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05 11 1970
A MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the' of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and w State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council May 11th , 1974 Y The @amnion Oou-nci1 Of the Village, of friar Lake met in regular session in the office of 'the village Clerk Monday evening May 11th, ,1970 at 8 P.M. The mei'ting` was sa;lled � to order by Mayor Stack. Roll call— present were Mayor Stock, clerk Cents and @ouncilmen Smith, $lemons and Sehommer. I*pi *s of all previous minutes far the pa month were given to each councilman several days previous -ta this w meeting. Motion was made by @lemens,'cesonded by Smith to ,approve the minutes. advised Jack Andrews /s, five member recreation board was; erganized as fellows: Pat Devitt, Baring Laks,, shairman;"Don Ylin` bergi Prior Lake, sooreatary; Lynn Davis, Spring - Lake; Bab savill Zagle @reek and Bob Dahl, Sredit River Township and Bank smith Park and Direeter:to act as the beardts , recreation v.- tY' iftr. Motion was made by fonts to apyreve the abo -e as k"It ors of the_ recreation beard for the 1970- 71 recreation reason, seconda& by Schommer and upon a veto r Y taken it was duly : ._ "parsed. - • Motion was made by Smith to appropriate $1500.00 to the recreation program for the coming year, ascended by $lemons and upon a vote taken it was duly psssod. r Motion was mad* by fonts to charge the Prior Lake School Distrist $200.00 for park rental for the year 1970, seccndod by Smith and upon a veto taken it was duly pass;&. The fallowing Off Salt Liquor License, appl satisns wore presented for ay'roval for the period eavering July 1, 1970 through Juno 30th, 1971= Gerald g Rafermann: Motion was made by @ounsilman flemens J to grant 4eralt B. Rafermann an Off Sale Liquor' Lisense for the •periid' severing July 1, 1970 through Juns 30th 1971, sesonded by founcllman. Sehommer and upon a vote takers it was ipproitd unanimeu *ly• 4 7iansis snelll Motion was made by @ouncilsan @lemsne to grant ` ?t loid "43.U�4si Off s ale Liquor or License for the period during July 1, 1970 thronh June 30th, 1971, seem °ed by @oulneilman smith and`- a vote- taken it was •ayprovel unanimously.- Willard $raves: Motion was made by deuncilman Siemens to V „ grant Willard braves an Off Sale 'Liquor Liscnso for the rsried' severing July 1, 1970 thr *ugh June 30th 1971 seconded by sounoilman It goitk and upon a veto taken was approved unanimously. John Narblam:- Motion was mad* by councilman siemens ts;.grant John Norblem an Off Bale Liquor License for the periew3e4aver ing July 1, 1970 through June 30th, 1971, seconded by @IMr oil — man Sekommor and upon & taken the fellswing voted in favor thereof, Mayor Stock, @lark Gents and,©sunsilmsn @lemons and aehemmer, vating against was Eounoilman Smith. Walton Breaks` Fields: Motion was made by siemens toi grant Walter, Brooks Fields, Brooksville Liquor Star* an Off Sale Liquor ; Lissnss for the period coverirW, July 1, 1970 through June 30th, IS71, $##ended by Sehommer and upon,a vote taken s It was approved unanimously. The following On Sale Liquor License appli'e4tiens were ,presented for approval for the varied severing July 1, 1970 "through J_unc 30th, 1971; n i 1 it - J t of Scott and - MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village o f Prior Lake in he County ty , k State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ; ZF ' Gerald B. ilaformann „t Motion was made by Councilman $lemons to grant Gerald Zr. ,'Nafermann an On Sale Liquor License for the weried oovori# July 1, 1970 through June 30th, 1971, , s000nded by Schommor and upon a vote taken it was apV,..svea unanimously. w < Francis Snell:` Motion was made by Councilman Qlemens to grant Francis stall an On hale Liquor Licenso for the period