HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 14 1972MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
kk ;
State of Minnesota, 'including all accounts audited by said Council
February 14, 1972
The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met in regular session in the office
of the Village Clerk Monday evening, February 14th., 1972 at $:00 KIM. Mayor Stock
called the meeting tq.order. Roll Call: Present were Mayor.,S Clerk Gbntz, and
Councilmen Schommer, Clemens, Busse, and Thorsfeldt.
Copies of all previous minutes for the month were given to each member of the council
several days previous to the meeting. Motion was made by Busse, seconded by Schommer
to approve the minutes.
Motion was made by Busse to approve payment of all bills approved by the Finance
Comittee, seconded by Thorsfeldt and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Don Monnens, Representative of the Friends of the Library, advised that the.Scott -site
Telephone Co, is expanding it's facilities and it will be necessary to move the Ilbrory
elsewhere before April Ist., 1972. He advised they have a problem trying to locate a
building to house thellbrary and inquired if the basement of the Village Halt is available.
He also stated if the library is to be located in the basement, better lighting will be
needed, along with carpeting of the entire basement. The Friends, of ilia Library obtained
n bid to carpet the basement for =1130'.00 and a bid from .Prior lake electric to upgrade
the lighting by installing 16 fixtures 4 feet long with 'two floureseent bulbs for ;570.00;
and also `a bid of $1300.00 to re -wire and use 8 foot fixtures far greater lighting.
Motion was made by Thorsfeidt to grant permission to the Friends of the Library to use
the`lasement of the Village Hall for the use of a library, seconded by Schommer and
upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Schommer to approve the carpeting of the downstairs and upgrade
the llghiing system at an estimated cost of $1700.00, seconded by Thor feldt and upon a
vote taken, it was du (y posed
Motl6n was, made by Schommer that the Village Mgkri ,Rnance Men re -paint the basement
of the Village Hall,,*econded by Thorsfeldt and a vote taken, it was duly passed ,
1 upon
Brooks Hauser sentect a preliminary plat for oroval, and . to re-zone the Brooksville
pre ^�Y p pt�
Hills Third Adaltion Flom 1 -I to R -3 as it was aggro.!:: by the Prior Lake Planning
Commission., x Busse noted" there was no /Wffer provided for the, R- l,aremand suggested
the plans be returned ro the Pl s ping Commission. Motion; was made by Busse
shot; the plate be referred beck to the Planning Commission for further study, seconded
Thorsfildt.and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. .
Robert McAII iste was present and signed the 1972 Dog Catcher Agreement.
Motion was made by,Schommer to make a charge of $35.00 for a fire call at St. Miche�is
Ghurch which was a car fire and the vehicle was owned by John Hella, 3701 Susan Lane,
Burnsville, Minnesota- seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was "mode by Busse ro.,make a charge of $35.00 for each. of the .rescue calls listed: ,
Math Theis, rescue tali; and rescue calls for snowmobile accidents for John E.. Thompson,
Foley, Mlnnesota'and,Mrs. Herbert Sweeden, 8617 .Green Haven Driver Osseo, Minn. - .'.z
seconded :by Thorsf6ldt and upon a vote taken, it was dul passed., =
Motion was made., by $chommer to empower Delbert $usse, Fire Chief,; to. make necessary
papas for the 'Deputy Clerk ro bill. alh -roscue calls at 535.00, plus supplies, seconded`
by Clem ons and upon a vote taken, it was duly paned.
Delbert Busse requested'permiss on to increase the,fire mer:bership'from 25
men to 30 men. Motion was made by Bu sse` to grant approva to, the Fire Department to
increase the membership from 25 men to 30 men, seconded by Thorsfeldt 'and upon a
vote jakeri it was duly passed.
Motion was made Clemens to approve Jerry [aferman at 2nd.. Asst. Fire Chief for
the year I'V2, seconded by Schommer and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
otion was made by Busse to approve the. names of streets in the Prior South Addition as
named by Lawrence Schweich, seconded by Thorsfeldt and upon a vote taken, it was
du passed.
