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MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and
g Y
_.' State of Minnesota, includin all. accounts< audited b . said Council.
January 13,;1972
' The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in regular session .in'ihe office
' of the: V Mo e Present n Mayor, Stock. Clerk Mayor G.entz
k uncilmen.°
meeting to order. Roll C all:
Schommer, Clemens, Busse, and Thorsfeldt. , and Co }
Mayor Stock and Councilman Thotsfeldt were sworn into their respective offices by
Attorney-Mork Sullivan.
Copies. of all previous minutes for the month were given to each member of the council
several days previous to the_ meeting. Motion was.made by Schommor,, seconded by
Clemens to approve the minutes.
5` Motion was made Thorsfeldt,to approve payment of all bills approved.by the Finance
Cornmlttee,,seconded by Schommor and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
s Applications` were received for a license to sell cigarettes at retail forthe year - !0-'7.,2
from Earl Pepper (Pepper's Pizza)`and,Gene Muelken (Gu 011 Statlor�). Motion was
made by Clemons to grant licenses to sell cigarettes at retail for the period covering
r January 1, 1972 through Qacember 31, l972 to Earl Pepper and Gene Muelken, seconded
by Busse. and upon o vote taken,. it was duly passed.
Motion was made �by., Clemens that Elmer Busse •bpd It ymond Johnson attend the Water
., "
School held ; January 18th., 1972,: at Fairmont 1�, Innesota, seconded by Thorsfeldt and
upon ,a vote taken, It was duly passed.
The following bids were received for "a, "One Way Truck Snow Plow ":
Hall Equipment Inc.: One Now Falls Model 310 One Way Plow complete with under-
& me hitch and 3 "' hydraulic ram Spring Trip Blade. F.O.B. mounted Lithe Falls,
Minaaata: ,
Falls Model 311 taken In lieu °of Model 310 - add - , T t .> :: 80.00
Abovetunits:*4th ".oholce:of underframe or $"lusting Frame Hitch. If both undork ne
and HuWnp Hitch Is desired in .combination - add 210.00
Su he drivin fo Littl 'Fclis'Machinejat- iaftli Falls;' Minneio*46r plow mounting
that erne day.
Chas._ Olson "b Sons, "Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesotar One (rink arrow Plow, Model
MWA-�2 Metropolitan Belies, One Way, Trip -Blade width of :pa ci cleared at 35
1 . Minneapolis, mounted and plumbed to existing hydraulic system
on truck' .. " .... .. ....:.. :1451.00
Options: For 'Tor -Loc" quick hitch, one man, drive in, self' locking mechanism
-add- 257:00
,Y 1 7, Swivel= adjustable'ihoas rodd- f:i s'' 180!.00
Curb shoos-one pair �, �ddu. 6.25 .
!!Ration wort eiiade by °Buss! tosdcciptthe $ridrof. Hal I'�uipn+ertt,�lne. •ofMinneapolls
{ " ` 'Mihn aft for the Model 311 , 9 0 4" Plow far a total bid of $1,235.00, seconded by'
Schoamer and upon a vote taken, It was duly passed,
F A propoeohwas;nc teed' firbm aFisAir�Gorifdititlning Go 'of1S+ovbge Minnesota.
x.E to improve and repair the heating Wstem in the Prior Lake Village Hall and is as- follow::
'I. Bryant Model 150,392C - ,or equivalent oil. furmcw' Ith hoating`thermostat. 2. Two
supply air ducts: One on east wall and othir'on "south well' mitt to stilling. 3. Registers
into ducts ro tMJ�state. /4, one heat run
other than the two low to. the floor next
extended to entry . 5. Rot�r aWductwork• and register near furnac4'. , °6. "Electrical
oil-lines and flop connected to extstingsy:tem BASE PRICE: SI850:004z 1. Zoning
"Wthip Auetworki 1 6n iouth wall out.t6 the west wail with two haak: l* w to floor.
BASE' PRICE; 52975:00. Motion wos mode by Schommer to table for further study,
seconded `by Thorsfeldt and upon a voM taken, it was duly passed.
V � I
5 a
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village Prior lake in the County of Scott and
K. } t
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Motion was made by Thorsfeldt to adopt a resolution to enter into a contract between the
Village of Prior Lake and Steven Schmidt: Be it understood by the Village of Prior Lake
that Steven Schmidt is required - under state law to attend a police school, the following
agreements are entered into between the parties: A. That the Village of Prior Lake will
pay Steven Schmidt $3.25 per hour for every hourSteven Schmidt attends, class training
and said payments wil I continue for a period of eight (8) weeks, or the, duration of the
police training. It is understood and agreed that said payments shall; be „eomputed:so as
not to exceed 40 hours per week. B. it is also agreed that the Village of Prior Lake will
pay mileage to Steven Schmidt at the rote of 104 per mile,. for each mile traveled from
the Village of Prior Lake to the site of police training. It will also pay one return trip,
said payments for mileage not to exceed more than .one (I) trip to and from per day.
