HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 10 1971MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited, by said Council. May 10, 1471 The; Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in regular session in the office of the Village Clerk, Monday evening, May 10th., 1471, at 7 :30 P.M. Mayor Stock called the meeting to order. Roll Call: Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz, and Councilmen Schommer, Clemens, 'and Busse ...' Absent was Councilman Smith. Bids were opened for construction of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, and Sheet Project IF71 1'(Section 1). The approximate, quantities of major items of'the project were 600 i.f. of 8" Y.C.P.'`Sewer, '600 I.f. of .8" C.I.P. Watermain and '2 Hydrants and other appurtenances. The following bids were opened and tabulated: R.W. Moore Co. $16,678.00 R . Krwitson Co. $13,964.00 White Construction $12 Motion was made by Schommer to accept the low bid of White Construction Co. for =12,9U.80 for Improvement 0 71 1 -1, upon the approval of the Pillage Engineer, seconded by Clemens,, upon a vote taken itwai duly passed. Motlon.was made by Clemens that John Brooks Hauser, Scottland Inc., pay for sold improvement and said funds, disbursed for this project, will be reimbursed to Scotslond, Inc. and pa on the assessment rolls when the bond issued is passed for Ninth Avenue, seconded by Busse aid upon a vote taken, it was duly posted. Copies of all previous minutes for the past month were given to each member of the council several day: previous to the meeting. 'Motion was made by Busse,'"C by,Chrnewfo approve the minutes. Motion was made ;by Schommer to approve- payment of all bills approved by the Finance A " Coninilttee, seconded by Clemons and upon a vote taken, It was.duly powd. J:rt1 F14firmon,, speaking In behalf of all ,the On Sale'; Liquor Establishments, said the 4 00 Babe, 1h *14 Ondale Liquor licenso4gr the 1971 -72 year Is unjust and Is.cne of the higher l0nsp incScott County. He'reque:fed tbe. council considering leaving fhe.lta0nie feo the some ass in the 'past year. No action was taken. The fallowbV Off-Sale liquor License: Applications were presenled .for the approval of the counolltfor period. covering : duly 1, 1971 through June 30th,, 1472: Ggralsl E• Hafenoan Motion was made by Councilmat�Glernreru to prant.Gerald E !fir. Mahn M- 4n;Off -Sale Liquor License for-the period a& y o 1 1971 °through June 30th.., 1911 seconded by Councilman Buse and upon a vote taken, It was a ed unanbnously. Francis Sneht Motion was made b Councilman Clemens to y � grant Francis Snell an ' Off -Sale Liquor License for, period covering July 1 1471, through June 30th., 1472, so condod by Counciiman Schommer and upon a token, it was approved unanimously. ; Willard4m_amn Motion was made by Councilman Clemens to grant Willard Graves an : :Off -Sole. Liquorticense for the period covering July .1,.1971,` through,June 30th.,: 1972,; seconded by Counellman.Busse and upon a vote, taken, it was approved. unanimously. � 6 , John NorblamiN DBA Viking Liqua�3aan Q :Sale' LI �� re air, �{conse for the period covering: Julys 1, _1971, .trough June 30th:.., °(9'72, seconded by Councilman duos and a upon" ,'vote, taken „tit was approved unanimously John brooks Haulers DBA Brooksville Liquor Store, Inc. Motion.*= made by Council- maqlusie to:grantJohn Brooks Hauser, DSA 1tval iville Liquor $fora; Inc.:an Off -Sale Lkpor=Licenio covering. " .July ,l, 1971, through June 30th., 1972, seconded by Councilman Clemens and upon a Vote taken, the following voted n favor thereof: Councilmen Clerhens Busse ,and Mayot'Stock. Voting against was Councilman Schommer. The motion passed. i MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Pillage Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scoff'. and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. ; The following On -Sale Liquor License Applications were presented for approval for the period covering July 1, 1971, through June 30th., 1972: Gerald E. Haferman: Motion was made by Councilman Clemens to grant Gerald E.