HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 11 1969{ MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lakr in the County ,of" Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said' Council, k ` June llth, 1969 . The Common Council of the Villa; a of Prior Lake met in regular session in the, office of the Village Clerk Monday svening J une 11th, 1969 at 8 P. M. The mee ting wa called to order by ayor,Geren, present were Mayor Garen, alork Gentz and Oouns l- en•Monnsns, Stock and Smith. ho minutes of the previous meeting was read and apsroved. otion was made. by Stock to rescind the motion iiE jhe May, 12th ` G 1989 meeting regarding the release of Robert Busse and Lambert ".; y ,=: ennon from .the Prior Lake Police, Commission,' seconded sktk b y Monnens and upon a_ vote taken it was duly passed. Vern Mabee AL savage was present in t to recei the appointment of J.P. in Prior Lake. Attorney'Menks` advised r Mabee"must be. a voting resident of Prior Lake in order to 'old the office sf "J.p,. ' Motion wits made by Stock to gr2nt permission to the Prior Lak! tter Skiatug Assn the' of the Old Prior Laks Rescue morgeney Unit for use at the water 'ski' show at' Orchard Lake.- ^ J une , , 14th 1969 from 7 AM to 8 PM and 'June ...16th,, 1969 from 8 Aid to- 6 1 , with Police Ghief Eugene ' Dlonkush" to- take complete; reepmeibility of driting the vehisle'to the site and return,' i600nded by.; Mcinnans and upon a vote taken- it wag duly passed. # . c et ion was by 6took,` to adopt an Ordinance ;providing for the sombinat on of the off ce,-of Village Clerk and Village Troasuror and providing for a n annual Village a udit, with the the ordinance to be, off ective at the. expiration of the terra et'ths 1noukbent treasurer or when an earlier vacancy occurs, sioonded by Monnone and , upon a vote. taken 'it,�was> duly passed. ` ; JJ •E. I Thorvald Anderpon was present in reg to., a orator drains, e pr blew between the. Prior Acres let and 2nd, Additio> Es was adviaod, the , council would view the propsrty along "with ]C r " ` ,. illierai $ohmokal to determine how the problem can be-solved. Ralph $atith was present and. ad�-ifi he no longer is interested in elauning ;the Village Ball. Ttio item was tabled.- . ',. Lawrence j Vsysa .and ,Rog*r Sandburg , 'South were present requesting for . at resoain of the Zast 88. . g 5 fret of 192 0 feet of Lot 2 Aostelies s Addition therefrom the Osuth 10`0.0 feetof . „ excepting vs ' the 'Bast 20.0 feet Iad the west 10.0 feet of the North 92; 0 foot 'Lot of the south 92.0 feet of 1, Goetsllo's Addition fsos M "M Two ramily. RssidenevO to 'OR -3" Multiple Dwelling. They were advised, to request fo,"r. a rezoning of the property K tw the Prior'' Lake. Planning Commission. 6 5 } r on " made by`goianens to adopt i resolution .'endorsing plans u v for of t runk .highways 41, 169 end `213, !Therese• the ' M Co>xaoil desires to ,inf the Commissioner of ]'ii {hways' and the M Do eartment o Highways for .tha state of Mil osota, of its . cor'rider ` seDestion. from the vartous alternatives as, prepared by the fixm of Ho�rard Ne.edles', Tammon a.nd,lesr endoff' affecting Trunk Highways 41,. 169 and 212, WHZRLAS", •The Council of the ;. Village ;of Prior L.ak4 feels it is in the public interest that 6o>eYridor Svcs- 66 A bit adopted; and that the Village fools' it is in`'thie wubliV interee.t` that he corridor for Highway 169 be moved nWarer to the bluff line existing south a Shakop seconded b s Y Stock and upon,,a vote ; takon it was duly "passed. .,u r Motion was made by.Smith to set the salary of rilLas Assessor ,o for the year 19,89 at $500:00, 3oconded by stock and 'upon a vote taken it Was duly; passed. , n., "MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and N State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council, MotidIM was rude by Monnens, to secure Lee dueller to out do wn the large cottonwood tree on Village prpperty in the axe.. of 3rd } 'street And Dakota I St. , seconded by Stock and upon a <vote taken -� it was duly passed. �. Police sommissioners, Bob Busse, Lat,bert Hennen, and Rotor Harris were present to voice thaet opinons on the release of Lambert Hennen and Robert Busse from the Polio'* irommiesi; on. :after considerable discussion several members:jof the council apol'ized for the handling of same end advi's'ed the motion of an earlier date 'had been rescinded earlier in this meeting on the release of the commissioners. The Police Commkiiioa advised they are recommending that two full time 0atrelmen be on duty each diy, with the ActigC ,chief or let pptro�men,be id X625 00 per month and the second -,patrolman be paid 600.00 der month. They were advised this would be studied further and 'would, advise them further ''ot, their findings. Don Busse, Building inpeator, was present concerning the building; ,vermit a rxkkkx f or the. remodeling of the S7ayne Kongo •Buildin Lots i d 6, Block 9 e Original Plat.' He advised he g felt the foundation. was not - adequate tohold the new roof on the west pert of the buildings, and also that the west well•h¢d to be reinforced. Motion was made by Smith to have William Schmokel shock the Stress on- the walls and other aspecte of the building to determine ghat wort'h,ad to be 4 done to out the building in ax sPfe condition,. seconded by Monnens "and upon a vote ta ken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Monnene to increase the do, pickup from $2.50 to $5.00 and'the board to $2.50 per day, seconded by Omlth and upon a vot t aken it was duly paeeede ' constrtttion Y1vin Borchardt was ;present .t.e :inquire about the - catoiddaii�k df a b.0 ding at the corner of Pleasant St. And. North central Ave,._ Mrorchardt would not state what type:. of building that is to be constructed on the property but inqu rdd as to 'the ' setbaske that would ; be required.. Several members of the council ineisted that buildinc^ r !pee bo presented before w decision Mould be mad #j, but the coutich. advised they would view the property and advise him �rjhat eetbak would be required depending on the type of e6nsttuat ran.. The fellowing one were presented for Non Intexisaithg Beer Lics�ce ON., AND 0" BALI, for the period, tover Juhy, 1, 1969 through f June 3aj 1919, Gerald Z. Haferman, Fr .nei� Snell, Z9111ard (Graves, Mae -8chmokal,` VFN Ol-ub `6208, Dayton Ri'�htman and Arthur X. Lund.." Motion was made by Monnens -to grant the above a Non Intoxisating Deer y 41so -as for an 01 AND '03`F 1LZ License for the period. X July l; 19,69 through dune 30, 1919, s000nded. by Stock axed upon ;a vote 'taken 'it 'aas duly passed. ' T.110L following alpl: cat ons, were, presented for Non Intoxicating Beer Liacnsc `OFF SALT for approval for the period ooverin July 1, 1969 threu % June 30, 13"9, John D. Norblom, John Brooks Rouser, la,rold lor, "}Robert A. Busse, Motion was made by Stock to ;.rant the s ►rt AN' OFF BALZ Non. I Beer License -for the' - pe riod; cover- ° Jtily let, 1969 through Juno 30, 1970, Seconded by Smith and up taken it . on% a vote was duly passo,d An •application was received from the Prior Lake Basobk'll Jays for an, "ON SALE ONLT Non- lnt.oxieatin„ Beer ' License to sell - beer at ldemorial lark And. on. Main Street, in conjunction with the Dairy like Days,, with J " tale ,M.emorial :Park application to cover the period. July. pat, 1969 � through June 30, 1970.and the Main Street application 'to cover the two > dayys. July 3rd: and 4th, 1969. Motion was made by Smith to �;r:R the Prior Lake Jays the On 9ALZ Beer "Licenso, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken it was 'duly gassed. The, following applic- .tions *sre received foe set up licenses for , the period covering July let,. 