The Prior Lake Baseball Associotlon is proposing to have lights installed at the baseball
parka The funds to pay for this 'would come from various organizations in the community.
Figures were presented for similar lights installed at Gaylord, Minnesota. The cost of
the project was $9,.211.77, which did; not include approximately an
additional $3,000
onated labor. It was w4-,nested by Harold. Israelson that the village apply for a grant
for this project, which If the grant is approved, world pay approximately 50% of same.
otion was made by Thorsfeldt that the engineer prepare` necessary data seek a HUD
Grant for the baseball lighting project, seconded by Schommer and upon a vo
Po to taken,
It was duly passed.
letter of resignaticn"was received from Police Coordinator, Ron Lottery, which Is to
come effective March l5th., 1972. Motion
was made by Busse to accept the resig-
lion of Police Coordi motor, Ronald Lattery, seconded by Thorsfeldt and upon a vote
taken, It was duly' paustd.L -
OW was made by Thorsfeldt that Lotte be id for 2 holidays : ry Pa i ay: and 3 vocation days
gh March 15th., 1972, sect ndetl by . lusse and up n a vote taken, the following in
favor thereof: Mayor Stock; and Councilmen Busse 'Thorsfeldt
n Clemens abstained. �j Council
4160 was made by Bu" that Mayor Walter A. Stock, Clerk W;,'Gentz, and Attorney
° ullivan attend the Lobor` Relationg, Workshop,,
a workshop examining Minnesota's new
blic Employee Collective Bargaining Law, and Its Impact, which will be held at the
9,disson , South, March 3rd., 1972, and that the village pay the registration fee of
SIS:OOrper man; seconded by Clemens and upon a vote taken, it wai duly passed.
lark W.W. Lentz advised, council of the uncollected water account: which seamed
;. Quid never. be collected due to bankti�
pcy, etc. The Village Auditor recommended these
6c6JnWbe'stricken from the reeord: Anderson
resolution: Merlin - =9.69, Fred
trier -'526.32, 'Mrs." Glen Greenlee = =19.64, James Lester - =20.02, Mrs. Dennis
Pentons - X38.07,. Dr. J. Richter - $15.30, John F. Plucinak - $18.37, Merlin Redetzke -
' 15..113 James perscli - $8.18, Ga llagher's Restaurant - $55.65, and Stdn*an, Inc. 584.51
z w .
was, made 'by Clemens that the water bill `of Merlin Anderson in file amount of $4.69
itricken from th �record�� soconde by Busse'and` upon a vote taken, It
duly ' po=sed •
otton was ,made by Busse (hot the water bill of Mrs. Glen Greenl ye In the amount of
519.64 be stricken from the, records, seconded by Stock and upon a taken, it
vote was
I' rte.
t Oilan vitas made by Busse that the water, bill of James Lester to the amount of $20.02 be
trtcken, from the nconli, seconded by, Thor =feldt and'upon
a vote, taken, it was duly passed.
oft on warmode by Clemens that the wafer bill of John F. Piucinak in the amount of $18.37
strleken trawl the leaordi, seconded by Thorsfeldt and upon a vote taken, d)
was u
. r y passed.
p onion wad made by Thorsfeldt - that the water bill of Merlin Rad in the ,amount of $15.18,
strtcki the
,from records, seconded by Clemens and upon a vote taken, It was - 'duly `
y passed.
otion was made by Busse, that the water bill of James Dorsch in the amount of $8.18 be
's tficken fro m''the, `recams, seconded"by Stock and upon `a
vote taken, it was duly pos=ed.
otion was madei by Busse that the water` bil l of Gallagher' Restaurant in the amount of
SS5.65' be' stricken from the record, seconded by Clemens a
and upon vote taken, it was
ouncilman Clemens advised he would check the, possibility of collecting the accounts of
Fred Currler for 526.32, Mrs. Dennis Persons for $38.07,
and the Starran,' Inc. for $84.51
nd AttorrtdySulllvan was requested" to write Dr. Richter concoming'hts unpaid account
in the $15.30.