covering July 1, 119 70 —through through June 30th, 1971, seconded by Isuncilman smith ante upon a vote taken it was approved unanimously. Qillard,Qra�ios: X*tion was mate by Councilman Clemons to grant r Willard' Graves an'Oa hale Liquor License for the period covering July , 1970 thsough June 30th, 1971, seconded 'by smith and upon a veto taken it was ( unanimously. John Bre #ks Eausor- ?rior of Fr air, Inc: Motion was mats by .jgo nailman $1imene to grant Jehn Brooks llaus er — ?rief •f 'P'rair Ina. an On hale Ligtior Lis for the'1�'riod severing July 1, 1976 through June 30th, -1971, seconded by •lark Gents and upon a vote taken the following voted in favor thereof, Ilayor Stook, Olork i' rents and Counsil dlemens,'and Behommsr ;_voting against was $ounsilman Smith, motion passed. Yareld I'rsaelson, znginoer, reported the outfall lino for the storm sower was completed and the storm sewers were atarSsd the be 'tiast week, he also stated work on North $entral Avenue will delayed6because of the striklef heavy road equipment operators. Motion wad iaaQ a b ?8 to sot a charge, of #195.00 for a water connection hookddp charge where the resiien•e and business or two busineatsee on North Central was en on• hookup where there should have been two hookups, I all heok4"s are to be *operate and changes :jade ascoidingl'y before street work is begun, .seconded r ' by Clemmen ant , P en a _veto taken, it was duly Passed. , Motion was made by iiehsmmor to appr,olrriate $1,000.00 to make an enjineerin ctuvey for water storage ,ant ssweraQe needs for the Village as data requested by the Metro Sewer Boart, assented Iby $lemons and upon a veto taken - it was duly paosst. The Prier Lake ?alias asti ity report was,wrtsanted approved. a bi* J.P. report of fines was presented for the uonthr of Apr it 1970, fines sellasted $240.00. t o ;Bases, Fire fkbif, Presents& the Fire Department report. _Delbert .1 Se ;ad�ties , lie is requester; the. following changes on the various tir`io at no extra cost bust $hasois, add super all grip ninon 4 � and replace the painted steel mirrore'4ith chrome or stainless mirrors at an additional cost of $19. oO. Add one 5 in`sh double �an dditiona cost of female adaptor for the 1000 GPM pumper aB al { , $127.74. The following; bits wore awa;rd*& ,as recommanded by the sommit;tee v who studied the :bits: Motion was nail b7 Clemen* t• award the bit for a 1000 $rY pumper o shasai• General safety gquipment corp., of North Branch Minn. (lass radio and optional equipment anal hose). far $18,257.60 ; seconded by iishommer and upon a vote taken it was ;easssd. .Motion was mite by $lament to award the bid .for the trusk chassis to Bill Boyer Ford, Minneapolis, Minn for $9 aesanisd by j{ Smith and an avvote 'taken it was duly Paesst Motion was mate by $lemons to award the bid for the optional feet of 2” D1lateral+ r equipment and hose, plus 500,aaditional hose to $oyor,> and Akins, Minneapolis, Minn. total bid less hose � upon a vote taken it was duly �$4,668.18, seconded by sahommer and r s Passed. p A letter wad re`oeived: from bar. Clausen, Parks ,State Plenn•ing Agency advising all work on the park grant received must be semRlotod on or before June 30 1970 or the rant will be lost. Park Gammissionar 3;luE gx�ith i►dvisQa� all ,we, rk will be completed before this Hato. 4t Council MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council: Motion was made by •lsaens teaward the bid for the moterela radio *installed) to Voterola Qommunisatiens Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota for $1,088.00, seconded by Sohommer and .upon a vote taken it was atulr passed. , Notion was made by Smith to appropriate $150.00 for the ` remodeling of the table in the Gauncil Chambers which remodeling; is to be done by Den Busse, Seco,ndsd by Sohoamer and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. A