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04 14 1969
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village a Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State -, of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. , 4 , Bunice Bolts aria a representative of Vo -el Ice Cream were rresent , to present, plsns for the construction of a Milk Store to the rear of the South of Lot 7, Block 3, Original Plat, They =area advised there mvvy be parkin; problems and entry - on the p,roaerty ana had to. be studied further aa11d. a decision would lie given a;t ,a later'�3ate Motion was made by Smith G appoint Bob Windell as Recrez,tiOik � � Direotpr for the Villeof prior .Lake f M nnens and upon a vote � ''t Fire Chief, Delbert buss e , advised, he, . felt the red, signal light at the earner of Dako'.;`a Streat and North C venue; was p not servtmin its put' b since 1t was not ser`¢In; is purpose that ` ±he ,Money sped for same should be reem'ouraed from J the General Find to, the Fire <Fuxd. Motion was <made by//stock, to st t�sERtcfloelcfl�l[t -kQhlr kklx y not use the liChtibut only incase of a tire,` i.or the month of Maay 1869, and tore- evalute again after that tiA�e, seconded by Dionnaana and upon�a vote token it was d Motion Was _madv by Monnema to designate May ; let t! May 15th,; 1969 as cleanup tim�p i in the village o of Prior Lako,. seconded by Stock and upon a voti t taken it was duly passed: ' �bonstruction o tation'r the corner " Plans for the � of: g j t of 4th street h Dakota St_., o of�D� � a bu$14in periait f for the. construct;i.on of a Pu Oil Staa:tion, Y Y ' ,_at the corner o of 4th Ave .; andakot'a Street t,o�`be food'° °for 13 months, seconded b by Smith and upon a vote taken= ,t .gas approved A ;uf;ene Blenkut Bob Busae,, and Ron Lathery Were rtsen:t regarding vi�ous problums the Commission acid Police Dept have. 8tee2i as sh police officers. ;;a�gs of proper 4saist- i i a>2ee from the jIsoott bounty Sheriffa', n j 3 more good min era needed, and to„ receiv,,i tfiern ..the dart time " 01ia trigs will have to be 'increased Motion was' made by Stook to etatt 411 Part 'time' policeman, at $2.26 per hour until after „ t >.3.N : per .hour,; seconded by Smith' 'xnd upon a vote 'taken it was auly►aaeod.. �r Motion was made by Stock to approve` vayment of $144.10; eiothinj ''allowanse;to'. the following ,police officers, Ron Latter and Wm Brogdon, seconded by'Smith. - and upon a vote taken, it Was duly Motion - wais made by Stock to allow .2 men to attend the. firemen! :;ai ebaoh at- the LrnivRre.ity of mini; ;inning May lot, 1969 and 4 t $20. $.0 , per day maximum / to attend the 'school, ' s seconded .byr Smith and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. . M.ot' o was -made' bT $teoY to O: Y. the placement o f a street 11, ht b,y ]i8r on Dakota Street near the, Gerald Simon ra;sideneo, seconded • by Mout.ens- and up ©n a 'vote taken it was duly passed.; Motion was made by Smith, seconded by Monnens to way; all bills: HIR:ALFUND: Mugene Blenkueh Salary ;X221.25 Earl Killian Police duty 83.34 Scott' Rico Telephone Telephone 29110 County Auditor - Prisoner Board 14.00 ' K Karl `Killian Car wash fees 7.00 Motorola Communications Motorola Maintenance 669 Bolivar B. Barr Police duty 68.83 lam Bro don M 168.76 >,"Lloyd Larson " " 130.96 ' MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of 4he Village of Prier lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. April 14th meeting continued general Fund: 3ahneack and Piannon Snow No *ing,7 ?..14 Robert McAllister Doc Pound fees -70.69 ' Lystad Inc. Rat poisoning, 37.50 Miller Davis Co. Suppliee -. 11.63 Molt Motor Co. Police Car 36.80 Gulf Motor Co. . repairs Gas and oil lii.lf NSP Street lites 447.63 00 eunis6loner of Taxation State Withholding, tax 59048 Pr or Lake State Bank Fed Withholding tax 67.80• 3t to Treasures :' P$RA _ 397.13 No beet Dorka, Constr Picnic Bldg. 6160.0 �tonnens Ltr. Park Imprwomen.te 0l�.68 Sug,ene Blenkush, Salary, 221.x5 Earl Ki131an Pol oe duty 3 , Rater Fund,: Elmer., Due** Salary $185.67 Lyon'Chemicale � Chemicals 13.801 Bankers Life Ins 4o. Insurance: 94.srs 'Gh3.s Tranefer Freight 4. N Jordan Iaderdiyedtnt Supplies 121.!!