L l a
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in
the Count y of Scott and '
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council; `
Motion was made by Clemens to adopt Ordinance No. 72 -1, an Ordinance amending `
Ordinance No.; 71 - 16; The Village of Prior Lake, In Common Council; do ordain as
!1 foliows: SECTION I. Section °il of Ordinance 71-16 is hereby ammended to read as
follows: SECTION 11. It shall be unlawful for anyone to climb or'scale or go - upon
ge property
Villa unless duly authorised by the Village of Prior lake and 'it shall also
be unlawful for anyone to tamper with or open any fire hydrant unless duly authorized
by the Village of Prior Lake, and anyone so opening a fire hydrant shall make res-
titution for the value of any water lost or used as the result of said opening In addition
to the penalities provided Ili of this Ordinance. SECTION I:I1. This
ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the date of Its passage and
publication according to Law I., seconded by Thorsfeldt and upon a vote taken, it €
was duly passed. e
Motion was'mado by Busse to change Ordinance #69-43 to 69 -43A, seconded by
Tliorsfeldt and upon a vote taken, It was duly passed.
Mark Sullivan �`ecommended that the Village hold an asseument hearing for the water
and sewer 'improvements on the Violet Carlson property:' Motion was made by Clemens to
hold a public hearing March 13th., 1972, at 7:30 P.M.' for the purpose of assessing the
Violet Carlson property for water and sewer Improvements, seconded by Busse, <and upon a
vote taken, it was duly passed.
Motion was made by Clemens to adopt a resolution relating to petition for annexation;
WHEREAS, The Village of Prior Lake is a Municipal Corporation ;wh"(It}aEfroi, * of
Scott, State of Minnesota, and= WHEREAS, Said Village Council of the- ,Village of
Prior Lake has received a petition for annexation of certain properties to >the Village
by at least 100 property owners of said property, which is described below; and WHEREAS '
lulls the desire of the petitioners to avail themselves of the services•of the Municipal
Corporation of the Village of Prior Lake, and WHEREAS, the Village of.Prior Lake can
and is willing to provide sold municipal services. It is hereby resolved, that the follow-
ing parcel of land be annexed to the Village of Prior Lake; All that part of Spring Lake
Township, Scott County, Minnesota, lying within Sections I and 2, ezeluding that part
of Sections 1 and 2 within the Village of Prior Lake and Wose Sections 3,4,5,6,7,8,9;
10," 11, and 12, Township' 114, Range 22 West. Be it furtv�r resolved; that the Viliage
:> xi ,n4erve and file copies of this Resolution and Petition upon the Spring "Lake Township
Board, the Scott County Board,` the Scott County Ptcan Commission, and the Minn. =1
Municipal Commission, sold parties being entitled`to notice under Minnesota Statute,, 4 14.031, 'Subd. 11, seconded by Thorsfeldt and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. .
Motion wacmade by Clemens to,oppointAllan Mix as Director for the
Village of Prior Lake for the year, 1972, seconded by Busse cnd upon a, vote taken, It
war duly passed.
Motion was made* Busse to accept the same bulk gasoline bid from the,Standard ,O,il
Cp.,. Spike Muelken, Agent, for the period covering March.l, 1972, through February
28th., 1973, seconded by Stock and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.
Mayor Stock advised that Prior Lake Aggregate is interested In purchasing the Prior Lake
Village Dump grounds when and if the dump grounds is closed.,
i I
TM following disbursements were paid: '
Anchor Inn h 'Off Sale return $ ' lbo.00
Dale Meihc�k Salary 310.10
Ronald Lottery < Sidlary 322.95
Bank Federal Deposit 216.40
Dale Meihok Part time /Office 85.29
pven Schmidt Part time ; "x'52.52'
N.S,P. '
Electricity , 15.00 H�
Biters, Life
• Hospitalization �I14.70
Tdm's Mobil Auto`Repairs 24,70
K.S.P. Electricity 437.87
$eottAlce Telephone Telephone ,', 54.31
Motorola Communications Contract payment 5.50 i
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Nlllage of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Minnesota, including
all accounts audited by said Council.
