HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 08 1971` MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
March 8th:, 1971'
;. The, ,Common Council of 469 Village of Prior Lake met in regular session in the office of
the Village Clerk, Monday evening, March- 8th,, 1971, at 8:00 P.M. The meeting was,
called to order by Mayor;Sfock. Roll �"alh Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz,
and Councilmen Smith, Clemens, Schommer and 'Busse. Absent: None.
The following bid was opened for the purchase of one 2;000 gallon gas storage tank and
one metered pump installed: Standard Oil Co. for $1,7W.00 or less (leu electrical
hookup) .
The following'bid was opened for supplying the Moline requirements for the Village of
} Prior Lake •fbuthe preriad March 1, 1971.thr6ugh,# bruary., 29, 1972: Standard Oil Co. -
the delivered price to be American Super Premium Gasoline -19.34 per' lion (30,000
gallon volume)'; ,American Regular Gasoline at 16.3 (20,000 gallon` volume),. ,The
" prices quoted exclude al) applicable State, Federal and Local Taxes. Delivery by tank -
waspA from the SV� dard Oil, Bulk Station, located In Prior Lake, Minnesota and the
seller not to be ol; rgated to se or deliver in excess of 60,000 galloons of American
,Super Premium Gasoline, 40,000 gallons { of - Amerjenn Regular Gasoline for the period
of that bid. Terms: not.- 15th. Proximo.,, r
Motion was made by Smith to accept,i , z , b +� <of, Standard Olt Co. to supply the gasoline
requirements of the Y llagw i%r period l� arch 1, , 1971 through February 29, 1972 for
19.3 per gallon for American'SaW Premluan Gasoline and 16.* Per gallon for American
Regular, Gasoline excluding al l applicable State, F;ridoral and Local Taxes; •Seconded by
Buse •and upon a vote taken, it was duly
Motion was made by Schommer to accept the bid of Standard 0 IU Co. to furnish and
Install 2,000 gallon gas storage tt�aarNc ands one motored pump for $1,200:00 or less aE
doss electrical hookup), seconded by :S.tock'and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Copies-,of all previous minute ,for the: past month were given to each niember`of the
council etnraC da,01previous to. the. meeting. Motionwas.mode byEleme , seconded
bx Schomner to approve the minutow.
y Motion. was made,,by Schommer to approve payment of o1l bit l: approved by the Finance.
Committee, Seconded r by. Clnnens,- and upon a vote taken;! it.was°duly passed.
Kermit Poppler of Poppler Construction was present and discussed what he regarded as a
4 lack of coo"nonicotion between him and the building inspector•.• After a short dts"iolc
' by,Iropectar.Millermnid Poppler; -it was•decided that there = was a 11 ight.mtsurderstanding
and the problem was resolved. .
Lawrena Sehwiech presented a petition as a property •owner; owning property abutting.
Ninth A.vonue, to request the Vil loge of Prior Lake to extend sanitary sewer and water
mai i dlong Ninth Avenue abutting his property. Fie was advi:•d'thatn.publlc hearing A '
on improvements will be held Monday April (9th 1971 at 7:30 P.M TO consider
the construction zf, Saaitaryt Sewer and Watermain Extensiam and, $sestet Improvements
on Ninth Ave. *an State Highway 13 to Section T 114, R 22 .East and in S 0lon .;
1, T -114, it 22 to "a connection with State Highway l3 in Section 36; T 115, R -22.
o e
_ 4
M. ofion was made by v Clemens 4o purchase °one Aorotron 64TL,4 watt portable radio,
fnclude:2 ; frequency transmitter and receiver for $690.00to be_.used•by'the Prior_Lake
Pali Depart., seconded by Smith and "upon`a vote taken; Wwas'duly pass el.
Motion' was made by Busse to adopt Ordinance No. 71 -2, an.Ordinance amk nq
Ordinance No. 64 -13 entitled Prior Lake Zoning Ordinance Section L That Section
t • 5.2 of sold.Ordlr once No!. 44-13 is hereby amended by , rezoning the fellowI , 9 described
Property from "R -1 Low Dera tyResidential" to "R -2 Medium Density Rststden sal ": Parcel
A - All that part of the Northwest Quarter (NW I/4) of the Southeast Quarter (S. E. I/4)
�ti�Z1'ion 36, Township 115,'Range 22, described ,as follows: CoMmeaaing. at the South
„ west corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW '1/4), thenci Nor'th along the West - 1 ine
thereof a distance of 174:0 feet, to the point ofbeghinl ritheace East at rlglit angler
p a distance of 20.0 feet; thence: Easterly 010 a tangentali curve to 'the left tentrad'
angli of 22 degrees °area mir>utis, a radius of 30.0 feet, '
trt n (over)
. - t.
' MINUTES of the Proceedings rtf the Village Council of the, Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
Stag of Minnesota, including',all accounts - audited by said Council.
an arc distance of 119.03 feet; thence North 17 degrees 56 minutes 45 seconds West a distance
;# of 149.71 feet; thence West a distance of 90.0 feet to said West line of the Northwest. ,
Quarter (NW I/4); thence South along said West „line to the point of beginning.
