HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 14 1971MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts, audited by said Council. June 14th., 197E T he Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in 'replar session in the office of he Village Clerk Monday evening, June 14th., 1971; at Tai W P.M: The meeting was c alled to order by Mayor Stock. Roll Call: Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk G*ntz nd'Councilmen Smith, Schommer, Clemens, and Busse. Absent were none. ' ob McA was present regarding the accepfence of the ,position of Dog Poundmaster for the Village. Several changes in the Prior Lake Dog Ordinance was requested`. The silage Attorney is to draft a new ordinance with the changes requested. oples of all previous minutes for the post month were given to each member,of the council veral days previous to the meeting. Motion was made by Busse, seconded by Clemeru to pprove the minutes. otion was made by Schommer to approve payment of all bills approved b the Finance y Committee, seconded by Clemens and upon a vote taken, It `was du passed, , member of'the Prior Lake Chamber of Cornmerce was present and, requested lnfoenetton concerning the Prior' Lake Krazy Days; July 2nd., 3rd`., and 4th.,' 1971: There will be dances, tM tsenroge donee will be Ire the Anch or Inn parking lot from 6:00 P.M, to .. 9:00 P.M., and the Old -time dance on the Packer lot from 8 :00 P.M, to 12:00 P No permits were required by the Village. Otto Klingbera was present to complain about dogs running at large; in the area of his a, residence. He requiited that the" council take action to correct this. .. n J. Shunk and his representing attorney was present to request a reduction in his water ' hookup, charge, of 53;600.00 to the second aparfinent bu I IdinQ now being esinttructed . ordinance was posed two days after a building permit was secured; which' increased the hookup charge'. The item was handed over to the VII lose Attorney for legal Motiowwas made by Bun* to approve ,the preliminary pions for upgrading 9th. Avenue, seconded by Smlth upon a vote taken, it was duly paced: The following 3.2 Non- Intaxieating applications for Off Salo Beer License were recelved from the following 'for the 'period covering July , 101 through June 30, 1972: John r Nerblan, Brooksvillo Liquor Sol* (John Brooks Hauser), Busse Super Market and Brook: , M Super Value. ' Motion was made by Clemens to grant the above license, seconded by.- Schommer,, and' upon a vote taken; it was duly`pmsed. A app1 coition for an On -Only Boer License was received from the Prior Lake Jay: ' n Baiebah Team to sett' beer of Memorial Park for the period Covertna July "i 1971 through Jutte30th., 102. Motion Was mode by Smith to gaant the Prior Lake Jay:;;a 3.2 Beer �Li6ii.e °covering the' period July I t., 1971 through June 30th., 1972, seconded by w SchomMer and upon a'vote taken, It was duty passed. i Matlon ' was r made by,Clemero to change the teleiphone n the Clerk's Offlqe from 447 -3768 to 44�- 3376, seconded by Schommer and upon a vote taken, it wag ak `- Motion was made by Busse to advertise for sealed bids for the upgrading of Ninth Avenue to be opened July 12th,, 1971 "at 700 P.M., seconded' by Smith and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motion was made by.Smith to bill Robert Youndahi of Cedar Lake To*n'ship $100.00 fora fire call made to his property outside of the Prior Lake District, May 14th., 1971, seconded,' by Schommer and upon a vote taken, it Was;jUlyr passed. Theltoquat made by Fire Chief Busse to' trade tires for the new rescue unit because of the flat spots on tires from standi ich creates a rough ride for people who have back injuries was dented because of lack of funds. ,a MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including ail accounts audited by said Council. Motion was mode by Busse to revert back to Section 111, Item B of the proposed liquor ordinance and is to read as follows:' No liquor license, either Off -Sale or On Sale, shall be issued} to said corporation unless a stock - holder of told corporation is a registered voter within the Village of Prior Lake and a resident thereof, seconded by Clemens and upon a vote taken, the following voted in favor thereof: Mayo► '►ock and Councilmen Busse and Clemens. Voting against were Councilmen Smith and Schommer. The motion passed. Motion was made by Busse to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the governing body of the Village of Prior Lake has been informed by the 4 Metropolitan Sewer Board that said Metropolitan Sewer Board doer not feel the area T of and surrounding the Village of Prior Lake is yet ready for development and thus said. Metropolitan Sewer Board and the Metropolitan Council intend withhold con - structioq sewer laterals to soid.muneipality. WHEREAS, the Viilo& of Prior Lake by agreement and resolution transfixed title to the Municipal Sewer System in the Village of Prior Lake on June 2nd., 1970 byagree- ment between the' Village and the Metropolitan Sewer Board. ; WHEREAS, ,the agreement, dated June 2nd., 1970, between the Village of Prior Lake' and the Metropolitan Sewer Board, it was agreed by the Metropolitan Sewer Board that- It, i.e., the Metropolitan Sewer Board, msume the rights and obi gations -of the District • . Sewer Board. with which the Village had previously been affiiiatad I WHEREAS the previous Sewer Board, to wit: the Southwest Sanitary Sewer District Board, which the Village of Prior Lake, along with several other munieipalitie:, and townships emoted Lfor the sole purpose of getting sewer service to the various municipalities in the area, has previously expnaed the `intention to furnish sewer service to the municipality. WHEREAS,, said Southwest Sanitary Sewer District Board, in the minutes of it's meeting dated' Apr11 23rd, I%9 std%d amt fol lows: t "Discusion was 'Imold in connection with the oblication of the district p to sIXtend. a sewer intercepter to the present boundtles of Prior Lake. Mr. Dever was of the opinion that as a result of the action taken by the board at the meeting of,August 22nd., 1968 that the district had obligated itself to extend intercepteri to the present bou'ndrles of the Village of Prior Lake." y i WHEREAS it appears to the Village of Prior Lake and it's governing bodies that the Metropolitan Sewer Boardrand the Metropolitan Council are now reneging on the previous agreement of the Southwest Sanitary Sewer District. BE ITRESOLVED that the Village of Prior Lake take any and all neceaary steps to assure # sewer service to-the, Villatge of Prior Lake in the immediate.future,and that said Village through it's governing eovncil correspond and direct a copy of this Resolution to the Metropolitan Sewer Board, requesting that they furnish time' schedules, planning and other pertinent information regarding proposed furnishing of sewer service to the Village. IT IS `FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event satisfaction is not secured from said Metropolitan Sewer Board that the Village Attorney be' impowered to undertake any legal de on domed neconary. to require furnishing of sewer interrceptor as previously 1 agrNd by the Southwest Sanitary Sewer District. -- seconded by Clemens and upon a' vote Mken, it was duly passed. The "following bil Is were approved for payment: GENERAL FUN George M. Muelken GaoTank Installed $1025.00 Gulf Oil Corporation Gas b Oil 91.26 Motorola Communications Contract payment 5.50 } Scott -Rice Telephone Co. Telphone 53.70 Clarence Schmidt -, Plumbing Inspections, 112.00 Union 76 Station Gas & Oil 32.05 Lystads, Inc. Dump Spraying 37.50 i Shakopee Medical Center intoc. Tent 25.00 Kerr-McGee Gas & O11' 66.70 Miller Davis Co. Office Supplies 9.90 Scott County Sheriff Prisoner Board 7.50 #. P. L. American Legal Printing 38:80 ` p Wolf Motor Co. Police Car Repairs 135.50 ii -2- I r,, o MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior take in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. GENERAL FUND - continued Bankers Life Co. Hospitalization 114.70 Scott- County Sheriff Prisoner Board 10.00 + .,L & L Hardware Misc. 26.81' Ecra' K1111an Wages 83.34 Dale Meihak Wages �4 :28,4.90" Ronald Lottery Wages 303:90' Dale Meihok Office b Part-time 131.62; Ronald Lottery Pat# -time 19. Q0' Andrew Savage Part -time ;24.65 Steven Schmidt Part -time P.L. State° Sank Federal Deposit 165.1I' C. N & Sullivan Legal Fee 376.75 Mim., Natural Gas Co. Gas 24.84` 1 Union Oil Gas & Oil 184.42' Bob McAllister Dog Pound 6I'm N .S.P. Electricity 734.80'` Earl` Killian Wage: 83:34 Dale Meihak Wage: , 384:90 a Renold Lottery g" 303:90 StaN Treasurer PER/► 276.94 Fl,orion Blumberg Truck P nt 1000.00 $ 6200.66 WATER FUND W !'yen Chemical Co. Chemicals 18.78, 'Davies We ter Equip. Co,. Meter: 1056:25 MIM. `Natural Gas Gas' 16.39 l danker: Life C9. Hospitalization 49.34 r EIrNOr Buae Wages 239.78 ' Bernice Pavek Wages 73.80 ` P. L. State Bank Federal Deposit =77.80 Stets Treasurer PERA 59.05` NOS.-P. Electricity 108.46 Nat Minn. ural Gas Gas ' 6.1 0 _ �" E �born Pawk es, 239.78 o 5449 Postage 48.00 �$ a 2048.42 v SS FUND Elk River_ - Concrete Supplies 182.40 Mofrr -�%* Board Payment 518.02 . Tiers Lifi Co. Hospitalization ' 49.34 Roymond ohnson Wags ., 220.70 P.L. State Bank Federal Deposit 47.80 State Treasurer ,, PERA 99.95 P. L Electric Co. Equipment Repairs 131 `.00:.; Mein Clemons Assessment Adjustment 84.:f0 ° N.S.P. ' , Electricity 21. ;. Ray Johnwn Overtime 24:16' Ray Johnson Ways: 370.70 $ 6.71 , FIRE FUND o� ammunications . Contract payment 39.70 Seostt Rice Telephone ° CO.. " Telsphene'- E4.05 Jordan Independant Printed Supplie: 37.15 ~j P.L. Union 76 Station a Gas & Oil ' 6,30 Minn. Natural Gas Co. Gas . '42.22 Coyer -Akins Supplies 10.00 N.W. Emergency Equip. Co. Supplies 15.10 N. S. P. Electricity 27.10 232'.72 -3- MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villa of Prior Lake ge in the County of Scott and Stoh:_of Minnesota, including` all accounts audited by said Council. EET FUND f 011 Co. Gash 011 41 .67 ,E Union 76 St$ Om Gas & Oil 50.16 . . £ Queen Equip. Co. E i repairs qu p• pa 49,49 4 h s Garage ' Shiely Co. 'Repairs 6.50 I n Hanel IPML. Black etter Painting 31.66 14.00 S i gns, Inc. Inc Siam 120. per Roadways Gravel X10 on Tractor Ce. paai Re irs ; Apph s Rpprs Sand Mueller & Sens B.T.U. Mix 16f.00' PARK FUND `I Prior Lake CIO* rup Park ' it0.00 P. Electricity. 00 I Electricity TREET IMPROVEMENT FUND OF 1970' 1t6.06� rican National I" Interest b Semi, Chg. $ 2,686 .70 t, iW L,DIN FUNNp, . Raipl+ Snr1l > Janitor Service f C-orwltdatrd IMOrovnnent fund lt�tin Cie ; / newmient Refund 96' 1 ArMrie�n Netlonol - dank ',,, dir+ds & Interest X06.75 A � ' betrq:.no furtMr bustnew, tl+e meeting was adjourned. .x u W.W. Gent: Clark.': 4 r t r j- o � , o a O 2 7 — 4 — '7 i{.Sr.su.`rrx