HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 06 1968MINUTES of th proceedings of the Village Councii a Village of 'Prior lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
May ,'Stb 1968
The Common Council of the Villa Prior >Lake met in
g eof
special session in the office of the Village Clerk Monday
evening May '6th, - 1968 at 7PM. The meeting" was 'called to
order. by Mayor Geren -roll call - Mayor Geren, Clerk Gentz
and Councilmen Yonnens,,Stock and Hess.
Brooks Hauser, William Schmokel and Clarence Schmidt
were present in regards to installation of water and iewe,r
. °"
mains to the Brooksville Shopping Center. Mot was made
by ;Stock to make immediate collection on 7.4 acres,for
treatment plant assessment $435.60,j4ktz61klt1:g per acre
and $15.00 for 1961 highway crossing holdbaok. Collection is
to be made when construction com pleted.. Thirty five acres
in °the
area is to be' committed for future sewer service and
should have. a deffrred assessment of $,i $435.60 plus the
eh s
$15;00 highway' crossing; holdback total $450.60, a, toper site 3_s
to be included In the subdivision, credit is to be.g`iven for
extra . extension of utilities to
property with a, maximum
of $3400.00. Normal Village rates to be charged for 'utilities,
with 2 meteras, one meter for the laundrome,t and one ,for the
of the shopping center, seconded bg Ness and `upon a note
taken it duly passed.
Motion was made by Stock to adopt the following dumping prices
apt :the Prior'.Lake Dump Ground;
35 cents a; yard
A2.00 5' yard box
1.50 pickup
1.00 two wheel trailer
1.50 tandom' `trailer
2.00 four wheel trailer
8? 3.
rW .500 back seat 4 trunk- of car
.35¢ just back seat or trunk
and.that•the following items not be dumped, tree stump&,
e,uto °bodies, refrigerators, - stove's and bed "rings, seconded
by Ness and. on a' vote taken it was duly pat &ed. .:
No further buviness the ' meeting, was a.d j ourned.
�. W. t3entz Clerk
May 13th, 1968
4 ,
The ,Common Council of the Village of Prior, 'Lake met in regula
sessiM in the Office of the Village Clerk 'Monday eveni
May 13th' 1968. at 7PX The meeting was call ed. to artier by
Mayor. Geren - roll call- present' were Mayor 1lEeron, rk 0entz
.and �Coutcilmen M'bnnens,, Stock and Xees.
The minutes of the previous meetings were read and.apprsved.
Motion was made by Ness to'adopt a, resolution requesting the
itnesote: Public
Service Commission to investigs;te into
conditions surrounding Imighway 13 and the Chicago, Milwaukee
St. Paul and Pacific Railroad crossing in PriorLake to •have
'signal protection placed the 'deemed
at e.rossing a,e may be
e ��
neoeseary, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly
{11an Schroeder was present as s, representative from the July
3rd Celebration Committee to request the council�to close
]Cast Main. Street f road •North Central Avenue to "Dr. Lukke
offtoe for
a street dance_etc on this date. Motion was made
by Bess to, clo the por'tion`• of East Main Street to Dr.` Lukbeof,fi
from North „ Avenue July 3rd, 1958 for the purpose of
the celeba tion, seconded 'by
Stock and upon a vote taken i was
duly' passed.
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scutt and
State of.Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
May 13th meeting continued
Motion ryas made by Monnens to appoint Walter Stock kkk as an
,alternate delegate to the regular delegate for the Southwest
. °
Sewer .District to represent the Village of Prior Lake, seconded
by Hess and upon a vote taken it was duly passed,
The Southwest Sever District suggested that each municipality
advance $100.00 to the Board to cover small expenses as preparing
stationery and renting a postal box. Motion was made by Monnens
to advance the Southwest Sewer District 0100.00 for expenses incurr-
ed, ,seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it raas duly passed.
the Regular meeting was adjourned at 8PM. ,
The public hearing rras opened at 8P14 for the purpose of hearing
ob jections to and comments on Ordinance 110. C,8 -32 entitled "AN
ordianee forth urban rural service districts in the ''i'lla,ge
of Prior
Like, Minnesota,, pursuant to Chapter; 712 of the. lases of
1965 as amended, NO OBJECTIONS WERE HEARD. Motion. was made by
Stock to adopt Ordinance No. 68 -32 an Ordianee setting 'forth urban
rural service dist in the Village of Prioi Lake, ` seconded by
z ,-
Mess and upon a vote taken it Ras duly na,ssed.