C. "The, Village of Prior Lake a!so agrees to pay the tuition charges, of the trainee,
Steven Schmidt, provided that Steven Schmidt receives an overall quclifying score
which meets the minimum State of Minnesota Police Standard. D. Steven Schmidt
further agrees that fees paid in the event he terminates his posit ion with the Prior Lake
Police Department within one (1) year from the date of.receiving his Certificate from
the police school... seconded by Clemens and upon a vote taken, the following voted
in }favor thereof :. Mayor Stock and Councilmen, Clemens, Busse, ard` Thorsfeldt. Votinkt
against was Councilman 'Schommer°. ,.'
Motion was made by Clemens to remove item /i of the operational policies of the Prior
Lake Police Department as adopted November 8th., 1971,which reads as- follows: (1
Anytime you, are relieving a man from duty,. who has been on duty for any length of
_ >.
time, you should.be there '15-minutes prior;to shift change. This allows tima io pass on
any information pertinent to dutles, etc.),. seconded by Schommes and upon a vote taken,
it was duly passed.
Motion was made br to appoint Delbert-Busse as Fire Marsholl for the year 1972
with o salary of $100.00 for the year, . seconde by Clemens and upon a vote taken, it was
&ily passed. .
Delbert Busse, Fire'Marsholl and Steven Schmidt, Palice.Patrolman, were, sworn in by
Mayor Stock.
Motion; was:made by'Schoinmer toapprove the fol lowing officers as elected by the, Prior
Lake Fire Department:, Delbert Busse,. Fire Chief; Donald'Borchordt. lst.. Assistant;
;I.wonc* Weber, SocretWypfroncis Snell, Finance; Lyle Anderson, Firemen hip Ttatning
Officer; Cyril Smith, Chairman; Gerald Hafennan, Captain of Rescue Squad; Irvin
Clemens, Assistant Squad Captain, ..seconded by Clemens and upon 'a vote taken, it
wq�.,�r ly Passed
IAotlon } was mgie 6y $chommer to.lable't . approval of Gerald Haferman, Second'
A!iIstont to the Prior Lake Fin Department f!or seconded by Thorsfeldt
and upon a vote taken, It was duly passed'.
Motion was made byClemens to OK. payment for the'renewal of subscriptions to fire
Eetpineering for =8.00, 'Minnesota !Fire Chiefs for $22.50, and Nat ? -nal Fire Chief for
7.5D, seconded by :masse and upon a vote 'tokon, itwas duly passed.
Mellen; was: mode by Clemens ;to pay. Fire Chief, Delbert Buns, $5.00 per meeting
attended from the fire: fund, seconded b ' Thorsfeldt and upon pon a vote taken, it was duly„
Passed •
,Motion was made by Clemens that Lyle Anderspn, Dort Schommer, and Butch Schmidt,
who, ha4e, been appointed Fin, Department Service Maintenance men. for 1972, be paid
for'their"servi :ces the sown rate.as, is paidfor fire calls, seconded by Stock and upon a
vote taken, it: was duly passed.,
Motion.war,made by Clemops to make charge of $25.00 fora to
a rescue call made the
Savage” area for a snowmobile accident forr,Mrt,. Herbert Sweden, 8617 Green Haven Dr.
Osseo, 4 avlinneseta,;seconded by. Buss and upon.a vote taken, it was duly passed.
} F
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village. Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and �
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Motion was made by Clemens to make a charge of $100.00 for a fire call made to the
Cedar Lake area to Patrick Doherty farm, barn fire, seconded by'Busse, and upon
f rote iaksin, tt was du 'Passed.
Motto awas made by Clemens to•maki "a charge of $25.00 fora re'scui'call made to the
Wild Outdoors for a hunting accident for Dr. Goadhin, 4123 Sunset BWd., Minneapolis,,
seta seconded _b fe
s. o , y Thorn Idt and upon a vote taken, it was duly Ipossed �-
Motion was'made by'Schommer to make a charge of $35.00 fora rescue call to Kline$ i
Road, County Road i2, Credit River to the Prior Lake Clinic,, transferred to St. Francis
116spital, Shakopee for Donna Copeland, 3545 42nd', Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn... i
seconded by Thorsfeldt and upon a vote taken, It was,duly passid. ` d
Motion was mode'by Busse to make a charsie of .$25.00 for a rescue call `to the Savage
area foc ai member of the Emmett kiic aiike family, seconded by Stock; and upon a vote
taken,;, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Clemens to approve Change `Order. No. 2' additlons to. the 9th. Ave
Contract by White Construction Co. in the amoun"f $5,433.20... seconded by Buns
and upon a vote taken, it was du If passed .
