HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 12 1968;a MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. August i 1948 r The Qommon eouneil of the Village of Prior Lake set in secular h session in the offiso'of the Village llsrk Monday evening Auguot'lath, 1966 at IPM. Mayor,6eren called the meeting to order -roil call- present were Mayor Goren Slerk Sentz and -" 6oun Monnens and $took, absent noun ilman lose. The minutes of the Previous meetings were read and al7e oved. Notion was made by Btook to have slerk send letter to S.B. Britsive, 5hairman, of the Southwest sanitary sewer District, that Lake the Prior council goes on reoord regardless of the current annexation proceedings the sewer trunk lines be instalU ''`{ ad to the present Village limits for the "prosenVIassessed share of $65 seconded by Monnens and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. + Motion was made, by $took to have attorney Menke iadviso *3c&atibr I the louthweet Bower District attorney Dsysr -that. thsj_Villags 60unsil favors that Minnetonka float the bohd issued of $65 136 for the village of Prior Lake upon approval � the i V11ia9e 40vn*t1 seconded by Yonnens and upon..a vote taken it was duly passed. k . Motion was made by $took to proceed with condemnation proceed - 'ings and Zoning Ordinance with the Raymond Zones projerty at the corner of Pleasant Street and .ti rst Ave. ,Go.� j seconded by t„ Mormons and upon a vote taken it was duly passed (,,k_..;° <fi Richard Rap was present regarding the insvransu popsies for the Village of Prior Lake. Be advised the roplasement soots more reissdxkt on all property in the Villag7 and r6commended &.0 deductible clause be added to thrcpolioy on all large aftors L d=ed by fto Village. Motion ;was us& by MonnUns to permit the valuation to be raised the zero deductible slave* be added to the policy one all large motors owned by the Village, by $took and upon _a vote taken it was duly passed. Bob Martin of . x , Springsted Bonding fompany was prose °at and A. explained xUian the functioning of the $pringsted Oda pany and advised they were interested in selling anytbonds issues the Villate may have `in the future. Roger Harris wa s present in regards to requesting a'salary lacrsaes of #25.00 per month for policeman iggene Mlenkush.'' Me ad*lsod sins* the Molise 6 re sommendidl&,$50.66 Increase the first of Janua ry 1996 and only twenty fate was :,. granted and the council advised they would review another inereass July let 1966 of $26.09 he was making inquiry to sew if this was done. Notion was mad* by Stook, `4 t„ to. g,�*ant the silary increase of $25.00 per month to Zugenc #lenkush seconded by Mormons and upon a vote taken it: dulf. passed. Motion was made by Stock to issue $2' "06 improper parking tickets in the Village of Prior Lake, seconded by Mormons and upon a tote taken it was duly passed. Motion was mad* by Stock not to make any charge for - an * a reeve calls, donations will be accepted if the concerned People are covered by insuranse or otherwise seconded by Bents and upon a vote taken'it was duly passed,k Motion was made by Monnsns to have all fire hy3rants _.. and painted and also the tread greased, s*eoilded'+by -Stook and upon a vote taken it was duly passed, Motion was made by $took to adopt a resolution ur ' ill1c residents of"th* Village of Prior Lake to make their charitable and United Fund contributions through the creator' P rior Laps Area United`Tund in 1900, 44ftnded by Gents and upon a vote taken it- was duly passed. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council': The storm sswar problen at the Otto Ilintberg residence was discussed. ZngineCx William Sohmorel I s to make investigation. Motion was made b Monnons to y , go along with the Plann 6omm scions reeommrndation rogardins the rezoning o! the Lyons property, that the Present zoning of limited industrial zoning be retained, seconded by 8toak and upon a vote taksn., t was duly Passed.? The following were appointed as 13emary "Slsetion Judges Sept. 16th, 1968 from 7AM TO IWO. Mrs. Margaret fuel, 4lare Muelken,, Mrs. Nellie Lannon, Mrs. wilnar Mueller, Mrs. Walter stock and � Al IIergot , 8r Notion was made by Stook and saoonded by Monnsns to :pay all bills: &moral Fund: sarl Lillian Polio* dirty #03.34 • Sagsns Mleakush - salary 863.36 } 9e01t souttay Aud. Pr slonsr . Board 17. sW Nlf Oil 9o. aam -and Oil s 8.N Motorola sommunisat ons Maintenance 5.56 8eott Riot Telephone Telephone 18.95 .,r. } slarense Behmidt Plumbing Inspn foes 34.614* Le ' 0 of Mina. Munieip Membership�4ess lI Bg.N oar ti lien gar washi f Ica i andrswe Mull Drii g Drug �r� .34 sale! ss � .,;�_, _ 11 ese Skelly o as and ail 2 . 