HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 09 1968MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council December 9th, 1968 ` The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in regular session in the office of the°Village Clerk Monday evening " December 9th, 1968 at SPM. The meeting was ca.11ed'to order by Mayor Geren- roll call- present were Mayor Geren, Clerk Genf a and Councilmen Monnens, end Stoat -- absent was Couneilmen'Hess. The minutes of the previous meetings, were read an& approved. George Bryan, a representative from the� Equipment l Company of Mple, Minn was present to advise: of various street sweepers available for,sals. No advised the type Prior Lake needed could'be bought for $700.00. It was decided to table this item until the annexation proceedings are, Y -= completed. George Ferrell was present and advised a buyer of one of his homes on Oak Street just east of Prior,Avenut was unable to ° secure a_loiA for the,house because there was no street in front of house. Motion was made by to link° have attorney Menke handle to take rhatever action necessary to - dedicate the etrQet directly fronting the Farrell property, , seconded by Monnens and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Stock to approve'additional „ insurance coverage f or theft covering money and secur ities' handled by various councilmen at their residence, seconded by: Gent's J and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. i Motion was made by Monnons to have attorney' Menke pr'ocedd o investitate assessable footage for the improvement, of State Aid Strests, seconded by Stock and upon 'a vote taken it was duly passed. ee 0 Motion was made by Stock to have attorney• review the Prior Lake Fire Contracts with various townships and "advias of any ch ngea or additions pertaining to insurance seconded }l by Monnene and upon a vote taken it was „duly passed.' Jack Andrews was present concerning =Heys apnlieaton made lllfff by h mk for an'OYP SALE LIQUOR LICEN8 at an " earlisr'date. • He was advised Mrs. Caaeron had not selinquishsd hart ' license ,•. ;`` as of this date, but Mrs. Cameroa w4 again be-contacted G to see **at here decision is and aetAon will be taken at the January 1969 meeting. r ,� i Building inspector Don Buses advised Zachman Romeo is proseed- ing ,to build# on Lot 4, nlock 2, Prior Acres within the re- quired-side setback. Motion was made by Stock to have attorney Menke enforce the, building code, ifaconded'by Monnens and upon a vote taken it wtis duly passed. . .- Ray Manso advised a ttorne y Menke he w ould like to have more time to remove the buildings on the property the Village �i condemned at the corner of Pleasant St. and First Avs.• So. ; Motion was made by Hants to allow Mr. Hense 'until - May„ let, 1969 to have the buildings removed, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. " Potion was made by Stock to increase the dumping fees for Elmer Garvey from $35.60 per month to $50.0© per month- dffactive January 1, 1969 and is 'to empty all village trash barrels, seconded by Monnens and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. ' Motion was -made by ,Stock to *kk adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS thelsZoo Advisory Committee to the Metropolitan Council has made prpposals for a new ima.jor metropolitan zoo;_ and WHEREAS these proposals will graa" tly benefit the people i , s t 4 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. of our area by ,providing a facility for the Study and preservation } ;y of animal species, as well Study A nd preservation of animal ep`iecies, as well as a place for famil,� y:.centertd recreation; e nd W MREAS this facility would be large self E. y supporting, with mIni financial cost to' public; `and. WHEREAS the zoo would be of benefit to area citizens and bueinstees and a major attraction for J tourists, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Village of Prior Lake gos on record in eupu of this and urges the State Leg he Legislature to implement these plans in t jeet °s coming legislative sssision, seconded by Monnens and upon a vote talon it was duly passed. f Motion was mad0 by'Yonnen8 seconded by Stock to pay all bills: '. GENERAL FUND: Zugene Blenkush. Police salary Earl Killian N. N $203.30 Walter Stock Trustee salary 283.34 Lawrence Yonnens N N 00 Richard IItsa N M 245.00 Richard .Goren Mayors` Salary 245. Donald Borchardt Tieasurere •Sisk 350.00 W. W. Gents c y 150.00 Arlo,: Schmidt Clerks'salary 48500 'lowing 6 PM siren Wm C 3rordon lolics 15.. 00 duty Solt ar Barr �� � t y � 114.75 Sugene Smith N N 153.40 k R.J. Latt ry N „ 18.00 Beot Count 75.:38 y. trisionsr board Robert McAllister Dog pound salary etc. 17.50 ', 109.50 Scott' Rice' Telephone Tels hone �'rad'� Muelken Labor' 21.86 LAL Ndwi 47.25 Lystids Inc. h Supplies 159.36 Lindsey, Zngineerin'� Rat po 37.50 g Xng•insertng services 108.82 YobilsRadio Zngineerinr Antenna 22.98 Dan.`Busee Building inspector fns. , 180.41 r Li °t2io Tech:° sir "v`icss � Bupplite Motorola. Communications 27.81 Ya Maintenance Yels Body Service 5.50 Police garage door,repair 3.00 =. idwtpt,.l lanning, Research PrafesSional llgnning 166.61 X or Ameieican Legal** Blhriam Bsaud`ette 40 . 