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06 24 1969
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council: June 24th-, ` 19,69 1 LL The Common Council of the Village of Lake Stet ins special J session in °the office of the Villal!e 4 e day e rk Niesvening; June 24th, 1969 at 8PM. The meeting, was sall$d to order by Mayor Geren,, roll ca11- Hayor ;Gereri, Clerk` Gentz and founcilman Stock, absent was Councilmen Monnens, : and Smith. Motiar� was made by Stock to Adopt Ordinance NO. 69 -42 an " 0`rdiance amending Ordinance No. 64-13 Entlitled "Prior Lake' Zoning Ordinance, That Sec:, 5.2 of said Ordinance No., 6 .13 "'from is hereby amended by rezoning the followi' deasr. bed,�pioperty G i .Family Residence" to "R-3 Multi le Dwelli, "R-2 Two all that A tract of land being the 8W thi `9Wi part of of 36, Township 115, Range 22, Scott County, Minnesota, des cribed as follows; at a point on the south line of said 0; Section 36, distant 493 feet East , of the SW eorner of �aaid Section, 3rZ,;L thence 'North at right an ;lee to said South line` A distance of 173 feet; thence East and parallel to said South i line of Section 36 a distance of 616.57 feet ihore or .1`ess. it+: ; a soint 200 feet Wes of the East line of said SRJ of the S; thence South and parallel to said East line a fits 'ance, o! 17 y feet to the South line of Section 36; thence W6 at 616.57 feat ` more or less to the point of - beginning seconded b` Gents ..s y aft. and a; vote taken it duly " ;►as passed. A.J, iE 3chunk �►roperty No further business the meeting " gar, adjourned. . ti , k W. W. Gertz, Slerk c {, � G July let, 1969 "¢ 1 The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake mt in special session in the office of the Village iilerk Tudsdap evening. July let, 1969 at BPM. The meeting= was called to ; ©rder,by Mayer aeren, poll ,call, present were Mayor Geren er'k Gents and Councilman Monners, absent was CouncilmenPomith and 8toak. The Board, of Equalization met to review &.11 persTnal property taxes in the Village of Prior Lake. County assessor Martin` ; and V llegi- Assessor Garvey were present. Motion was made by Gents to approve County Assessor Martine books, se'conded Moaners anei u;�on a vote taken it was duly passed. ' Mot was made by Monnene to ;appoint Louie Tercero and Goar,M�1 Dorgerdin ae commissioners to the Prior Lake ;Gllatining Sss�m to replace Robert Busse ar_d Zugens Simpkins,- seconded @iertts p and upon a vote taken ,it was duly passed, W W. Bentz, dlsrk i ^� 1 �r F X k n O $ ir 0 4� 4 1 �y, 8 ` .#LJ.�k,• J¢ 4.+'xK an.+a-. ..w.a4 v.+KM.w... n _ .sx.e.:... ,. rca 4 ; "t k ii vkEjCAR+4: mow.. A j 1