HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 08 1970n Prior Scott MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of lake in the County of and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. , June 8th, 1970 The Common Council of the Villag of Prior Lake met in regular session In tho office of the Vlllt o #leek Msnday evening June 8th °; .197C at 8` P.M. Mayor Stock called the 1 moeting tN order. Roll call, ;Present were Mayor Stock, T Clerk gentz and Councilmen Smith', Clemons and 'Behommar: #opioa of all previsus minutes for the post' month were given to each councilman seve=ral days previous to this <> meeting. Motion was me.4o 'by *lemons, see•ndet by Sehommer to approve the minutes. £ Mr. &Mrs. Francis O'Yeo:b were present Sind mado request to extend the curb wind gutter improvement is the westerly edge of their property. Motion was mats by •lemons t4 extend the curb and guttor on thsit, sidle of the street ` only to the westerly edge •f .the �rroperty second*& by bents and upon a veto tvkoa it was duly passed. g Nation was mado by Schemmer toL awertiss for bids on Waterman exten0ien in, the' JoAnne, Stepk0s Ri -View Addition to Prior` Lake with seals& bids to by ressived by the Village of trier Lake, Minmeeta, until 7:30 p.m. June 85th, 1970, seoon4ed by demons and upon ¢ vote taken it , was duly passed. k, Police officers, Tom Billings, Larry Lattery and Roder Wilkie :Wori swern in by Mayor Stock. z The Police #ommission. made recommendation of Dale Msihak as the full time police ;eatrolmart job and advised. he will be rce►4y tc start the job an Juns5tk�, 1170. SG.1ary . t ra onmsndcd was $585.00 for six months and then $625AO- the raise in to be- automatic if Mr. Moihak sentinues_on. after his six monthrsbation`'jrcriid. (Dseiabsr• =15th, 1970). Motion was made by #lemons to hire halo Ycihsk as full time > * atrolm n and he is to begin work June 16th, ;1970 with k s sal to be $585,00 liar month for six moinths: and then #825.00, attar his probationary reriad December'15� 197®, , seeondw� by Qehowmor And upon a vote taksn it was` iuly passed. F The subject if a, Polies• Oh�,,sf was diSsusesd. �'M*tien was made by #lemons that patrolman Lattery be offielally rocoenis- 04 as the police 494kAinater, and that Mayer Walter Stack 'b4 s• resognissa as the Police Supervisor, sseentoi bar Schomer and upon.a vote taken it was duly passed.,v The following is the stand rg on the: Prier Lake Polies eligibility, list: 1. Larry R. Wilkie* Z. James L. Jeziersri; 3. Mervin #. .Nelsen;; 4. 01 on $, Olsen; S. Thodac billings;' 6. Lloyd Lrob ' a Motion was made by Olemons_ the fallswin amendment ho teparii made to Section 21 of the Prior` Lake` Paliee ent rules and regulations. I • 99t a t ..of Da t4o To have chief a �dminietratiire. rofponsil;._ i r nano* of order, - the entorscmtnt of laws ' ant ordinances, the prevention of crime. and the.j�reteiten . of life and property in tke Villais of Prior Lake to iir ct and coordinate all of the police'- department. µ �, 3Cxamioles .of, work:. 1' Review the acts ad reports of subordinate officers; 2. Submit reports to the Village #ouneil ;, 3 Make personal inspections of - ,police boats ;'; 4` Make assignments to officers • �; 5 #onfer with other officers at the Village on law' *rss- ment matters; n }, MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and s 9 q tY pt: State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. (6) Assist "in the selection of new members for the polies force, and' in the trainin„ and promotion of the police wereonail; (7) Analyze crime, "alive aanditions and plan prevention �� ; work; � S