HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 09 19704 u MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and i State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council: t Mpreh 9th 1970 The gommon Gouncil of the Village of Prior Lake rust in k + rtguTar •ssaion in the office o! the Village Clerk Monday_ F T evening Much Stn, 1970 at 730 P.M. Mayor Stock called the meeting is Qr per -rsll call- nrsesnt wars Mayor Stock, i Glerk Gentz and Councilman Smith, @lemons and Schammsr. } The minut#x of the ,previous meetings rrsro read ant apps eve .. Bids were received for a now V - -8 Svesial Police car. , The following bid was' oPenoil and tabulated Wolf Motor 9e., Jordan, Hinnassta 1970 Fort Rustom 4 $.*or, V -8 429 cu. in 2 bbl, J.D. Cruisema,tia, 42 Amp Alternator std, 80 amp batteryetd; power steering, aawor kiss brakes, H.D. :J suspension atd, certified speedo std, visibility group, remote trunk release, hsoa release from inside,.,tintOd glass, radio, paint root & 2 front doors, 120" W.S., H.D. Intsrisr, dual spotlights, extra c*oling pks, M.D. stabliser bar -f rant, nylon tubilss• 4 ply tires, vinyl trim, delete reef wiring, freight. Trails -in: 1968 #uston Yord, balance s ifterende 51680.00. XXTRAS: Air Gianditionsr $289.00 extra above bid s Tuekst Seats $140. extra above bit. Motion was mail bT SmitTr to reject the bit for ' ` the purchase of a V -8 evesial. Peliep 'oar by Wolf Meteor le., Jordan,- Yinntsota, socandsi n a vote, taken it was duly passed. by ilahonmsr and up* Motion was made by ilemens to readvertise for bids for a Special V -8 Police oar with the bid opening to be May 11th, 1970 at,,730. P.M., scsndoi, by lchommor and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Several espy machines were demenstrated xrevioue is the Hooting. Motion was made ,by @lemons to purchase the Smith O sgrg copy mashing for $,695.00, second*& by soh. and upoa a veto taken it-was duly pas'sei. 1 y Motion was mate by •lemons that the clerk prepare the minutes i of rrevious meetings and present the:minutss to cash iounsil member three days ^prior to the regular meeting and in that rG event the minutes will not be read by the clerk at the regular Seating, saagndetby Smith and upon a vote takeu it was duly passed. Several members of the.VFW Auxillary requested permission to ' display tlajs' in the Village and that awproval be granted to gall flaga door to door. Motion was mate by 416xens to a grant permission to the VFW Auxillary,te display flags and t'ssll flags steer to door in the Villa&e ,; secants& by Smith ant upon a veto taken it was duly passed. A letter of resignation was from hark Wilson as a part time policeman effective March let, 1970. Motion was ins &a by smith to assort the�resirnat on of Mark Wilson as part tins policeman effective Marsh let, 1970, sseended by-414menr and upon a vets taken it was duly passed. Ronald ,Lattery advised the council that Roger Reltz has taken and pass*& the volise civil isrvioe' -exam and is a, deputy of Scott !'aunty, and requests the council employ him as a part time policeman. Motion wa• made by flomsns to have Roger Bolts loam# As a,.pRrt time policeman, ascended by Smith _atiiy upon a veto taken it was 'duly passed. i' MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Yrior Lake in the County of Scott ohd i State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council Motion was marls by s3lsmens to have Roger Wilkie as a part time by Smith vets taken it w vs duly passed. policeman, socsnded acid a Motion was made by Sehommer to have an extra rtll9�t installed of 060. oo in Ron Latterys pi"taonal car at a maximum cost