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MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village .Council of the Village of Prior Lake in' the County, of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts 'audited by said, Council.
Deeenier 8th, 19I*
The Senaiw fouxell of the Village of Prior Lays not ii special
session is the office of the Village fork. Monday. evening
Door ■per Stir 1969 at 8 tY. The aeetix was failed to order
by Mayor StosY_rsll call -- oressxt were Mayor sit ek 61srk
9oxts., and Dounsilasa Yexnorii Ot BuItA and •lessons.
The Minutes, of the previous meeting wo read and ap-e vied.
Harold Iraaelesx of Lindsey Engineering, Ins. reported e
asst breal towne ex,tarioue bidsL ix; regards to Insrevement
Q&-3 a*d re omasnded that the bids fits awarded -' to low bidders
ix *ash category. ,
Motion was made by " /aith to award the 2trept grating $*&feast
tw tae lose: bidder Reigasr Roadways, Iae.; in tke , ap*uxt of
seconded by Yexnsns and upon a vote taken it was
duly passed.
Potion was made by Y*xnons to .award, stoaa sewer contract
te'tke low bid , Whit leastrustisn 6snranyp is t h e amount
of #12 889.40 seconded by gleams and upon a vote tabs& it
was duly passed.
l[eti6t was made by Bmith t award tke Street Lighting
sextrast is the Iowa bidder , $*Ilia@ Electrical Constr. •o*
is the amount of $17,600.00, seconded by 6lenexs and ups*
a vote taken it was` duly passed.
Motion was made by Meanons to say Lindsey En6lxeerixg, Ise.
`$I,026.36 for engineering esrvitos in '*kgasdo to the annexation
petition, and issue warrant is the aae0at of 037.00 for
94- laserinr services for street. iavrovimoat #68-3, ascended by
$lemons and upon a vets taken It was duly passed.
Harold. Yil'c� , ?residext the Prier' Lake Lib *ary Beard
requested simissiix to Move the Prior Late LitirarJ ' facilities
from the Village, Nall to the Brett Ai so Telephone Building at
a cost to the Village ,e! 0160.00, per year D„ Thsy advised
the Scott louxty Library Board consent* to the mere.
M tion was made by 9lsnexs to icrmit,the that! rrior Lake
Library Board- to move its fae lit is$ to the Beett Rise Telo4hoxe,
building offestive "January 1, 1970 and vity , #160.00 per, ysas
te tho Library Turd payable at • the end *f eaeb You", sesonte
by Yennens and upon a "veto taken it was itrly passed.
Ronald Lattery repirtot es all arrests, fines, bitrglarles ets.
for the ` month of Novotikbor 1969.
Vern Yaybss *roi$rtsd, *a all v elxt ens for the month of
- wore
November' 1969 sad rcported'$384.00 fines selleste .
Delbert Dusse ?ire $hiels reported on all fire falls for She
meatk of" Noieaber 1969. Dues*, reported as the $*idea Boland
firs sail oti Bpptsmbpr lath, 1968. due to am uxsdllsetod item
Re advised "0 call was answered at 70C ,I%. ox
September "18th, 1968 with 11 sex answer xg.eke @all, with a
pumper one lead of bulk water and res$ui unit. Returned to
Prior Lake at la aidaits 6 hours of service. Darn was
destroyed Rita attacked tool shad and fend roes, also 4700
bales H of hay ,and straw. Roof burned o!!' the. "bar& when lire
dept arrived, side buildings were wettNt. azt watahoi,. alert-
4ical lines wars safe. Mr," Boland asked
out and sate was
by Yr. Suss* if `10 had esrera a witk Now' magus Tire Deft.
and he sail xo. This is In the Now league spire Dept. Area
64 miles item Prior Lake. 61erk is to eoatast Mr. Boland
for Payment once nose.
e r ,
i �� it
was duly pasewt.
o r
The following apilieatione were resolved for a' licenas
} ` r gasettes at re ail is the Tillage of Prior Lake: Harolei L. A
°Yi11tr Millers Fairway heeds; VF11 club 6208, Tea lertsch,�a� 'amp a
II �� Sn'+silis Bar; ; tiorald iateraan;, DdD
Mebti nervies Fransia smell,
Bar• Mae Schmokel, Mae's tlao*,,John Andrews, Andrews Rexall Drug; s( �49kl D. Norblon, Viking Liquors ;'Dayton • 'Wir titian, Eilltom c;aato; 4"
John Brooks laussr, Girainwood Inner Yrs Dorothy Y. Loser, .DdJ ,
Dairy S'tere Nation was made by Monnent to grunt the above
awplieants a lisonsa•to sell sigarattoo retail tn:the Village,
f M:. the , period severing January 1, 1970 through December 31, 1970'
sisouded by Clemens ant upon a Tato taken it was duly pas d.
t ',
There wait `a short discussion foz the used of two souneil�. rsstintt
Bask month •in the future. The item was tablid untie LYE Jpanuary
' 1$70 meetinN.
