HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 14 1970ro MINUTES of the Count 9 Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the Coun of Scott and u , P State of Minnesota, including, all accounts audited by said Council ' Decembers 14, 1970- The Common Council of'the Village of Prior Lake met in reular session, in the office of the Village Clerk Monday evening ro December lath, 1971 a,t� 8:150 .m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Sto61p-roll Fall- present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentzn` tad. C n ; ym; n Smith, Clemens and Sehommer. « , Copies' of all previous minutes, for the vast month were given to e ach member of-the council .several days 'previous to this meeting. Motion was Made by Smith, seconded by Clemens to approve the minutes. The following apvlie4 =tions to sell eigarettea at retail were submitted for approvvl: Millers Feirway, Busse SUN er ill Market, Vn Post #02 Gems Superior 400, - Tom"s Mobt'1 dervice, Snell's Bar, Graves Gay Nineties, B&D Bar, Mae Ia Place, Andrews Rexall Drug, Viking,Liquor Store, Brooks- ville Liquors Inc., Brooksville Su-Aer Velu, Gallaghers "Inc.,, and the-Paul BU #yan Dair_v Store. Motion was made 'by Clemency to grant P. cigarette; liscnee to the above `to sell cigarettes at retail for the - period` covering January 1, 1971 through Desember 31st, 1971, seconded by Smith and u►on a'vote taken j it "was duly Pasted. `' t The. Prior Lake Police Commission advised the Polio's Federation < recommended the following for the Prior Lake Police Dept Police so_ordinsttors salary $825.00 por vonth, patrolman $775.' 00. per month and Part t ime em'ployeee $4.00 -der hour. They' exopoeed full time .embers of the d4vartmeni be granted ten Paid holidays 'per year and a flat rate of6.0. Per court apvearanee required by his employment, Miso funeral o c leave Provision`s and education aUbwanses as well 'as military reserve Provisions remain as in tire 1973 eontrect.` They 4100 recommended that the clothing allowance for full time members. . to $150,00 Per year. The Prior 4 ke n PolisQ Commizeion recommended the following: 1. An, lncroAss of 50.00 for both ,;patrolmen, D'ele Meihak to - $700 -0 and Ronald Lattery to 750.00. 2. No increase in wart time hourly rata" to be 3,25. 3. • An increa,so of two (2) days holiday Pay -to 8 days. �4 Uniform a.11•bwa,nce to be increased ° o, 0125.00 ver year for full time and no inrease. _ Tor .Part ti' oi 5. An increasQ of 10.'si6 PQr month for to .. irtg the records. $ 2 5 .04 at present to X35. 04 vrhi.d -h Is bawd ; ' o on 2.4 ,hours ver�F hth to eom'vlete the records. 6.: _- Any men who do not fulf =ill his regular eight hour shi #t,beeauee of G „ conflicting �s` rt time work , ah = aIl have it full, 8 hour say lose for that shiSt Motion was made by Smith to set the aalaKry of Police Leo ordi.nator 'Ronald •Lottery at,.:. 750.00 ver month: for they year 1971. seconded by Schommer and upon a: vote taken. it wash .duly passed. � Motion was pade by Schommer . to net the salary of Police Patrolman, Dale Meiha,k'at $701.00 - 4er month for the year 1971, seconded by Clemens ., and uwon a, vdti? taken". it.-was duly 1ia,esed. Motion was -made by Clemens to not the virt. time ;patrolmens hourly rata at $3.25 for the year 1971, seconded by Smith °'. 'end uppon a vote, taken it was duly assed Motion was made by Smith to grant the full time volice officers 8 Paid holidays for the year 1971 and that' the Meow 4. y ° holiday be taken off the same month in which the holiday o e u seconded by Clemens and upon a vote tekej� it was duly kgosed. n , p'W,.. _ ... .i....4 .