Motion real made by Clemens to pay the tuition of °$35.00 to send John Mueller,
Building Inspector to the Building inspector School at tl�i Univenity of Minnesota,
,larN,orir 19th., , 1972, seconded by Schommer and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Nation was. by Clemens to pay Jolin'Muellir mileage and $25.00 for attending the
Building Inspectors School at the University of Minnesota, January 19th., 1972, seconded 1
by Thonfe jdt, and upon .a. vote taken, it was duly passed.
John Mueller, Building Inspector, and W.W. Gentz, Village Clerk, were sworn in by
Mayor Walter Stock.
Motion�was made by Clemens that Raymond Johnson and Elmer Bus:! receive IO da
vacation, 9 paid holidays and 12 A61c doys''with tht accumulatloe'of slck leave not to
exeeed seconded by Schammer and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by' Clemens to set the. salary' of Raymond Johnson of $693.00 per
month'far; the year 1972, sicondiid`b'y T"% and upon a vote Nikon; it was duly passed.
Motlon was'mad by Clemens to 'set the salary 11Inver Busse at $663`.00 per month for
the year 1972,` seconded. by T56i0sidt and upon a vote taken, if was duly passed.'
Motion was made by Schon.mer to set the pay'scale foie Bernice Pavek at $2.86 per "hour �
for the yeas 1972, seconded d upon , a vote taken, M was duly passed:
by Clemens and . , k
N1et1aN+ was made b', !ehom mer that 'Ai Vie. Contracts for Spring Lake, Credit River, and'
Eagle Cnek:Towrrrships bi the carne as" they'"4 in 1971, seconded by Clemens and upaNt
a vote .taken, it wits "duly passed
Motion was made by Clemens that Harold Israelson make preliminary study of the Prior
Lake Sewer Collection System with the'coifi to 6 estimated cW41700:00 to make the
study, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, It was duly pou.�d
Motion was mails by . 0
lemen to appoint the Prior Lake State Bank ds the o fficial bank
for the year 1972, see o4 by Thorsfeldt, and u`Pon'a'vote taken, it was duly paced.
Motion was made by Clemina thof tho ' Prior Lake American be` the lo' al'newspaper of
the Village of the year (972, seconded by Thorsfeldt, and upon a vote taken, it was
dul pied,
Motion was made by Thorsfeldt that Willlan Schmokel be'appolnted "Vlllags Resident
Engineer for the year 1972, seconded by Clemens and upon a vote taken, it was duly p
Motion was made by Schaimmee that Harold israelson be appdinW'Villoge Consulting
Er ' ineer far the year 1971, seconded` by Clemens,and upon a `vote tdcan, it was „duly
Pause''' -3-
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said CoLmcil..
Motion was made by Busse that Mark Sullivto be appointed Village Attorney for the
year' 1972, seconded by Clemons and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Clemens to appoint John Mueller as Building Inspector for the
year 1972, seconded by ThQrsfeldt, and upon d vote taken, it was duly'pcssed,
i4 u.
Motion was made by Thorsfeldt to appoint Al Hergott° as Weed Inspector for the year
1972, seconded b Clemens and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Tnorsfeldt td appoint Clarence Schmtdt as Plumbing Inspector for
the year 1972, seconded by Clemons and upon q.vote taken,, it was.duly passed. `
Motion was made by Busse to table the appointment of the Civil Defense Director for,;
1972, seconded, by Stock and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed,..
Motion was made by Clemons to appoint Dr. Olaf Lukk, Health Officer for the Villa go
of Prior Lake for the yoor 1972, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken,; it was duly
q Motion was made � :y Schommer'to retain Dick Cates 'and Rueben Mueller as, motor readers
for the year 1972 and to pay them 32 cents per meters read, seconded by Clemau and upon
-a voti; taken, it was" duly passed.
Motion was made by'' Clemens to appoint Roger Harris to the "Police'Commission for a term
of 3 rears with his term to expire December 31, 1974, seconded by Thoafeldt and upon a vote
taken; it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Clemens to sot the salary of the Village Clerk, W.W. Gentz, at
$2450.00 for the 1972, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
`Motion was made by Schammer to have MuIlenmoster & Co.tdo the annual audit of
- receipts and disburse ants for the 'Villogo of Prior Lake ,for the year 1971, seconded by
Clemens and upon a vote,fgken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Clemens "to sQ t the 'part time labor pay scales for the year 1972 at
$2.00 per hour form 6too A.M. to 6tOO P.M. and $2.25 perr hour from 6:90 P.M. to
6rQ0A.M., seconded Buss and.upon.a. vote taken,, it was duly passed.
