HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 11 1971,MINUTES of the Proeeodinps of the Village Council of the Yillaoe of Prior lake in the County, of, Seoit ;aides Stop of Minnesoto, incuding,oll accounts audited bpi` said Council. January lith, lq:7i ` The CaA aas Gouneil of the Villa e if Prior Lvke m et in r41:ular aes�-ion in the office of t:;? Village Clerk Monday Qvcm inC January 11th, 1171 at 8 vm. , The meeting wee cy,ltod to ordor by Mayor Stock. Roll c.'a.11, orieacnt rr4tre o R)rar gtoixac, Clerk Gentz a. nd Couacil -men; 4ri4ith, Cl*mons;, Schommer and Busse. Absent. alone. Tewly elected Cou ashilme -n Busse end Clttmens and Clerk Gentz Were= swoan in by Ypq-or Stock. Copiei of 0.11 previous iinutea for the 'past month were given to each member of the council see *oral d ears previous to this meeting. Mayor 5toek requested'tha;t a dditton b made to the Mirutevx, thet Air. 'Kre,ss, of the Miunesota, Vallay i :. Folios Federation was 79reaent to ,ire sent his pro ►peel concern -. ' ias�y tsEle and benefits 'rqueted by the Federation. Mlation w{�s made by Smith, �eeondetd. by 5ehom er to R -appve the minutes. y � ldotion was made by Smith to accept the. ro�©aa.l by the Larson . Tunic Comeny, of ° Minnetonka, Minnesota, to r;urnieh e11 waterali and►erforn sIZK. labor nst«eeery to. 'flmelete the following: '� r To wa<+eh. out , €end inspect th i�iltage of lrior 'Lake , a - e r tank, to' c�l:orinate .tank after ulea>ninC soda. To ids - pest the fgll.o�- innk�:eaint; steal, rieer; valves; all rods- end footine and C ll the work :,to bd ooM�61et,ed in a substantial urd.`trark ens p_ like annsr for the sum of $125.40, seconded by Busse P.nd .� 46n' a vote 'tak n it was duly vgaeed . notion was made by Schommer- to give Earl Ifil.l'ian a clothes a� ellowex,�se of 4,100.0e, elQCOndad by Smit h an d wo a vote taken it T ** July pseseeti. ter.. f " JAI` o . .. < Thy tgxi Cobss�,on merle request' that the Ville&�eurche+it O Polise radii o to 'be oin stalled in Dale - ife ihPks #r i*Rto utowobiler at ti ±e soot. in the Vicinity Of $125 00 After a � : aol a tdissueliton-; the `item a tun eu over to, the` r l ee `ow�ision for furtrer at'idy dueto: insurance vurooees ets. ; a �s Ire RriSi w; i m*j 3 da . resommondgtJo n th0,t t2ie Pill "ale ursia sQ '"x i sskitie fbr° of 'tht+ Police reserve membere. ltid lo on w F ms 41 tzva Smith tbe�`Villago purchase �3 jacket's for the , 3 ream` in the Poliss. Reservo who�have worked suffisient hours to 10 e 'qualify for 4"0 4t ° o sort of A,Vr ozi, *atr 1�* of 44�t �►�t each aeonasd..b.y °ses':s�ncl uwon s �res+c ta�CQr� it was duly ry�seQCi, ` ,." . 'Gerald Rafermann Aeesue tinit Cha raaan was xr0Sent re ti e�tosk 1R 4 Ak ;• R sue n� to tc�. man the resciue unit.