� SEWER, ruip : , „State Treasurer PERA 87.0E1 ` Northern, States Porrer Elee � �!�;� 55 Braver & Associates Engineering eertri¢ea 6$8.48 Raymond Johnson Salary P..L. State Bank Fed. Withhdilding' 45.6p _ Bankers Life insuranee Insurance 186.98 1 ,. Rayiihond Johnson overtime 43.3.3 W .W. Gents a Salary_Clerk' 894.40 Raymond Johnson Sal °ry 348:56 2386.96 ° E4' �'��'V'iw*'88�1C /4`kfe$:.wkaA �gx:,'.`�17tl .c ? Yl� ,SN.EMe7.mNS;r�`".`v.�.0�.h e.r'FP }�5„'sr'�f�" +f.' '1' .4 y .�V'^�•' -xL � r r ' M MINUTES of the Proceedings of the' Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the - County of Scott and { { , State of Minnesota, including .all accounts audited .by said Council. , Geieral Fund Continued National Lea tie of Citie , , Suhscri *tion 2 2 5. 00 Gulf, 011 Con G , , 7 7.3.3 t >_ llorthern'i ° Street 1itee etc.. 3 3:9.17 k M Miller Davi itl S Su lies 8 8.6a I+�enee� Lattezy P Police duty Jim Jezietski Leon Cheney " " " 7 78.0 s E Ron ,Lattery C Court & ,Holiday -pay 4 44.08. E Killian- ;;" C Car wash fees 1 15,40 , commissi:'onex of Adm. P Pro -rate S od See. 2 2.44 L&h Rdwe 5 5tup lies 2 278.45 Earl Kill a P Pol oe duty 8 83.34 Ronald. Latter,y' S Sarp 2 28`2.54 Dale Me iha.k 2 253.90 Davea .Union 76'` G Gas oil etc: 1 158.37 i i ( S Scott Rice Telephone T Tel ePlione S Smi the Garage P Police ear rewire= 3 34.15 ROV R ,Allister D Doi,; p©und fees 7 71.9a " Hank Smith , x xQuiliza�tion r�eetin . . U. 5.01 1 11 Iry Clemens C Civil - Defense' eery. ' 'Sq.Os I I Earl. X1113 , n n - 511.d4� r -. B Bahne.eekr and Hcnnen E ExcavatiC t t3a kiQ , F Frio' Lske�B F Fed De � 1 147.21 Karl 'Kill' an P Police duty 8 83.34 Ron. Lattery, S Salary 2 282 SG DAle'.Yeihelr " " 2 2a .9�0, � � " r • •)Y Gents C Clt rks salary ` & &E► ?.0C , I 4 , B BtntQ Treasurer P PER 5 54.38 i Ii, a N Northern Sates Power P Pump a i ,etc.. �; ] Lyon Chem Cheiu C Cher-iiea "1s l � ]�rauer %►ieoa'iate,e � �n in0 e ril ng fees 6 6 s ° °Ilmor Due" S S42ery BernUe Pavek S Salary ' ; ;65:86 r ° ° Minn; Netl. Gee` go.: G Gae „ ' ' 13 ' g is, � � 1 ; A F.L. hitat Bank . . red. Deposit 9 97 4 a 1 Amer Eusse O Overtirie Bernise ?avek S Sale ry" 6 6fi;,,B a 3 Elmot Dueee S Sals�rp 2 218.37 Post off, it a P Poe i;a e - 4 48.00 I I Giener 1� a Fund T Transfer l l4fli.gi d$ TIM ruft Jordan Indeed>derit 8 8upeliee_Resue u 0 0 L &L 8dwe S Su p.iea 6.4ot Ri a a Telephone T Teleshone x x'/.65 r � �Minneeoto Natl Gas Q0.4 G Gas 6 6;x. 3 51eerq!,tary of State L License 1 1.25 Prior Lake Relief Fund P Pension i and 3 302,18 DelViit Busse F Fire'Marshal services . .,.100, 00- J n ` t 5 . 3 MINUTES. of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and r State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. f STREET FUND: j Tz J bnueiler' and ,$one Bituminous 141x J.L. Shiely Crushed rock 20.3n 5.89 ` t •�,r�ll °a,,��ond Johnson 3sIt Roller rentRl 3a, 00 " B'ohi�Rac�c and Hen -en $now ;louring 5 00 Q .G WILDING . Standard Oi1_Co. _Fuel 0118 ?.00�„ 5 Re ?h Smith. Labor #139 7b „ a ytm'F"1ICST SaN ITARY :..$$WER FUI� D U g : YEtropolitan. Saver, Board 6T mom ENT FUND OF 19791 �7 .: `BrauQi & AssOeiatss l 78 , q tr *ff1A a- n&?ROYzkkL4TS= OF 197 3 ,, D : FO — Brauar and AssoQiatea Tngineering a7" 4 too turther bus3neses :the maeti "nu wRS adi oulned. ' n W W. Gentz, Glark r r � s *J J y s s O r } 4 1 v , k _ J n ` t 5 . 3