Z*lain the functions of the police department to the public; 9� Maintain eontaots with other, police departments and with :professional polite organizations inimum Aaglisatio& Rtauir8m nt YducatiaY equivalent to that of -hi gh sch graduation. Five years of experience in . position Tanking above that, of patrolman in the Village of Prior bake. 4: `,i w . °i a dZes Lbi litiox, ..'ant- S s., b ... gag ' ocial and general intelligence; a high degree of tact; good sharaster; medical and physical fitness; ability to treat the public with oaurteey, and when the oeaa,sion� demands, with firmness; ability to organize the department for the effective performanas of its-,functions; ability to #11,n and maintain a steady flop of work through thi department, Ability to delegate details to subordinate officers yet supervise and control their operations; ability to secure and, hold their ronfiienes; ability to, - coordinate the work of all divisions of the department; ability is assure the s©nfideries of- the, public in the fairness and effectiveness of performance of " ' Helios functions;,, fundamental knowledge of polies problems and pr*s familiarity '`with ...current ' developments in 'the field of polite administration; ability to exercise good judgmont in matters pertaining to the personnel of the dt artment: �' POLIO, fi'i_, PTAIN 'Stat s:. Under the direction of the police shief to '.ass 's in the ` aim tratisn of the police department during ari assi nei pers d;— �zam�le ; (1) Insreet and supervise the property, b and personnel of the p ®lies ,department ; - aA (2; ' Dire at the, work and discipline of members of the, police feree; Make assignmonts, and follow up and review the work of all subordinate officers; 4� Assure proper reporting; 5 ki", all nec!eseary° inspQati ?ns; 6 . Yse retards and make reports to the p polies 4shisf; Be in complete charge in the abssnss of ths, polls chief. ,114gt en Rsquirements; Five years of ;colic* experionee in he age or Prior Lake. W1 M A; high; degres of sac " aAd general n o ,oenee;, ,no a ;, mental and physical fitness; fundamental knowledge °ef polio* ssiense, problems methods knowledge and, adildnistration; of modern techniques of criminal investiraticna and identification; knewlsdgs of principles of ` traffic ssntrol; ability to lead and have the' reepsst of fellow officers; good character, tact; ability t• treat the ublie with e*urtesy and when the esoasion demands,'with firmness skill in planning'PA& shocking on work; ability to delegate do ails to others. to supervise and control _their astiTities; ability► to maintain, cseperatige arrangements• with' the °heads of the other divisions; ability to issue intelligible directions an orders aad assure # 4 their execution'; ability to apply good, Jud ement and j' cast sal sense to the work of his division. ?resent Salary Ran`*: ` .l ar.rt' u OLI83� EROJC j tea. S tatement of D ' Under the direction of the valise captain to i t supervi th e work of patrolmen and be respoonsibls for Police work k., :.during an: ass ;period; is de detective work as assigned, z t x b MINUTES o of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota; including all accounts audited by said Council. s s ,period; to de detective work as assigned; to handle comAaints and calls at the desk. rty, y yxaxsles of work: r { (2) gee that patralmen are on duty and properly equipped; 2 Receive complaints from citizens of crimes committed or of lost or stolen property or of other matters requiring the attention of the palise; ('3) To despatch care and patrolmen to the scene of crime, accidents, or unusual accurenee reported; ( =4) Receive and transmit messages from and, to supervisory officers and vatrolmcn; 5 Assist in the maintenance of the poll** records system 6 Assists patrolmen whenever in need.pf help; 7 Answer adequately all, questions of patrolmen'soheerning polite performance and records; (8) Observo the. miner faults of patrolmen on duty and corret them by proper instruction; Qi ovidene• in court: M*o Q li tion Reo Three years of polies experience ' in th Vill age of Prior Lake. 96ia<liz• is •a..tb 1 tilss.