The hearing was adjpuzned and the regular meeting was reeonviened.'
}lotion was made by Stock-to adopt resolution to remodif -k► the voting
of the five municipalities now a party to the joint agreement,
Article III, Section 3.03 of the Southwest Sewer District, and that
an additional line be added after the first sentence. %as follows:
"At time
no may one participating municipality cast ;rvotes in ndmber
greater than the total of the remaining participants.",, seconded.
by Mess and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.
The fallowing applications were received for OFF SALE LIQUOR LICENSE
for the period covering July let, 1968 through Juri; 3.Oth, 1969: -
Gerald E>. liafermftnn, Francis Snell, Willard Graves, Gertrude M.
6„ ., Q mero4; Geren Liquors Inc., Jean Geren President; Brooksville
Liquor Inc., John Brooks nauser, °President;
Motion was made by Oouncilman'Aess 'to grant Gerald E. lkafermann an
.OFF SALE LIQUOR LICENSE covering the period July 'lat,,. 19 68 through'
June 30th, 1969, ;� seconded by Councilman Stock and upon a vote taken
if-Was dppyoved , unanimously.
Motion, was made by Councilman Monnens to grant Francis Snell an
OF! SALE LIQUOR LICE °NSE covering the., period July 1st, 1968 through
June 30th, 1969, seconded by Councilman Stock and upon a vote taken
it ` °unanimously.
was approved
lotion was. made by Councilman Mess to grant '11illar,d Graves an OFF
SALE LIQUOR LICEcovera-ing the period July he�,> 1968° through
June 30th, 1969, seconded by Councilman P,onnens and upon a vote
taken it was approved unanimously.
?lotion was made by Councilman Monnens to Gertrude M. Cameron m
OFF $ALE LIQUOR LICEN8E coveria nthe y
June. Q period Jul Zet 1968 through
30th, 3969,` seconded by Councilman Stock and upon ,a vote taken
it= <
-was approved, unanimously,
)notion was made by Councilman Stock to grant Geren Liquors Inc. Jean
Geren, President
An OFF SALE LIQUOR LICESSE covering the period
' Ji},ly let, 1968 through June 30th, 1969, seconded by Councilman
and upon a vote taken it fins approved una:nirnousiy.
goi iun was made by Councilman Monnens, to trant Brooksville Liauor
Store Inc.,' 'John Brooks Mauser, president; Aka OFF SALE LIQUOR
LICENSE for the period covering July lst, 1968 through ;June 30th
19E9, seconded by
CouneilmP.n -Me s and upon a vote taken it was
L ;bproved unanimously.
4 4a �
the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council:
May 13th, 1968 meeting continued
The following applications were received for ON SALE LIQUOR
LICEI\TSE - covering the period. July lot, 1968 through .June 30th
1969: Gerald E. Mafermann, Francis Snell and ';Dillard Graves. -
Motion was made by Councilman Stock ,to grant Gerald E. Mafermann
All ON SALE LIQUOR LICE!SE F'OR` the period covering July lst, 1968
Through June 30th, 1969, seconded by Councilman Ness and upon
a vote taken it was duly passed,-
Motion was made by Councilman Mo nens to grant Francis Snell
An ON SALE LIQUOR LICENSE for the period covering July lot, 3968
through June '30th, 1969, seconded by Councilman Stock and upon
a, vote taken it was duly passed.
motion was made by Councilman Mess to grant thatalklank Willard
Graves an Ott SALE LIQUOR LIQE11S:E for the period covering Julp
lot 1968 through June- 30th, 1969, seconded by Councilman, Stock
end upon a vote taken it was duly passed;
A ap;�lication was received from Brooksville Liquor Inc. John
Brooks Mauser for a license to.l sell cigarettes at retail for
then period covering May 1st, 1968 through December 31st, 1.9 8.
A motion made by Ness to a license to sell cigarettes
was grant
at retail at the Brooksville Liquor Inc., John Brooke Nausea
President for the Period covering May let, 1968 through December
318t, 0 1968, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed.`
Kar1 Mickus, a, resident of Eagle Creek Township, presented
a etitan signed b 120 freeholders in the Township f Eagle
h the
Cr ek to consolidate the Township of Eagle Creek with
Village of Prior Lake. Attorney Idenke is to investigate
to see if the° 120 signers are all freeholders, f� so, action
will be taken at a later date.