1969 through June : 30th ,1970, Xn, 3 J i I I I Club #6208, Dayton � "ightman, and Arthur N. Lund. �ioti:on was. made by r Smith to grant the :VIM CLUB; ; '}6208 Dayton Wightman and Arthur N. Lund Set Up Licensee for the Pelord Govertng July 1, 1969 through Jtane 3Q, 1970, seconded by tir ;( ..onnens and upon .a vote taken it was, duly passed. r MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council Motion was made b y , Smith to adopt the foliowinr resolution— RESOLUTION APPROVIki PL05 AND SPEC IFICATIO11S 0D ORDERING ADYERTZS.EM NT FOR BIDS, hI 'A3, indsey End veer na." Inc r the Consulting enwinsers, have prepared final .dens and specifications for the construction of certain improvements' in the Village, and 'nave presented such plane and specifications to the council for annroval, The Clerk shall pre, �are and aPUSe to be inserted in the Ofrical newspoper, and in the Constructiorn; Bulletin `The Advert dement shall specify the work , to be done, <sha,ll state that the bids will be putlicly op,endd at 7 P on jelly 14th, l 59 at the Village Council Chambers, eeconded by,Lronnens and upon .a vote taken it was duly ,pa,ssad. i Motion was made by Smith to pay all bills, seconded by Stock and u oh R vote taken it was duly passed. Gen�l Fundo. 1 Motorola: QOmmtlnications Ma ntena,nce Scott Rico Telephone Co. Telephone 20.15 _ Robert McAllister. 8a.i'ary Dog - #6bnl 37.00 ' Shirley Mancuso civil Service testis Carlson Industrial Supply Co." Bupolies 25.00 9.ias Prior Lake American LeZ le n 19.80 Dr., Olaf Lukk Professional Servioes 17.00:. $mithe Garage Palioe car repair 21.45' Northern.Automotive Co.. Sped cheek 3.50 ' Gurle Printing Co. 9up+a1los 238.90 1ill1am T. tau Labor , . 30.00 x Jordon Independent -Supplies 27.90 Supor3ior 011 sic. Hydrsl is, 011 5.30 Doctors Paxk Intotfleetion tests r :25.00 . - ?ri ot Lake Ready Mix Concrete 8.30 Honnons Supply supplies 54.06 ' Brooksville. General Store Hdwe Supaliese 13.05 `{ Gulf 011 Qorpn Gas and oil 388.82 81. 25 Dotty Jones Else Jude Dill Thomaw,,,, " 24.2$ .. ' Anthony Spoiker, Jr. "' "" 24.21 U� Robert Lindstam t !'ran k Wicket " r - 24.25 ' Gogrge Hillard 4 Marylyn Mickus- " =" 24.25' .,. Lee Smith Jose 4.25 h 8peiker Tractor Carlson & Equip Tractor ;repair 287.20 Mark Wilson Police ;duty .: 72.13' 1aw"not Lattery 61.00. = R,J. Lattery' ?`i" " 211.50` Lloyd Larson '329.83' Eu ene B lenkush ; Qloth� ng 8,11 so 100.00 NSP fl Street litos, etc. 349.9.5 ]Elmer Garvey Assessors. Salary 500..00 :.� , MssQuesn Ec;uipmcnt Street 3wsoper = 500. Q0 Prior Lake Sttate - Bank Federal With Dep. 87.80° Earl. Killian P "o2 ice duty 83.34 w lCutone Blenkueh;' Salary 221.26 Earl Dillian° Pol co„ Duty 83.34 Bhenkush Salary 221.25 ' Resrsation Program Recreation 600.00 „ a Sar2 Larssx Police duty 108.87. rt $4880.77 :2 �f) o MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County ;of Scott and State of Minnesota, including till, accounts audited by said Council: ' " Firs Arunda ' Firemans Benefit Asa'n Insurance $38.00 --� ' lit. Francis Hospital Supyliea, rescue 52.50 k ` Fran is S #ell Dry cleaning 4.70- �Rr. Olaf Wkk professional Services -5.00 r: .. ;31[irin. Natl Gas Co. Gas 108.84 ,..• : Superior Oil do. Battery - is .50 h ` Coyer and Akins Supplies 11.89' ` Scott Rios Telephann Telophdns 37.86 " NS? Elms. Bill. 36 .90,- i Water. Am AL Minn. Natl -Gas go. Gas $l0.aa Dohnsack "and Herren Exgavatng 19.50 NSl; lumps, tstc. postaaster lost age Prior', Lake $tats Dank Federv,l withholding 63.80 BlKer Duess Salary 18�i.67 Elpae Busse " 185.67. 1 • ' bankers Life Ins ` IY?surancs . �' . r x Bswsr,lhadi Supsrisr 411 0o. " Fuel oil #54.49 Division of Boiler 'Inspn. Boiler Inspectiow 2.00 .e Eawkins s¢isal Oo. Qhlorine Liquid 35.00 Sanfax Qorporation. 0hemi4a,l 361.,60 Riymond Johnson Milea a School. 34.,36< ' N$! .?Umj)s,, etc. 8 9i lriorl Lake State Bank Fed. Withholding t *x 32.40 1 Raymond. Johnson' Salary 322010. Raymond Johnson Salary Valk land::., *' Lawreuss Monnens Lumber $4.80 r ,~ Fr�d:;Ai11 < rLabor ' _ 5. 50 y . IIullstt ,Else Firin& ST.. rior Lake Lbr Lbr 6 ?. 5' iltr %et ..Fundy f Hafsra�an and. Stark Gravel" -00 4�, � c ; ,; �,H,ildix�¢s•Fund•• - "' : r3aat, l���Saudstts : Labor $4.00 Ralph: Sw, "th , Labor 43.75 ..`::Hal p h tin '�h N .. h �a. No fuit2�ior business the imeeting Rae asdj,ourned. "f. P. Mentz, 8.laik i 11. 40 � u x y r