Mayor, Stock designated the following obl igations, to each member of the council For the
yaor' 1972t Don Schommrar, , Street Commisdoner,. Don Bum, 14 ildinp and.2oning Com-
misaonerj Irvr<Clemiiru, Ntahr sewer'`Commisstoneri Ronald Thorfeldt, Park b
Re creation Commhsloner; and Don Busse and Don Schommer to be an the Finance Committee.
Motion was made by that the Prior Lake Council go on record to reaf irnn the
Sections 'I
position of the,Council on the annexation of through 12 of Spring,. Lake Town
A10 and thaiif tlaiy.fe:l s coons i through 12 should be a part of the Village of Prior
Lake 1»eaua' thin con iii servoet by ouir iacilites, sec oridpd .by 'Schommer and upon
a vote`taken, it was duly passed.
The' foilpwirtg_diii ursements were paid In January:
University of Minnesota Building Inspector Reg. 35.00
Motorola Communications Contract payment 5.50.
Electricity ' 430.76
ScoM/kIce,Telephon Dec. Balance 57.10
. •
Gul il, = Auto` Repair: 21.25
Prior °Lake American Legal` Publications 1$0.60
Scott County Sheriff Prisoner Board 5.00
Korn, McGee Co. , . Gas balance 2.86
Ar Brews brug; Office Supplies 1.09 f ;
Jordan independaM Office Supplies 56.90
Ronald - Lottery Clothing Allowance 62.50'
ball Meihaik Clothihp Allowance 62.50
Miller/Davis Co. Office Sup' Iles 44.75
—4 •
-..+, .w .'tr�ew.awd :+owY.d ^ire .: » "'•+i+tni•�'Ye xa: :...__.t„n,.
MINUTES of the Proceedings
of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in
the County of Scan and
State of Minnesote, including all accounts audited by said Council; }
GENERAL FUND - continued
D.I.S. Insurance Coy.'
' Premium "due
D.I.S. insurance Co.,
Premium due
Uniforms Unlimited
Police Supplies
Steven Schmidt
Part /time patrol
Dole Melhak r
Part/time& Ofc.
Remold La
Dale Melhtok
N S. P.,
Bankers Life
Hospital ization
Minn. Gas Co.
;"`" ;
P.L. Stab Bank
Federal Deposit
s ale Mithak
S1116ik ary
h Treasurer
Sociol Security,
r. 82.79
Ronald Lottery '
` 322.95
Cgmmis:ioner of Taxation ;�
State W / holding
State Treasurer
`, .275.50
3 3 ,24
: General Fund
General Obligation Fund
Transfer „
" 1000.00
° ` - 1+48.21
Tom's Mobil Station
Towing Charge _
„ 10.50
Lyon Chemical Co.
?rlor Lake electric' °
Contractor, Pump
General Welding
Meter Repair
Brellenthtn Hopkins ,Dodge
Balance Remaaininy
:. , . 31.50
D.iS. lnwrane
° •102.94
Harol braelson
Water styshm study
Wa g es`
i.01 p
4itnice Pavek
We i'..'=
$6 w 89
Bankers Llfi= f
kuen Mueller
_ ' 57.35 y'
Meter Readingq
M inn. Hat. Gas-
Dec. payment
N.L. State "Bank
Federal Deposit "
y i ` ' '. ,139 90
° Sock+) Security
' _, "2134.04
Comer: of taxation
Sales Tax
193. 16
Bwnf ce Pawk
- 95.10
2 1..01
Comm: of Taxation
State W/holding
I13000 !�
Internal Revenue Servie '
S" Tieaiuirer
'` fedeir+ol Adjrashninth�71
' 52.26 r`
036 70 4
4437.12 '
let SeM►ir f
Monthly payment
r 44.
� O �lehad �'
`lsra l:on
.Mmium ^due
.Rapnond Johnson'
E!!g�PMr Service
: 66nkers: Life . ,
Dick Gitrii
R *Lalrnwnd�Joi
Meta Reading
eral DepaiR
94 90
So a17�
Canmi`::to�ir of Taxation,
State W/hoidtcg,
� ;
Tractor Co.
Tirii capair
Equipment repair
53 10
Bohnsack ��Hennen
W1m. Muil3 r & Soni
Snow lowi
B.T.U. Mix
D.I.S. Insurance
Blacktop Constmetion
Premium due
Balance due on coati ng