Elmer Garvey was present in regards tot inquiring about
the possibility of having the dump opened on ,ednesday evening .
for him- to dump :the Prior Lake School, garbage and that a -flat
rate be considered for_the - schoolwfor dumping. the matter was
tabled until a later date.
Raymond hense was present in regards to a.letter sent to him
regardi;>g tkkintli0his building at the corner of First Avenue
So. end Pleasant Street that it is a fire hazzard, health hazard :
and should be removed. ISotion was made by Stock to turn this.
over to attorney Menke to investigate zoning ordinance
. matter
etc. to see if the property can be used as it is being used,
seconded by Monnens ..and upon a, vote taken it was duly passed.,
Motion was rnade by Stock to purchase "c four way flasher light
to be installed at the iftersection of Dakota Street and North
Central Avenue for the, purpose of a warning and "stop light
to be used when fire equipment ie crossing on the way to n.fire,
the - 0 , 06t is to be $104.00, seconded by Ness and upon .a vott taken
it was duly passed.
A representative was present from Lyons Chemical of St. ; ' Paul
to present a'bid to install a flouridation system,it_the Village
supply. The bid by Lyons Chemical was $965.00. Another bid
will be received frpmanother company at the next meeting: and -.
and, coneiderQtion- will. 7Ze given both bids at that meeting.
The Prior Lake Civil Service Police Comkission advised that
five men passed the written oral tests, and recommended that
four of these were hired as part time oatrolme;. ", They advised
Mr. Konrady is f rom Montgomery, and should be 6 when
more full time help is required.
SP _ Street lites 292.36
Bohnsack and Eennen Grading at dump 46.00
furl Gillian; Police duty 83.34
rugene Plenkueh Salary - Police' 207.50
� r 3235.01 x
o ,� Patei Fund:. °
Ra . and Johnson
Postmaster Sakary $211,.60
Postage 42. 00
'Gilliam Muelken Meter reading 38.00
°Prior Lake Stets Sank ' Federal withholding' 26.40
Perk Fund Transfer 50040
TI ' Richard l[enke Attorney services 557,50
nee ;, NSP Pumps, etc. 88.77 '
Raymond Johnson Salary 211.60
Fire. .;Btind .
- Dr'. Olaf Lukk r Professional services $17.00
Minn -. Natural Gas Co! 9,
Gee L10.10 � t
y Delbert Busse _Attending Fire school 13.50
? Gerald Eafermann 10.00
Superior 011 Co, Gas and oil 4 4.30
,. xowards Conoco .; " e rin .
'autoht s Appliance r 1.45
Radio repair' q 14.50.
Scott Rice Telepbhorte Telephone 38.02
s 2Sotlte - Equipment ?/05
Re h olds Gelding Refill OXygen cylinders 13.22
_ NSP Elec Bill
Richard Geren 14.57,
:Express charges paid. 7.00
° I
` S
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
` M
May 13th, 1
1968 meeting continued
2kKkftJ2 titft1CPkWMXxtkkxtnkth 1. Cdr. Barr, 2. fir. B
Brogdon. � }
3. Mr. Doyle 4. Mr. Konrady 5. Mr. Lattery.
•o''° M
Mr. Lattery and Mr. Brogdon are experienced and..e.hould be oonside'r-
ed eligible to accumulate hours for their uniform allowances as of
flay 13, 196.8. Mr. Doyle and Mr. Barr are inexpiereenoed and should
, .at b
be trainedx as soon as possible u
under the acting Chief of Police.
Motion was made by Stock to a
accept the above for part' time' police,
seconded by, Hess and upon a v
vote taken it was duly passed.
' A
Motion was made by Monnens to a
amend th%akakit. motion1made on
- 'residences and to aamend, to r
Dump ,
rvllage of Prior Bride and t
the Prior Lake Area, seconded by
Gents and upon a vote taken i
it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Mess, seconded b
by Stock to pay all b
General Fund j
Eugene Blonkush . P
Police salary j
j' X207.50 x
x 'I
Earl ,Killian P
Police duty 8
83.34 `
Scott Ri Telephone T
Telephone 19.37
;Motorola Commur.iehtions M
Maiptenance 5
4� 4i .
