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MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake ine the County" of Scott and:
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Ma.y. 12th, 1989
'The Common Council of the Villa,,;e of Prior Lake met -in
xkpitka regular session in the office of the Village Clerk
Mbnda;y evening May 12th, , 19C - 9 at BPM. Tide meeting was called'
to order by Mayor Germ,' roll call_ MQyor Getbn, Clerk Gent `s
and Councilmen Monnens, Stock and Smith.
The minutes of the previous meeting* Nero read, and approved.
Vern Mabee, the Former Savaze Justice of the l oace, was
eresent and indicated since the Scott Probate Jude 1,8 no
longer interested in handling the Prior Lake traffie,tickets
he is. interested in securing the J.P. poettion in Prior Lake
and he staled if awarded to him he would mode to Prior Lake.
Thie tabled.
M The following Off Sple Liquor License applisa.t ,as
wens received for the period covering, July, 1, 1969 through
uric toih, 19704
GERALD E. HAFERMANN- Motion was made by Councilman Xonnens
grants Gerald Z..,ftfermann an Off Sale 'Liquor',LiaeAst �riod
c oveting July 1, 1969 to ,June 30th''1970 so'conged )? ' Qouneilm'
Stock and upon a vote taken it was azi, , )roved-
FRANCIS SHELL Motion was made by Councilman" Stock to rant
F.rane`is Snell an Off Sale Liquor L sense for the Porio cover-
ins JRly 1 1969 through June 30th, 1970, seconded by Council"
man Monhene and upon a vote taken it was approved' unanimously.
WILLA,RD GRAVES - Motion was made. by Councilman Stock to grant
Willard Graves. an Off Sale Liquor License $or the period ,cover-
n8 July` 1, 1969 through June 39, I990 seconded by 'Councilmar'
Monnens and up *n a vote taken it was apnrovild "unanimously.
JOMT D. NORLLOM4 Motion was made by Councilman Sm th to gr ant , P
an Off Sale Liquor License for the period covering July 1, 1969
t'hibugh, Jung 36th, 1970, seconded by Councilman Stock and upon
a 404e takvi it was approved unanicmously.
)ROOKS HAUSERr- Motion was made by Councilman Monnena to'`grant
Brooks Hauser on Off Sale Liquor License Der the ;per. od, sover,-
nZ 4#1 l', l96`9 through June ' 30th, 197D, 'se somded. by Councilman
r �
Stock and. upon a vote taken it was apl,rovad unanimously.
The following On SRle Liquor License applications were present- `;
oval for the period covering. Ju1p''1, 1989 through
June 30, 1970.
(GERALD E. 'HAFERMANN - Motion was, made by Councilman. Monnens t4
:grant Gerold E. Hafermann an On Sale Liquor 1icen14 for the
seriod covering July 1, 1969 through June. 34t,, 1974 ,'- seconded by
44 `
Councilman. Stock . and upon a vote taken i t was o.pproved unanimous
FRANDIS SNELL - Motion was made °by Councilman Smit1r to grant
Francis !poll an On Sale Liquor License for the period' covering,;
July 1, 1969 through June 30, 1970, seconded by Councilman
Stock and upon a vote taken it was op proved'unanimoualy.,
WILLARD GRAVES- Motion was made by Gouncilmar� Stock t grant `
Willard Gtrives an On Sale Liquor L eenee�fot the period covering,
July 1, 196 through June 30, 1970+ seconded' by Councilman
tMonnene and umon a, vote taken it cra,s approved unanimously.
Village dogcatcher, - .Robert McAllister,.: wask a, It
was brough to phis "attention that there' has been ,manyw„
complaints regarding dogs running looms in the Villas.
He was advised that all dogs running loose must-be picked
s n w MINUTES of the Proceedings of the: - Village Council of the Pillage of Prior take in the County of Scot #;;and' .
: .h
' State of Minnesota, including all account! by said Council, y,
t MkIds t A avvlication f or a cigarette eenss Rae Pecs ve r ; rom
rf the Prior Drive In Theatre. Motion cvas made by,3toclC
to grant The Prior Lake Drive , lhentre a, license
gig rQttsa at retail for the 'riod covering Say
° 1959,
9. Dsoezber 31,
,seconded by Smith and u onr s vote" tak%,."4 it
4. wars duly passed.
.. A asplici4 on f z a cigarette 'license was received from , Arthwi
,Lund, Brooksvill. Opera house. Motion pas made by Smi:th'to grant
Arthur Lund Brd6kov ll,e Op House, •a license to Bell "'Cigarettes
1 '''
. t retail for - 'period June 1 1969 through ecember- 31, 1969,
seconded ' and 'duly,
by Sto6 upon a vote taken it was prised.
A application for a set up license was received :from' Arthur :Lund,
Dxookeville Opera Houso. Motion Was made by Smith to rant -
Arthur Lund Brooksville Opera, House p
a not u license or the
period covering June 1, 1969 through June 3t, 1969, 'seconded by
,Stock, and 'upon a vote taken it was ,duly passed. °
A arplicPtion for an OFF AND ON 3.2 beer liseaso.was reoeivsd from
Arthur Lund, Brooksville Opera House. Motion was'maos,by Stock
to grant Arthur; Lund, Brooksville Opera House, an :017 A14D 'ON SALZ
3.3 beer license for the ,period covering June 1, •1969 through
June 30th, 1969, seconded by Smith and up on a. voter : taken it was
�d4ly passed.