9 4.65 G reat Northern Trading Police supplies 5.813 Uniform UnIluited Pollee si files' 19.95 folio's Press Ina. li es so xleg a►. N �o LiL RdN IIdws supplies 124.22 Bober. McA1littsr nog satehez fees 1,28. 1 Prior Lake Andrisan Legala 1 15.36 Jordan Independent Printed supplies 1.66 Lswrozes, M onnenus cedar posts 7;00 entalon Instant Printing Pollee lies 18.66 "I's Auto 1ody Polls* c a r t repa rs 27 Bohnsask and Rennen 6yading and f ill dupp 193..50 Darley A so. Pollee supplies 116.99 #lumborgs Yob it Bas and olt 334.87' 31631var Barr Polioo ftt*tL 818.81 R.J. Lattcry' Pollee dut don 138.43 s. Dro s ; 88. 1 t street ilt at. s W.54 Prior Late state Dank, federal withholding tax 15.91.2 =arl Lillian Pollee duty $3.34 =iigene Nleakuslb salary lei } ter.... slur �ueN salary .: $177.35 Dohasaek aid >lsennsn Backhosing 36.66 Defies, Rater :qu ip 6o. water motors ? 276.97 >KBP Pimps, etc. 155.56` Mien. Batl bas so. gas 4.63 Prior Lake state Bank Tad withholding tax 59.69 liner Dnsat salary 177.3t Fir e ft Magazine subscription $6.61 11Ray>nold welding supp supplies 3.66 VolMntter firemen@ Amain nsuranse 46.66' Dlumbergs hotel Iss and Oil 36.11 860tt Rise Telephone Telephone 38. GO f Motor Part* Parts 9.33 ' Minn. ,, - Natl ,ass 4as 9.84 D Dusze. Grinding valved ° 17.59 ` i,tha •arage Repair• firs truck 18. N ` Prior Cats Slss wiring 7.65 F M srior i so: C�a and 01 5.93 R us e Brolly 11.49 9b.70r.f MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Pillage of Prior lake in the County of Scott and 0. ` State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. August 12th meeting continued hewer Fund Raymand Johnson Salary 3211:6• Fred Muelk•n Labor 134.70 Zphriax Dcsmdette Labor: & Materials ° 6.56 0 '.Standard 011 @o. fuel iil 74.12 Superior, Oil @o.. " 44.00 MaoQr een Zquip to. supplies A 12.86 IIawltias @homical @o, @hlor.ine Liquid 35.N 86r Pump I ens. !0.,0.81! `Prior Lake State Dank Tod. withholding "' 26.40 Raymond M Johnson Salary 211. at Fred Nuelk4n Labor s1liH. ` slaver i later lsteasion'Fund: American gatl Bank Bonds d- 2ntessst $36.16 tarot: end: n or Lights *to. $9.99 Cohn Welding Mower Repair 7.4110 Barry R. James- Mower 8 rest Fund: va Mueller i Sons Bitwt inous mix $27,10 3FW. Dltuminous to. 26.24 Carlson Tractor oZqu`ip Tractor repair 11. it aaferson and Stark 0rawel Midwest Utility @onstr Repairs sweeper 26.37 Cryan Rook @o. @rushed rook .� m Drildar hmd Lydia @..Lillian @leaning hall $26.25 No further Business the sestina was adjourned. : W.W. Gents, @lurk Soptabber 3rd, 1965 The pomson'@ouneil of the Village of Prior Lake not in,spenal session 0tesday evening September 3rd 1960 at 7PM. Mayor <er s alled , the testing t order_ioli call - Mayor •ere 61er Cents, and :@ounciluan Stook, absent were @ounsilmen Monnene -and floss. "The purpose of the meeting was to most with members of the Prior Lake Sshool'District #719 board to examine the plans and spesif cations for the watorisewer mains to the new high school sits. !lint we a pproved go presented. Motion was made by Stook to adopt resolution proolaiming Tuesday Goitember 17th, 1950 baseball day for the , Prior Lake , Jays, 'seconded by tents and upon a Tote taken it was passed. Inquiry was made by Ot. Paula Lutheran Church to rent "the 1 Village Nall downstairs and 1 -room upsta eg p a rs on 'lucsdays ' of sash week and one upstairs room on Thursday during the, school year 1966 and 1901 • Notion was made by Stock to I; MINUTES of the Proceedings of The Village Council of the "Viilage`of hi or Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota,., including all accounts audited by said Coundi. ren the downstairs and ono t6osi'npstairs in the Village Nall ' toi Paula Lutheran. fhf&rah on Noidaya and ono roo• .on lhursiays b inz 5.N per month; s000nds;d.':by fonts and upon w most taken. ` i)t was dial' passed. lotion wse made by Stoeh to adopt resolution eon sring in and: appro�r1 ° the terms of f nanelug of Phases I and `II, of the >iout 9anItarP , seaoi' DiiF"triet ford Treatment Plant and ,> interceptors tam as seth forth inth•'distriet board resolution s � dated. *at ft , 19, and 1gvPind,`a `tax i the a>rbant' egr sod R ''for tlt• 1969 dittrist'kbud�et, sedonded by lentst `std "neon • Soto taken ,it 'waa dyt1P passed. J + NO further business the sooting mks a&jourried. W.W. .Nnts, `ller>is z { l k 4 n 4 w . T � 'J x ° gi n 4 � O a _ a. a c I ,.- *�e. ;i•`+�.P'�.3r k ++- r..'7"'^ ^ '^" S' .s+.:M mt#F!kf^'4y-w .r w !. .... c . '