Parcel 8 - All that part of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter
'.(SE I/4) Section 36, :Towruhip 115, Range: 22, described as follows: Commencing at the Ok
Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1 /4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) .'
thence North along the West line thereof a distance of, 339.0 feet ,. thence Eat at right
anglei c distance of 90.0 feet to the point of beginning; thence continuing East a distance. of 113.x.
feet; thence South 45 degrees no minutia East a distance of 75.75 feet; thence Southwesterly
along a curve concave to the North,. central angle of 28 degrees no minutes„ a radius of 310.0;
feet, an are distance of 151.49 flit to the intersection with a l ine which bean South 17 degree '5fi
t "minutes 45' seconds 'East from the point of beginning; thence North 17 degrees 56 minutes 45
second: West a distance of .149.71 feet to the point of beginning, second eel by Clemens
and upon a vote taken, it was duly`paned
ti Motion was made by Schmaer that Harold Israeison be given authority to proceed in supplying
tiro .Vii apv Council with a, eliminary report of sewer and water studios onNinth kii� nue, the
area of the Brooks-Al a Shopping Center,' to the new water tight and the Lawrence Schw4lch
property, seconded by Buse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
. I
'Clerk Gentz advised Plumbing Inspector, Clarence Schmidt, has reconsidered'' hi:
mlgnatton and 'now has decided he will continue to be the Plumbing' Inspector far the,
remainder of the 1971 season. -
'Mo"tion wa made by Busse.,,ta request Attorney Sullivan to draft a weed 'ordinance for the
Village of Prior Lake, seconded by Schommer and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed
Motion was mode hey Sc h / ?Tm r to appoint Elmer Garrey Anmor for the r 1971 at a salary
r y
t 91`4500.00 :s eon�ed b Clemens :and u a vote token it was dui L
•, Y Pon . Y p
f ' "€
Motion was made by Clemens to purchase_sa I%B 6adgr 11'2 ton Pick. -Up Truck firm Florian
Blumberg for $2300.00. with,, a dawn payment of :1300. 00, and the remainipg $1000.00 to be 1
paid July I, 1971, seconded by ws:, and upoma vote taken, It was duly paged.
Stow* Andrus,. President of the Prior Lake Jays, was present and ,p`resentW costs to do repair
and fbc-up of the Rrior Lake` Ballpark. He estimated a cost of $985.00, but advised the
Useball Association would' assume half the cost. Item was tabled.
Motien was masie :by`SMlth to odoptApriI 17th, through May Ist., 1971, a "Clean... -O f
'Week:” in tlw :Villa" of Prior lake, ?,eco;i*d by Busse and upon a vote taken, It *as
The following disbursement: were. paid•
g General Fuld
Mb 1 polls Star &,Tribune ` Ad for Policeman
$ 19.00
V': SMTfh- Eororroi Copy Machine. Paper 75.05
r D:=4: Mullen master'i� Co..> ' Office Book: 40.15
Andm I iluig Supplies 3.30
Clarence Schmidt Plmb.; Permih 24.00
>. City of.Shokopee Change of Venue Charge 10.00
Seat1 -ftce Telephone Telephone 24.00
Scott -Ri a Telephone Telephone 29.50.
art, W Co. I Pollee Car Rupain _ 123.25
`Prier. Loin American. L•egais 303.00
� Mobile ltodto'Englneers Police. Car Sinn repair 14.70
Scott County Sheriffs Ofo. Prisoner
'Board 10.00
Ansel Doll Curfew Siren' 7.50
y Y
`Superior 400. Recreation 9.89
Mtller Davh` Co. Offlce Supplies 7.63'
Motorola Communications Contract 5.50
N.S *P. Electricity 356.43 '
Gulf Oil Co. " Gas, O i, Etc '
Kerr- NLet3ee Ga, Ot , Etx. 108.42
MINUTES of the Proceeding of the Villa
aga Council
of t he Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including oil accounts audited by said Council.
O R Mud ler & Sons..
Gulf Oil CO.- , t : ,L
Gat, 011, Etc.
doik+taek & Hennen:
Snow Plowing �
L iS, L Hordware
Suppl t
Kerr -McGee
Gat, 011, Etc:
Pork Fund'
0 3 4
Norbert tlorlta
Balance Comtruction
Sewer Fund
W*W Fund
t � 700 r 0 � 0
Shoot, 'ittorovwndntt of 1970
rt `
f j , y ��,
Ralph Swtfh .
..Janitor Wages
:4� 00
° i`
i a'c
• ;„
Sewer �►l:l~rt Fund ,
ramdir -close account
.,p. y +l F
y k
R� ■..N YYi •�ttn�
wwad .
W.W. Gent:,"
..+_ac...... .. ._..r"�t�i- ., .y.uYYS#. v.wt .k'.aibu .r
r. a•iA„«+. . .K.i.wae_,. ............. _ _.. ,,_.....,