�- Don Buses, ''building inspector, was present sa iadvteod ; the council
,a #t 'ho�srt- Mertensa local contractor, was not comply with the
Ouilhig cedes the Village in
of .regarde t.a rock ussting ,the various
}v .required inspections. Atorney Menke' sx.e advised to inform Mr.
> rtene of same and 1f ,ho dooer comply no further building; permits
will not bs, issued.
' * IIarolii,.Irasalaon- advised the tentative bid opening dated for
t � Impro�remont No.- 65..3- etrost iarp"tments- "is for June Seth, X 1969
SPH. ` Awardf
it a of bid July 7th, 1969 at 9,PM. Complstian date
..'of iatrrovec ant. on or about Sopt °15th,.. 1969.
..,r. .. Potion .was made by Smith to relsasef Robert Busse and Lambert Kennon
s = rem the Police fommission,effsctiv.e immediately,, econded by Gents
` and upon a voter taken it was duly passed.
3otion .was ;:made by, Sm ith, vt4 aojeoint the following . tox the Prior Lsacs
w oTista 'aom>lia' aion= a Roemer, 3 year tt7rm, tugene Smith 8 year `
ter•.; and Ro6er Harris, aiii year term, with Gil `Roe to serve
as chairman, seconded` by Stock and , u a vote tt was duly 'passed.=
Motion was madis by doith, seconded by Stock, to Aay, all`billss
mineral ]Funds
1llliaa:'�rogdon' Clothing allowance
R.J..,Lattery 1004
;; ,Motro`n. Litt Qo. Polise equipment °126. •s
gukons Bl enkush - Salary w
Sari Yillian Police duty t , $3.34
, x •,, Done Repair Mower repair ll.lb
&L HDW>C Supplies ,' 07.52
'floott, ;Rice =Telephone Telephone X21.84
`' Roti`srt. MoA111itsr Dog, pound fees etc. 53.54
earl illian Car washing, fees- 7.5!
Poliss car ,.repairs 37.
Prllr.Lake ";American L 15.35
xenngl Airs, Pollee sup_r�il3es, 35.85
b�titbrola 6oMmun cations Hotorola Maintenance 5.60
Deluglas Office Supply Police su- ipllos 35.64
Fksiopti Medical Center Intoxication tests X50.08
aulf'' Oh`Qorpn and oil 43.25
trvitae , Labor ' 12=.50
lei & J Invos taints tae and 0i1 143.49'
`� Schrader mock Oo. Snow Plowing 5.00
Blumberg Mobile Gas and 011 499.51
MINUTES' of the P ,rociNding� of the Village Council 'af
the Village,. of Prior `Lake in the, County' of Scott
S of Minnesota, including all accouhh audited by said Council. a
G on er PlL Fund ` continued"
tloi6orn states Power Co.
Street litea,
Mac, een . sclui ment , Co.
Street sweeper'
RFl!* 'Smith
Lloy R. Lareon
Police duty
M «
1 l7,
Prior 'Lake Dank
Fed Withh Deposit
Zarl Killian
Zu�ene Bloalvah
Tater. ;Fund.,
' 4 ;
Minn. Natl' ;Qas Co...
Zlmer 'Buses
State Treas
Soo Sec.
Lyon Chemical Co.
Larson Tank,do.
Cleaning; Tank
Minn. Natl Else
NTSis "
rumps, etc.
. thn 'Schmitz
rrior Bank
Moter" reading
too ir3.4 !
Lake State
$1msr; usds ,
Andrews Rexall ' Drus
8upliee '
� 3:31 ,
Ratl Sirs lhrotestion Assn
� �2�.i1,
, ��=
Scott Rio Tslsphone ,
� 7 9i►
Not, or Tart
]Par ts
St ,TransielEospital
R escue unit supplisp i3, s•
Aeyn ®id Belding, ` Supply
,ldinnesota Nat! Gas Co.
Blumbrg Mobile'
tl♦as: end Oil
` 1 1
�Ragmond job
332.1! i
Reading meters
IIaWl ine shemisal Co.
IN, Stty� of Shakopee
Sewer cleening
L.E. Si>rsa,as °
3sws cleaning
A i1QanS3l..64
lt an d ard 01 Qo«
Tuei oil
c v .rte
NBr d
!sumps *to. , ,
Rishard ks
At`to °xyiey lees
Amsriskn . N01 Bank
Bonds and interest
Bankers Lifs Ineur.anec.
rrior Like State. Bank �
F,ediral -Withh deposit
42'. !!
Raymond 3;ohnson
1 22 141
° �
Par_n� d
lrior Late Ludbsr so,'
., .
J.L. Shisly so.
Brushed rook
Lydia 04' Yilliag
€upQr3er Oil St.
Fuel` oil
1 ,.
wrovomente.. of i964
N.R. Nat !lank
Bonds & intere
No iurtir,= businsas th,, :msitin was;` adJournod.
W. W. Geuta, Bilk.