request was made ter a building permit for an additi of 4 by 9 feet to the b & 3 Dairy Store. Motion was made .;• by 0lemens being there in a varienee required due to the location of the building within one foot of the property line the item be referred to the Planning foinmission for a recommendation, seconded by Smith and upon a vet• taken it was duly cased. , Motion was made by Olemens to appropriate funds to make a study of boundrr line ohangee with lrinr.Lake Towaship and matching costs evenly with Spring Leko Township, second— ed by Stith and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. }° flerk Vents recommended a pay incr for Bsrnise Pavek } of 25 &onto to 35 cents per hour effestive May lst, 1970. Notion was *at* by aentz to increase Bernie* Pavok's t hourly pay scale to $2.50, p er hour effective' May lot' 1'370 ssonied'by Sehommor and upon `a vote taken the following in favor thereof:. flerk tents and Mayer Stack,, voting ctainet were feune lmon smith, Clemens and Sehommer, the me-,Uon failed. Notion was made by Smith to pay all bills assented by Sehommor s pon a vote taken it was duly leased. '' ant ,Aopr' aarrie iivil Service test $26.00 `; Pieta !'eli7c ?*lice. duty 26. Q0' 0\ Larry Wilkie Tom Bill r 104.:00 z L ; � • 98.35 _ ' Ronald Lattor�r Court hearings 24.00 .,. Tom Muelken Polio* olorioal Rsr'k 36.25 zar1 Lillian salary 83.34 Ain Latter M 28b.7t0 Lyetads Inc. Poisoning rats V Trarl Lillian far wash 'fees 4 1400 Man Transf Fneight el, shing. Office surppIss 5,30 ubl M 332.15 _ 1. k = athte .Document fenter Minn. Statutes Ss.i10 *t :. Andrews Drug Pelies'sup lies "E° a gulf 011 Gas ' Oil eta. 8.00 Breoksville General Store 8dae supylle`s 2.48 fi Prior Lake American Legal 24.30 Motorola Communications Maintenance Millar Davis supplies cSO t. Millsr,Davis N 4.R7 :. t Scott founty Sherriff Prisiener Board 12.60 ' NSP Street litse ate. 3.8.73 '- Qompu LWW Inc. Stencil Pollee ear 30.00 Soott Rios Telephone Telephone 28670. Brooksville Rallmark Store Polic suppli 53.54 Rebsrt Madsen Install Polies ''ear radii 135.00 'c State Treasurer ?BRA 122.50 L Bohnsack and,Zennon! Zxcavating at dump ?58.00 y 00, ...._ . Prior Lake State Bank Federal withholding deposit 64. G0 Ron Lattery Salary 285. Rarl 1111an " 83 _ ?..... L ".a•eud4:.Wew„+ui... V......:. A'r`+tkx`•sa.w= nw'+y..Ura..l+ h. . 1L+•°. u�: �u�.. r: usw+...+. a4.:. tYPh .�+.�MnWridat4V.S�wi+,aaeku (S ii: • , . wf1E,..�r x ayS +w+ i,f •• r.V�+ , il::_ :.AtN:k - . Y MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the' Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State, of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. WXR .FU),1D "Postmaster Posta $30.00 Elmer Busse` 6 alawy° 221.97 Nit rumps;, ate. 97.53 g , Lyon ihomical dater treatment 17.78 American Water Works Membership 20.00 Bernie* Pavek Salary OAS State Tressurer ?ERA 46.35 Bohnsask and; lennen Excavat 250.00 . Elmer Busse Salary & Overtime 102.71 ' Prier•Lake State Bank Federal w thhs 6 'ldin 80.40 - 1 11mer Busse 'salary 221.97 Bankers `Life Insurance Insurance 136.43 Minnesota Natl lo. Gas 61.65 sohmits Meter reading 51.30; B 4 ernice tavek Salary., 56473 . Dkversified Insurance 6a. Insurance _____18 k • 6.78,.., FmlU_. laz N•rbcrt Berke, Install shower Partition $2f0. Q0 ssott , Ais# Telephon Telephone 67. N6t Elestris 24034 *... o• s 'snell sup lies ' . 21060 Beyer«Akirr 14.34 sayer Akins " 17.96 :Relan wel ing " 67.16 Del Busse Tuttisn de Transperat oa 8.00 n ` ; Diversified `Insuransc Insurance ' r Raymond John; salary . X261.00 Ns! Pumps ;; ete 70.6 t : F16= pipol Toal io bower {tire ; 86.48 ` state Treasurer , PZRA 104.62 �Or4 d Leith Arastrong 21WER DAUA6 6 126.30 n Bohnaaek and lennon EZ ©AYATINS 844.00 1 Ray Johnsen salary i evert isle 174,47- x prior Lake state lank tedcral withholins 46.60 Rayafd `j,$)<nsen. , salary a41.Q0; ` *9e0eA #ueTlsr Motor reading 436 80` Diversifier Insurance Insurance yy 4 v S" PAM, � c Donald Sorbyr Labo . x feneral 'dlleld a ` Yo r re ai we 14.00 Mi6west Pa int 1[fg io. rafnt r 48. Di •r4let Insurance so. Inaurans i t; 7 Ltreet,.fti i 0 sa the 4arage Sweeper repair .