secondoi b,y Mmeni upon a vats taken it was duly passed. ?T} Motion was made by S to advortie *; for bids on a new fire truck; ij with the bii,apenin5 to be Monday evening Avril 2Ath, 1970 at ?30 P.M. 4 aseende l by ` 1smens axed upon a vote taken it was duly passed. r Vern Mabee, Justice of the ?east, reported on all. finks for the month of February- 1970 $330.00 in fines wore` sellested. Dslsrt )<usse Fire chief submitted the fire report for the l[enth` • , of February 1970. a � Ronald Lattery,tsubmittei the - polio* report for the mouth of !'sbru ry . 1970. t Apv1jeations. for a lisense to sell cigarettes at retail' fair the 1970 were period severing January 1., 1970 tkrough Desembdr 31, reseivsd from Narl Pspoer- r*pners• Pizza and Zugene liuelken- Superior "440 Motion was mate by Schommsr to grant license is soll.sigarettes at retail for the period sorering January , ,,`. 1970. through Desember, 31, 1970 to karl !op*er- lovvers pizza and °! stgoae Yuelken Buller Ior "400 seconded by Smith alit nlsn a 'vote taken it was duly passed. " Motion was made by Snth to split the assessments in tax parcel r €- X4a to one third of the unpaid amount to the Went 205.5' of � he o Zast 405.5 Of the. so. 173 of g if asetion 35, Township 115, " Range 22 steeneled by Ssheamsr and upon a vats taken it was duly' ^ passed, - ; Motion was made by flemens to adopt Ordinanso 70-3 AN ORDINAN93 2ROtlIEITING DRUNKFrNZ6e, INTOXICATION` AND DISTMYN9Z OF rUBLIa ` PZA4Z AND ;ORDYR. The Village faunsil of the Village "of ?pier Lalm , t� Minnesota, does hereby Ordain as follows: Section I, It shall be "{ unlawful „ter any person to appear anywhere in the Village of prier II. y; Lake in .a at of drunkeness or intoxication. Soeti - *n "shall be unlawful for any person to lmake, or assist in the disturbance or asasult whisk disturbs " # making;, of any noise, tke publle peaot and. order. liestion III'. Violation of 'this Ordinanse gill constitute a misdiemeanor. Section IV. This Ordlraanee •ball eke effect and be in tors* from and after the by e Atr e! ito passage and publisation. The motion was sosondsd; Gents and upon 'a vets taken it was duly passed. Al Motion was 'made by Sshommcr to adopt Ordinanso No. 70-4 AN O�iDINAtviY RICSTRIaTING TEL EiONSUMtTIOU OF ALOOMOLIS BXVERAaNS• The Village •eunsil Of the Village of Fr' or Lake, Ylnnsseta, toss t. hereby Ordain-as follows: Se eti en , I . It will be unlawful for - ta v *rn or on}- one off liquor sstablis �msnt to, allow the _. consumption of - alcoholis beverages on it s premise• after 1.30 A.L. l ' u . Anyone who vislatss this Ordina ilt of Scstien nce shall tie #V Y s; a tsisdemsan.r. Section III This Oardinar;s-s shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of passage and publi*at on. Th*, was secon b •le and u pon a volt token it was i•. dtily passed. i' i = MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and ; State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. 3 Motion was made by $outs to adopt the following resolution: 4 The Village of Prior Lake, threu ;ht its sty eounsil hereby t adepts the following 'resolution with regard to hearing b the municipal commission concerning annexation of Eagle Greek township to the city of 61hakop•ib, and with regard'te - '� 'the `hearing by the 'Yunisipal sommission of the petition for' inserporation of Eagle irsek Tor 1s . WIMRSAB, the } Village sf `Prier Lake is located immediately south of the lake of Prior Lake, and TMERSAZ, mush 0 the Township of Eagle Greek is contiguous to the' lake on eirthep the Werth r or south side << f' said lake , Pfd WKEREA the Village of Prior LakeEpresently maintains t+ fire department