` Haferman an On Sale Liquor License for the period covering July -1, I, 971 through June 30th.; 1972, seconded by Councilman Schommer and upon a vote taken, it was approved unanimously, Francis Snell: Motion was made by Councilmtin Clemens to grant Francis. Snell ao"On Sale Liquor License for the period' coves trig July I, 1971, June 30th., 1972, seconded by ; through Mayor Stock and upon a vote taken, it was approved unanimously. Willard Graves: Motion was made by Councilman Giemens to grant Willard Graves an On -Sale Liquor License for the "through period covering July 1, 1971, June 30th., 1972, seconde by Councilman Schornmer and upon a -vote taken, It was approved unanimously., ' Friar of Prior, Inc.: Motion was made by Councilman Clemens to grant the Friar of Prior, Inc. a DdA�Anchor Inn .an On-Sale Liquor License for: the q period "covering July 1, 1971, through June 30th., 1972, seconded by Mayor Stock and up►'h a vote taken, the following lowing voted in favor thereof:' Mayor Stock, and Councilmen and duce. Votlri'j against was Councilman Schammer. The motion passed. , John Brooks - Houser, President of Scottlanr.?j Inc. i 'presented a petition for annexation ` ` of approximately 30 acres of property adjoining Biwokville Censer and also adjoining the West VII loge Limits of Prior Lace, to the Village of Prior Lake is described c follows: That part of the West 1/2 of the Southeast I/4-of Section 2, Township 114, Range 22, Scott` Scounty, Minnesota described as follows P 2el4irining at the Southwest caner of said South- east 1/4 of Section 2; thence Easterly along tip Sc+i,th line of said Southeast l/4 to the South - ' ",. eat corner of the West 1/2 of said Southeast 1 /4i fhenee Northerly, along the East line of said West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 a distance of 177; l3 feet; thence We:hrly at a right , angle. fioml sold' East 11ne a distance of 1324 feet, more or less, to the West I Ine of said- . Southeast 1/4 of Section 2; , thence Southerly along sold West line of "the Southeast 1/4 to the point of beginning, EXCEPT that port of the West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of sold Section 2 described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of said West 1/2 of the South= east 1/4 ; 'thence Easterly along the South line thereof a distance of 750.39 feet to the point of of thrporcei of ;,I nd to be described; thence Northerly at right angles to said' _ South (lne "a All of 410 feet; thence Eaitorly parallel with said South line a distance of 90 feet; more or less,: to the East l ine of X00 West 1/2 of tM Sou thearst I/4 of Section 2; tlwnce..Southsrly along.said East line a dlitsnce of 410 feet, more or leu, to the Southeast carnet of said West 1/1 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 2; thence Westerly along sold Saute# line. "of the West 1/2 of the - Southeast- )/4 o distance of 570 feet,, more or lea, to the point of beginning. Subject to an easement over' thy, Northerly 30 feet thereof for roadways and future street;. and That-port-6f the Southwwst 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of said Sect(on 2 lying Southerly of the Southerly right- *f`-"y line of State Tank Highway No. 13 and 1y ng Easterly of the following described- _line: 'Beginning at a point on the SoujiF. '11ne of -said SL utheaa 1/4 of the Southwest I/4 distant 414.:6 feet West of A*,Southeast corner =of sold Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4; • " 46nee North a distance "of 300 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of JOANNA STEPKA!S 4TH ADDITION; "thence North and Northwesterly along the fast and Northeasterly lino ofstad JO -ANNA STEKA ISL 47H : ADD ITION to.tltrSoutherly_ right-of -way of State " Trunk 'Highway No. 13 and ;there '" °•,. i EXCEPT that part of said Southeast i/4 of the Southwest 1/4 described as follows: Commencing at the rnost Northeasterly comer of JO -,ANNA STEPKA'S 4TH ADD TIaNj thence South 16 58"' East along the Northeasterly line thereof, adiotance of 266.87 feet; thence North 65° 21! A I0 ":Eosf het to the ac�ual po'in• of beginning; thence North 16 58 '50" West a distance of 292 feet, more or (ems, to` the _.southeasterly right- of-way line of TrunkMi ghway "Nol. 13; thence