-�, zgi.111s•., faecial and gcnaraln' e'� m� s`al ritness; complete ` knowledie of patrelmants work; up-to -date, familiarity with the latest developments in police seisnee; knowledge of modern methods of detest sn, identification ant. investigation; familiarity with traffic control prinsiplss; skill in th use of fire arms; ability to make intelligsn rep'arts; ability • t to meet the•public with courtesy, but when the s*sa,sion demands, with firmness; aptitude for leaders h 'respect of other members of the fare•, test, ability to understand and carry sut the complex dirostions both oral and written; complete familiarity with the law ordinaness, rules, and s rovulations affecting pi.Iice work I M c character seconded by Sohommer and upon a vote taken it was duly pa Notion was roads by Clemens is close the .Fire 'Ressu�e Unit .° m mind _at the Prior Lake State Dank and transfer the balance " " to the Fira 'Fund, seconded by -smith and upon a vote taken `it wee duly passed. "rptien w was malls` by Clemens to table the sign and billboard ordinanas, sseonded by /with a,nd upon a vote taken it was duly patdsed. ¢ ¢. t y ns t o grant a set -up .l is.ense t o ldotion Was mods b C1sme " " he T1!'11 Club #6208 for the period eoverin;; July 1 1970 through Juno 30th, 1971, secanded by Smith any upon a vets taken it was duly :sassed. Motion was made by 61 mend to grant the following On L Sale " ; ;3.2 Non intoxicating, Beer Lisensa for the, period o4ver nt July 1, 1970 through.June 30th, 1971; Gerald B. Xafermann.` Francis Snell, Willard Graves, Mac Schmoksl , 'VFW Past'-6208 ,< Prior, Lak Jays' Baseball Team kad John Broike HAuser- Qra.in.- wood Inn, seconded by SeboaMer and upon a vote taken it was duly passed.' ' I Illation was made by Dmith tot`'grant the following Off g = 3.2 Non Intoxicatin` Beer License for the period covering July 1, =19:74 t -reugh June 30th, 1971: 0erald `H.pformann, " " Francis Snell, Willard 4raves, John Norblom,- -Mao achmekel, VFW 'Club 6208, `9,1ter Brooks Fields- Brookovills Liquor,.stQrc, } I Inc; _ Harelrl L. Miller, rind Robert A. Du seco by Clemens and upon a vote taken ,it ''was dull 1*R#sed Scott Il ti' ` MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village; of Prior Lake in the County of and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Motion was made by iichammer t4 have Attorneyg g ������� ����� /ir resc�luti3n ez;resasin, sna�axe apbrecia.tir South west 88n t ary 8e�er District ,Board as a member n re�re861ting " A.. tho .- Village cif Prior Lake , seconder by by Smith and upon a, vote taken it was duly passed. Mot was made by 8e~hoanmsr to raise the hourly pay rite Of Bernlee,,Pavek from to 42.50 pew hour Offeetive June 1, 197 ©, ,42.25 seeonded by G 2nd upon a vote taken it was duly bassed. Tot ri :' ainat the 'motion was councilman Smith. A requeQt was made by Lake School District #719 and by tpltftian► Boo>uaiotte to have a wator meter installed on water hydrants for the purpeee of `using for metering for watorinl; grass. 