�agrticulaiil'y- durinC houriRl� Ham: ktef'sr enn re'fer'red t one reson�t Li When that's wage °riot one who ,,Yed4onde to a ° 1he'dey tize hours. After eorieiderable diasuss3o� "� safe by ;Busse , that the VillA};e expand the radius° ar ' fire &I-id rtssue unit men, ssa6nd*4: >n A vote: taken was duly ;gassed. Voti4' t otion,, Qouneilra n Smith. .etved for legal printinj; for the Village >r Lake Am�ari,ean end the. Shakosee.'Valkey News y lnt' eal and were as fo'? lowet: Offisial vroeeed... i' er,folio nr, **I 0e '--- f' } i •` IWNUTES of the Proceeding of the ViIIgp Coundl of`the Village of Frio' Lake is tM County of Scott' and w. State of Minnesota, including all accounts. audited by mid Coundi. ` Andrew Rex all. ru{ #up lies 1s. a Jord.ar. t' Y' Independen got or0.le Com uniC ti0zas police G'bra+.la.izt xe 24, 5i r �.. I E, MaintenQnes 2 .� Gulf Oil 0or rar tion Gea, 011, eta.. 19 �- Joe Huteh • MaPtorola rep wi t 1 +.3H < Kerr Motes Gas 5.21 Scott Aia+� Telephone Tele-shoritt ., Northern States poreri Co. Street lites Ronald J. Lattery SialerY 3G3.A_ t Dale: keihpk Kaxl Killian Police duty 83.34 Vt4te - Treasurer .RA 238.23 Bsnk044. Life Insurance Co. Insuranis 18G.98 lrior Lake State Bank ip0d. Ds t° 147.$6 'Obtimissioner of Taxation z arl; 3tU'te' W th'zolding I �Cillisn 1 talc k ` Police" duty lalNry 83.34 884.111 ' [ ^, R a1v ry 3AT>KR: FUNDS tp �, . oultier, Nelson and- Sullivan f Dtorthern States Poor Co. Lc�;al aery ee• ' +1859 fi4 B t Kia�as0ota Natural.0as So, �@hemsal lfumps etc, �h► 1�i1 tL�ron Oo. u�lmsr Dusti 6i sahs18'�'8 38,;.62 ro�et Sal ry �' °Y�alar7►BS 23?.98 MM + «' M ut Trsosur,er. PIM T i ot�te Bank � �► ntacl.` - Fed. withh6ldin6 dop 88.86 .._ .. �+srafss ionsi of Taxakti on 6ttets Treas�irtr Transfer stage Rithh ldinK 40i14.6Y 89:41 �i Soolal �QCUrity 217;38 `Buts Txe steers "r sialay. Y ,� 839.78 l� a. S1 a w sbRn ltsllsr 5:6� ;. otlSs.ari�= otTaxation: YotQr readiriK` $tats withbol,din� 45.66 x ' a my h� R �lt, ltiis , T :1sPhans'o.. Aoh rfi6� Te1e on* a .85 4- neS 11 i[t�Rtiesota, sat i , 410 Qas oil it* Gas oil stt Q6.;8°J ass t tin"or- al llnfst Kaui_ 46. Y ! Gas , 1'uePsr � 138.6613 � e� i slor Lnt ta Itsliaf 'Asps v u S 2 Yo re ins. hl32.57. ti �1 � i6. 6 5 4 A. a c ar #hOlt* .Sta'tss Poorer ©oW-1anys ehUges 6 ItAt ehargve etc. ' - Raymond Johnson Yetrbpolit an Board . AA t t Treasurer Sa Salary MA. 276 T4 • triorA;Laks St tg' a . nax►k. ia+t.ioner o! Tax+t'tion Federal Rithholdinj 94.01 4x.10 �k Raymond Johnson State tr thhold , Salr�r 58.78 Rsherd iletss . M oto r reading 4 8,40, tk ,. V Norbsr Bork Ak « 1 i Toilet t aeiliti+�a , o� o. I` "`c t )MMTES of PrOc"dkW of tim, Villqp Cmncl of the ViNd o f M Lake In A6 our c dy of Ocft of Mnnesof% WdudM9 cM :aWftd by *W Couna. X01um. Welding Tractor;.xep Bohnsaek and Henlien. rMUILDIrl. ruvw Relvh Smith, Ot 1 go. ruol Oil Z "Pri or Lkk e Librvxy ACroement X L046JOLIDA gi V American National Bank Bonds & IAtv,rest #11 ­ 03,?S, MURAL QLU*AT1QX,4U,j&"NQ, run, Ir i or LRk* giate &nk B, Int Prioi, Lake Stats�Bank Bonds vnft AmOrUIDA, Unk Bonds & inUrest 40, bue the Ameting "A WON 11A 1971 0 q0mrs'Ou Counci Of t1p Villaoe,�dof Prior Lakit vot ii, 012 ku �tkq off uiiy 1074i. Th ge Gleft �Xohday ',td�­ords _ e Ing" was' call 4d r & Tor Sto'ik, R'O'll., *All_ *.Or* Mayor $took 'Glem b, Qt '0 A n and: 44 as a n jfj'�,'sn, 'a Prio r L o lvo­ gommission Wks "Prf t e�i I i , 94 -a tory Ide o I -n a t, 11 1 , ag 4 motorarla, 'the 13#� son ax. I order ,t6 h ve radio Stalls �should, re th a4 tL o­ t o ,, t) Aoiial - ,p r e. ttery ures,'for R� ;ki ;!