Superior, 01 -1.Co. G
Gas and ' oil ' 2
Ronald °J Lattery "
" " tl '
'187.87 l
Verb Sass 1
110.25 M
Prior Lake State Bank F
Federal withholdin 8
82.80 ;
'St. Paul 3tamp'Works S
Signs 3
o `
�Doctore ,Part I
Intoxication testy �
X6*ards Conoco G
Gas and" oil 1
� 1
. Gulf - 011 Corpn "
" " " 8
Adtech Industries - P
Police shields 2
8lumbergs Mobil G
Gas and oil 2
229.53 {
L &L Idwe M
Mdwe supplies 1
Loren Earding
Signs 2
' Minn. Civil Service E
Examination fee 6
Prior Lake American:.` L
Lega.ls 7
75. 00
MINUTES of the. Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the Couniy of Scott and F {
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
py 20th meeti co It ,nue
for li ense
A P.pplication /to se&l cigarettes at retail was
received from j
21e.anor Barr of the To,ime House Cafe for the ueriod covering
May lst,; 1968 through ,December 31, 1968. kotion was pade by
' Stook to grant Eleanor Barr of the Toonne House Cafe a cigarette
license to sell cigarettes at retp.il for the period M - lst - , 1psa
through December 31, 1968, seconded by Nbumene and upon a vote` taken
it was duly passed, Y
A p °3licetion v+e.s received from Harold L. ?dialer of Fairway Fo 1de �
for a 3.2 Beer license for the period May :lot, 1968 hrough June -
30th, 1968.` Motion was made by Stock to grant Mearold. L. hiller of
Fairway Foods a 3.2. beer license for the period May let, 198E throuF;h,
June 30th 1968,' seconded by Yonnens and upon a mote „taken it, was
duly passed.
Motion, w-,js made by Monnens to have Attorney 14enke investigate to
see if tli.e road to the. Village geyser Disposal Plant is a village
road and,;�if so, he is to "send a letter ,to'the Baptiet-Chureh,
Rev. Kenneth Pxofftt to put roadway into its original ,state
seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' �II
The council proceeded to adjust end equalize the tax valuations
in the Village with the standards of aassessments `thf6uughout the `
State of Minnesota per ;request by the :State of Minnesota. 1 `
Yeetine was adj ourned a;t' ,1120PI.
V% W. Gent;z,. Clerk,
May 23rd, 1968
The Common Council of the Village of prior Lake r�et jn ape;cial session
in the f e `of the Village Clerk Mbz t Thursday evening May 23rd,
1968.�� a Geren called the meeting o order roll Qal1—
g Mayor` "Geren
Clerk Gentz, and Councilmen MonnFs and Stock. °' Akeent, Council'ars"
A request was made to rent the Village Community root 10 the. Wi'ac
Synod Lutheran Church. Motion was made by Stock to rent the Village
y , Community room to the Wisconsin Synod Lutheran Chur�ch.,beginning June
,,9th, 1986" for a rental fee of $25.00 per month with the church to
supply their own janitor for setting up chairs etc,, seconded by
Getitz and, upon a vote ,taken it was duly passed.
The council than continued to adjust and" equalize the tax vaI do
in the Village of Prior `, take
The meetint was ad jarxald at 1115PM.
g F. Gent z , , C le rk
' May 27th, 1968
The Common irouricil of the Village of Prior Lake"kmet in special �eession
the �dkfice of the Village 'Clerk Monday evenir� May 27th, 1968 at
e, 7PM. ,, Mayor Geren called: the .meeting to order —ro1T call— Idyor Geren,
Clerk Gents and Cbuncllmm Monne:�sy,. Stock a.nd 2iess.=
lotion 'taas made by Mess too request the '0 ' my 0`ommisi6ners for 0 j
allocation of .State i�id -Funds for "the Irzpr'ovement of North Central {
Avenue sand a part of East Hain Street, seconded by Stock and upon
a;•vot& ti.ken it wa,s duly passed.
The council then continued to adjust .ands equalize the tax valurti ons
in the' Village of Prior Lake'.
The meeting, xis ad journed a.t 1130PM.
T. w. Gentz; Clerk