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11 10 1969
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of -Prior Lake in the County of Scott ` and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Motion was made'by Clemens. to p,v rove the plat of e O v.k ke Hills Addition end file in the .Register of Deeds Office in Scott County,, seconded by S tith and W pldn a vote taken it was duly pas aid. ' Motion was made by Gentz to xiia* %k&1xUiei purchpse a. tape M: re, esrier to be used l a-t all Council, meetings seconded by Clemens r7nar upon a: vote teen. it wae- duly. *Peseed. Motion was made b' Smith to ;aurchase a''typewrite.r to fie used in the offices of the Village far $75.00,, seconded by Gentz and u�►on a, ve+te taken it wa,s duly passed. lotion was mode by rIc to ermi the Clerk and mayor to Execute the pipline and at gr a /ll�ftment frith the Chi o, lw a St. Paul' R.R. C0., seconded by Stith pnd upon a vote: tiken it "as duly ,*ase#d. J An ordinarcc for billboards Jn the, Village, was .diseuseed and also a °reeemmend.etijrn was received from the Prior Lake Planning 0`4mmissi,on for aetablish ni; a dharge :Rbz or .fee for newly platted vroperty: !118 At the :present time, the lend for Parks and playgrounds is 10%V the, `slatted pr'operty. JtJkxJjw*xs xf1txkx Motion was mads by Clemens to have attorney 1u'llivan draft a sample ordinance` for 'aims and presen t at; the next meeting, seeonded by Smith and upon, a vote 00ken. it xae duly sassed. Firs'Chiof # elbert Buses re, rte - on all fire Calls and rssues galls for the Month of October. 1960. Motiar. was ,.Wade by. Clemens to aktka make a. charge of $40.00 for the ambula.nes *all made to regards to the adcident at the sorner, ' of JR&C, 9t. and Highway..13, concerning, ,mrs.` Bill M.rttson, ;seconded by 4entz and upon a' vote taken ti was duly +passed. Don Busse, Building 3nepe'etor, advised the Boltz Car'wash did . not somPly with their agreem tt regarding the blackto - p9int of h' s property tra t° -and the screening o? the property. Motion wae made by Smith that the,. 0lerk sand' Mr: Bolts a letter requesting , him to oom,# with the �. aZrsemsnt* iha b�lacktopping and sereenine of the Boltz..Car Wash ' r9porty, rseonded , by Gents and, upon a.> vote takenR it was duly papsed � "Moatt in wae, inads by Gentz, seconded; by Smith to 4a74 all - bills. } ;, ', �+en+tsal Fundt� KarlKillian Police duty $83.34 -. Ronald-J. Lattery Saloxy` 245.05 .zrnest Kramer Police .duty 48.,00 ltratr2 Wilson n " 174.00 :;gonald J. Lattery " r 150.00 L.J: Lattery M " 98.00 Palter` Stock, Typatriter sur¢hased 75.00 Jordan Indeiindent` Printed aupilies 67..60 bouglae Offiss 8upoly Office Sup911e8' 26.69 Akott, 00. .Sheriffs Off Prisoner' Board 10.00 Valley itaagr go.- Kngineering services 46.25 'Bestt- Rice I T.elep-hone' Telephone 80.`58 Albert Hergott Election judge 27,,25 kkr�aret• Suet Al iss , 'Uilelle r 23.2 s Lary Lannon " N 23.25 Clare. Muelken, 23.2s . Donald. Borchardt, " " 4.00 Gents n n 4.00 'lgrenie Schmidt Plumbing' Inspn fees 99.00 Shako mitica.l Center intoxication testa' 50.00 Motorola Camaunisationa 2vfaintenancs 5.50 ,. 81untsrQ 4obi1• Gas and oil 251. 77 Gulf 'Oil Corporation Gas -and 011 119.39 x. Albert Hergott Mileage deed Insgeetor 27.50 Amer'Fsd:``of Police U.S. 'Flag Uniform emblems 10.50 Busse Super Me.rk,et , Su?