* wh)�`Oh Could �bo used, ixistead f t,hqi t , H1 5- 5 watt h';�,,nd t;KlkA# wi h, '6,7rar':'an 'jJ 4 wit dL a n unit�. chjtrj�er, hie jwrl** �qu*t pe, J�nit ed watt! $77 it.d'"eipblia it �vOa d404 iide'd viot s' A"' di Sh ChIld, b oll.,A �d* and also to ck on tk,r�bulii ianit A ), Over 1�.Uvon 0,�l "Jo ol the Prior Police �Jia.ka nt*d was y Wert seve avOro,"o. There'' ral; *heio ittan "go WAA1 re 'the I t OM Wa 1, t Oled� f dr; I drt, -r t tO u Y i -j �Orotk de, by-Spith V"Of Egult ''ye e Town'gti 4r bonded-' b I 4--voto t �akvn,,it y vasffed.��. -Y Rnd�,upq4, 'C' was. made b�r Smi,th to 0 is t the' f ii�� voA tract,-4f 'dred-tt "'River Township, f or �thi�'year 1971 jit $3 seconds(d Y, BuSis'a arid u Pon a v 0, 'to Iakg A A t wAs dul liot i. on i WOMP molds by'Amith. to re bont rac't "iet the ii o f Lp rinIX -ke To for, the ye or' 1-471 it, $ r at c Ondo by, illemen's and u,�jo a � V ol e ot a on * dt I I 4, yt— , d it�Jtr o� #iasrs L:t�tsr + anc! Yelkokt m Y + }ute�itei�a ware ' . i ° � oailrtdsa�!d` wbatarnin9 ;the' Prior, Laka lstil es' �° F J lldt iron was ` ds b ..r{ y sl�rth lrat thQ` wreaesnt bad i U d,� a of Ponies Chief wczn by Rone:d, Lattsry b.e chan,ed to trfor 1.sks PairAlmn seeoneled ° by hoMmsr. and tzlron a vote teken th* ollowing voted in �, aYOr mm 1°t a' 801d fshoer, agt�inet the " �+otion. Lam, i►oz`Ctosir` on�ilaiaa Eue af:. vote. acre`' illia �laL- 4rate1.:'PrOMMUd ►relimin ry bOunds `ss for i,J p continu tion a at I, i►t wt. fr Qount Aoaii 12 " "so>t►tse dsd wlor ro Y to Yxur, �Hi hws y 1:i `i nd him [ tion, , fras ]fP Val bg the`Pkior Lake r1Pnn1 ziaiasicn.. +, ad'r bye Hmf th t:o .i�Par`ove the,.. preliaanar`y. 'Doundr dries, `for:: mho ernatint3on Jc�t. 8th A7enue from 0ou:1t ,Roam 12 to. Trunk Hihery s saond d b y Hrieie innd Pon a, vote taken it was dul '1 y kased. �1ll,rnis laboiraidt.of °Y, et �howald B a dwa111 uilders made a a; ali G ti ,fo a conatzu ` Ad udielkted and Revised '-pla t pf LotieLltthron�nd ll., EZo�kl�� `thy, L rte= I t3�rou h 13 glock� �h 16; Elo�k 13, and j 11 Sri =or Like. 1� ' 1`5 of the 'Yi 11 pie of Prior ; Likt. The ot; lOt P annin Cpn iieiion )Wade„ r:ecomr andation that sk set ba,ek `" bs mgds on the east `boundry, grid a 4 set ba�Y xade . on the s west boundr 3lotion rose, reads by 8chontmer .th&t a varie�nce b granted. r Y ►Ikk#>< f oil 'Lot 'le az-Id 12, ° Hldeit 1'5 :of the Ad ud ¢r red and , _RerllasdF,lat�kof, Lot.e .1 through lka,87.oc 13��` >�loak S of Prior,' L kr, d �d Lots through 13, set brctk be,, 4�, s that "the et bet.back'be 01 .end the west aeeonded by; 8m'ith pnd V.? On a, vote taR'�er� it vree duly Ppa�+4�d. Ito further buainQaa the MOati°n;, trae ad�our ` W. 17. 