HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 12 1970, rz MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including ell accounts audited by said Council. o January 12, 1870 The #Mean $cuneil of the; Villagoof Prior Lake met in ] regular session in the •ffis* of the Village clerk 4ouday s�oniag January 12th, 1870 at 8 P.M. Mayor ttcsk called the meeting to order -roll fall:. layer 0to6ft, and fouhisiluou Smith, $lemons and Behemmer. The, minutes of the previous m were road an ao' +roved. R Attorney Sullivan ewer* in Shyer W&Itor Stock and $ouncilmata ;,.. Don Seheanmer. Thsrg gas \ akllisoussio n p ertainin g to the apol cations r eeived i ; =tinge assistant to the - clerk. Souneilrean Smith for ilia part i Indicated he Preferred to interview the applicants so he would be fully as to their qualifications. A meeting to to be set up ,far Wednosday evening January 14th, 1870 at 930P. Y. te. meet with the sp`elleants. motion was made by $lomeas to ntroduse the following resolution *A# mowed Its adevtion: RESOLUTION PROVIDISS FOR THE ISSUAN$N AND SALE OF $80,000 IMPROVEMENT BONDS 0)r 1970 Village Ssuasii AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT T?tEREOF, 11liERZAS. A. The of the Village of Prier Lake o n Y> Pik a-th, 1969 roteivod a wrelininary report en street improvements and�call•d for a publis hearing thereon. - "f. Said street taw ovoments sensistcd of grading, gravel bas•, surb:and gutter, sidewalks, asphalt ,surfasins storm sewers ands esnneet.isns, from wat'erma is is curb lints, and a street lighting system, Mn1SX1=11 l IMS sl S#�ti10, for the streets SET FORTH IN the; aeti of Wearing, all of which improvemment.a are more fully got forth ii said preliminary report; and sontraets for the construction_ of said, imprevoments were duly 'l:�t by the Village, douxeil on Doe nber 8th, 1969. r No •t,.,ora obli lief* been isew•d- to defray the expense of said imprevenents. NOW TAERZFORZ` „ DZ IT RESOLVED by the Seunsil of the Village of Prior Lake, Minn. A follows: 1. That the offer of Jwran & Moody, Ins., St. Peal nnos•ta,, t• purchase $80,000 Improvement Sends of 1970 of they , illsig•, in assorlanse with th terms 'ant ,conditions and at the at is' ek interest hersinaftsr -sot = forth, nd to pay ,t h orsto r ha,.sum •f,,.480,000 is 'hereby accepted. Said bends Shall be `ayauble rase to pr noipal "and interest at the American National Saak A 4 Tryst $oapany in at. caul, Yinnessta. � , ry 2 The 0000 •s*tiable coupon general obligation bonds of tho Villas• shall , a dated February 16, 1970 and shall be issue&. firthwith. Said .� ; ends hball bs 80 in denoainatien of $1,000 e'aoh. Bait bonds shah ature serially, lowest numbers first, without option of pr•- t aymont, •a February li in the years and amsuats as fellows 0.0 < in:. each of tkeL years 1972 and 1973; and $10,000 in cash i f the" years 1874 t• 1 80, both inclusive. 3. Said bends shall r* 1do; funds for the, sonstrustien of various imoreyenl =nts in ho Village. the total lost of said imrrevoments, including b e seat of ssnstrust ou tinder the torus of the lowest bid •seived for cash; phase thereof, engineering, legal and others rofessienal charges, publ ation and pringtns costs, interest esruting an money borrowed for the knorepements bof*re the levy i f special assessments therefor, ; and all ether sost necessarily nourred ant to be ineurret from tho inception to tho'completion f the improvements is estimated to be at least equal try the M ount , of the b *nds herein auttieritod. 