` :NSZ 'Taxation Puraps, ac. 59.89 Commissioners of State Withholding 360.4!° Prior Lake St atQ, Bank Fed. " Dep. 53.89 State Treasurer ARA 2006.80 Bt At� `Treasu ", Social 8'tOt32` X 136.69 • Sales Tax Taxi Cioramiss ionor ` 43.94 laer Buses Salary67 . dire ftnd: +$ w , Minor r Sass Rescue Unit ° Earjpsr Drueh Rdiks' • Reynolds Welding Shop Suer'ior. 011 Co._ Gas and oil 1..66. r: ftinesotat Natl 'Gnat .. Ul 1:0'l> >:36 w s , D8Z` Ylaa 36.6,4, otar Parts Ine.., Parts 43.45` ` i3oott:Rie,e Tele »hone Telephone 37.9 ;43.39 of w r. nd: sJ►mond Johnson Salary $222.10 Standard 0 Oil Co. i `Oil ?.48`,' s u Superl or Oil; Co. " ��� 59-...33 ° 8anfax, Cotpa, Caamicale; 96.20 reth Armst:x'on Daczages i2l5.li! 1 /r ,N SP Qoumcissioner of.'``•tgXati,on ��� Pii�tps, a +�c. State witbholdin l 83.30 36. 6l Prior Lake State Bank Fed• �� 32.41 r Stiate Treasurer. PERA r ' 228.8i'> Raymond Johnson Salary aa8 11 Sewer & Water Extension Fund: Amsrice,n Vatl Bank Bons & Interest , 41359.63 r f ' Y O d n r i April ''MAkd., 1969 i 4 The lommon C.ounoil' of the,,Vil1s.°.e of Prior Lake ne t in special ; suasion in the, office of the Village clerk '/bnl0"&.7 eve April i�t$, 1969 akt IPM. The meeting was cp.11ed to 'order by Mayor, Garen, r�1L call Mayor teren, Clerk (Dente and Oounailmen h Monnens St'oak and Smith. rroperty' aowi�ere Prom Lemleye Lakeside. Manor apd theahewOlfa Addition were present t'4 discuss petitioning far annexation to t Prior Lake. After considerable discuesion It was agroed that " •,,• another meeting be hold and information be c. an as' "ta�3) .what ' the amount of taxes on various homes would be if in the Village . of PT lor Lake. v Mot.n was .made" by Smith to extend the fire protection to w 8e0 ©ns 3S ind 31 in Glendale Townships for another'_ q;3# days; seconded try Stock and upon a vote taken it. ias duly Massed'. .. Cleor a nryant , of ft"aacQueen zouipment Go. waaxTprestnt and a : what s for salt. He advi ed the yl advised w a p y had a, excellent H in Sweeper for sale for �15D9.00 that was y taken in on trade rom Delano I Minn. r 'It was ae:reed `tyat several seunoil members would" f;o to MacQueen Equipment Co, to look a* it .++ t` o' what condlti.on it was to on Saturday April 19th, 1908 at 2PH. ,. Mayo r Garen advised the Larson Tank 0om�rany °cleaned, x °` ns�ectQd ari repaired the, water _tower anal advised. the .tower is ,*OW in . " excellent shai" and doss not have to be cleaned and inipeeto3 for another two years. > .. ~' ' Met i on was made by Fmith to adopt a resolution ,that 9 th Polito t� d C.ommii+s on ch ore `the starting time for v�ll evening policemen ,. to 9.l.M� unless in, case, of emergency. Also, that Dart time Police ., ' Officer s are ;.not te. work in oxeass of ' I working, hours., per day. ' . U o advisid'by the Police oommissi.on or fhe 'Village Cotinoil; or unless-, in Mor ;egsy,; seconded, by Gentz 44d ,upona vote taksh it r wasp duly ;gassed. No further business the mseti.n.ywas adjourned. u V'!. W. Gentz, Clerk April 23rd, 1969^ 4 j The 49iWo# Council of ,the , Villare of Prior Lake m et i 'apesial se lion n the office of the Village Clerk Wednesday evening April 23rd, 1969 at , SPIT. The m eeting was_ called to order by ; Mayor Doren,' roll call- present were MiR.yor Gercn, Clerk Gentz, and Councilmen Monnens, Stock and Smith. r° ,.f I Fuw Fir vR, --iY v.,...,i e ... ,. .? .,.,w. �w :r.,. - . #...:, T s ,...,.,.., .+•. •.t..,. ......s... .. _. n , y . 1# i MINUTES of t the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of 'Prior Laki in the County of" Scott and . State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Street Fund:_ Hafermann and Stark 0ravel 20 i J.:L. Shiely Go. Rock ` 30.90 � o o wilding runde. Standard Oil Co. Fuel 011' X01.51. First-, Fatl Bank Bonds end Interest 3363.75 General ObliZetion Bldz Wide of 1968: Prior Lako Elee Bonds end Interest 1900.09 c� I `was,.Adjourned. I A _ N No further business the meeting ` W. W. Genii, Qxerk'