0e7�t�, Clsrr I u i `wY of *00 P►oasdingpf fhe Village coundi of the ViNoge of Prior' Joke in =the Counter of Scoff and ' Sfafe o1 Minne:ofn inelu� , np oll accounts audited by toil Coundl. � The purchpainu of r`' ,�?31? e21on fan t, nd. �va� riia,euae�ed. Tie Vitt Rye At altar reoO ~Fended the V lla &e urwt�r s a 3,, 11011 s whereby p,11 o " de t r tae ua`i�d would b meter t ,eikeb� de;pgrtzma t and chprytd Aft �. A0eolwf:n ly. �ati�zzed,- d Cost of 0 1.0 to b kq , = roximately 35 Itt$p _ further rtudy. t � tpbled'to.r The Puz,c 2i sea J i2 Poatin� machine for doing crater bills -m r o �endea by`the" -VIIdt e Auditor . with the Coat for frog gy} . to e�a�ns to be Items tL,bled' for fur t r rtt dV. .. µTr• Notion t.w. fade by Smith that 'P Provisio. be added to the Village dog 'i thss p.Zreemont, tbat the of ,ue de, art e7�t be notified of eah.aik uP location ty►e of do and` • It Possible. th bill '',: onez sty a Of doh and owner listed, aoeoz dcld � vote Ponl�c��3cn b�,tHuea� e. taaen its du�.y oLsoed. Ta further busine.s� the rde.etin", was udjourn`d. ­ ' W. M. 0, nt Ths Co�u�on - Rouneil of the '_V1130 bf rrior -Like . gat. din ePse al session the office of thc� �VilI ale Clark Tueeda, Qth 1871,' at, d '�N Y evgning January r ; P• ?. The° �eetin way eallsd to ord iiy flav Ht or ock, Pressnt mere l Ivor Stock, ,Clerk, Gent? , .. amd, Cbuneil�stan - slsitl >1�t1 =11, Srrliotnmer land �uee�s,, ebeent s. a was Counallsaa tilad'uratY. 0 ®rat;iona?: P liaise of the Prior. LRke F�alieQ` D10 aartittnt Prik ntsd it u+kry -iSth, r1,971'.Meetin wv.e O�ueeed` e:nd.:ar oved, ,�' -''li ■trnttisire. th6 Prior Lakt °Po11' yt— , d it�Jtr o� #iasrs L:t�tsr + anc! Yelkokt m Y + }ute�itei�a ware ' . i ° � oailrtdsa�!d` wbatarnin9 ;the' Prior, Laka lstil es' �° F J lldt iron was ` ds b ..r{ y sl�rth lrat thQ` wreaesnt bad i U d,� a of Ponies Chief wczn by Rone:d, Lattsry b.e chan,ed to trfor 1.sks PairAlmn seeoneled ° by hoMmsr. and tzlron a vote teken th* ollowing voted in �, aYOr mm 1°t a' 801d fshoer, agt�inet the " �+otion. Lam, i►oz`Ctosir` on�ilaiaa Eue af:. vote. acre`' illia �laL- 4rate1.:'PrOMMUd ►relimin ry bOunds `ss for i,J p continu tion a at I, i►t wt. fr Qount Aoaii 12 " "so>t►tse dsd wlor ro Y to Yxur, �Hi hws y 1:i `i nd him [ tion, , fras ]fP Val bg the`Pkior Lake r1Pnn1 ziaiasicn.. +, ad'r bye Hmf th t:o .i�Par`ove the,.. preliaanar`y. 'Doundr dries, `for:: mho ernatint3on Jc�t. 8th A7enue from 0ou:1t ,Roam 12 to. Trunk Hihery s saond d b y Hrieie innd Pon a, vote taken it was dul '1 y kased. �1ll,rnis laboiraidt.of °Y, et �howald B a dwa111 uilders made a a; ali G ti ,fo a conatzu ` Ad udielkted and Revised '-pla t pf LotieLltthron�nd ll., EZo�kl�� `thy, L rte= I t3�rou h 13 glock� �h 16; Elo�k 13, and j 11 Sri =or Like. 1� ' 1`5 of the 'Yi 11 pie of Prior ; Likt. The ot; lOt P annin Cpn iieiion )Wade„ r:ecomr andation that sk set ba,ek `" bs mgds on the east `boundry, grid a 4 set ba�Y xade . on the s west boundr 3lotion rose, reads by 8chontmer .th&t a varie�nce b granted. r Y ►Ikk#>< f oil 'Lot 'le az-Id 12, ° Hldeit 1'5 :of the Ad ud ¢r red and , _RerllasdF,lat�kof, Lot.e .1 through lka,87.oc 13��` >�loak S of Prior,' L kr, d �d Lots through 13, set brctk be,, 4�, s that "the et bet.back'be 01 .end the west aeeonded by; 8m'ith pnd V.? On a, vote taR'�er� it vree duly Ppa�+4�d. Ito further buainQaa the MOati°n;, trae ad�our ` W. 17. 0e7�t�, Clsrr I u i