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10 13 1969
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and`` State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.. October 13, 1989 �► " The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in regular session in the office of the Village Clerk Mondays 1 evening October 13th, 1969 at 8 P,M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stock roll call- Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz, and Councilmen Monnens, Smith and Clemens. The minutes of the }previous meetin,-;s" were read and ,a»ipxoved. Don Busse of the Planning Commission was present and reported the recommendation of the 06mmiss on in regzrds - a permit ' to erect a sortable Milk House to the east of the Kruse Realty t building. The commissions recommendation *as to grant "the permit. A motion was made by Clemens to grant the permit to erect a milk house on the Kruse property seconded,by Gents a and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Busse the Commission had a request for *cond tional ` use permit from Mel Rucker for a used ,sar lot on he railroad , a property to the east of the Milwaukee Depot. Busse advised the - ommission recommended the conditional use ;permit not be � ;ranted fora used ear lot because the front end of the cars would ;oertiude on the public right of way and hare`per p1li tatfta t snow removal. Motion was made by Smith to deny the permit f or a used' car lot o seconded by Gentz and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. 'Busse recommendsd;a fee should be added to the zonin& ordinance for the rezoning and donditional use,permita. to advissd it should be of two parts, 5.00 when applicant fills out the form, and en additional $25. if there has to-tie a ° hearing or any further expense to-the Village. Juatisc of� the Peace Verne Mabee iresented a re of all fines in the V liage of Prior Lake to date. Delbert Busse, Fire Chief, reported on all fire calls for the month of September _ 19 69 .., Motion was made by Smith, to a,dvlatise forbids for street- improvements For grading, gravel base curb and gutter 19 sidewalks and plant mixed aeohalt surlacin,gowith bide .be open" Tudeday evening Vovember 18th, 1969 at 730P M. , _. f seconded by Monnens and upon a vote taken itw was duly casss,d, p . , ... Motion' was made by Monnone to advertise for bids for *!*set " lighting improvements, With bide to be opened Tuesday4vening November 18th, 1969 at 730 P.M., seconded by Smith and upon :^ a vote taken it was duly passed. ` D.G: Farnum was present regarding tho legal notto of the violation s ?f the sewer ordinance. Fa,rnum in4i.c,ated µ his plans were to move the house to the "rear or flxrther back ' on his T?� va1$!!�4ld to hays more time to do so. ,Motion wag made a ay legal proeeedin until July lst 1970 seconded bps anal upon avvote ta ken it was ntiy ?gassed. � Motion was made by Monnens to request the Sta te Highway De�it. to install deaeeeleration lanes on highway 13,a.t the ' entrances end, exitt of the Brooksville Sh*pging Center, seconded by-Smith, and, upon a vote taken it was duly, Motion was made by Clemens to acce.t the aetitan for annexa - tion of the f olowing described plattod pro�)er` ty: Lot Tyro .(i2) , Blodk Two (2 and,' Lots Five (5), Six (6) and Seven (7), _ Block Three 3), North Prior let Additsan with the sole own4re kg being Bernard E. Mahowald, Judith <C. Mahowa;ld, David H. Roth 1 , and Lola G. Roth, Seconded by Montlene And upon a, vote taken ' it was duly vazeed. � a a tl, NOW— ZI .. a MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County c Scott and ` State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council' Motion walk made by Monnens to accept the vetition for a4netation � by John brooks Hauser of the following described.nrovertya That part of the nest 1/2 of the ' S'E 1/4 of, Section 2, Toi9nsh p ,. 