whish server both the Village of Prior Lake, as well as 'several of the surround ` ng townships, under a contrast basis for fire pret'estion and. any taking 'of property from the Village which would, result In loss of revenue to the' fire department- would seriously affect the quality of service that the Village of Prior La)w coult render would be adverse to the Village - of Prior Lake and. to the sitisens in the surrounding area, and WORS16, t Village of Prior Lake maintains a police tepartment whisk p is presently providing protection to the Village of Prior Lake and is available within a few moments notice to any of the areas surrounding the a,ake within a:few minutes dr`1vs, and thaat sated police department) sould`bost selve the areas surround - `z ing Prior Lake, and WMERZAS, the Prior Lake sehool system is presently providing edueational f eilittes for both people . residing in the Village of Prier aki, ant several townships ' surrounding the lake area, and it will be in the boat interest of the people in the surrounding area in. the Prior' Lake f e"61 District and the residents of Prior Lake to have these areas incorporated into -the Village of Prior ;Lake, -and' WMZAS, the Village of P rior Lake is showing rapid exvansion in all direst.ional both as a rosite tal area and in a sem*erieal . community and addi tional surrounding area. is needed for development and such development should be previdet with sewer services end .eunicipal water. in order to' allsviate'tke °'neceasar "`prsbloms of pollution involved with septic tanks , and drain field systems, ant IT IS MEREDT RX30LVZD that tke'' .• Village of Pri 'Lake eneov#ge the annexation''te the Village of Prior Lake all of the area eneempassei within Eagle gres>< ' r 'Township. As additanal - reasons for its desire to annex this area it. is : pointed out that the Village of savage is now r 'practically adjacent to the new Prior Lake sehoel- system and ° further° that the lity of Ohakepes has adequate area for expansion to the south ant west of the city of ahe.kopoo, and a, IT Is PURTlZIR RZSOLVZD that in the event the ,Yunielal ` immission. sots ;fit to annex certain areas of (reek 4 'to the.lity of ahakeaee, than and in that event, the Village a of trier Lake fools that all of the seutiguous area of F =ZagIv a`reek Tswnskip' to the lake of Prier Lake be annexed to ` - o the Village of Prior Lake, or at least, ,excluded f.rem any ` annexation -of i'agle Greek Township. to the Village of Prior kakea secondet by sehommor and upon a vote taken it was duly i U 'P assed, Mi ion was made by Zehommer,to adopt Ordinance Na-6 AN ORDINClit ' A1d 0DING ORDINANG NO. Gd-13 `ENTITLED RP RIOR LAID ZONINS ORDII<ANM Bastion I. That seetion S.2 of said Ortinanse No. 64-13 is hereby amen ei by rezoning the follow - i seer bed property pram ">f;:1 Let tsnsitj residential to "I -1 Limitat. Industry" Lot 1 Dloek 1, except the Went iii foot horeef, .Ooatellob's Additon to Prior Lake, Minn:6unti sota. aeierding to the resorted plat thereof; and that part of the Northwest of Bastion 1, Tesnahip 114, Range; 82 soott Minnesota' lying North ant East of tho 'rhisage, ' Vilwaukoe a1E it. Paul Railroad; except for Qostellosa Addition to Prior Lake Minnesota,;ascording to the rosorded plat thereof; -and NXaNrT , for. the $AM, ;i!134.8 feet of the' North 521.75 feet of the Northwest" j' of said seetion 1; ant LXOXPT for the tract < a described. as follows; , Beginning at a point on the mouth line ' of shock l; 408tellrts Addition to Prior Lake„ distant a5 foot west of the southeast garner thereof; things West along the 3 ti, ` MINUTES Proceedings of the of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and a State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited, by said Council, Sotlkh liaa of said Block 1 a distance of 758 feet - to the centorlire `7 ; elf ,iar ).venue; thence South along said senterlins 436 feet; the no* due East 762 feet; thence North 43b feet to the point of beginning; and DXQ PT for the tract described as follows; Beginning at a. paint on the Xaet , line of 0 Addition .