4. , Each bond of "this sous phall bear interest at the rate of six and sesenty- undrsdths peroent (6.70%) per annum, payaiblc February 16, 1971 A t seminaannually thereafter on, Augu..st 16, and February 16 of can y ear until the, srinsiyal thereon has been paid. The motion for t he adoption.of the fcreso ng resolution was duly seconded by _ 1119unsilkan Smith and, upon a vote taken it was duly sassed. , t cs 'll 1 � Al d "4 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the.. Village Council of the Village. of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesofa, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mareld Israel son advised there would be a pro construction sontorenee January 28th, 1970 at 33OPM in the Office of The Village flerk. '"..! ,. Vern. Mabee, Justice of the tease, reported on all traffic � �r fines for the• Month of D *scnbor 1969. Finns sellsoted was $246.00. A request was made by Firs fki *f Delbert Busse to iner *ase the Fire Department membership from 20 to as members. Motion was made, }fiw by Smith to increase the fire department member *kip from 20 to {; r 26 members, seconded by $lemons and upon a vets it was duly pag* *d. Motion was mtdc by sishommor to ap* rove a $13.00 membership fee ; to join the Minnesota Fire fhi *fo Assn. for the officers of the Fire Department and Rescue quad, seconded by Smith, and upon a vets , r taken it was duly passed. Y *t;on. was made by ilemene to *sours bids on water preff cement paint for painting the inside of the fire hall, bid* are to be taken from the hardware stores and the low bid is to be taken, ascends# by Behsmrpar and u a vote taken it was duly paces$. Motion was made by'flemene to request that Delbert Basso contact ' rhea„ Jr. in rcgarct to hs s 100.00 fire call wads to his ssid r ens4, on Jul 16th y , .00 payment if � 1�6�and eettl* for 50 , _ agreeable, seconded 'by Behomm and upon a vote tak it wa ta1T passed. Motion was 'made by Smi to grant a cigarette lie* so to the s4 troop Aeek 4orviee litatien, for the per sever$ January 1 1070 k througk Desomber 31, 1970, *esonded 'by floisen* an RI Y)•*n a pe a taken It was duly 2asssd. Ymtien, made by Behommer to designate the Prier Lake Btate Bank as tke sffieal bank for the Vi'llaxs of Prior Lake for the year 7 'smith and ti a vets taken, it was d -19'0 issontsd b p . .� - � y passel. , x ' NOti n' was made by flamene rand sessndit by @shopper to vote by - 860et ballot for ikeignating tke Offisal newspaper Misr the Village a Or '2470, s *t;kztkkxWdkAkkkkktkbW lM*Zh *kb?A<k*'*x kkkxli/fakx t k2Wkk - tke bid's 'resolved wsro tine 4hakepee Valley Nswe and tke Prior Lake #lam 'Ahem saik with :'tent Teal bids, .upon a fists taken it was tied 2-2. Met Ven was wade by llemens tt appoint 'William Behookel as Village agisosr for tits year 1970, 4*eeadsd by >ichsat ' and upon a firsts Y :taken. it was &Sly passed. Yotiin was made by @lsmcne t.e appoint the firm of Qeulter, Nelson xand sitiil2i sa Aa rersessnt the Village as all legal matters for the ;Year,' °1970 wick, Mark Sa11ivan being the rsprossnt ng atterney for xsha ery :s�se .tke Village is to b*; billed at $200.00 por month is attsni msetinga and to $moulds four house of legal , service and smytk's"' in atdit,,ien to that would b* billed at $26.00 per hour, ` 'eo Arials to be bilie at $100.00 per half day and $200.00 for full 'seeended by>ichemmor and upon a veto takes it was duly passst. _ , Motion was made by flemons to',a Don buses as the building ;. aspestor for the year. 1970, secanlet by Smith and uyon a vote taken it was duly passed.. Ystien was made by '@lemons to ppooint @larense iishmidt as the plumbing income Or for tye year 1970, seconded by With and upon 0 ;.r a. vet* taken it was duly.passet. Ystien was made by amith to appoint Dr. Olaf Lakk, Langheret, „ `Robert Busse, Fransis 4nsll,st;d Jack Andrews ,and