HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 08 1971MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
November 8, 1971
The Common Council 'of the Village of Prior Lake met in regular session in the Office
of the Village Cierk,' Monday evening, November 8th., 1971 at 7:30 P.M. Mayor
Stock called the meeting to order. Roll Call: Present were Mayor Stock, Clerk Gentz,
and Councilman Smith, Schommer, Clemens and Busse.
Bids were opened for snow removal on village streets for the 1971 -1972 season. The
following bid, was opened and tabulated: Bohnsack and Hennen Excavating, Inc.
Motougirader - $16.00 per hour, F.W.D. 5 ton truck (one way plow and.wing) -
s20.00 per hour. 3/4 ton hock (one way plow) - $14.00 per hour. 950 loader (with
snow bucket) - $34.00 per hour. Motion was made by Clemens to award the snow plowing
bid to Bohnsack & Hennen as per the above, bid, seconded by Schommer, and upon a t
` vote token, it was du passed . -
It was noted the motion for the adoption of Ordinance No. 71 -19 was am7tted fom the
minutes of the October 11th., 1971 meeting and should be added to.the' minutes as. follows:
Motion was made by Clemens to adopt Ordinance No. 71 -19, an ordinance an ndinig
Ordinance No. 71 -3 pertaining to water connections. For full details, see Ordinance
flied - in the Village Ordinance' Book; the motion was seconded b Smtth`and upon a
vote taken, it was duly passed.
Copies of all previous minutes for: the month were given to each,motow of, the council
several days previous to the meeting. Motion was made by Smith,. seconded by Busse
to approve the minutes.
Motion was made by`Busse to approve payment of all biile approved by the Finance
Committee seconded b Smith and u
' , y pan a vote taken, WwasAuly. poued,
Brooks Hauser of Scottland, Inc., asked the village to accept the street from Mtnnesot6 .
Trunk Highway 13 to the Brooksville Apartments. He odvised,he would guarantee the
road surface for one year. Motion was made by Clemens to accept the street to the
Brooksville Apartments with a waiver on snow removal fair =the wifiter wxI one year
b . guarantee on the road surface, seconded by Schommer anw� upor voWaoken,, it was
duly passed.
° . drools Hauser advised the council that the deed for the water storage - .Ate will be
completed in several weeks.
' = Lawrence Monnens requested she council to, consider removing snow from Dakota Street
from Central Avenue to the Post Office area due to the heavy flow of traffic. He was
informed the snow would be removed if a hazard existed.
.Harold broelson advised he needs more time concern ing the water storapo plan, but will
ha�re it ready for:the'6ecember 13th., 1971 meeting. He also advised.the Wally Lang
rw.�, t stt±ne sever problem plans are completed and the cost will be. appcoociewroly
$3500.00.` Motion was made by tiusso to approve the plans'and that Mr. Isroelson present
the l
p axis to the State for gid,,,seeonded by Stock and upon a vofe .taken, 0 0, following
4 voted in favor *are* Mayor Stock, and Councilmen Schommar, Clemetu, and Buss,.
Voting against *as Councilman Smith. The motion passed.
Harold Woolson advised it will be nocessary,to, put gravel in several area: on 9th. Ave.
and estimated that 260`yrtdi'would be needed. Gordan Hennen wens Present and said'
' the, cost would be $25.00 per yod! Motion was made by Clemens to have' Sohnsack
Hennen deliver and ��
spread the prowl `at =2.50 per yard, seconded by Schommer and
upon a vote taken, it was duly passed ��
Harold Israelson`id-i' 4that of Ho pkins have several d
than 10 years old the want to t rid of and the are in eked
ty pk dry pit lift :totioru lest I I
Y >� Y good shape and can b� pi
up at a reasonable price.: it was decided to table the item for further study*
i r , e j yes
A latter was received'fcam the Prior Lake Police Service Commission that it had been
brought to'their attentton''that some shifts have not been. rellewd`.on time and would Like
to pan the followin order on iro _,all full time and
tl part time officers•
�� „ n �,
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by sold Council.
I. Anytime you am re) laving a man from duty, who has been on duty for any length
of time, you should be there 15 minutes prior to shift change. This allows time to pass
on any, information pertinent to duties, etc.
2. Each man re in on du must re
report in duty port in,the badge number to the .Sheriffs Office
as soon as he is in the car.
3: It shall be 'the duty of each shift to; fill squad car with gas, oil, and wash windows.
It steal , be the duty of the officer on duty to ..:lean tho interior and wash - exterior of the
squad car when necessary.
Motion was made byollusse that the three above kems be added to the,Prior Lake Police
rules and regulations, seconded by Smith and upon a`vote taken, t,w= duly passed.
The council: was advised that the contractor In the, Prior Mcres SeconclAddition and
Third Addition was in the 'process of constructing'a road connecting Korheh Drive and
Cambridge Road.
Motion was made by Clemens to .appoint the. following as election judges far the Scott
County.Election, Ndnfambor 30th., 1971 re Ing Ow.S995 000.00,1and issue: Margaret
f� ,
Suel, Margaret O'Keefe, Mary Lannon, ClareMuelken, Alice Mueller WW Al HergoII
Sr. with Julie Stock as alternate and.tM counters.arr. to be Walter:: St~.oek, W.Gents,
Don Wsa; and Irvin Clemens - seconded by Sehommor, and upon g von token, tt was
Au ly passed
Harold boom of the'McCarthy We$I Co.: was present to discuss the necatlty' of halving a
.stadlsy bawl. kr,,':tha well `pum�os Mahe Pillage, After -o lengthy discussion, it was dw
elided ;` to table;
The fallowing ls were paid:
66911Al: FUND ,
Seo"Ica Telephoni' T�lephorte Z 551 16
Motorola Commutnicatii" Contract Payment =5.50
N.S.Q. Electricity 418.52 7
L L Haareiware Misc.` Supplies. 6.01 Zz -°
u Otl Gas x'011 10.18
Irannert Election Judge' 26.50
Muelken Election .iutlge 76.50
Mir+ loetion Judge 26.50
;.AI 'Hergott 3r.' Election Judge a 26.50 `
Attoe :Mueller Election Judge 26.50
Milrirs±t 3ue1 Election Judge 26.50
Win 1"
C eieens EiecHan Counter 4:60
tieYniat Mavek election Counirr 4.50
VII: G+snti E4ectton Counter 4450
aid Sahotnwner el"I'lon; Counter ' 4.50
4tild tlu Election Counter 4'.50
AI `' Wiwi` Inlipgctions 00
1 2 Csenatal Welding , Equtpmant Repoli .00
Petit liane� Form: 8.67x.
Jaitlon kt rndarllt Dffici 9b.S5
ACC Tj►pe Nrinting 'taolI ca F 7.50
twral C'onwnuniotition: Radio 6
Mobil Radio:Eng. Co. Check Radio ` 14.00
P:.. L. 'American Legal Publication:
'Scott County Sheriff kisoner toaril' 17.50
Dom 3c ear. 'Trani 'Salary': '240.00 `
Honk'Smitli' Tn,:tee` Salary 245.00
Irvin Clemens' Tn, :tee Salary 245.00
Walter Stock: Mayor Salary 3$5.00
Donald 111401166 loge Salary � � 265.00