanoe legal . opiton 4 No further businesi the meeting was adjourned � fit. fit. Gent z, Cleft ;tx March 18th, 1968 The Common Council of the Village of P ;I or Lake met iq'speoial j d Session in the offs ce' of the 'Village Clerk Monday evening March ' 18th, 1868 at 81PM. Mayor Geren.called the meeting bb order I ' roll cal I. present were Mayor Geren, Clerk: Gents and C.ounei`hsen Yonnens, Stock and less.' .' A group of hl&L school students were present to ask permission to clean up debris in various alleys and other pr;opert es.1 the Yil�.4re�'of Prior Lake. Permission was granted.' " Motion was made by Stock ;to °proclaim cleanu�i"w eek` from April' 8th, through April 22nd, 1968 ' in he Yi le a of Prior Lake . with inspections to. be made before the cleanup and after by ' tithe Village° Council,` seconded by 14onnens and upon a vote taken , xl SA i t waa duly ps:esed. c` six Brooks Hauser was present concerning is s ng pet its on for sewerage and water, for 'nrooke Shopping Center. Motion was made�by Stock If legally,,posaible that --= rater itktsz and sewerage rbe 'granted to Brooks 8hoppeng Center and that the entire commerical area; in and outside the vill aSe be assessed for game, seconded by Bess edid upon a vote taken it was duly passed: '1) " ... Don Meyer and. Dick Rostad were present and Inquired an to� funds : available Zor 4he Summer Recreational Program for 1968 Motion: � Rse made by St bck° to appropriate $1, to the Summex Rerea Loa .Pr o gram, seconded by feeds and upon a vote taken it was dull,'`; � Trank ;Wicker was prevent regarding the building permits for n Robert Mertens concerning lots 2'A 3, Block 2, Scheiokel. Addn. Mot'ior was'made by Hess that a 35 abktisiikk front setb¢ck frond the curbhinw.be held on permits on Lots -2 A 3 Block 2 of •the Sehmokel Addidtion, seconded,.,by Monnens and �upon a vote taken It was duly passed. :. Motion was ;made by Monnene to authorise the mayor and clerk to k ' sign necessary papers to the ' join Southwest Sewerage District, ' seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Hess to pass resolution to have 2 �etreet , lights installed at the park, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken "It wa s duly passed. a J r , r + r F 1 1 ' i�d ({1��M1dt•'MnN$,�f4�:1"7s�� *pt '� e yR�'���J115TM�,«:e.. � ,$. `49, S � .k 4+� � u ti S:v 1 Of + � : ^y