HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 11 1969MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council'. August 11, 1969 The com,non Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in reiular session i n the office of the VillpTe Clerk Uonda.y .evening August 11th, 1969 at 8 PM. The meeting was called to order"by M; yor eren roll ca,11— Mayor Geren, Clerk Gentz and Councilmen onnens, Stock. =and Smith. The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. �x y Jim Rafner,a representative from Jurda and Moody, was present 3 to discuss the bond sale for the improvement; bonds in regards to the S.W. S,�.nitary Sewer District. Motion was made .b! Sto to ' attain Jurda-wid Moody to' ^r °hare the advlativement for bids and tho bid epkxk sale ter the S.W. S- nitary'Diatrlat`?BGrids seconded by Smith and upo11 a vote taken it teas duly passed. Motion wis made by Mor_nena to introduce the following resolution providing for public sale of $180,000100 Generpl Obilgation Sanitary tower bonds of 1969 to defray - the eraenao of the V lla * rgportionp,te share of the construction of secret ¢e treatment acuities and interceptor seder � e of the Southwest Sanitary Sewer District, with the bond sale to be September 10th, 1969" at 8 PM, seconded by Smith aald upon a vote teen it tiraa duly otion-was made by Monnens to adopt a resolution szopt >ing the illaLe of 'Shorewood as a pprty to a Joint Powers Agreament d ated March 29, 1958 1b as a- member to the uthwest Sanitary ewer District - seconded by Stook and upon A vote taken it was duly passed. Robert Tucker, Thorvcld Anderson and Mike Prekker. was present n. regards to the drainage problem between the Prior ,Acres let second Additions. They were advised A meeting Was scheduled xktk between a, representative from Zaehman ; �. k . and Vill tee' �nineer , William 8chmoke o !' �. gg � , W 1, t iron out the variotits .R Problems that exists in the Prior Acre let and 2nd Addition. The. meeting date is to be August 13th; 1969 at 10 AMA At the Sehmokel reeidence. ra elemenc, Civil Defense. Director, was Aresent and advised he has 71 People that' Dave bee's accep ,for a tri�nin Program l in Ploomin; toii, 141nnesoti beginning ,Se��tember le r Roland,Thisling anct gene- Simpkins we vresent in requesting consideration in granting , permission. to connect tO'the Prior k Lkke sewer system on Lott. 45, 46, 47, ;and 48 Lakeside Park, y formerly Ynown a9 t�� Rend ezvous aro,erty. Preliminary plans Are to construot a 14 unit a „r+artment' building; on thei`a �te; NO action was taken. ugene 3.1enkush eras present and requested the council increase is Pay to $550.00 per month. Item was tabled until ±he October",� eating or when the bud is set for 1970. no rase adv3 aed no raise would be given until January 1st or when the Gommission ould recommend game and the council consented. ; otion` was made by Stock to increase the 'hater connection hookups as f'ollowe 3/4” $200.00 - is 3W.00 r �: 2 "` 4.04.00. - 4" 500.00 6" `Sprinkler -system 42:50.00 ;ter year. Y ; seconded by Gents and upon a, vote taken it rags duly Asaad. � 4 7ritten resignation was recelvid from Attorney Richard Menke to be ,effective August 25th, 19.69. Motion rrau made by Monnena to •ac4ept the Resi seconded, by Stock W upon a. vdte tPkenl it` was duly passed. 7 I A written resignation was received from Mayor Richard e to bE e of f c tive 9e ptember let,.., 1969. Motion r was zia.de by Smith to v MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. accept the resignation of Mayor Geren effective Sept embex, 1988 seconded by Gentz and upun a vote ta,:.ru it was duly "pea Motion was, 'trade by Monnens to appoint Councilman Waltor Stook as Mayor bed inning September 1st,, Z9C9 through Desember 31, 1963, .seconded by Gentz and upon a takenxkkkxOkd the rotes were as ' vote follows, in favor - jthereof Uonnene and Gentz against Smith, obatxined Goren and ; Stook. Motion xas p assed. " Motion was made by :Yonnens tbak and seconded by Smith„ to pay all bills: Gx Bonds & In'ter'est X400.00 Earl Killian roliee duty 83.34 ` Eu erie Blenkueh 8alar3r 821.;x5 Shakopee'MaiieAl Center Intoxication tests 25.00 ladrows Rexall Drug.. Police supplies 24.67 ' 11cott Rice TelepUone' Co. Telephone 24.00 gulf 011 Gorpn Gas and oil 4 .L&L '' dwe Rdwe supplies. 33. 05 5larenso Schmidt. `prior Plumbing Inepn fees 72.00 Lake Amerisan Legals 19 onstruction Bulletin.: iaiv for bide 00.56 ' League of 'Minn. Munieipalitires ,, Membership fees 120..Q0` Eugene D1eh>�ush . Supplies purshkeed. 