b L Hardware
' 9.17
tandard Oil
Ulf Oil , =
11lerDavis Co. j
Office Supplies
4hn Mueller '
eott County Auditor
Prisoner Board
KW & Sullivan
Attorney Fee
obert McAIIIster
Dog, Pound Fee
Dump Spraying'
, . 37.50
Iarence Schmidt :,
Plmb. Inspections
inn ,'Gas C9. _
atro� inter County Council
sate Treasurer
onald Lottery
awn Sehinldt
Poiice'School' `
4 -" 9 � 4
rauer & Associates .
Waiter study
77 "
oahwtfer .� •
Petagq �
. ors #ire' .10W.Ausw
Federal Deposk
• , 49.34
pymond Johnson
Water School
,? Chemtool Co. r
4 18.78
r las'Wal#�,r Equip:, Co.
a Mthrs
4lerous Cq.
Repair. ports
inn. Ca: Co.
late Treasurer; i, ,
67 32
Irnar (fosse a .
(l<er .11C PPawk:
4 Gentz
196.00 '
"4, 3 30-
° 3`Ai ocWes
Sewer• Stud y
rjnhend Johnson'
P.L� Baink
Federal Deposit
ers LL)
Electricity -
L Bit Fiarrlwa�e . a
40.37 '
Harold Woolson
Eno. Service
1+e ii Tr ciwrek
Raymond- Johnson s
284 ".0l
ha � .
2, 762, 02'
a N'3.Ir.
oiorala Communications
Contract payment
Uo A Ce >
¢4.79 '
.u�f Oil „
Gas /Oil
Mopnon Supply
; <, Repairs
,National' Fire hofeetion Assoc.°
- Registration
Mian. Gas.Cor.
asr. i :
";i ck 3. Hennen
Ga�,/O i l'
Snow Removal
9 `
c me Mueller & Sonst`"
B,.T.U. M x
60.00' `
F '
2'"i'i. 2
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
j ,
State of Minnesota, includ'i;ng, all accounts audited by said Council
N.S.P. Electricity 8602
L &.L Hardware M isc. . -16.90
Standard Oil Furnace fuel 167.80
Ralph Smith Janitor 56.0
.. 326.9e
N.S Electricity 19.70 .
N.S'.P., Electricity 17.59
N.S.P. Underground 1650.00
Harold braelson Engineer Fees 393.39
White Construction . Contract payment 8261
White Construction Contract payment 3621.60
43, 926.18
Prior Lake 'State Bank Bonds 250.00
General Structures Repair dirveway 167.50°
There being no further business, the meeting u ;
W.W. Gentz Clerk
February. 21 1972
The Common Council of the Village .of Prior Lake met in special session in the office
of the Village Clerk Monday evening, Febroury 21st., 1972, at 7 :30 P.M. Mayor
"Stock called the meeting to order. Roll Call: Present wereCMayor Stock, Clerk Gentz,
and-Councilmen Schommer, Clemens; Busse, and Thorsfeldt.
R61le,,ThieIIng was, present to•discuss the needed lighting improvements in4lie basement
of =the Village Hall for the use of the Prior Lakc Library. He indicated he would, rewire
the new Ilbrary area and install 8 foot fixtures <for better Ilghting for a bid not to exceed
$1500.00. - Motlon,,as made by Schommer to accept the above bid, seconded by Busse
and upon,a vote taken, It was duly paned:
Motion was made by Schommer to approve the'audit of all receipts, and disbursements..of
the Village Funds for the'yenr 1971, as made by D.H. Mullenmoster b Co , seconded by
Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly _passed.
