HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 14 1969i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. July 14, 1969 The Common ,Counoll of the Vill;j,e of Prior La m et in ` � v a � ae;u1F eesa+ion in the office of the Villa.; e Clem Monday evening Joli 1 1969 , at 7 ?.M. The meeting :sae called to order)rby Mayor . Geren, roll call. Mayor Geren, Clerk Lentz and go Monnens� Stook an Smith. , # -11168 we opened for 899" for Street Improvement X68 -3 the ollow n;� bids were opened Rnd tabulated: 'Rej*g Rd dwg ye $72 so The following bide rare opened for the Street Lighting 7mprov.: Hof fman 'Elect r1a go. of mills $19,128.00 Motion was made by Stock to table the awarding of the abotre bids until Tuesday evening July '15th 1969 at 9 ?M.' seconded 'a b y Smith and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and roved,, Motion was made by,. Mentz : to adopt Ordinance 64 'to one the following described property from "R -S" Two Family Residense to "R-3 Multiple Dwellin a The East , 88.5 feet of the`;south 192.0 feet of Lot 2, Costellots Addition excepting therefrom' the South 100.0 feet of the East 20.,0 feet' and the hest 10.0 test of the No. 92.0 feet of the South 19260 feet of Lot 1 Cos.tel l t , o , , s Addition all in the Village of�Prior Lake Minnesota seconded by Monnens and vote taken it was duly passed. 3 ; A request was madw by fte Pure l�Oil Comoan . to have the Y 9eush ore burned , by the Prior, Lade Fire DePartment" 'instead of sm6lished to clbar for the construction of a ?ore Oil Station on the mite. i Motion was made °by Stock to 'deny the request or burning due to the of the fire eprea,,ding 4 to'the adjoining properties; seconded by Gentz and 10 n'� a vote taken it was duly passed. = �` µ The Prior Leie Police,Qommisslon was present in rewards to discussing the possibility of hiring tM second *leak full time M1 , poliss officer. The item was tabled'1t.,il July 29th, 1969:, at 830 PM. rE , Forrest W. Wilsos, of Gams Inc. of Litchfield Michigan was present to present costs etc to imerovi fas3lities at Memorial Park in`�,Prior Lake. tie advised th, entire Islet over a three period would cost $3600aOO to purshaee r�leyground Y equipment to properly aquili th,e park. " Motion was ��ade by Smith to enter, into an agree Mont 'with Caine Time Ins. on a three ysa ' prog ra at a • ort of 01200.00 der year to properly improve psrk facilities in Memorial lark, seconded 'by Stock and upon, a vote taken it was, duly passed.,: A request was made by era. GFunnar.Carlson to g tem Isermit to have a Un ity Ship in her private home M ti onnens to grant 'the pertlit ori. s made , by to Mrs. Gunnar Carlson "to have -j a tempary beauty shop In her private home, .seconded by Stock and upon .a vote `taken it was duly passed. Th,.re wa�p a dill cueeiori in rega rds to accept Vern 11a9ee of age as Local J.P. for handling Local fines. Motion was made b y Stock to accept, Vern MaBee for J. P. pending if Ige moves into the Village of Prior Lake and egrees to skxkgk set fines ?s set forth, by the Village Council and aZrees to apvear before the' y'x eou:6611 monthly axis. repo t al 'Cages for the month ascended y Smith and upon , a vote taken it w'' � dul : �,. Y paes�d. ,t Councilman Falter Stock presented water and sewer service hood , �4 fees for the St' Paul Lutheran Church,?