HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 13 1970 r MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, "including all accounts audited by said Council. f .;` July 13 1970 r The Common' Council of the Villa; e of mricr Lake m in ; { regular session in the office of the Villqo, Clerk Y2nday evening; July 13th, 1970 at 8 P .M. Mayor Stock aalled the meeting to order. Ra11 call, present were Mayor Stock, � Clerk Gentz, Caunelmen Smith, Clemens and Schammez � • Gopies of all: previous minutes for the past month were given 3 to each member of the council several days previous to this meetinC. Mr.ti.n was made by Schommer, seconded; by Smith- to =prove the minutes. x, Ron Lattery sug the- eouneil` consider passing- an ordinanse prohiyitin, unnecessary acceleration of a motor vehicle in the Village of Prior Lake. The council than.~ ^quested the Village attorney to draw up such an ordinance for the next regular council meeting for consideration - and paessege. Motion was -made by Schemmer to authorize Bob Beaudette to install meters in the homes in the Stepka Nigh View .Addition and after such inatp.11ation is made this ;plumbing inipestor is to make inspection approval, ,and seesnated by Smith and upon a vote taken it was duly pascet. Motion was made by Sehommer to aasapt A RESOLUTIOId A CZRTAIN BUILDING LOGATED ON LOT 23, BLOCK 3, SATES ADDITION, P RIOR LAKE,'' 8110TT' QOUNTY, MINVIESOTA, ' TO Bt RAZZD AND REMOVED AND ''THE PREMISES PLACED IN A SAFE AND - 'SANITARY CONDITION.` 1'IUREAS, Mary R. Stone is the fee owner of reeeord of a certain structure located an the following described property: Lot 23, block 3, Sates Addition, Village of Lake, 'Scott Jaunty, s Prior Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on f ilo and of resort in the office ; of the Register of Deeds' of Scott Bounty, Minnesota; SAS, the founcil of the Village of Prior Lake finds the above described promisee and structure to be in= adequate maintained. an to be in R state of disrcnair , whisk - constitutes an unsanitary and unsafe condition sand a fire ' hazard and a hazard to the public safety and health „of the: peofle of the Village of Prior Lake; NOW THEREFORE IT IS HERBY RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of 'tri'-a Lake • that Mary R. Stone be, and hereby is,' ordered to raze `an.d remove the structure located on the above described promises hind °,to }lase the said premises in a safe, sanitary condition to it will ne. longer constitute a fire ha,za,rd acid ' a hazard to publie �hsalth and safety of the residents of , said community ” on ar before the 13th -dq;y of September 1970. IT' IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that` an Order, a copy of which is attached hereto be served in the manner` pr*Vid@Jr for under 'Minnesota, Statutes` 463.17 be served upon the fee owner, Mary R. Stone, assentsd by gentz and upon a. veto taken it was duly'rassed., D.G. Farnum was present regarding the sewer orainance violation for the exviration of time July 1, 1970 to connect to same.- Mr. Farnum requested an extension of 53 days to connect to the sewer system. Motion was male by Smith is e;atend the time to a t including October 13th, 1970 to ' sannect to the sewer system, seconeted by,@lemons and upon a v�3e caken it was duly passed. 1.10tiun was made by Smith to appoint the following as judges at the Primary Election September 15th Albert,Hergett, ;. Sr., Margaret Suel, Alice Mueiler', Mary Lannon and flare Muelken and Julie Stock as an alternate, seiended*by Ge'ntz .. F and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. Matio'n xae roads by 8_m th to set the polling haute at the F Primary Election September 13 *h, 1970 frim 7 A.M. �to 8 P.M. seconded by Sehommer and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. j �F x �3. MINUTES Proceedings of the of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott , and State of �Ainnrsota, including all accounts audited by said Council. p Motion was made by 5chommer to inform 1?exlin Redetzke that his water bill must be paid in full in 90 days from this date or his � water service will be discontinued. Inform by letter and verbally, seconded by Smith and upon a vote taken it was duly � passed. John Schmitz resi&,°ned as, "a water meter reader effective after z the July reading. Motion was made by Smith to appoint Richard " C'Atee As water meter reader with paTment fees to be the same as previous reader, seconded by Schommer and upon a vote , token it was duly p ?.sled.: . The Council reauested iabert i1cAllister, Village Dka3 Y Catcher, is 1a { ' be inf ©rmCd that all dogs picked tap in 'the ,;Villag*'! is to be listed � on the Village verif ication` vouchers, anO. the owner of same ,io to listed can the voucher whenever possible � ;. 