° to Prier Lake distant 833 feet South of the North line of said Section l.; then** South along said East line 954.7 feet; thence E st and parallel to the North line of said Section 14a distalse a' 450 foot; thence North 954.7 feat; thence past 450 foot to the p Fount of beginning; and ZUEPT for the . $'s►, t deosribss a s follows; Beginning at the Southeast corner of $*ste'l*ls Addition to Prier Lake; then** North along the East lino thero*t 160 feet; thence Zest 240 feet; thence South and parallel to the Zest ling of said S **tells's Addition to Prier Lake to the Northerly line 'of the Credit River Read'; thence Northwesterly along said Northerly line to the point of beginning; and Except for the tract d *scribed as 4 j follow*: Somm *ncing at p point on the North line of Seetian 1, Township 114, Range 22, which point is 25 feet East of and 33 feet North of tho Northeast c *sner of L *t 1, Block 1, Oostellets r Additsan to prior Lake; thence South ;parallel to the Zest line of �q a said Addition a dstanc* of 183 feet; thence - ]Cass parallel to the North line of said Soatien l a distance of 300 feet; .then** -•, North parallel to the Zest line of said Addition a d *st of 183 feet; thence hest to the point' of beginning. This Ordinance shell be in full force and effect from and afters its passage' and publication, motion was sov6sdied by Gents and, upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion was made by Smith to adopt fttinansc No. 70=7 AX ORDINANI SE AMENDING ORDIYAN49 NO, 64-13 ENTITLED "PRIOR LAXZ SONING ORDINANSZ" Section 1. That M*etien. 5:2 Of said Ordinance No. 64-13 is hereby, amended by rezoning the following described property from OR-1 Singl *d Family, Re ni ion@** to; Lots 1, ''7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, block l and Lot 1, Block, 3, Oakwood Rills Addition to 0 &2 Two Foxily Resid Outlet 4, Oakwood Mills Addition to 8?3A Multiple Dwelling. Section 2. This Ordiaanse 'shell be, in full, force and offset from and of ter its massag and p6b1'ie on, motion was seconded by`41 *mans and upon a vote taken it was dily o , Motion Ras , made by Bohemmer to allocate approximately > 1se00.00 t* make a preliminary survey upgrade Sth.Avenue from Mighwey 13,north if the Village to Anne Lane south of the Village, seconded by;Rxith and upon a vote taken it was duly ' 14*0 *n was made by Slemene to advise Fred Muslkori that the Y111aEe will their own men take care of the Prior Lake dump and' "his help would no longer he nee there, rseeonded by S*h*mme and: upon: a vote taken it was duly passed. ' M*t *a was.made b Sehomm*r to resind the motion to reject „ the. bid - of $1680.00 for a now 1970 Ford. Sust*m 4 door ' Police oar from Wolf Motor So , Jordan, Minnesota, socended by Slemons and upon a vets taken it Was duly pages#. l Y*tion, was made by $lemons to resins the motion terroadvertise ` for bids for a Special Y -8 police ear with the bide opening to be May 11th, 1970 at T30 F.,M. , socondod_by Seh*�smer and upon a veto taken it wee-duly passed. N Motion ,was made by. Sehommor t* accept the bid for a new 1570 F Ford Gunton 4 door, Y- ' 1 429 @u. in. 