hoti� n was ands by Smith t'c'raT the claim prosentei by ley'man Busts
far damages caused duo to - the backup of sewerago in tka , accuent
due is !bs main line being blocked with tie s;tatomsnt broken dawn
Igo follows: ' Southai s carpet- earoet replaesd,
Shakoswe closnors; rug cle'aniAg $15.50' ra. Den BcrsharAt
labor �eleauing, $25.00. Payment to be made, upora recoilit *f'
rwaiyor asoonded by ileasns =Ant upon `a vote taken It-was duly
motion was mad* by Smith, seconded by Mennen to jeay all bills;
t' M
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and r
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
A]. DuBois and Mike Boy# of the Scott county Sborriffo Office -
w as # r ese nt and gave infor on a four channel Moto
ratio for t he Prior Lake Rescue Unit at a eost of the units wa
at $2,848.25, with 50 rereent of the **at to be absorbed by
the state. Motion was made by flesena t• O.Y. the surshas•
Of the lour ohaxnel Motorola ratio unit for the Prior Lake
essue Unit at a sest«st $2,0 848 2 5 with 50 p ercent of th
sent to be wait by the State of Minnesota, , ***ended by faith
and upon a vets -taken it was duly passed..
Notion was made by Goats to adeeat Ordianse No 69-49 AN ORDINAN9t
RELATINGIE TO 60MMZRCIAL 8IaN8- 1. The conatrustion or affixatien
of say somaoroial sign shall tiaws the &**renal at the Planning ;
son ission or the, Village $*until unless the sign is affixed to }
or abuts the promises where the busixess activity ie advertised is
d. -a. The signs existing OIL the .offostive date of
this ordinance which Jo net'so to the regulations settorth is
this ordinance, are of a non- sonforming use and gust resolve the
approval of either the Manning commission or the city council,
assented by clement and upon a veto taken the following voted
in favor thereof Yager Stook, •lerk dents, gad eeuneilmsn o
Yoanans and clement, voted against was Couneilmai Bmiths action
wars wars pa sse d. #
Potion was made by Smith t• adopt Ordinance 69-48 AN ORDINARIS t
The teas to be raid for sash applieatiou for an amendment to the
` s
soaiag ordinarise Of variance Or conditional use permits shall be
as follows: for `aplel eatlen for rezoning, $5400; for a hearing on
resoniag, $a$.00,, plus additional expands` for ,publishing; and Yor r
, conditional use permit $6.Oa� The twos skull bey pay at ;the.
,, t
time apslieations are filed with the ;Zoning administrator ant' are k
k. ~
not reluntable unless syelfomt:io+, is withdrawn prior to referral
to the planning c*mmiscion.� " There Mall be as. fsc in, the was• of
apalisations ti=led in the 'public interest ,by ntsaber et
x ,
the "Vihago, foune l or 'by the Planning ctarsiss en, ascended by
Mennen* and upon a vote taioe it was duly paa`aot.
{ m
motion was mate by Mennons to adopt Ordi na nse 69 -24 AN ORDIAN
-TE] " VIOLATION T OF, aee*xi'do by'Goatz and �uson a veto taken A
o w
Village of. rior Lae in the Count of Scott and
MINUTES of the Proceadin� of the Village Council of the g k Y
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said ,,Council.
s.,A. Smith Trustee salary 00
v ow Deandl Bernhardt Treasurers salary 150.00
Irvin 9lssens Trustee salary 80.00
Riskard'aersa Makers salary 238.33
Lawrense'Mennone Trust6s salary 245.00
1laltsi Steals,,' Mayers trustee sila%y 274.47
Den `Outlet Bu�ildinr laseostsr Sass' 331.40
W.W. Cents 61orko Salary 3 'Miss. 813.60
Ronald ••.,3.. Latti,iry Salary 245.05
Zarl Polls* duty 83.34
M6118 Auts Body ?slise ear resair 285.85,
Ansell Dell Blew `C PM air lift' 1
" Gulf Oil swrpa Gas and Oil eta. 55.05
Wolf Meter se, polio* ear resair 84.85
Sniths #arag
Seatt so. ak errifls^ Offise• Prisioner Beard 11 "0
Dirersit ed Ins. Insuranse 27 .06
goterela semnunitstions, Ysterols, Maint"axes 5.50
senstrustioa Bulletin Advertising forbids 9ti.25
Yetis tarts !arts 4.5
° Hinson Tire So. snow tires 82..34;
' Ssstt Rise Tel.epkens Telephone 4? ?a.
M111 or Dawi s so. ' ati }yl ie s 80.99
Andrews'Rexill Drug. supplies
1{ J..A. Lyoas a Bons. paint & sins lass 17.82 t
Lows - YiZA- 'j�Yv�nie Pillage handbook 7.50
� a Vik ;ing�safot �. a "� siulsl;¢� Rssusloater 205.03 T'`
tire,* Laborals ,i,`�� ea Lab tests 44.00
A. Wilson ' a� poliso duty .
�+ ff�� �,. ���� �� �r s• n, �I +�i 8 M x.23 00 �•
' J r Latter .
