HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 13 1971MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the Coun tY of Scott, and t State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council yi September 13, 1971 The Common • Council of the Village of Prior Lake met In special session in the office of the Village Clerk Monday evening, September 13th., 1971 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor i Stock called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Stock, Clark Gentz, and Councilmen Smith, Schommer, .Clemens and Busse. The purpose of the meeting wa;, to hold a "public hearing regarding the paving of 9th. Avenue . Mayor Stock advised a that. it `is. possible to put 9th. Avenue ender the County State Highway System if it"wasa' are eabie with the adjoining property - owners , but under this system it was possibie the work could not be completed until 1973. Harold Israelson Villa Engineer, ge gave the following summary of costs 'involved in paving 9th. Avenue: • Item Construction Cost O! (. 9 Ton Street, 44 feet wide, with concrete curb and gutter $128 900.00 *Legal, fiscal, and engineering 15,000.00 Total $143$143 9W.100 2. 9 Ton Street, 36 feet wide, with s concrete curb and gutter V 11, 500..00 *Legal, fiscal and engineering 15 , 000.00 Total $126 3. 7 Ton Roadway, 44 feet wide, with r; ; concrete curb and gutter $ 98, 100 *Legal, fiscal and engineering 15,000.00 'Total $113,100.00 ° 4. 7 Ton Roadway, 36 feet wide, with concrete curb curb and gutter $ 86,500.00 *Legal, fiscal and engineering IS! 000.00 o CS Total 10 ,500.00 He advised in discussion with the Minnesota Highway Department State Aid Division, they Indicate That It is possible to have the County State Aid Roadway less thoa 44 feet. `Howeaier, In order to do this, there has to be extenuating circumstances, such as the Inobility to purchase additional rightrof -way. Current policy indicates that o` new State Aid Construction most width requirements, ,particularly when right- of -waY Is not'a restriction. He suggested that one side be constructed complete, thereby_ solving the problem of paving if funds ty are not available ,for finishing the job. The bass ` and paving of•the roadway costs would be assumed by the County State Aid Program pe . -Curb and�gutter cost to be assessed to benefited pro perty r owners will. be about $37,500.00 The engine r advised cost figures regarding the Improvements for sewer, water, curb and gutter, 'grading and paving: Paving' $13.00 per foot Sewer In I Ittle Tess than' 9.00 per foot Water Main -` I Ittle less than t. 8.00 per foot Grading A - aittle over 2.00 per foot Curb di Gutter - approximately 3.50 per foot A.J. Schunk, owner of property to the north of County Road P27 requested that sewer and water mains be installed within the next year In 9th. Avenue, north of County X27. Vince Hencier, A.J. Schunk, George Sorgerding, Brooks Houser, and Elmer Busse `w' a agreed that Ninth Avenue be on addition to the County State Highway System, and that the coat of paving be absorbed by County State Aid. Mr. Kratovil, owner of the Prior Lake Ready Mix, requested that the following statement .,, CJ be inserted in the m inutes of this meetings "I object to this Improvement, subject to condemnation. c. , MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott .an - State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council September 13, 1971 h T ,Common Council of Vill -0" ape of. Prior Lake mat in regular session in the office of the village Clerk Monday «caning, September 13th., 1971, at 8:00' P W The, meetirta was called to order by Mayor Stock. Present were: Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz, and Councilmen Smith, Clemens, Schommer and Wsse. „ Coploccif all previous minutes for the past month were given to each member