� ie s 6.71 k' Iltiller Davis Co. 8u,a;xlfes 22.72 • MINUTES of . ., the Proceedings f ih `Vill nit o e a e Council f t Village k i th o he a of Prior Lake n a Count f � ee ty o Scott and. .x Y errik State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. canTTHUR. Nov. 1.0th, meeting. Ge fund. ' Tons Mobil Ste tion, Gag oil ?.7.:.10 ' Prior Lake- A,�ierican Lega2s 7.50 General Welding Welding y 62.80 Bens Body Shop Body work Palace ;car 20.30 Smithe Garage ,solice ear repairs 98.90 Dr. Olaf Luck Professional services= 11,00 U.S. Warehouse Sup sly Co. Police sulrPliee 0 , 29.30 Audison.ic Sertice Recorder =: 45.97 NSP Street lites 357.19 Elmer Busse Sharpening Mower blades 58.40 Pxior Lake State Bank Fed lffithholdinZ depoeit 87660 Earl Killian: Police duty 83.34 Ronald -L at to ry S ala,ry 245.05 Bahnsack and. 'Hennen Excavatin g 2 J a.OS , , ZBITER FUND 1,_ , Elmer Busse SalRry X185.67 :, Nostmaster, Postage 42.00 {' LYYon Cheaical Inc. Hgdro Abix 16. a8 _, . S noriisa Mater Conn. etc. 173.494 k Davies YRter Equipment meters " 173.82 NSP Pumps, etc. 83.60 Jahn Schmits' deter roadie 49.80 Prior Lake ;State Bank Fed githholding ''tax 53.50 Elmer Busss, SalRrp 1x5.67 Banke Life Insurance Insuranve .; i. Fire -Fund: Minn Natl Gas Co Gas X7.19 C.'F. Anderson Co. Splints, Rescue. unit '31.62 Reynolds fielding CO. Equipment Jorrlan Indpendera Printed; suplies Hi}lhlar. or Cleaners i Dry Cleaning; °€end �il 21.79 89.94. Blumba rge: Mobil- Gee Seett ]3ice' Telephoneel.eph ®ne " 37.00 Francis; Snell Fire Calls MOO T Claranae Schmidt .Fire Calls .62.00 e Delpert..Butse . a N 204.00 Gsr�.1d, Haferman M " 10.00' Qv.T11 I.$mIt,h " " 53.00 ' Robert Bused "'' " 26.00 Robert Bea.udette Donald Borchardt' " N 87.00 ; ' Melvin` Geister " ' " 113.00 ' 2lmer', Klinwberg " " 48:.00 Harvay, Rlinloerg "° u 89.00 Wallace Langhoist �; "" " 8 4. 00 { - Don konnens fir p . " " 33.00 Don rSahommer t; .a a 113.00 ° -Eugene Smith ,n1 a " 41.00 Geo. biuelken, Jr. �''` i " " 116.00 Gerald Sim ones '" i` a " 88.00 - Rueben Mueller ` a a 68.00 ., Allen Busse " " 14.00 111 Herb B3 ohm' , ,." � . Iririn Ciemens " " ��`n 64.00 JarRes Scott N x!.00 :a ►' " Clarence Weber a " 13. Virgil DeGrote ' Te,'trance Rath " " 1.2.00 ... Slipher <, 7.00 Dennis Karon a Baekboards reaeue unit 20:46 ;I Minn Natl ,Gas Gas " 6 8.42 ` Irurrose of the meetijh g w as to Dean hand` tebilate bid so r t f 8treot im- arevements stn, "set tight r � And -storm sawor' improvements in sonms<etia with im �rovement 68 - ��`Tha,, foilowin bids were �aneat and tabulated. �' =t �mp3cove dents: 1I11 r, 1 � Yew mara Vivant Co. = Rosemount, Min -.aeso'ta '74 AQex Aoasiwayo avage, Minn. i,.. °- ES','072.60 , Inc.,.. . yq r I 1 fiTelley Qor tr Inc. s " e l ,' � 0,'206.80 �t �;, ° ;. w � I N Bi,tumin0us Co. (In*. burls, Yinn. to �� 5eIt 143.50` � { ; E14L ri a. war Inrisvnvcm_ ShcemaYe &Gould Inc. 1810 Montreal Ave . St ": Pau116,9� %x.00 EQavat���ng',Eo. 14,928.00 r ` whi s bons � do. P��la 81 ?, 2i39. �0 i1Qid1�eat Mechanical Sary $15,479.20 , i � � �{ 1 1' ✓ � � ak � � MINUTES of t the Proceedings of thw'Viilage Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County o of Scott and State of Minnesota, including ail accounts audited by said Council SEATER FUND :. Raymond Johnsori Salary 2 222,10 3 Standard Oil ' NSF Ps etc. Rueben Mueller Meter .Reading 4 4z. 80 Prior Lake .State Bans Fee.. withholding de 'p. 32.40 Raymond Johnson Salary STREET FUND: Wm