4 _ Motion was made by Smith to Adopt Ordinance No-.70-9 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 54-12 Section 1.; An Ordinance rCgula,ting the i municipal water system as it relates to all existing property both eommerisal and requiring instaliation of water meteres and providin'; for a penalty" for the violation of any tithe_- provis, {ens herein } contained. The Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake, Minnesota., aloes hereby Ordain, as follows: SECTICIN I. AAny person, firm or corpora desiring to ` connect or, to continuo using the Municipal Water System shall be required to make � 'application in writing to the Village Clerk far said w81ter ser yi1,e. ` Included with said Application shall `be a payment for the soot of j the water 'meter.. The cost thereof shall be the actual cost inculed p, by the Village. This Ordinance -hall tRke effect anal be in force - fr"am anal after ;date of passag " and publication seconded by Glemeni and upon a vote taken it was duly passed. The 'fallowing, were presented and approved: Police Dept., Fire Department and Justice of the,Peaee. j Q ` Motion was made by Smith tacendod by glemens to pay all bills: t�1GNERAL jun :.Summer It" reat I om Program,. Recreation $900. Z&T1 Killian.. Police duty 83334 Dale Ueiha?c Police .salary 2'33.8:5 `naha Lattsoy " " 284.90 j •Istite Treasurer ? ERA 165.84 ' "Prior Lvko� State Dank Federal withholding taxv 96.0.0'` .., : ivereifitd" Irtsurancs Insurgnss 875.58 " . . Bob Jeaudstts Labor 12.00 Biller Dimis Supplies 9,4 Met©rola .Communications lalntennn�ee 5.54 Ls= Moore* Gras, Oil etc, 70.11 Prior Lake American Printing 16, 5o Andrews Rexa,ll Sup�aliea 47.29 Lod Muellsr La 00r 40.00 Bob sales Tractor Repair 3.25 Prior Lake Elec Siren repair 80.00 Xobils Radio En;, , Police oar 29.20 Ronald LatterY court time 13.56 Tom Billings Polies duty 130.00 Larry -► ilkio We as 133.25 Lawrence L`attery Poliea'euty - 159.25 Tom Muelken Police office work -23.75 Sarl Killian Car waihin fees 16.10 Montane Supply Supplies 7 ° Dr. Olaf Lukk Physical Exam ': 15.00 Kerr McGee Wks. Oil' et e. 12.61,.... Scott County 8hexriff Prsianer Doa1 37.Z✓ ` Robert McAllister DoL; catching fees ,113.00. ap Street kites i `v 359.83 'Robert 24oAllister Dag Oatching feet 84.G G v rarl Killian PO ;lice duty, 83.34 Ron Latteryr Police Cja,la,ry 284.60 Dale Meihak '133.85 ki Elmer Garvey Assessor Sa.lary 500.00 .. t- H .._ .a. . w. =s ` MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village' Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council:- - ` 4�2�, FtTND.. OOUTINUEDe, Qommissianer of .Ta.xa.tiOn. State with? old`in5 X75.00 Loud & Tereers Survey expense 14:85 Scott "Rice Telephone Telephone Minn. Natl Gas Gas e � � TAMR- FURD. «: n o tsstmanter Postage xlmsr Busse" • salary 321,.37 Denise `Pavek salary 5a. i4 F a:t "ste" Treasurer Prior Lake, State DanY` Fed. 17ithholdin�; 80.4 0snetruction Bulletin Water contrast 9.3F in Lyon 5hemisal Chemicals 17.78` q y' Prior" Lake Ma,shine Iipar �au�e 9.75 Northern st, .Aos Power Go: Pumps; etc Osumi so Hof ,Taxation . ;{ales Tax 52.4Q ` Ruben.,Rueller Meter reading 43.8!" Zlmsr Euass Salsiry 881.47 d*uftissisner .of Taxation Stets; withholding Qa.Bi e„ s 8t s Treasurer see. disc.. 880.05 <, Zlmor Euss4 'PaveY Overtime Bsrnise (salary V R '8miths ar. age Jeep. Repair .6liyer, andiAe Chemical 14.85 ' Nit? , n ■peril 22.23 lisott Aisa Tslelkene` : 1 3ie1elhsne i�.05 ° Nian. Nrktl Iles ` (lag 1} 0 i ` Rayneni Johnsen ital.arr49.'S! 0teta 'Treasurer . t> `lICRA , 'sd. it 95.24 #5.si© '' ° Prior Lake State 2anY lliith Dopes State Dept of Labsr �rxetnpt. sort: 4.0� k Sinkers Life Inauvanse Inituranse I � A0! Else. Pwmps, eto. 44.T+5�`" 6ft>niss nor of Taxation „ sUtw withholdi n ' t r tax S2.N Ra end Johnson Q�tsrt rae 81.81 Rnoni Johnson Qalarl 249.50 s, Jahn itshatits ' Meter reeding sx; 31 4.3 Awl MW " ^4 g � � o N�►hn� Wiiliia sweeper repair >�1Q1.8f1 Fi IL d Ralph itith Labor' #44.75 �tr h'4 10KROLLDA �EIdARTS 4or, 1863 rmD American Natlt Bank Bonds and interest #8174.82' F ' 4 0 Impa2m t"f raB 0:0, 1970 = i :a ° Lindsoy. Brauer };ineerin ° valley Zn9r. "; 338.00. y °Risggsr,Roadways, Ins, Contrast, 12056. "' gPhit 0onstruct ' �Ster'm •ewes 'p j 2 No further bzasinsso the meetibg; was aidJo �0ned A.