5 0 N8! Labor 10.50 Street litee' 289.10 Bohrisaek and 8ennsn Welding etc. Rohn ,Weldinngg r 32.50 Prior, t Deep Rook Gas and Oil ' 15.12 Z �r,,tkulf,:`Oil @ore M 35.36 n � Prior Lakin State Bank ' Federal withholding tax 91,80 Prior LSke Ready Mix Concrete Earl Ki llian 30.20 Police salary / ,Bugeno Alankush. ■ M 83:34` v 2 Rater,/ Fund Zlme B usse , Salary = .. W.R. Gents $ , Clerks 'Salary Da#A 800.00 . os, Water Su mist r .. Ektenaions ,Lyon 0h4micnl Acid 12.60 4lyimmimeionet of Taxation Social Security, 44 ' nn. ` batl t3 s a Co. 22.54 �um�s, etc. 72. Bohr and Mennen 6Q � Water connection etc.. 129.000 # ilrioz fake State Bank l Fed Withhold deposit 50.08, Y ' C r3 jµ�lmsr Dueee Sal `' r ' ery 177 .35 .= 91 839. ii� 1 � • i � ` 0 t j ci MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council'. December 9th, 1.968 continued Fire . . Fund Scott; Rice Telephone Telephone 3?.85 } f Minn, Natl Gas Co. t3as 76.85 Coyer and-Akins Fire Ross 500.60 t Street lites 1181.27 Prior Lake Relief Fund Relief 'Fund 409.06 - 61441.63 Sewer Fund; z Raymond M. Johnson Sala Zl 1.60 ` w 11. C enter Clarke Salary 890.80 Standard 012 Co. . Fuel oil ; �iawki`ne Chemical Co. Chlo`rina `liquid' 35.0,0 � { Pumpe etc.., 97.08 Pri Prior Lake ,Sta.ts Dan's Federal withholding 96:40 Raymond bnson .:, Salary 211:60 PARY FUND .. a " Northern States Power Lights, etc.$ @0 } ' r at.Fund: llnt Yualle and Bona Ditumineue Mix X27.50 Ratmond Johnson Roller rental 35. >00 . IIaferman and .Start Gravel } 45 a0 ohnsaek and Eennen Blade rental. 2 50 Fundi superior O1'Co.' Fuel oil 0144.59 4 4�nera2 Oblira Dldlr>t�Donds: r . ton # Prior "'Lake State Dann Interest' sj10 ©0.00 o further 'business the meeting was adjourned. R.R. Gent$, Clerk 3 ` December ]I�th, 1968 „ The Common Council of the Village of Pr1or L e met in special session in the Office the l i „ of Village Clerk 144ftay evening Devaimber 17th, 1968 at 7PM. Thy meeting was called to or der " -, y Mayor Gersn- present were Mayor Goren Councilman Stock an Mormons absent were Councilman Hose and Clerk Gents., �appl An at for an OFF SALZ LIQUOR 'LIONTSZ was presented for John D.- Norblom which license in being hold by Joan Oren Goren Liquors, Inc. for the period covaring January ' ` 9 1.,� 1969 throug: June ..30th, 1969. Motion was made by Councilman MOnnene to -grant John D. - ?lorblom an Off Sale` LMpuor ` jlcanse covering the period January let, through June ,1969 3tth, 1969, ,seconded 'by Councilman Stock and upon a.pots tak �i t Was approved Unanimously. P on Buses, Building Inspector, was present concerning the // wilding permit of a tw*ling on Lot 4, Block 2, Prior 4cres /! nd Addition because ,of the side eftbaek does' requirements of the building cods. Potion Was t o by Stock. © authorize Zaohmsr, I3omse . to submit, a Quit Claim Deed on 4rK rr k ' MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village, Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by'said Council. the next lot to meet the requirements of the wilding Code, if this is not done the dwelling must be moved or built to meet 'the requirements, seconded by Idonnens,vnd upon a vote taken it was duly passed.. } ldo further business the meeting was - adjourned. - W. 1R. Gent4, Clerk i January 7, 2969 The Common Council of the Village of Prior ak* met in special ' #' session in the office of the Village Clerk ay ivening E January 7th,, 1969 at 7PM. The meetinj was called to .order by Mayor Geren -roll call— present; were Mayor deren, Clerk Gent$, � and Councilmen Smith, Monnens And Stock. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the'eleetion to be r• held February 25th, 1969 concerning the annexation proceedings. In c4lendals Township, Shepard of the Lake Lutheran; Church . is to be used for ap a ppllin*• place with Bob Lindstam, Backer -and Frank Ricker an judges. In Spring Lake Towwhship' either'Duane Henrys Drilling establishment or the .Nollywood, 1u/ Inn& will be load as 'a polling place with Tony $pok µ r Bill Thomas and Jerry Muelken as judges. , In Eagle u "Creek, the old Methodist Church will be used for the pollingplace with )Jos { $peiker, Mrs. Karl Mickus and Clove Mickley as �t ,judges. Mayor Goren advised he ,was living outside of th9_V llage limits - as of January let, 1969 due to the fact he was unable to secure f ' living quarters in the Village by purchasing or renting. Be made inquiry to Attorney General, Douglas Head, coneerning fhia and advised the council of same. Mr. Head advised Mayor Goren he could obtain temporary approval from the council to continue to hold the Mayors position,in Prior Lake if his intentions are to return to the Village prior to his expiration of term which is December ,3119t, 1969. Motion was made by Councilman Monnens to permit M -ayoT Goren to live outside of the •Village. limits because he is unable to secure or renting living quarters by' purchasing within the Village .limits, -which is legal and paoper accordigg, to Attorney_General,`Douglas Meade opinion which is as follows; ` *'Whether Mayor Goren who has moved from the Village is an 'entitles .. «inhabitant " , him to retain his office is a r fact question to be determined by the governing body, based upon its consideration of the intention of the member to return F to the Village prior to the expiration of his term of office, seconded by Councilmen Stock and upon a vote taken the following { voted in favor , thereof : XkXbz Councilmen Monnens end Stock and Clerk Gents, against Councilman. Smith. ;motion was passed. p i Thar* :b *ing no further business. _meetttng was adjourned. f � W.W. Gents, Clerk X r i7. .. G I ; b G i