'gavial Polio* oar from the -wolf Motor S*. Jordan, Yianasota for $1680.00 and air conditioning for $289.90 extra, soconded,by @lemons and upon a veto taken it was duly passed, Smith voted against. y' Motion was mate by Smith to adopt A RE SOLUTION APPRO THE LETTING OF.A 4QNTRAST FOR THE SONSTRUOTION OF THE FIRST STASH OF THE SXWAQX TRMATMENT PLANT AND OUTTALL, IN THTr TOWN OF EAGLE ; CR1SZX,, $GOTT .00UNTY, BY THE SOUTMWEBT SANITARY SEWER D16TRI6T BOAM, ,AND ,THAT TMZ recommondatien of -'this Southwest Sun tort' Sewer District Board and its snginoerb* and hereb Y i s 6 i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott' and ' State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council, aroroved, and that a contract be entered' into by and between the Southwest Sanitary gamer Distsist Board and 4. Lametti and Ssno. ;, Inc. for the construction on the first state of the sswags treatment $1,188,361.30 for, that .bid and plant' in the areount of that a contrast be entsrsa 3 into by and, between she 9#ut,wtiaE!t Sanitary sewer District Lanotti for the sonstrustisn of the eutfall Board and Petor and that bid: is in the amount of $$59,245.16, i*c6n4ed by &cuts and uyon a vote taken it was duly passed. Motion waa made by Schomer' and zzsc� sd by slsh ens to -say ° all bills: ' $ GENERAL FUNM Smith Bs -Tana Merehant Copy 'machine $695.90 88.40- R. Yaet�l:�istsr Deg ckatehsr 24.00 ;, Kubert =us &en r Prior Lays American tabor Lsgals 318.80 >>r. Lukk professional duties 3.00 183.07 s1u1t 011 Soren -: Diversif led Insuranse $ate fasa Oil etc. Ineuranss Scott •e. S heri ffs Prisoners #oard 13.50 1 ?.50 J. 16Wtsn rol its supplies J.P. expenses ` 46 000 Y.W. Kai a t }oisonini 37.60 Lystads` M. Brooksville Dsneral Story diet supplies 1.80 34e0.44 St street lit 08 etc. *rdaf Independent Legals Repairs Maint. 21.76 30.65 isithr Tarsi• Judge isnnolley Adjustement 30. , 001 i0. S,' Motorola lepmunisations Yaintenans• 2 =7.7fi lairsnss Lottery Pollee dut s: • 45.60 tt oin Tel ix ez, x N N acc.so .` Mark. Wilson N M 48.8,�i wrens D17nkush Ron Lottery School expense 198..10 Minn. Natl" ass Ssett Rise Telephone gas Telophsno 60.00 87. uniforms Ual mated Uniforms 285.70° R'snald 'Lattary Tarp Lillian tslary ` Polio* dutyc 83.34 Ronald Lottery Salary Pollee dutys 285.70 83.34 } Marl Killian Prier Lake State Bank 'red. 111th1eoldin; , 3 11TRR. FUND = -- Wep„ tt=iaZRk2 rupf$ *to $112 06 6 32"1.6 . 0 a Saultor xsl`soR and Sullivan L�6als Sol 231.97 super Bus as tlmor Duties :f « ryc • sal 97 s ty Bernie* parek " Postage $7.1i 43.00 r , 4 Postmaster prior Lake Bank Federal withholding' C8.a0.' 50:70 ask C'.ohmita 'lister reading 07.34 Dornioa park Donkers Life Insuranse Ga. Salary G> Insuranse 123 .79 F IRS FUND J Busse Super Market Sup�►llos �34.Sh �( Main.. Nath'' 4as. %as. Else 36.'% N ;sett Rise Telsphano Tslsphone 6 1.2i i Reynolds Welding Supvlioa au- polls 1G6.aa $4Yer Akins '4 409 65 9 , ., h t v MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior taker in the'County of Scott and State of .Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council, NBP Tunes, etc. #41.76 ' ,Fadden Pump go, Reia,lra 27.81 . . Rd en Johnson i�aNa,,rt 251.00._ s 261.00 ; Ruben Muillor Reading motors 42.90 !.L. Bank Feel. llithheld nr � Vow. 07 test ftnd t ' }ehnsack "d Kennon AnexTlewisg 0170,,00 , Sshultz Impt. Re - pairs .1 p 80. 00 eau < 2>R it� an ldisur Tu att lk*lTh frith Labor > 33.26; _. w et wnllari Oil Fuel Oil 63 � fklrset • w I all 170 'unit _ SW Trier Lske ,.lank Investment 470Q W. t $6 further business the meeting was ai�euspasi. /lfllark i i l ' S y h. J eYp4. ^0 _.£ C. ,i� .h t - .. Vim r b. ^ a +h f n ��ri��`.•9b'+ d_, aA�"f+ a ..'Sn #_ ._ }R. :.. '.tY'F`'1�� .iY ". F,