Northeasterly along sold right- of-way 116e to the Eaa line of the Southwest `I/4 of said Section 2; thence South along aid East line a distance of 319.24 feet; thence South &V 21' l0" Weal, a.distance of 380.15 het to the point of F beginning. t. MINUTES of the Proceeding: of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Motion was made by Clemens to, accept-the petition for annexation of approximately 30 acres into the Village of Prior Lake by, Scottland Inc., seconded by Busse and�upon "`�• ovate taken, it was duly passed. Norbert dorka presented a petition TVr annexation of the following described property to t6 Village of Prior Lake: The South 200 feet of the following described tract: That part of the West 1/2 of the Southeast i/4 of Section 2, Township 114, Range 22 Scott County.. Commencing at a point on.the east Ilne of side West 1/1 of isle South - east 1/4 distant 977.13 feet North of the - Southeast corner thence West at right angles fivm side East "line for 700:0 feet.to'the actual-point of beginning of the to be described: Thence continuing west on the last 'described course for 150.0 feet.. Thence North at right angles and .parallel - with the side East line West 1 /2•of the Southeast 1/4 for, 587.30 feet to the Southeasterly right-of-way of Highway No. 13;, Thence, Northeasterly along said right-of-way to an Intersection with a line drown North from the,actual pbint of beginning and parallel with the Enid East line of the West 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 - thence South along sold line for 697.87 feet to the actual point of beginning.. .' MotioWwos by Busse to accept the petition for annexation of the Norbert darks propetty, seconded by Clemens and upon;.a vote taken, irwas duly paned. Lawre ce Schweich• presented a petition .for annexation of the followirg described a property:• All that part of the East•one/half of the'Southeast quarter of Seetton 2, Township 114,, Range 22, lying Southerly of the following alescribed 11nei Commencing J f at the Northeast corner of said East 1/2 of the Southeast quarter; thence Sauth 1! (assumed bearing) along the East line thereof a distance of 464.42 feet to the point of beginning~of'sald Itnej' thence "South 87 degreei'23'm(rait6s West a'dtitdnce of 703.0•feet, thOnco'South $2'degries16 ' minutes Wesf'a *iltstance of 62� feet more or IesE, to`the West line of said 1aitt' I/2 of the Southea tt quart s and thire t nninat ng. EXCEM that, part I 'trig within the Village of 'Prior Lake containing 40 acres more or lea. Harry S. Johnson, Land Surwyers, Inc:, on behalf of >Lowronce Schweich and RoiertMertens,-presented a preliminary plot of the Prtor•SouthaAciditian dated May l0th. 1971, 'for annexation, rezoning and approval. Mottoh*ft made' by riw Clens`td accept the petition a "mtiscat for ton of tM'eibove descr>bmf'proerty`'ie the' Village'of Pritir'Lake seaonded'by llusie'and upon a vote taker; 'it' was siu ly paned �Counatlman Smith 'arrtvad'at tlie' :meeting at 4hi h point: 4 't Iim plot of'the'� "lor South Addn. Mottbwwas made:by Clemens to accept the preliminary p as preeirod dY Lawt�enoe chweich citid'tiarry Joliniofi'and Assoc ski,' which is revision A,, dated May 10th., 1971, and is on file in the Office arthe Village Clerk, also that a stipulation be included that five percent of the plat or purchase agreement be pold!Ue the Villaige { `of Poor L4ke for pa�ks� siconded.by Smitk and upon a vote taken, It was:dolywpassiid: . he i C ter Do k rfa { ei � "Robert M�►1 Is t er, t tion�wa: n c ved �. A tier �notlee .o cast .. cart sib II the. aVilldge' fo he` `iffeetve `Maly Is t:, 971.' The' reason fa' thb` restgnai'tton is due. to the•eeriatn amamuef friction along with numerous other requests to establf a cross atanrinattain' of hisomohthly statements..Af er o short' +discussion, .the resignation was P y ; riot accepted, and Mr. �McAllster agreed to continue a: dogcatcher until a nie®tin9 Is held4o discus the problems further. There was a discussion concerning the postage of an ordinance concerning Liquor Lite Held within the Vitlage'of Prior hake, and that `the, °ordinance ilraftisd have � ievb�h�Ehangss. -3- , a k 4 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the, C.