HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 08 196931 j , t MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village .Council of the Village of Prior Lake in' the County, of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts 'audited by said, Council. { Deeenier 8th, 19I* )4e; The Senaiw fouxell of the Village of Prior Lays not ii special ` " session is the office of the Village fork. Monday. evening Door ■per Stir 1969 at 8 tY. The aeetix was failed to order t by Mayor StosY_rsll call -- oressxt were Mayor sit ek 61srk 9oxts., and Dounsilasa Yexnorii Ot BuItA and •lessons. The Minutes, of the previous meeting wo read and ap-e vied. Harold Iraaelesx of Lindsey Engineering, Ins. reported e asst breal towne ex,tarioue bidsL ix; regards to Insrevement Q&-3 a*d re omasnded that the bids fits awarded -' to low bidders ix *ash category. , 0 Motion was made by " /aith to award the 2trept grating $*&feast tw tae lose: bidder Reigasr Roadways, Iae.; in tke , ap*uxt of `62 seconded by Yexnsns and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Potion was made by Y*xnons to .award, stoaa sewer contract te'tke low bid , Whit leastrustisn 6snranyp is t h e amount of #12 889.40 seconded by gleams and upon a vote tabs& it was duly passed. c l[eti6t was made by Bmith t award tke Street Lighting sextrast is the Iowa bidder , $*Ilia@ Electrical Constr. •o* is the amount of $17,600.00, seconded by 6lenexs and ups* a vote taken it was` duly passed. Motion was made by Meanons to say Lindsey En6lxeerixg, Ise. `$I,026.36 for engineering esrvitos in '*kgasdo to the annexation , petition, and issue warrant is the aae0at of 037.00 for i 94- laserinr services for street. iavrovimoat #68-3, ascended by ii $lemons and upon a vets taken It was duly passed. I JIL Harold. Yil'c� , ?residext the Prier' Lake Lib *ary Beard requested simissiix to Move the Prior Late LitirarJ ' facilities f (I from the Village, Nall to the Brett Ai so Telephone Building at a cost to the Village ,e! 0160.00, per year D„ Thsy advised the Scott louxty Library Board consent* to the mere. M tion was made by 9lsnexs to icrmit,the that! rrior Lake j - Library Board- to move its fae lit is$ to the Beett Rise Telo4hoxe, building offestive "January 1, 1970 and vity , #160.00 per, ysas te tho Library Turd payable at • the end *f eaeb You", sesonte by Yennens and upon a "veto taken it was itrly passed. Ronald Lattery repirtot es all arrests, fines, bitrglarles ets. r' for the ` month of Novotikbor 1969. Vern Yaybss *roi$rtsd, *a all v elxt ens for the month of - wore November' 1969 sad rcported'$384.00 fines selleste . Delbert Dusse ?ire $hiels reported on all fire falls for She meatk of" Noieaber 1969. Dues*, reported as the $*idea Boland firs sail oti Bpptsmbpr lath, 1968. due to am uxsdllsetod item Re advised "0 call was answered at 70C ,I%. ox September "18th, 1968 with 11 sex answer xg.eke @all, with a y1 pumper one lead of bulk water and res$ui unit. Returned to Prior Lake at la aidaits 6 hours of service. Darn was destroyed Rita attacked tool shad and fend roes, also 4700 bales H of hay ,and straw. Roof burned o!!' the. "bar& when lire .., dept arrived, side buildings were wettNt. azt watahoi,. alert- 4ical lines wars safe. Mr," Boland asked ; out and sate was k by Yr. Suss* if `10 had esrera a witk Now' magus Tire Deft. and he sail xo. This is In the Now league spire Dept. Area a £=' 64 miles item Prior Lake. 61erk is to eoatast Mr. Boland � for Payment once nose. a e r , i �� it was duly pasewt. o r The following apilieatione were resolved for a' licenas } ` r gasettes at re ail is the Tillage of Prior Lake: Harolei L. A °Yi11tr Millers Fairway heeds; VF11 club 6208, Tea lertsch,�a� 'amp a II �� Sn'+silis Bar; ; tiorald iateraan;, DdD Mebti nervies Fransia smell, Bar• Mae Schmokel, Mae's tlao*,,John Andrews, Andrews Rexall Drug; s( �49kl D. Norblon, Viking Liquors ;'Dayton • 'Wir titian, Eilltom c;aato; 4" John Brooks laussr, Girainwood Inner Yrs Dorothy Y. Loser, .DdJ , Dairy S'tere Nation was made by Monnent to grunt the above awplieants a lisonsa•to sell sigarattoo retail tn:the Village, f M:. the , period severing January 1, 1970 through December 31, 1970' sisouded by Clemens ant upon a Tato taken it was duly pas d. t ', There wait `a short discussion foz the used of two souneil�. rsstintt Bask month •in the future. The item was tablid untie LYE Jpanuary ' 1$70 meetinN. hoti� n was ands by Smith t'c'raT the claim prosentei by ley'man Busts far damages caused duo to - the backup of sewerago in tka , accuent due is !bs main line being blocked with tie s;tatomsnt broken dawn Igo follows: ' Southai s carpet- earoet replaesd, Shakoswe closnors; rug cle'aniAg $15.50' ra. Den BcrsharAt labor �eleauing, $25.00. Payment to be made, upora recoilit *f' rwaiyor asoonded by ileasns =Ant upon `a vote taken It-was duly motion was mad* by Smith, seconded by Mennen to jeay all bills; t' M MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and r r State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. A]. DuBois and Mike Boy# of the Scott county Sborriffo Office - w as # r ese nt and gave infor on a four channel Moto ratio for t he Prior Lake Rescue Unit at a eost of the units wa at $2,848.25, with 50 rereent of the **at to be absorbed by the state. Motion was made by flesena t• O.Y. the surshas• Of the lour ohaxnel Motorola ratio unit for the Prior Lake essue Unit at a sest«st $2,0 848 2 5 with 50 p ercent of th sent to be wait by the State of Minnesota, , ***ended by faith and upon a vets -taken it was duly passed.. Notion was made by Goats to adeeat Ordianse No 69-49 AN ORDINAN9t RELATINGIE TO 60MMZRCIAL 8IaN8- 1. The conatrustion or affixatien of say somaoroial sign shall tiaws the &**renal at the Planning ; ;•. son ission or the, Village $*until unless the sign is affixed to } }; or abuts the promises where the busixess activity ie advertised is „ conduct* d. -a. The signs existing OIL the .offostive date of this ordinance which Jo net'so to the regulations settorth is N this ordinance, are of a non- sonforming use and gust resolve the approval of either the Manning commission or the city council, assented by clement and upon a veto taken the following voted in favor thereof Yager Stook, •lerk dents, gad eeuneilmsn o o Yoanans and clement, voted against was Couneilmai Bmiths action wars wars pa sse d. # #, Potion was made by Smith t• adopt Ordinance 69-48 AN ORDINARIS t try AMENDING ZONIND ORDINANCE 6.4-13 SECTION 18.9 ENTITLED hlC)cS, The teas to be raid for sash applieatiou for an amendment to the ` s soaiag ordinarise Of variance Or conditional use permits shall be as follows: for `aplel eatlen for rezoning, $5400; for a hearing on resoniag, $a$.00,, plus additional expands` for ,publishing; and Yor r r' , conditional use permit $6.Oa� The twos skull bey pay at ;the. r` ,, t time apslieations are filed with the ;Zoning administrator ant' are k k. ~ not reluntable unless syelfomt:io+, is withdrawn prior to referral to the planning c*mmiscion.� " There Mall be as. fsc in, the was• of apalisations ti=led in the 'public interest ,by ntsaber et , x , the "Vihago, foune l or 'by the Planning ctarsiss en, ascended by Mennen* and upon a vote taioe it was duly paa`aot. { m motion was mate by Mennons to adopt Ordi na nse 69 -24 AN ORDIAN REGULATING-THE YUNIOIlAL 'WATER SYBTRY AND lROVIDINQ'rEN.ALTIIis FOR -TE] " VIOLATION T OF, aee*xi'do by'Goatz and �uson a veto taken A A .-.:rr o w Village of. rior Lae in the Count of Scott and I MINUTES of the Proceadin� of the Village Council of the g k Y State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said ,,Council. ' FNSRAL run s.,A. Smith Trustee salary 00 v ow Deandl Bernhardt Treasurers salary 150.00 Irvin 9lssens Trustee salary 80.00 Riskard'aersa Makers salary 238.33 Lawrense'Mennone Trust6s salary 245.00 1laltsi Steals,,' Mayers trustee sila%y 274.47 Den `Outlet Bu�ildinr laseostsr Sass' 331.40 W.W. Cents 61orko Salary 3 'Miss. 813.60 Ronald ••.,3.. Latti,iry Salary 245.05 Zarl Polls* duty 83.34 M6118 Auts Body ?slise ear resair 285.85, Ansell Dell Blew `C PM air lift' 1 " Gulf Oil swrpa Gas and Oil eta. 55.05 Wolf Meter se, polio* ear resair 84.85 Sniths #arag Seatt so. ak errifls^ Offise• Prisioner Beard 11 "0 Dirersit ed Ins. Insuranse 27 .06 goterela semnunitstions, Ysterols, Maint"axes 5.50 senstrustioa Bulletin Advertising forbids 9ti.25 Yetis tarts !arts 4.5 ° Hinson Tire So. snow tires 82..34; ' Ssstt Rise Tel.epkens Telephone 4? ?a. M111 or Dawi s so. ' ati }yl ie s 80.99 Andrews'Rexill Drug. supplies 1{ J..A. Lyoas a Bons. paint & sins lass 17.82 t Lows - YiZA- 'j�Yv�nie Pillage handbook 7.50 � a Vik ;ing�safot �. a "� siulsl;¢� Rssusloater 205.03 T'` tire,* Laborals ,i,`�� ea Lab tests 44.00 A. Wilson ' a� poliso duty . 