114, Ran; a 23, Scott County, Uinneeota,, described as f'ollowaa.' ,, Commencing t'a Point on the East line of said West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 distant 977.13 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence West et 'right angles from said East line for 880.0 feat to the actual Point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence continuing Rest on the 1 at described course for 474.10 feet to the West line of said Sheet 02 of the Southea 1/4; thence' North elong said Nest line for 319.24 feet to th:; Southeasterly right R of way of Highway No. 13;,thence Northeasterly along said right of— way to an intersection with a line drwrn North from the actual voint Z. of beginning and � rallel with the said East line df the Vest 1/2 of the Southwaet 1 4; thence South alonS the a�iid line 587.20 feet to,the actual point of beginning; ALSO, that dart oZ the East 1/2 P of the Southwest 1/; of 3hk said Section 2 described an follows: Oammencing it the most Northeasterly corner of JO- .ANNA STEPKA'8 4TH ADDITION; thence South 16° 58 50" East alon�, the Northeasterly, line thereof, a distance of 266.87 feet; thence North 66021 10 `'fast a distance of 180 feet '-to the actual voint oi` beginn njg; thence North 16. 58 50" West :a distance of 292 feet more or less;, to I ' the Southeasterly right- of�way line of trunk Highway No 13;� Northereasterly along said right of -way line to the East line of h Southwest 1/4 of said. Section 2, thence South along said Zasti ,c .. line .a distance of 311).24 feet; thense South 6GQ21t 100 Beat, a d staase of 380. 15, feat to .the point of beginning'., 1 seeondsd by Smith end upon a vote taken it wzs duly passed. o , Motion ra,e made by Clernena to have a :culvert installed !c# the, road at the entrance t6 'the new softball field near Pleasant St. and First Ave, South, seconded by lfmith and .upon ,a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Monno ns to' advertise for bids to plow 'snow on all Village Streets 'with a truck,,and one wgy plop a,-d wing on an 'hodrly rate basis, seconded by Smith and upon a vote tkorl it fi was ,duly passed. Motion was made by Gent .-to change the telephone system now at the ' �r llage hall and have one line to provide service fur the Council " Chambers,, library and police offiee` and a sepa.r to line to be installed the Fire Hell, seconded by Smith and uean as; _vote taken. 3 ,in I t -w,a6 duly aimed. Mark Wilson showed and demonstrated a recorder that could be used for taping" council meetings. for a price of: 448.97. Motion was made by Smith to table item until th next reaulrx meeting. used ` Mayor Stock advised he iouid purchase 3 /desks end 4 airs from continental' Machines for $50.00 total, Motion was made by Clemens to purchase the desks, and chairs for $50',00,' seconded by paith and uaon'e, vote taken ; it was duly passed John Salton, Junior. High School Principal, wets present and expre"esed concern f students .crossing Highway, 13 during trte early morning; hours. He inquired t�hxto see if was parm ssablo,io have a school �. patrol loseted on the crossing during the early marnin� hours and on dismissal of • st ents. Motion was made by Olsia,ene to hermit the school to. have / chool atrol srot'eet the cr,ossin; of children at the Highway 13 and Dakota Street crossi , seconded by Gents � and upon a vote token it ?sas duly passed. !I i 5 i t MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the .Village of Prior lake in the 'County of uott and" State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited said 'Council. r - M Motion was made by Clemens s seconded b - ir Monrena to ;pay all bills; GENERAL FUNND. r 'i E Eugene Blenkush S Salary221.2b Earl Killian P Police duty c , < " .- 8 83.34 Continental Machines O Office P'urniturrr 5 50.00 } 4, S Scott Rice Telephans ` T Telephone `; K Kll`.98 F _ M Motorola Communisations M Ma.intenanse 5 5. 90 ' v P P�°ior Lake ,AmeriQan L Legal* 3 31:60 , Scott County Sheriff P Prisoner Board b b.'00 . S Smiths Gs.r s P P_oliss ' vex - , repair � � 16.86 , All die ✓ %�ringint P Printed supplies 3 3`7.00 Andrews Rexall Dru; P PolieQ su�plise 4 4,77 a c coulter, Nelson,! a and° Sullivan Attorney services 9 93.76 L.J. Lattery `� '! P Police duty 1 120.00 A`.,J. Latter � N e 73.60 Mark Wilson y e 103:30 MonnensS S Supplist 1 1?'