�iun ty; 'of �:Icott and Stag of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Couneilt otion was made by Scho mor that,in Section Ill, Item a. shall read' os .follows: No liquor (ieanse shall be t=reed to a corporation unless the ;corporation Is the. actual owner or lessee of the premises for which the license s asked or the mona 9e r of sold promise: or ,� businessi seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken, the fol lowing voted` in favor thereof: ' ¢ ayor Stock and Councilmen,Schommer, Clemens and Busie"'r Voting against the motion was i t Councilman Smith. The motion was passed. otion was made : by Smith that In Section ill, It m; :b. - shall read as follows: ` liens•, either on. -solo or ,off -sale, shall be. Issued to said corporation unless the m liquor majority �. stock -holder of sold corporation .is a registered voter within the Village of Prior Lake and a resident thereof, seconded by Busse and, upon a vote taken, the following voted in favor thereof: Councilmen Schommet, Smith. and Busse. Voting against the motion was Mayor Stock aid Councilman Clemons. The motion was passed. ; The above motions regarding the liquor ticenses ore to be amtinyant upon Attorney SuIIvan chepkin" out the 'le gal ity,of <ame.' Joe Whitney presented the preliminary plat of the Prior Acres 3rd. Addition. Motion was- made t by `Ansm,.to accept preliminary plat of the Prior Acres 3rd acorrded by Clement arrd upon a vote. taken, It was duly passed. s Elmer Busso;pmeepted,a lot.plan. on lot 2,. Block 3 of the proposed eorgerdtng Addition to ; oonttruct a dwelling on, some. Motion was made by Clemeru to gra a building construct a dwelling on Lot 2, Block 3. of the permit to aargertltngAddttton,: seconded by Bum and upon a vote, taken,. It was duly, pawed . otion was enod., by Schomnrer to, adopt resolutton relating to Metropotttan C ounctic ° HEREAS, The Metropolitan Council con, � prov10 a very useful service, when acting in an visary capacity on certain needs metropplitan Jn scope, such as troneit, sewers and open space `= . P WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Council has demonstrated that It now,also seeks increased } thorny to ICgtslate local laws,; and WHEREAS this is particutarily evidenced by recent policy tatennenh ineli�dtng, but not limited to ,the "Metropolitan. D.ow,lopmant Guide Housing Policies ystem Pion - Program ", and, WHERE/1S, ;this appears to be an attempt on the part of the Melropo litan Council to su rim - superimpose themselves;as another level of government, and, WHEREAS, it is r;optnton.tlwt auwther,lawl of avernmeAt is not desired nor row, ireds NOW THEREFORE BE IT ESOLVED diet tire: irior Lake Council. requests that the' Legislature of th 'Stato of Minnesota do following: I . 'Change the name of the Metropol ifan to "Metropolitan Advisory Board %. or equivalent title, 2. Direct that t establish tl r to prope tt clowly state,that its.activittes shall :be advisory, and admtrotive In That it shall not interfere with nor attempt to legislate local government. 3. Direct t the Matropoittan.Council , dtwst itself of al personnel who aro no t" ot essential to fulfill eh!siieory arid adminittratiw functions, motion was $conded by.lWsse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed: otion was " T 04 1 by' Wsse to adopt Ordtnanci No.. 71-6, on Ordinance Amending Ordinance: o. 69 -�49, relating .to commercial signs. The Village of Prior Li0m, to Common Council', Ins av follows: SECTION I . The construction or affixation of any canmerctatl signs :teal hqw the approval of the Planning, eommtaion or the Village Council, unlea the sign is affixed pr g6ft the Wm Isis, whore the bus activi ty so advertised, iseondueted. ;SECTION It. half boa minimum fa,of $13.00 for the construction of sold sign. Said fie shall apply to ail & signs whtth arn,area,of 2S square, feet W loss. any signs 25aquare feet or more, them II he a °aiddpi"t charge of 254 per sq.Mre. foot.. SECTION lll.. Violation of this ordinance 11 be' deemed to be a misdemeanor,, subject to fine of not le:: than =10.00 or man than =100.00. The motion was seconded by Clemens