Mueller and Son@ 3xtuiiinoua miz , 118,.00 Cargill, Inc. Iea ana enow, Salt 4 49.61 Lawrence SchvOich Street reork i �u1 dinz Fund, Ral»h Smith Labor Superior ;Oil Co. fte3 Oil 9 9$ 87 1 lm»rovements of 1964 N.W. aatl Bans _Bands & interest $ $3403.75 .P.. 1 fouthetest San: ttary Sewer District- Fuu � 1 8.W. Sanitary Ed4rd Bawer Bonds $ $178305.26 I ° *: business the meeting was adjourned. i Gents; C Clerk" s N Novembar 18th, 1969 ;The �Conim4n ii`aiunci,l of "the Village of 'Prior Lekemet ' 'in sFesial� session in tea office of . the Villag e clerk 'Tuasdaq eve ning r ?ovember b f 1969 at 1;3b P. M.. kayer Stock called the Meet j jr to ;e nder- b f oI= -call- Prf�%ent ware,;2�ayor Sto`ek, 41erk,t;Eent$, a and 8eunsilasn IiK nneris, 8mitb: a aAtmanc ..... . .. r .. r. MINUTES of the `Proceedings of the Village Council of the, V0 Prior Lake in the County of Sc MINUTES and - State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. 1 ` Street Livhtinu 1TnY rdvement: Cellina Electrical „Construction Co. St. 'Paul, $17,600.00 e Batzli Co, 14p le - 174e90.00 Hoffmann Electric of heals, Inc. 19;955.00 , � r Hot ion w�Ls _made °by Monnenn to hpve In ,ineer IraselsOn check and tabulate coat break, dowrr�� for the imerovemerts. Arid advise of eaAe at the Dece -,`aer °tb, 1 a9 meeting, second- ed by $�tith an u aan a vote taken it was my assed! v Bat Tipiel, of Mu`Azic wzl Sup ly was vreeent to diacuss the need for has mask for the r3en working in the sewer lift 'F stations. It eras decided equipment used by the Prior Lake Fire Deft toulsi be uus, Motion wgs made by M onne no to purchase a :,safety harness for '$24.85, seconded by` Smith and u�pan a vote taken it as -duly passed, 7 Xotion was zn.a bvrY'3 ti +h to vurchase a reauai *ator 'from ' 9ikin Safe Conpmy to be used in the . pol ss 5 car at a cost of �� 03.50,r seconded. by Monnens and upon { 'ia vo **' taken it 1 a duly *gsied.' � hg =otion bra zeds by onnens to create mart time r essint to the lla'ke� Q�llrk to work at the clerks offis• either 3 or four hour. per day 5' days ver week. , Seconded by �ith and u on a.` vote taken it was duly ?aased ip Roger,,' Sandb��� was reae t :`+..nd. requested a house numb4r for the Farkwood A:eartments. It was noted the atree"ti was not de dlcated,, and had no street rtue. Motion was by -. 8 ,i th to name` the, street Park( Avenue, seconded by' Gent d upon at vote taken it was 'duly ,�asa'ed. 7.10 fu "rther business the "meeting was 11n,djaurned. d ! t le. YT •: Genti z, Q'ie.k jl.• ". r1The Common Counei'i of the Village of prior Lake met in R,ecial z A 4 � sea>sJ.o!n in the a"fti¢e of the Village Clerk Saturday morning '?dove Jeer 29th, 1959 at 9am. Mayer Stpek, called the meeting n . t4}�1r _ is order .Present' �caa tiayor� Stock; Councilmen ii�onnens and C1szs i'p 7�' �' , � , rd abosnt� was clerk: Gent,z and Qounc�ilman $m i th. � `���' �� � 1 � 2fse� Pur�sose o �e�ting Kass tG view a c roding msshinQ ✓ r' ffP�9 `rr��� ;,` �: f "the sewe,���1 the ��ne;���; ,After d imonetration a 'M in wpsq �m+zdel 1 , J , zl h `;�Clemena rft© sur �a earth Iodine machine for a 'a *A t �►2 �1��, p +s° �;� i 1.j10 .ai a frc � "h t;` Frith a delivery date as soon „as �seibl�, t by 2�o�.nent �,�nd upon a vote taken itvae duly pasaQ.d. tjo i'uither buss es; , = s etin was �id�ournetl: V r ldr u Gentz Clerk c v r t k f t I ; 11 r MY 5 J 6, I `ply `� t�.re 3 3. � � C � '✓