.14 Roller Dubb-i � �� �. 1 1 Sod 2 28. � General Welding 4 4 , ' 'Welding 2 20.00 Robert McAlllater, D Doi Pound fees 6 63.00 Arvid Johnson , # 1 18od. cutter rental 1 10.00 NAtl League of Critiee� , 26.00 Standard 011` Co:� �� O ,Subssr4ti�on ' 19.96 Diversified . .Ins ' Labor .. . > i ifr.00 Bobn"saek' and Honnen 3 3r, ad ing at doer grda 6 63 +00 John Baer, \ ; ;Labor 414.55 Box .Rental 1 1.10 NSP ., _ i fit set l sa s 3 3313.:58` PriorLake State Bank���� F F'eder� I W1 hhoTding ' commissioner of Taxation � � nt't�tQ Withholding tax 6 69.40 ` State' = Treasurer - P PE RA 3 307.13 Piki�ng Paints, Inc. �', P P'�,int 3 397.70 G L B Killian P Phlics duty 8 83.34 Eugenic Blenkush $ $akl'ary x x ;. 221 a Z Zlm tiz'Buss S SaT�Cy 2 1 1185.;67 IF ' L Lyon Qhemi'sal H H. VIA,d 1 18.,88 D Davies Water Equillmsnt�" l llate� �mctors 1 N$! P Pumsd�, eta_. 1 110`:91 .Prt6r Lake" State Dank F Feder' 71, withholding dsp. 63.80 W Commissioner 'of Takatioi 3 3tate�kiltkholding tax 3 38.40 S•tiate, Treasurer ., P PIRA 138.50 1 Z4t 8 8ta a Tre a sursr, Soo Sea \ Savial, 1 Elmsr'But*$ � � - - Salta y i its 61 '. Q QommissionQr, o' Taxation+• S Sales t,az. k n , FUND . ` ' _ ' ',• , F Gas Q dyer and, Akins S Sup-91 is t ` 18.00 •R Ssot.t lice TslQphone T Telephone' ;, 4 40.1 66 Eles' M ©tair. Parts P Pasts 1 16.r e x. G Superior 011 Co. 6 Gas end 01 . .40 Reynolds Welding S Sup "Blis`s < < a.86 �* C C.F.-,Anderson , ,Rescue Unit Equip 1 1 {8.63 Priori Lace Elea W Wiring 6 6893 a7 . � "'� is2".3b'K .. .. , is Aa � � m: n � 1a' � �. ' ,MINUTES of tha Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County cf Scott and t State - -of Minnesoto; including oll accounts audited by said Council; ' SEWER FUND; Raymond Johnson Salary, $222.10 ,, ' Hawkins Chemical Chlorine 35.00 Superior 400 011 Co. Fuel oil 52.86 i " American Natl:Banit Bonds and Interest 5206.73 •" , 84 S7 N$P Puma�a', etc. . " Prior Lake State Bank Fads al withholding 32.40 • ;. , : e Commissioner of Taxation $ta,te 36.60 22680 State Treasurer PEAR 2 '1 Raymond Johnson S alary a SSTMR" & WATER IMPROVEMENTS AmQr'j National Sank Borui.s & Interest $774.43 q STREET FUND. Am Mueller and Bona Bituminous MIX, 412.00 •- ` t, J.L. Jhiely! Crushed rook 9.7i p Carlson Tractor & Equipment, Tractor repair 46.83 Bohnsaak and Heenan Street grading Tod. rpm UILDING FUND ` Ralph Smith Cleaning hall $29 76 First Natioenj Bank Bonds and Interest. 309. 00, , Valley "Pleetrie Wiring .28' Q 1, ` • " No further bueinesa the meeting was adjourned. Gents � clerk - October 30th, 1968 'The Common 6ounoi1 of the Village' of Prior, Lake met ant special ses6 on in the of of the villa Otaxk' `Thursday "ev�enin� k October 30th, 1969 'at -�? O P.lt. The m0*ting was. 48,110& to order �� > Mayor Stosk roll , call, present were Mayor Stook;, Clerk' Rents, and itc2uns miih� Arad Clsm na. The, purpcsc of the meeting was toe.; apse bids to plow snow on all , a Yilh a Stre4ts the following; bid ,wis> received: " � Bo3�nieaet � snd : $enneni„ your w heel Drive" ,3/4 ton Fisk up.L 10.60 - *er hr PI Ow land" 15. 60 per hr . r . Eiden with road patrol 15.00 per hr ,. „ 1L +a1•k l ' _ U •v n,.: -f t D Y V Notion was made by Gents to" award the bi`d far enow +removal ":t Bohniaek and iennen as atste,d in bid, seconded by 419mons and upon IL vote t'tsk6n't, was duly -pawed. �4 - a _ Rob rt Bu. ace, MembQ�x of the Police Commiss' "M vresented resign ti 1C ; ember ,__1969- Motion of patrolman lutene" Blenkush' effective NOV rras made by tsnith to a�aeEe�,t the resigrat 'on; of 1u ens Blenkush as . j full time vatrolman seconded by Mon ens and ucon ,a, vote teken4'it + .' Wag dui -T vassad. Busse advised therOommiesion would like. to'rstain Augene 3lenkush as a.►ar time parolman. Motion was rnada by Smith not to retai r Eu&*ne Blonkush as a part time vatrolman. The ;notion dies. !or lack of a' second. _ Motion was made by'Monnene to retain Eugene Blenkush as a art time patrolman, seconded by Blemens -end upon a "'v`ote 'taken it Was duly , passed.