#43.45 Masiaexc Equipsent Co. " parts 43.42 k Yalorman and stark . lrave 37.76 Divereltled Istauranso Insurance 39l' l6r k i U'ILDI� Ralph smith Labor eleanng 638.50 01 standard 011 Fuel oil` ,.2 N ol , 4� ;� , .16 IMPRO UNNTi „ OF 1914 FUND N. T Na:tl Bank sands and Interest $352.0,0 iTB T IItPROYEl ITTS OF 19 70 F UN I): " . Lindsey Engineering Ss Xneineering services 450470,03 q ' Z_ F J MINUTES of the ''Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. No furly"her business the meeting was adjourned. Aft ' W.W. Gentz, Clerk May 25th, ,1970 The Gammon founail of the Village of Prior Lake met in spatial session in the office of the Village •lark Monday evening May 25th, 1970 at S P.M. The meeting was Salle& to order by Mayor fitosk. Roll. call, present were Mayor Stook, ilork Bentz, and Councilmen Smith and Schommer, absent was Oounsilman olsx�mona. Motion wai made by GQntz is adept a Resolution relating to tax ' levied for the Southwest sanitary Sower nistrist, 1570 budget. On June 1, 1970 the Metropolitan Sewer Dear& established, by Laws 1969, Cihapter `449 will assume the ' ownership of t,ll property, real and personal,.SOntraste, rights and ebl�Sa.tiono of the southwest Sanitary Sower ` Distria"t Board, � to Sha }ter 449, $action 5 and Rill bosoms entitled to restiv & taxes from the Village when esllected. Tho Village hereby agrees to pay to the Metropolitan Sower Beard one - half of the taxso levied $423.53 on August 15, 1970, znd the other half of the taxes at levied #423.53 on'January la, 1971; and the Treasurer is Authorised an& diroetsd to make`oush payments without further autharis _ saign by this - council, assents& by Smith and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Ssn&emnatien of the Raymond Nauss property at the earner of Pleasant Street and First Avenue South was dissuee d. Attorney Sullivan was asks& to order doo& to determine the p resent Property owner. Nation was made lay Sehommer is request that the Village mnginoor Proper* preliminary flans to install water mains In the Stopka Nighwiew Addition, aseonded by Smith and 'upon a vote taken it was ,duly passed. 'The sounsil request Attorney Sullivan to determine the property ownors�in the Prior Aare lot and 2n& Additions where problems exist due to open basements and storm sewer problems so nation San be taken to sorreat the problems go further business the meeting was adjourned, W.A. gouts, flsrk May 27th, 1970 The Sommsn Sounoil of the Village of Prior Lake me't in, Spatial session in the offies °of "the Village clerk Wednesday eyea,inS May 2?th, 1970 at 7301 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stook. Roll sell, present ware Mayor Stock, clerk boats, '• ` and lounsilmon Bchommor and alomens, absent „was Sounsilmau Smith. n ]lotion was mate by Slemens to authorize Attorney Sullivan h to prepare legal documents in regards to the Metro Sower Board to take over and operate the sew treatment plant in'the Village of Prior Lake and that the transfer would include the lend -upon which the plant is situated, second*& by Seh ssmor and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The The John,Rothen proper was viewed end it was noted the property was cleaned and al VadtUe rabbitShaeabeen disposed of. Is advised the. pidgeous will be sagsd at all times. Me a,dv iso Lystads, Ins. of Minneapolis will be assure to exterminate, the rats, vwhsn this is completed a paid rsss will be furaiilr- od to in&ieato the oouneil it hays been dons. No furtherbusinsss �tho meeting wake adj ourned. W.W. alent8, Clerk .�. . zyk r i$ 4