119t on were raado by Smith to grant their request, .sssonded byr Sahsmmsr and upon: a 'v*tq taken it was July Passed. Motion Nas male by Smith to autheriso *hangs order �l in regarais to street projest 488 -3, for White 9onstrustion to run piper to ; ][irhway #13, seceonasd br r 0lemens and upon a vote taken it �►>?s duly �iasoed.' Motion ARe made, by. Orcith, to ohang 'the; holding time at the d±rg pound from '4 �la�ys to 5 days, sesa►nded by Saahoaasmarr aril upon. a vats taken it was duly .Passed. lotion - wage mate by Sahommer,t Seconded by Smith to Pays all bills. d1CLtZRSIc . FUND.t. 01a Ones >iehmldt Plbg in"n: fees 56.00 ' !ti►lZ Qi1 50. Gas, eta. 133..91 smithy` 8a ale Traotor repair 39.8.8 � Go iw►er It 9 s. signs �erYtas. 6..75 k . `� La Johnson, Labor 18.5 Yi11ex..,Davii 19uppli0s lutottg, Ph ete Polies sup lass 7.12 Yottiela 9eara*nioations. Yaintsnanse ' 5. SUIS? rti as Rtat enatry s�upvl is s 180. ofrl t� Laver Onse Lattery ]Dallas Duty Toes Yuelken rolioe Wise ;. 2 rf fi Larry Ailkii.` „ rel es. d��ty 13315 . >M get Rarrie Oral tests, 13.05 " Tom; 5111fars -, hlioe "'duty "; ` X130. i10. 1969.46 Wolf Motor 06 Psl ISO oar lalise tar repair 11.8!5 gerviiq Dept. Pollee ' tests C161.49 4 16 1*4ifee 90. Sao Oil ot 45.74 L&L Edws Uwe 41;1spl es Daress. U ion '6 ` Gas oil eta 93.41 145.61 _ Jordan Independent :. Supplteal 24.95' 05 YeAllister Dog psuind toes .00 Geurt IIquee sopies of maps 5:0© 35x.78 NSp strerst' lite f fisett Riee Telephsne Telorpone 31.0 ft` f Marl Killitua holise' duty r 83.34 . ?wr�a dut Ran Lattery 285.70 r NY Aen Lat;.tery 285.70 tail Killian " ' 0 83.34 Si at* Treasurer ?ERA 101.50 Pr �er Lake State Dank , Fed. Withh lding 64-60 t ind;se >Brauer d Assee' i - att Eagle Creek Annex. 544.18 Aummor Reereation Pr.7zcaam Reareatisn 500.00 Data Yeihak 6alary Polls* 234. 55 f5 5854.8 p OA K*!.. .. +a_w . ._ ,,. +;..#...nn s> -...T ., ♦e _, r .. ., .. _ _ J MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and g 9 State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. WATER <FUND : s Ndrthern States Power,go. Pumps, etc. $102.54 Lyon QhemL -cal, go Chemicals 17.78 `'avies Water go. Meters 971.52. Zlmor Duese Salary 221.97 - DZmer. IIuase n 221.97 Bernies Pavek Salary 68.86 State Treasurer PERA 58.59 Prior Lake State Bank Fed. Withholding 85.70 dhoulter, Nelson; Sullivan Attorney serviees 568.75 Lindsey; Brauer ASSOC. Engineering, services 593.32 , Bernice Pavok Salary 56.74 Elmer Busse Overtime 63.89: , Simanes Plumbing awai FIRE FU01 - - r Ssott Rise Telephone Go. Teloaphone ;57.65 L&L IItwe Misc. 22.53 Yslintoer Firemen* Benefit Assn Insuranss 4B.i30 foyer -and Akins - supplies • Dates Union 76 4as oil etc. 22. ST Natl lrotestion Anson. SuFr lies` 17.00' ,Fire Motorola lommunisatiane Reesus Unit Raai7 28`49.06 Xi" Natl Etas Etas 73.31 NaT Elea 2 wc�ncR acr�ns ' Nsrthsrn, states 'Power so. rumps, *to. $100.41 II a uor. eni Rsei Sewir Main Install 1992.21 Ray Jehnsoa Mileage - school 35.00 " Valle"y Engineering 'Sewer prejest Znar 294.00 Ray J.hii`esa Salary 251.00 Jon nson Salary 251.00 �wreAOe. Mennen.s Sewer dameges 6.Q0� State "Treasurer PERA 115.20: xrior Lake State Bank lateral withhslting 53.22 SanYsr Life Insuranee is. IneuTanse 130.53 . Rayaex►d Johnsen Overtim0 54.10 aim•nes< SesrQr hoopYu� larlsen `Tra<otor• Parts , e=rr DOLDINa :FU G - Mihers �'arweg supplies ., Ralph S>rith labor 36,.,�76 Standard Oil Go., Fuel oil` 676 121..0— ". Prior 'Like - at at* bank Denis & Interest $850.00 f STREET. IILPROVNT_ FUND 0F 13 American Gast Iron So. Soarer pips: Linisoy Brauer & Associates Engineering aervi ee 2469.76 VMite Qanstruction Rio. 9teramSewer , antrast. .1a No further busineses the meeting was adj©urneg., 17.7f. Gentz, $lurk