Dr. Lesnaa as lesltk` Officers for the Village for 1970, , &*cents& by flemens ' and upon a vote taken it war duly passed. Motion was made by demons to attain Jask 6chmitz and NUeben Mueller i ' -as watsr moter:rsaders for 1970 with their fees to be 30 *onto per motor read, **condo# by Qsheamor and upon a vote taken it was duly paseer,w .a g 9 g County MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the Coun of Scott and � State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. A letter of resignation was received from Lambert Eennen to resign his position on the police commission sffestiis 1 January 1, 1970. Motion was made by Smith to accept his resignation effective January 1, 1970, seconded by Sehenmsr and upon a vote taken it was slily wassod. Motion was made by Smith to appoint Oil Roomer to fill the I vacancy on the •lies sommisoien with his term to .d December 1, 1971 ' seconded by • lemens and upon a vote taken ; it was duly passed. The officers of the Polio* Soaiission are now as follows and their terms are as follows; Oil Roomer, term expires January 1, 197E Robert Buss* term expires January 1, 1973 Roger Harris term expires January 1, 1972 . Motion was ,rase- by $lemons to 1111*ak remppolut Robert Buse* ti to the Police Oommisaion with his term expiring January 1, 1973, seconded by Schemmer and. upon a vote taken, llener , Sshommer and Stook voted in favor thereof and /sitk voted ns. Motion passed. The term of George AgNnitings expired on D *eemb *r 31, 1914* , as a member on the Planning lommission. Motion was made by Stith to re,Oppoint George Bertording to the Planning lommissioa, with his term exytting December 31,- 1973, sseended' =by !lemons and upon, a..vot* akea it was du ly # eased. Motion was 'sad• ,by Schsmmer to I:dept a H resolution urging support of the Northern Scott /aunty d = United »?'und by the residents of the Village if Prior Lake, soond *d by llemens and aeon a 'rote taken it was duly passed. U Motion was made by,:finith to appoint Ire tlsmens'as /ivil Defense Diroeter for the Village of Prior �Lako and that Earl Killian **slat him and is to be ve- embursed for attending, l vil DeteAse wheel for mileage and. c e'saees, inetirred, i seconded by ashemmer and upon ;a vote taken it was duly ` ]passed. Thw pelise semen ssien rsssmsionded the full tine pollsoman ' resolved ,4700.00 per month and wart -time men resolved $3.86 per hour for the year 1970, and recommends eentinuing tks pre sat,; pelisy of six holidays a year and $6.00 per appear one* in a leurt. further the lonaloeion' mess to, provide tuition ass stanes for any full:' time man for nay further edusition he mayres'eive in 'the out of reimbureament of seventy firs perMsent of the sast of books and Auition for any euesessfully somplstad sours* provided that the: sours* is in.an area as aeotatss with law enforcement to inslude the 8041 a4ienee8. The lesm18sloa recommends funeral leave of three ^� diys should' any momber. of the effioers immediate ,fanily pass away. Notion was made by Sehommer to set the salary of the full time patrolman at $700.00 p *r month for, 1970, ascended by !lemons and u109g, ,a veto, taken the f ellowiug voted in M' fawer thereof- Mayor 'stock, and fountIlmen Sehemmer and "Olemene,° against Oouncilman Smith. ,1 r :F Y Y tion was made by Slemene'to set the part tine patrolmens Salary at $3.$5 �!*r hour for the year 1970, @*sends& by Sekemmer and upon,', a vote taken th`e following voted 'in favor } thereof, Souncilr, *n Sohemmer and 010*ns, against Oounsilman'' Smith and Mayor 63 ock, motion paaoed. k Motion was - made by Smith to retain Earl 1trilian an part time patrolman at a solar ' , y of � 8 , 000 '00 r year, •soendes by !Penman ! and, upon a vote oaken it was duly ;desist. Notion was mad* "by Smith to Aay Era;l Killian $1 00.00 slething, aliowanee for the Year 1969, seconded by Schosmer and .upen a vote taken it was duly passed. 