of the council. several Boys previous to the meeting. Motion was made by'Schommer, seconded by-Clemens to approve the minute:. Motion. was made by Jura to approve Payment of all bills upon, a Can�"Ittee, seconded by .Clemens °arid a pproved by. the Finance . a vote token, it warcluly passed. GeoWW O%WIn9Rmade- a request for permission ;to install a oonopy on `-` front of t ' the Prior Lake State flank, which would` protrude seven, (7) °feet out from : soli present ., structure or about two (2) feet from the curb. Mottos was made by Clemens that a bu{WII,! Pimitie otantid: with the stipulation that a etter:be received froM the Prior fstke So*te Mttk sooting thoir.responsibility if the sidewalk eel that the will be re due. to this, tructure, Y sponsible for the repair of same, seconded by - Bum and upon a wrote Apito r ltwes :duly pawed.` �► stetement'was received from :Clarence' Schmklt fora, radio i d he 'b fete: he ar Latce'Fin De to sell far use - Dep artment for SIS0.00* , Motion was made by Schommer to " ta6►lei °the , pw+cl — of rodia'for further study, seconded.by Smith and upon a vote trloanx it was duly passed. n h Mr. Boom of McCarthy WelI Company was present In regard to an inspection f yvttlta tlsikin,au� off l He» o ,the vw �, p arted 'Wel ° 1° Is in good world 4fst1 nL a'der but the tr�obleitts :esibt with.weil 4 2t The Pt+mPh capacity hest decreased to 200 ptlle�t pw tttntRhF,and repair .R = needed. °Possibly an acid 'treatment to clean tits? ' rs�gla MSrtt of fW t .; T, ho acid =tr*4*"nt covet would be �,��900,«QO.: Hatton was tttade, aPpnotrimately , by Sd+ottinten° it °hove:Mc atreetyrifl+�2 . : :�Y Weli Company chemical an:estissodrdrerst of: 2; and, replace n< Wed pork - `ieeonded b , A.WW upon a 'vote Y A01. Slohwtl in ptswl as.b proee�lure.;to.be.used oo; colt in'Prior# M1ist�sei m.Teudk H # venue from County Y ' �,{3z � Hewas<adHiwd: to cantoct other property r " t mark dane'aeC -; Inq,to yluai%p ciftosltom or either petition 'the �rti� o.�io =late vrark �asd, trove �' fltr coets�pt+t on:.tbe ailiasonentroiU t+les.Lato. Bo:,waep,M,a,t due»qu cair►,di be fo' e:♦ by actors of verbal complaints _ V M.it>I e: "101y',due ,to Mack of scri"Iop at ti eir.oaa wash. Mrs.. " dlhRtahescroenlr��w111 'be =construelrwd yefilthis' =fill D M 1 1ng� rMltr nt': in re , . . P� gord to t h e VII lop accepting `the "p»ah in the Oakwood tl11fE1sdldelitlon .A tle etvlaed ; cal6etion balm have mot been raised, .and one end ' =� of°€ itaoa. F awe Motion rt:ar steeds Iiye Scitenwner -b accept the stroek in the. _ Qwkw"4 16 40,11a i with ,olie ,ifipulallon shot :the collection basins be ra sed'to: the l per �w± �anii�tf rte send of.,the paldee c'be raised. awing oo 'villoge specifications erdf ia. b* plRt+e wtNkin thirty (30) days - sec- crtdid by Clemens, and u p on a vote olfoit �wrMit ►tC`Clentee ao esipblish it :.ahwie of , $25 *bOAwlwn to act a,:,osdaitierGto Shakopee, or MfiilIng any other businew b as :requested x y C'arasW' and°that ,tit*'Msdui �untt be. reimbursed °.for ilea at the rate of g li 1p?�r; sit ?hr :.motion was ieconded by; S Ga , : chommer and Pon u a�vote fakeii " I t duly ck r�. #,r' NN atesitittp aet,for �`It4±rsde�y e�resln�, P tber :23rdi� h97I, at 7iW P,M. , aindseilte;buti�tiftr 1972 r YY - i "r, Ai qo as d 'ftr+ewwon. - s•condici by Wyse r ' Al �'* Aand>"rt�s�ai'��rso�r,�isik�n, alt�wesidul;t :passed;��� A .c Ll '' 6 � Qp 41 MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of Ae Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota,' including all ,*counts audited by said Council. 