8;80 Uniforms Unlimited Polist suPp 2.1Q < .' ".ioremost Business Mavh go. Adding„ Ma chines Motorola 06mmunisat ons Maintenance 5.50 John 4oldin5 Welding, 21x.00 W,.I. Sshro*der Prisoner B % rd 67, < Y. Lo *en. Ssuial Printing Civil Defones, sign, 36.00 HarX, ll Asen Polies duty 150.00 �; Rsnald J. Lattory roliae duty 174.00 L.. J. , Lattery Police duty . 30.00 Frnsst >Ucaam er ?Aliso duty ].47..00 Di:vsr �ified Inw 6o. In,eurans� 398 .00 " _ lahkors Lies Ins. go. Inauraneo 94.65 Street 1 itss�l 3i3. -1 5shultz STnpt. go. Trastgr tires 249.00 prior Lake State Bank Fed. ithholding daposit 87..60 ,> >Zu6one, 2lenicush Salary 221.25 Earl Zillian Folise duty, 4 Wl`TER , FU ND. : 1mir.Dupsi . Elmer Buaee X285.57 Daitl,s 'later 8qu 1A Lawiynoe Plater "peter parts 'Witter 4.54 fib wsish .. connection 43076. shard -Menke gttorney fees 749.16 >�lmor' Busse lumps, etc. Salary 232.32 188:67 ( ' 4­1 sank Fodersl withholding "da;tiosj't ..- FIR>ir - FVNIl:'r. foyer ,and ,lone'` � . hire Supplies 4104.50 Seott, Rice ' Talevhona T'elephon4 401. 0.5 6 5luper <ior Oil 1v. Gas 8 Nap1eo Reynold 'Welding Co. n ' Supplies 30.8? 7.00 1 #Xtisnal Fire trots ation Membership dues 30 w r l is } '1d 0 It, absent was Mayor is ren. _ L Thenzrp6es of the raaetin�; was to discuss various phases of operation* ,c-f' the circle Rubber go. w•hq :Wade apalisation s , to haws the - property of The Prior Lake. Lumber to rezoned from 1=,3 to= I -1. Moti;dn iaas made ry gmith to deny the` r "asonin of the trier' Lads Lbr Ca. propL)erty from B-3 to I -1, eeaordtd by 4onnens and <upol! ' a vote, teka '' it r,as� duly passed . t ti ict Walter fitock advised he had talked to the follow Inc concerning the appointment of a councilman to fill the,' seat' left opin due to the • appointment � of Walter- JLto�ck as ' Mayor; D ©n i� sse, Tony 'Conroy, Don Sehommer,; lry,, . tale " Lctuis Tereero Old Roger Barris. Stook advised I only Dan Schome,er, Iry Clemens and ,Louis Toraero would a cept the appontnant. Itemvs.e tabled. ° ,The ,appointment of Village Attorney, due to the xeei�;n.tion of Village Attorney Riahard Monks, was 'toibled. No further business the meeting 'saei d jauxi ed. # , 1.17. G8, t Z, elerY ,4 p k } `a {{ ,, ��--}} n.l * " a 7 m S �a...'y''+�` �.g. eiy.: ° ""�'C ��'�'3:,i 1 ! , +i• ,�`- .g812"' 7 3Sonnsns, ' MINUTES of the Proceed ' Proceedings the Village Council of the-Village of Prior lake -in the County of Scott and s, , State of N�innesota, including all account: audited by said Council. Consolidated Improtemert.s Transfer X1250.00 Raymond, J6hpoon 8a,lary 328.10 Diversified Insurance to. Ineurane'e 261.00 Standard "Oil 90. Fuel oil 102.67 lost ,; Pumps, ete. '80.64 . Raymond Johnsonlarq p l; 8t4te bank 'e Withholding de 170.01 American Tdatl Bunt Bond $18.50. �; �;,` Buil�inF:.'Fund• I� Ralph Smith Labor rz t (.. ` 17 , . STRUT FMS .. Qarlson Tractor Go. Tractor ` repair 4rushed $3.31 a J.L. Shiely rook 1 No further business the meetin; was aa.Journed. 3. fl' .W - Lentz clerk August 2Zth, X 1969 ' Tr.� "common Council of the Villae of ?or LYe met In ap�eesl session in the the of the Villarne Qlirk r Monday,eaeninS August 2tt 'h; 1989 at ' 730PM. ' � . Motion tr s Fade b4 ^Monnens to pint" un 31m app �i s , an alter StosY n the Actin, Mayor fn,'.te . absence of Meyo'�C Germ sesonded b y ; bents andi a ©n a vote taYsn it ryas duly passed. °' Astin Ma' r NJ ter Stock called the me�etlno 'to order 4!91'1 ea,ll` pre sdt, were Astg Mayor Stock, Ql i irk. Events and` ounsilma>wr '1d 0 It, absent was Mayor is ren. _ L Thenzrp6es of the raaetin�; was to discuss various phases of operation* ,c-f' the circle Rubber go. w•hq :Wade apalisation s , to haws the - property of The Prior Lake. Lumber to rezoned from 1=,3 to= I -1. Moti;dn iaas made ry gmith to deny the` r "asonin of the trier' Lads Lbr Ca. propL)erty from B-3 to I -1, eeaordtd by 4onnens and <upol! ' a vote, teka '' it r,as� duly passed . t ti ict Walter fitock advised he had talked to the follow Inc concerning the appointment of a councilman to fill the,' seat' left opin due to the • appointment � of Walter- JLto�ck as ' Mayor; D ©n i� sse, Tony 'Conroy, Don Sehommer,; lry,, . tale " Lctuis Tereero Old Roger Barris. Stook advised I only Dan Schome,er, Iry Clemens and ,Louis Toraero would a cept the appontnant. Itemvs.e tabled. ° ,The ,appointment of Village Attorney, due to the xeei�;n.tion of Village Attorney Riahard Monks, was 'toibled. No further business the meeting 'saei d jauxi ed. # , 1.17. G8, t Z, elerY ,4 p k } `a {{ ,, ��--}} n.l * " a 7 m S �a...'y''+�` �.g. eiy.: ° ""�'C ��'�'3:,i 1 ! , +i• ,�`- .g812"' 7 3Sonnsns, '