Mobs l Ssri►i se Cas d� 011 218,58
,+s,ior Bate• ",An�ri�faan Lera�r'�93.00-
Shs►ho s � di�a�,.$enter Lab tests � � 25.00
Na) Stroot '11ter. l8
.4.�00 .
Rebut Msiii stet Der psuai laps 89.50
• a r "J Goultits 8e li ken attorney serrieas $75.00
!�► *pask and Kennon- Werk at pr Lake dump, 129.00
Irvin= slemonA siwil Defense 100.00,
S tate T PERA, . 1248 .83
j prier Laks atits Bank Federal witkhold ng t'ax 8x.40 1
Barl 1 l ,lice duty
Rouali : + J. Lottery Sa ,ar $ 45.05
f *: Goats 'ilerks Salary $800.00
Slse ivass Salsa 185.47
aisenes Release screw plug 30.50
Mian. ,, Natl Gas Cal 19.17
Na? Lights 78.721
Belmeaar and: : Kennon. naskkeolig for broken main 45.00
LinissyYBngiaoeriag Bag In** $01.
x�• State Treastiror P6RA 181. fi0
. ;,.
Ptisr " Lake State Bank Federal withholding 63.80 .
Bluer Buses Salary
y-= l Fun
Rs�►aelds Welding �` 6quiP W $140
Natl Fire ?rstestion Printed supplies 2Z: 75
Le• �5..Luni Zudit`' Fire Relief Fund 135.00
Scott Rise Telephone ° Tolwakens 34.85 a -.
NaP Zleo 41.22
Ilan Natl -Gas Gas 101.81'
Prior Lake Relief AsO n' ''rSel# F n 818.11 °
{ Ressue Unit Fund, ;Fun s re u null #n sxeess'' :.4150.00+,,Y
� .
;' it
i I
k MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council a' the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including call accounts audited by said Council. '
� R. Gents salary, $800.00 �,' �•"
Raymond Johnson
> >„ 228.10,;
y. ilultri er 011 •r. r> UNK 011 88.33
standard 011 mttxhit Furn Repair 19"91
Anerisan fdtltxltik fart iron 1111i 01 tile. 38.'40
NSp trawls, ate. 77.09
Lindsey Engineering tnrinesriig annexation 601.5s
�!. Norman Buse* Damages 898.90
\� , state Trearyirer PkRA ii4 81
Prior Lak, state Dank Foal. 1f! thheiiins anr.: x. 4 3 0
Raymond Jshnsua salary
1 sorest- Fuai.,
12 Mulkller t sons ' D it Mix >j48. 00
- batsman and Stark " fi awsl � •
44 , i0
' Bohneask and Rounsn. snow llowinr. a I �
Ralph >r<msth Labor '' � �� "•�
No further businsis the meeting was a4jiurned.
Seat lisrk
Desomber 18, 19a9•�
Tho 'Iamaft •e' nail of tko Village of Prior. Lake, rltsial
session is this sifts of tbe Village ilork' Tuestsy , 's�saiar Dioembor'
18th, '19, 8 at 1 *01. The meeting', was Ball*& to order, bxy Mayor
skeet -roll call= present wars. Mayor stook, flora gents .and I ' neil- I
man Yonnens. Smith sad 9lensas..
A sssimmontation\ was resolved in sonjunstioa to the 1lesrinr
thin tats fseta tke Prior Lak? Planning femsibilea t4, "Sons all z ." }
a ; the property sweet: by JohA Dreeke, sar'eor just Sort ! o tbs frier'
Lake Memorial lark'`from R-1 Residential is`&2%Limitei Industrial-
Not was male, by '9Ntith to ressae the John nr�okr lu►nfos VrwFSsft
from R.I. Rea leatiai to 1-8 limited Ialustrial;i, just than part. New ti p;
in the Village of M or Lake, assented by floma;ns and' uron° s `vote
taken it was duly
All feat oaa for a lis'Uaoa is sail siiarsttss at retail was re sistd..'
from Robert Basse Ruseso Feet store; Millard 4raves - Say llinetisa;
�= >>h Brooks Eausir. iri��ksw llo Ligror store. �Moti u was mats by
Smith to" rant tike of dj�atto lisensoe te'� tke above for the to risot -
*"*ring Saanuary, . 1, 1970, threu8h Deoonber 31; 1570, `7ssenisi b�
'' Msnnons and idea a` vote } it was vly ,,asset. `"
Notion cwai made by Yonnsni� to adopt a,'aysolutien as'sejr tint the
Yilaio : of Tanks, Day as a Marty a a,' J�,int lowers llsroanent t
{! dated Marsh ail, �ilg68, resended by smith and upot a`oets takes.
} it was duly #eased.
j No{ turtkor busimseoithi **stint was adjourned. .
G atz Olerk