6I. Mrs. Francis O'Keefe was present regarding ticket for 1 on. Pleasant Street, which vras,•rr+ark 9 over- pocking fronting their home Wft ed:when North Central Avenue was-marked. Motion �, made by Clemens to;n:oIV's the .pocking ticket twed�to'O'Keefe and to romove "' P� g . po marked Parkin : ees fronting ;their home on Pleasant Street, seconded by Smith and. upon a vote taken, It was duly poased 4; . Ronald h ^leery advised that„the :Shakopee Rador Unit is still available for lease or r purchase/ Motes duly p by Smith to table.item - seconded by Clemens and upon a vote to •` Motion was mad y Clemons to accept�the 1972 contract for services and working, conditions of the member: of ..the, Prior Lake Police De' gowsrning the wages b parhent for the period beginning January I, 1972, and - ending D*cember 31 1972, as drown by the Minnesota Polka FederoNon Attoimy, Phillip t Kross Seconded b Busse and'u It was duly ' Y Pon a vote taken, Pon" - Harold bxaelion pwas 'advised to check <ou the Otto KI to (cols far the stonn tsewK funding from ingber0 ProPecty ft ,the. Pond to thra:�west.of the:snod and grovMl, pit. { Motion was mode by Suss* to adopt resolution to request: Wrold• broelson'to complete 1 study fora new water tower and submit an upon, vote taken, it was:dul a Ilcation for a k PP grant, seconded by Smith d, y passed an . ' ;t Peter Pgtchinn, a resident,of Eagle Creek Townshi holders to coraoiidate certain land in Eagle Creek Township w th. tit 105 fro: Lake. made b Cl em: d Motion � o Prior: ^ * Y ns pt � to 6 101 lowing resolution: f TlN Viaagi of Prtar lake, : through it's.Village `Couneil, "x foll±svrinrg.'rsolutton, oith ,t±egord to; consai Iddfion •of certain laed x .Craelr�a'oavnshps m WKHEREAS, A Petition by an access of one in 6p1e , { r„ ;aertisd. in.Ee1e, Creek Townsbipthove petition <thr Vill huride+ed''land E it with °ge of !!riort , Lake for corisal Motion- of sald the, Village of Prior take_ ►S: Nw ksd sought to .be. consol idated.:with the Vila � bake � "Ap:fthet a `of i Mia Of the4 following deseribed_,linet Beginning t the point of i temctian of * ate! Wat+erly line � of T115N, R22H1 and the ; i TIStV « Eat Wei• 1/41 inr+ cif �Sk 19. � ;' z 1�it of hen ' nning,!a!s1!sylY .liiror +ph1eetkIns 419, 20 and �l to on ,Borth. ,lane of .the. jladiap Root sO b "east line I/4 mils b the # n on, easterly =4iracNeo on " grid north line of said R esenrallon 1/2 rn11• . to the north and th 140'i; thpnoe south 1/4 iuile to the east and west 1/4 lino, tha t �s r rr}ile.ta the..east line of Sec. .22- north I/4 mtie,''rtiori .a lui to Iha south: lIN* gf"Nl/2:of the NI of Sec. � _ 23, T1I5N, 11132W, *""east east on said south line 1/7 toile to the north and south 1/4 liM of See. 23 ,. l f :T 15N, ,R22W, tlienoe.eatirly I/2 mile to r thencik be "eat line'nf did Sec. 23 TOW . R IMe�of the =uth on slad°gait Iiner 1/2 toile 'anon or las to i north 4/1 Sec: 23, thence continuing eastrly an ;IM esr anal oat 1/4 fie of `See;24 :to the 0dit line of'seld action and y Istsititp." "SAS, The Ml `Munk'ipal 'Costwitisston` A h rook ioa apP .l'of oonealwafian`of "this portion of Eagle Township wick the Village of rric r' tak ; WtiEREAS� ` :Village ofPwl Lace is the provide #h� n. . municipaltyt belt suited to ,• G � trrwnkipralaan►tce's = � ownsh b Mart portion af;Eagle.'Cnek*Y plying th ofi thsf ow :described 16i WHEREAS, The �Viilage of�htar ` k tloit , t +would 6 .4n..fh%bat'inhrrsti 'of f+ske rosolves af ths Pillage :, of Prior Lak and ;the= „` o Eagle Cek Tawnihip ta;zor»olidih saw land with the V'Lla `iT IS HSRERV -RESOi.VEC, 'that the Villas ge of [riot take- datr we wale tIw land erlbed above with the prm of � w n Prig into .a� si r nt VII lags :maw - ernmunitY :and. �nuntetpolify. R IS ;FURTHER t` RESOLVED that in rr. the„aventtM,Minn . iate.Municpol Commission sees fit b`a�der said "consolWati that in `Cowmi an order an cttan of, tn the Minnesota Murtteippl the;Mi clpal, fleets In accordance with rN!esolo St iature'`414.•09, ��(iddlNonel names may be ah mitted with this Petition): , fin . •t `�; k+raw � a ,r..,. ..,. .. .-�. :. d „} r