HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 26 1971O MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village cif Prior Lake in the County of Scott and 1 State of Minnesota, including all accounts aud4ed by said`Council. October 26, 1971.. a I TheCemmon Council of the Village of. Prior Lcke * ;met In special session. in the office of the Village Clerk, Tuesday evening, `0ctober'26th',,, 1971 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Stock called the 'meeting to order. Roll Call:- Present were Mayor Stock,, Clerk Gertz, and Councilmen Smith, Schommer,,Clemens and Busse. Absent: None. Motloni was made 'by Clemens to adopt a resolution authorizing the VIl agrof Prior Lake to accept replacement r "310 equipment .from the County of Scoff under grant number (4- 07-072 (71) awarded the Scott - Carver Mobil Radio G`,tstrict by the Gov- error's Commissior..,on crimeprevention and control. WHEREAS,:,tht.Counttes of I Scott and; Carver'were awarded Grant Number 14-02 -40 -07-072 (?I) dated August 31 1971,, by the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevent'on and Control . under Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (P.L. 90 -351)_ for the - puipose,of establishing a mobil radio district to conform to the State Radio Plan as outlined [n'the Minnesota Plan for Improving the Effectiveness of Police Communications (Kelly keport), October 1970; and WHEREAS, Scott County is empowered under sold grant to replace existing, 'authorized, radio equipment in use for police services in the Scott County Sheriff's Department and in the departments police of the municipalities of Shakopee:; Savage, l�rTor Lakei Piew Prague, Belle, Plalrie, and Jordan, and WHEREAS, it Is the intent of Scott County to furnish such replacement equipment to said municipalities in the interest of upgrading police radio service on a county -wide; basis, ,contingent on the surrender of equipment being, replaced under this project to the County by the' Village of Prior i Lake. NOW THEREFORE BE , IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake County of Scott, Minnesota, hereby agrees to surrender to the County of Scott, radio.equipment Identified hereunder upon the completion„of installation of replaeemaht equipment therefore under said ;grant,Aot6tron Portable, Model l8TN2H22, ' ,Serial f31737,­ Motorola Model' 0, V73MHT110QA, Serial #TI 155010.0111155010.0.'.. Be4T FURTHER RESOLVED that It is understood by the Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake that radio equipment replaced by new radio equipment under this project is to 1; redistributed by the County to the several _fire departments of the aforementioned ,riiunicipalities; based on -the individual department needs, some ;to determined by the Scott County Sheriff's Department at viol cost what- so- eyerto the respective , munici - li ties. $E _ J Pa IT FURTHER RESOLVED, .that the Common Council of the Village` of Prior Lake,, ke Count -of Sc o . tt M , lnnesoro, agree: to defray all costs of insMllotions charges, crystaI change charges, frequency change charges, and subsequent maintenance charges radio equipment furnished this municipality by the County of Scott for use by its ' Fire Department.... The motion was seconded by Busse and upon a vote, taken, it was drily passed. Bob McAllister, Dog Catcher for the Village of Prior Lake,, was requested to appear before the council to resolve his contract. At a previous council'` meeting, a resolution was passed, to pay him $50.00 per month, which 'was: not accepted by him. Upon discussion with him, he Informed` the council he would not accept anything $75.00 under per month. Motion was made by Schommer to pay Bob McAllister $75.00 1 r month Pe i but1l, f no dogs are picked' up for one moot ,' he will' receive $65.00 for that month, seconded by Clemens and upon a vote takenn, It was duly passed. , At 7:30 PM. the Village Council held a public hearing. to. hear any objections of the r assessment roll regarding the improvements on 9th. Avenue (Water and Sewer - extensions Gn0J Q_LQMd_ ng): _Th! follow ngprgperty_owners were. present: frank Lyons, Lyle Weise, LeRoy Bohnsack and Gordan Hannon. No objections were heard. Motion was . I made by Schommer to accept the assessment roll and #ile with the Scott County Auditor, i seconded b Smith and upon a vote taken, It was duly` pas sed. ' Motion.wos made by Schommer that Harold Israelson pa a re preliminary plans to extend Pr . the storm sewer on the Langhorst ,lavperty and that the plans be presented at the next council meeting for approval, after which the plans are to be presented to the State for } Aid, seconded b Busse and u n, It was duly - passed. Y pan a vote take A letter was received from Brauer and Associates, Inc. reguesting to be relieved °of their F torrent contractual obli tions on the following 9a g jobs: P R - 70 - 1 or 71 - 129 Water System 1w1 Study, 71 -40 9th. Avenue Street Grading and 71 -124 Miscellanious Village Engineering The request was based on the fact that Harold' Israelson.is leaving the firm on or about October 15th., 1971 and they advised they hope the Vi will continue this work with j ' Harold lsroelson inasmuch as he has been directly connected with the work from the be- '} __ 5 i