and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed, tton was mach by Clemens to have a "yield Sign" installed on Fint Avenue South at the en try to Highway No. 13, approaching from the South: A "Stop S,tgn" 110al00'6t the comer of Karisch Drive and Dakota Street, and a "Stop Sign" installed at the earner of Wisconsin Sheet and the :road, entering to the Elementary School - seconded by Schommer, and upon a E vote taken, It was duly passed.r -4- ` r,�r MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and Stag of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by sold Council. Motion was made by Schommer that the new sheet signs being ordered.In -the future be white background and black letters and the "Gopher 400 Series bracket aadembiy" be used, seconded by Busses and upon'a vote taken, It was duly passed, , The following bills were approved for ;payment: L & L Hardware Misc.; Supplies , p . t 14.66 Minn. Natural Gas Co., Utility 30100 N.S.F. Electricity 370,60" Bohnsock & Hennen Dump Grodtnp 10.50 Scott Rice Telephone Telephone t� 53.95 Bankers Life Ins. Co. Hospitalization 114.70 Mat arola CammunicaMtons Contract Payment 5.50 Bab MAIllster Dog Found Fees 108,00 Smith. Carom Co Copy Machirw► Paper .:. , ' 31.56 MII'ler Davis Co. Office Supplies, 15.70 Andrew Dnrg Office Supplies 1.50 P.L. American Legal Publishitg 62.10 Standard O P011 Car bets..,.; .; N °60..- ' to L. Warn 76 Gas &_Oil Wolf Motor Co. `. Police Gar Bassein . 24970 Dale Methok Office & Part 1i1eie t 99.05 AnaMew Savage Fart time Patrol' 94059 . Earl; Killian Salary,; " 83.34 .... gal Mahok Salary 284.90 Ron Lottery Salary 303.90 N.S.R. Electricity 13.00 j Stott. Treauirer M 'P.E.RA. 6°• � 276�lt+l <, P.L Slate Pedalo! Deposit k 53.90 D.1S. Co insura " x '` ,1 96.47 J s. { Earl Killian• Salary :83.34 �s;:2$4.90 , Lithe Mithc Salary R+arsld LoM+sry � Salary 90 iNi►. ND ` N►S�.P. Electricity J,I1.74 ' 1 ` TW&M Liisi ;M%.. Ca. Has ti : 49 34' Equip Co. WatirMeters 744.14 Labor 7.00 fiAtnn. Nsftriral Gas Co. Utility RaY�onrd S. Johnson School: Expel � 9 9S Lyon: Cho* lo Cl" ical:' 18.78 96w Brno. Salay �` 239.78 i Benito Pavek >> Salary , - Slab Traasrteer ' x 62.,60 Trager Stamps i I 110 ElaNr BuaM , Dvertime 4.96 P Slate Mnk y 4: Federal, Deposit " ;80,00 0.4S. Co. .., insuranw 646.71 1 Rwben Mueller ��; Meter Reading 4500 Elm Boob Salary_, 239 Bwntee Pevek Salary 67.66 �i $2, , SEWER FUND X Electricity 35 49 barkers Life °ins. Cod' Hospitalization 49.34 Mefrro -Sevwr Board I i Contract Payment, $18.02 Metro-Sewer Board ! plant Cats 262.68 Amerio"; National Bank . pad, Interest, & Ba"►: Chi. IS; 18,73 t OWW Salary 3'70.70 te Teeasurw P.E.RA. 94.25 Raymond Johnson �' Overtime I 31.80 P.L. State Bonk I Federal Depalt 5'1..05 D Co. I Insurance 16.71 Richdrd Cates Meter Reading .54.40 Raymond.Johraon Salary 9 ; �� MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and z� State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited -lbY sold Council. �r G FEE Ft�Nb - L a L Mi:c s�,pp 20.37 LA L .HaMware Mifc supplies 19.46 $uparior Oil Co. P.L. Union 76 Ges A-x011 ";' Gas & 04 7.20 6070 z-J Minn. Natural Gas Co ; U tility 94.30 :.. Loren Morel Letter Paintinj 25.00 { - Scott. Rio' Telephone Telephone 63'.85 Motorola 10 ;, Coi act h meat w 29.70 roe: F.L. Electric Co. SirenWireing 168.00 r a t a Smith's t3arapr Truck Repairs . ... . 28.40 G :' Lyle A School Expense. 241.00 Elecklelty 26.81 D.I.S. Co. a , , E tmuranca 12'58.41 { . SM1 FUND j 6o ck t Herren Dump QmW1np ; 47650 I,r�rsri" Man�l a Letter minting s 9.nn , y �' C�1ulf 6,11 Co. C.''Isse: T odd Co. ". " ` Ga. & Oil Regain 32.72 ta ` iSopinr Stamp & Die Co. Signs SQ.40 j D.4 S,. ' Co. Imurance =. 609 l5 r K} FUND v w 1 N S Electrkity 4.06 Dan Sorairr+dt 4 Lawn Mower Repair 30.35 w #RA 0 Skating Rink "' ' np 111 Inwranae 4 URDiHQAJND , °Fh Smi}i1 "� .ignitor Service 16.48 3taNdatxl Oil " Fuel 116 00 '4. . • Paz � *� lINEB i WI►i'ER !NilROVNT FUND a A++Sriaon t+lrtictril M�k ionc4, Interest i ior�lr Chas: 6649.23 i . u NglIaM1= farilc interest & rank C hgs..' ;310.50 k ? ` No furtlrer'busirtess, the meetirr8 was ed loumed. r ! r I � E W.W. Ge rtz„ Clerk " 1 xA 'I .ter . ......uu r v Mt ... .,R ,