,NAotion�wasmade by Schomm6ir to post.the financial statement for 1971 at?three public
places: Village Hall, Priorlake Postoffice, and the Prior Lake State bank, seconded
by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed.,,;
. It. was decided to drop the idea 'of hiring a insurance consultant to study the Village
l neuranee needs,-etc.,
Fred Haiington, Planning Consultant of Brauer' & Associates, was asked submit a cost
figrue to prepare date for the annexation of -the 12 sections -of Spring Lake Township.
The foPowing proposal was submitted:
Data that
was, previously collected In conjunction with the Prior Lake and Eagle Creek:
Consolidation Siudy dated December 10th., 1971, will be utilized where appropriate,
but beyond that consideration, the basic scope of services to be provided is as follows:
I.` Utilization of existing base maps for the annexation area and Prior Lake,for the
presentation of graphics.
2., Collect and review pertinent data for the area in need_ of orderly annexation,
including utilities; `population,; police and fire protection, hlghways, etc.
3. Field work to inventory and map existing land use for the area in need of orderly
annexation. -5-
Peter Patcheh was contacted in re' rds to in a tan stud for the /
' preparing y present Village of
Prior Lake, Eagle Creek Town hip, and the ftnt twelve sections of Spring Lake Township
to use as testimony,, etc: in regards to the Spring Lake annexation hearings. Mayor Stock
Ind icated, Mr. , Patckin.woWd .work on an :hourly rate and the figure would not exceed .'
$1500.00,_ but ro d ah,' no Wrtthn,statement has been received. ;I tem was tabled until'f
the , next hqu
Mayor Suck advised the council that "the. auditor;again'recommended the village purchase
o a,, A posting`mac:hine to do the water and sewer bi He indicated that the machine would''
T ea ppImhoitely 51500.00 and-saye many;houri of'Hmw in billing. ;The` item wit tabled %
a. ,until the�Maoh, 1902. hwating
The Cr�.+dii.RiwrrTown doai+d�wis invited to discuss orderly annexation and the posa
of anruo ing the two,sections abutting the VII laoe of'Prior,leake; which at;present need
iWAa"tictpel.services: They indiaateil,`'they would like to discuss this with residents of the
am concerned before. the would give ah opinion of sane.
Motion v t.made by Schommer that Mayor Stock Contact Steven Schmidt and discuss
wages, etc. for. the position of police patrolman left >vocant byAe resignation of
Lottery, seconded by Clemens and upon 'a vote taken, It was duly passed .
No further business, the meeting was adjourned.
W.W. Gentz, Clerk,
• :MI of the;Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and �
State of Minnesota, including all accounts 6diied by said Council. -
4. Review hydraulic arnd util ty data for the crea in need orderly annexation.
S., Preparation of threi (3) graphics to portray:). land' use, 2.' major :trdets and
highways, and 3. the,'annexation area.
6. Prepare a written report documenting findings and conclusions utilizing previously
collected Prior Lake Data and data collected for the area in need or,crr!derly annexation.
�. „
7: Meetings as - necessary with Prior Lake Officials (Mayor and Attorney) to present and
review findings.
Be Attendance and testimony at one (1) meeting before the Minnesota Municipal Commission.
The fee for the above services' W111 be approximate three thousand dol Ion (53,000.00).
.They will undertake the above service: on -an hourly bast : ,according fie "the following
hourly ratty schedule:
Principal , ,.* . ... ,...,.. , .53s.00,p4r hour _
_ ¢
Profaulonal `Staff.. $, ti lO J8 29.00 per hour
Technical staff., .... 515.0o to 19.00 per hour
Administrative. . .:.... , .... 9.00 pets hour '
In addition to the above rates, the village will be billed for normal expenses incurred by
Brauer •and Assoclotes, 'Inc. for reproduction of graphics and' reports, and for mileage and
other expenses. Additional meetin ' before the Minnesota Muniet I Commission and/or
the V11116 a Council'are not included In the above estimate and such time will be billed
ai ah addif6rial `service. "Motion was'made'by Clemens to accept the °proporaf of Mauer '
and Assoclates, <!r1c ,(Fred;N ington Prianning Consultant) to prepare no-w ry dame '
needed for hear ings �
r j