- xs.ona�•e anti ehursh proper. Parsonage water and sewer charges <es follows_water 125.00, 3/4 inch meter $35.00 sewer fee 1 acre $435.60. t otal soot 0595.60. r, d MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake, in the County of Scott ewd State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. } Church prover eater and wearer char-; es- water lioop -up 125.00 �1" meter 4100.00 suer fee S F,cres $ 2613.609total cost 2839.6 .' Motion wps made by Yonnens,' sedbaded by Smith to a,c.cept the, ? above f igures and upon_ a. vote taken it was duly peseed. 7 Motidn was made by Smith, ee,c,ondaa icy Stock to ;gay all bills: Summer Res;reFtion Recreation 4900 00 s Earl, KillieA Police duty„ 83.34 Eugene Blenkush Salary 221.ab' Diversified Irnurp-nce Insurance 626.24 4 Scott Ries Telephone Tehophone 21.35 F Dohneack end Hennen Grading, dump 498.00 Douglas Office Supi:;ly Sup °•lies . 1.75 tSP Street litem eta. 353.33 < AudioSonis Service Police cur repaire' 58.18` Nat.l, Press Inc. Police iuppliee Ile so Wolf` Motor •Qo. Policc Car repeir 9,00 Northern Automotive %peed Cheep Police ce ~.. 3150 Notorola Maintenance. Maintenance' 5.50 Lloyd Larson Supylles pollo car 4.74 Smiths Garage A.J. Lat'tery Police ear repair police duty' $8.40 147.00 L.J.-La tery " a 133.00 General 'welding, , Welding 8.00 Nelson Tire 906 Tires- police cor 127.08 R ob rt McAllister Dow♦,pound fees 14.50 Lystads Inc, , Rat . Poisonn; s0 Al Borch:a.rdt. Labor ,,» 5.25 Prior Lake American Legals 101..80' Wm; T. Dau Labor 9 7450 t John E er " 86.00 `Lee Muti1 r•` Cutting tree 40.00` Lb#Yd. Lesson ?olieer duty.; 129.00 Muik Viilson Tu gene E'lenkush x21.85 ° Uri' L1Y11ea " " 83.34: . Commissioner of TAxstion ,3 sa wit iholdin tax 59.,40 ,, .Prior Lake State bank _. Fsd Rithholdin 'dep. 87.E %6Q Suits Treasurer ' SERA 307.13, Ma ten E uipment Co. Qu q Btreet� suee;�er s � vj Ate° FLIAID t w y 11MO nuns• Sa l arq X185,6? Diversified Ins." Insurance, 893.55 Lyon Chem Qo.. A. Ac 32. be Dohneaslt and Hennen Eaakhoeing, etc. 259.00 mal s „Auto Body Reivai re 6.00 Davies Equip So. Meters 8.2.41 American Cast Iston Co; Supplies 8 ;.00 NS! Pumps, sto._ 8.24 Alm er, Busssi Sale.ry 18`5.67 Prior Luke State Dank Fed. Withholding tax 53.80: S.tAte Treasurer PERA 106.88 tate ,Treasurer Social Security 135.80 ry ommissioner ♦af Taxation State Withholding tax, 38.40 Osmhiss oner of ' , ta xation Sales, tRX 99.98 John ,Schmitz Motor reading I6 6.1+i i } 391MS •. T } zc :,.,. ..,.#. i - „.,.. ,. >. «r .i.. �.,, . , .arac ..,.:. •. ,. w,y..e;. . • A m:,. R w.. q I MINUTES of the i'roeeediep: of the Village Council of the Village of 'Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including .a16 accounts audited by said Council. S S roliee Commissioners Robert Busse And, Roger Harris were present to present a complete schedule for the police department n for All policemgn 'and the proposed second full time officer. ' �•� Also proposed salaries w itb the s�lArise to be as follows: _j Eugene Blenkush $7500.60, secondwfull time man #7200.00, Earl Killian $2000.00 and other part time $2304.00 or tote,l ' Of $19;004.00, 1968 @oats were $12,024.17. After oonsiderablue discussion this item was tabled until Mond a,y evening. -,lu het 114th. t No ,further business the most ing was a,d j ourned. n C! a DP W. G tnts Clerlt 6 a r " G AY t M k. t{ a p , y r- P & t x ip $ 3 Yc i 6. a 1 i L i., ,.1::441CY'a a;, yp ,q,`i„i,,'kyy^'t