94.00 i �+ ff�� �,. ���� �� �r s• n, �I +�i 8 M x.23 00 �• ' J r Latter . Mobs l Ssri►i se Cas d� 011 218,58 ,+s,ior Bate• ",An�ri�faan Lera�r'�93.00- Shs►ho s � di�a�,.$enter Lab tests � � 25.00 Na) Stroot '11ter. l8 .4.�00 . Rebut Msiii stet Der psuai laps 89.50 • a r "J Goultits 8e li ken attorney serrieas $75.00 !�► *pask and Kennon- Werk at pr Lake dump, 129.00 Irvin= slemonA siwil Defense 100.00, S tate T PERA, . 1248 .83 j prier Laks atits Bank Federal witkhold ng t'ax 8x.40 1 Barl 1 l ,lice duty Rouali : + J. Lottery Sa ,ar $ 45.05 . f *: Goats 'ilerks Salary $800.00 Slse ivass Salsa 185.47 aisenes Release screw plug 30.50 Mian. ,, Natl Gas Cal 19.17 Na? Lights 78.721 Belmeaar and: : Kennon. naskkeolig for broken main 45.00 LinissyYBngiaoeriag Bag In** $01. x�• State Treastiror P6RA 181. fi0 . ;,. Ptisr " Lake State Bank Federal withholding 63.80 . Bluer Buses Salary 12041.58 o y-= l Fun Rs�►aelds Welding �` 6quiP W $140 Natl Fire ?rstestion Printed supplies 2Z: 75 Le• �5..Luni Zudit`' Fire Relief Fund 135.00 Scott Rise Telephone ° Tolwakens 34.85 a -. NaP Zleo 41.22 } Ilan Natl -Gas Gas 101.81' Prior Lake Relief AsO n' ''rSel# F n 818.11 ° , { Ressue Unit Fund, ;Fun s re u null #n sxeess'' :.4150.00+,,Y 1597.34 � . ;' it i I k MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council a' the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including call accounts audited by said Council. ' Mm;R FUND ` � R. Gents salary, $800.00 �,' �•" � Raymond Johnson > >„ 228.10,; y. ilultri er 011 •r. r> UNK 011 88.33 standard 011 mttxhit Furn Repair 19"91 Anerisan fdtltxltik fart iron 1111i 01 tile. 38.'40 NSp trawls, ate. 77.09 Lindsey Engineering tnrinesriig annexation 601.5s �!. Norman Buse* Damages 898.90 \� , state Trearyirer PkRA ii4 81 Prior Lak, state Dank Foal. 1f! thheiiins anr.: x. 4 3 0 Raymond Jshnsua salary 834.83 1 sorest- Fuai., 12 Mulkller t sons ' D it Mix >j48. 00 - batsman and Stark " fi awsl � • 44 , i0 ' Bohneask and Rounsn. snow llowinr. a I � Amil Ralph >r<msth Labor '' � �� "•� No further businsis the meeting was a4jiurned. Seat lisrk Desomber 18, 19a9•� Tho 'Iamaft •e' nail of tko Village of Prior. Lake, rltsial session is this sifts of tbe Village ilork' Tuestsy , 's�saiar Dioembor' 18th, '19, 8 at 1 *01. The meeting', was Ball*& to order, bxy Mayor skeet -roll call= present wars. Mayor stook, flora gents .and I ' neil- I man Yonnens. Smith sad 9lensas.. A sssimmontation\ was resolved in sonjunstioa to the 1lesrinr thin tats fseta tke Prior Lak? Planning femsibilea t4, "Sons all z ." } a ; the property sweet: by JohA Dreeke, sar'eor just Sort ! o tbs frier' Lake Memorial lark'`from R-1 Residential is`&2%Limitei Industrial- Not was male, by '9Ntith to ressae the John nr�okr lu►nfos VrwFSsft from R.I. Rea leatiai to 1-8 limited Ialustrial;i, just than part. New ti p; in the Village of M or Lake, assented by floma;ns and' uron° s `vote taken it was duly All feat oaa for a lis'Uaoa is sail siiarsttss at retail was re sistd..' from Robert Basse Ruseso Feet store; Millard 4raves - Say llinetisa; �= >>h Brooks Eausir. iri��ksw llo Ligror store. �Moti u was mats by Smith to" rant tike of dj�atto lisensoe te'� tke above for the to risot - *"*ring Saanuary, . 1, 1970, threu8h Deoonber 31; 1570, `7ssenisi b� '' Msnnons and idea a` vote } it was vly ,,asset. `" � Notion cwai made by Yonnsni� to adopt a,'aysolutien as'sejr tint the Yilaio : of Tanks, Day as a Marty a a,' J�,int lowers llsroanent t {! dated Marsh ail, �ilg68, resended by smith and upot a`oets takes. } it was duly #eased. j No{ turtkor busimseoithi **stint was adjourned. . G atz Olerk o