4 . V - 1 a i MINUTES ES f o t of the Village of Prior .lake in the Count of Scutt and t z t Village Council he Proceedings of the i loge g y .� ka ' dy. ....1.. .. +poor State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. > ew r k✓i. .m.n.. ^w.- r....y�. Mstien watt made b ilemens t+ y Pay yatr +lman hark ;Pilsen to to polies clerical work not to exeeed 10 hours per month, seconded by Schsmmor and open a vote taken it was dull pas e d. ti Motion was made by Smith to appoint Zlmer Garvey as aces for the year 1470 at a salary of $500.00 for the year,, sesendei by Glem*no anti u pon a vets taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Clemens to not the part time labor at $1.76 , 3 1 per hour from GAP[ TO G PH and $2.00 per hour from G P.M. to G Alt seeended. by smith and upon a v et* ta ke n it was duly pa ssed. {` Notion was mats by Behommor to havo.10 duplex tithe$ electrical ` outhpts installed in if "orial Part, seconded by simith and upon t; a vets taken it was dul �+' °passed. : Motion was'sade by,,jlemens to set Raymond Johnsens salary at $600.00 per month and in emergency eases here void time and one half for time worked, seconded by Schomer axd upon a vats taken it was roll passed. Notion was made by •lemons to set Zlmer luesse sallary at $675.00 per month and in emergency eae4e he be raid time-and oa+ half for time torked, seoend*& by Gmith and' upon a vote taken it' was l.ax Motion was >mais by Rehemner to set a special meeting of tht Village $+until- Monday evening tobruary 2nd, 1970 at 730 Pic, to sign firs protection agreements for r ear 1970 and that for a}riar Lot• the e*ntrasts be calculated in ameuntt�aill• . and $iodic River Townships and $300.00 standby fee for Zagle (reek hour for the first l our of J Tewasli} with a ra of $160.00 per fire se.rvtee „ant, $100.00 for any_ additional hour seconded by Okkh■ikk $ lemens and upon a vote taken it was day. passed. Motion was made by 9lesens to a do pt Ordnance 7a_l an- oriiaanse r.egulatirig the utc, of snowmobiles in the Village of P= ier L a ke, (Ordinaneo filed in Village. Ordinane• beak), seconded by sshommor' and upon a veto taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by $lemons to rescind the notion of November Gth, , to haws a street light i nstal led to the rear of ike Karl Yi+Yys building, se er isd by Smith and up a vote taken it wak;, duly passed. Yhlttlt A request. was made by The ssett Garver Zeonomis sleuneil, . x r' `Inc. of sh�skal �� Ian..ler financial 'suv»ert beginniaj' Aril 1, 19 m tk amount of` #1,,100.00 p er year for salary of the director st the sonior'fitisons Program .in Prior Lake and facilities for 3 WtGrneoas per "week. Motion was made by Glossas to grant skk ' ' ayti }aM ,in the amount of- X1,100.00 >Per year 'for ( salary .of the director = of the,'1 Lays sender siti�zens and else fasilities :for 3 after- M#. wooed$` `sir we•:: .bpgi�nniag April ?; 1991, secon by s shomm sr an up on a vote taken .it *a.` ftl_ (raised• Mayor '$t.00k design�►ted. t'he following obligations to sash member �s t f, of ti sxceu tor. the year 1970: Walter stock, tpli4s •kisf; _ Don : 44kommisi , street Z "Aissioner•, Bank smith, Sower and water Oft6lssiener; and. Irvin !linens, lark $emmissioner. �r a At ths. }mint the westing was adjourned until Monday evening January 19th, 1970. Meeting adjourned ` . Pals AM W.W. fonts, ilork i'1' ka dy. ....1.. .. +poor - �r. -..:.. .. ae.. ..._ ew r k✓i. .m.n.. ^w.- r....y�.