HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 08 1972MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and
State of Miihnesota, including alh;,accounts audited by said Council.
MaY -Sth., 1972 q
The Common Council of the Village of Prior Lake met In regular session In the office
of the Village Clerk Monday evening, May 8th;, 1972 at 7 :30 P.M. Mayor Stock
called the meeting to order. Roll Call Present were Mayor Stock, ,Clerk Gentz, and
Cou Schommer, Clemens, ,.Busse, ar'ad T.horsfeldt.
The final plat for the Prior South Addition was reviewed again. Motion was made b y
Busse to approve the Prior South Addition flnak plat, seconded by Schommer and upon
a vote taken, It was duly passed.
The final plat for the Brooksville Hills Third Addition was presented by Brook: Hauser.
Motion was made by Clemens to approve the flnah plot for the Brooksville Hills Third
Addition, seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken;. it was duly passed. ti
Dr. 'Olson requested a conditional; use
q� permit to bu ild ; . a animal hospital and residence ;
new the comer of Ninth Avenue and Highway 13 (nooir, Deep Rock Station). Motion
was made by Busse to grant the conditional use permit I< build the animal hospitaland
residence on the described property and upon a vote takein, It was duly passed.
Co of all
op previous minutes for the month were given. td member of the council �
several days previous to the meeting. Motion was mode by,Thorsfildt, sounded by
demons to approve he previous minutes, and upon a vote Asken,� it was•duly passed.
Motion was made by Busse to approve payment of all bills approved by the Finance
Committee; seconded by Thorsfeldt and upon a vote taken, it !vas duly passed.
Vince Hencler a pro IIminary plat of the Bluff `Heights \Addition. Motion was
made by Thorsfeldt to approve the preliminary plat of the Bluff A9i96 Addition and t
upon a vote taken, It was duly passed:
The, f611'aw,ing LiquorLicgnse Applications, we" presented for. the approval of
x o
the council period covering July 1st., 1972 through June 30Ph., 1973.
Gerald E. Hafennan: Motion vvas made by Councilman k
Thorsfeldt 6,0'a nt Gerald E. :
Hafimwn an Off Sale, liquor Lteet:se for the period covering July I, 1',972 through
*!00th- 1973; seconded by,Councilman Clemens and upon a e'uken, It was
approved macaimously. _ s.
Willard Graves: Motion was made by Councilman Clemens.to grant Willard Grows an
Off.�,ale,,Uquor License for the, period covaringAuly;l, .1972 through °Jun%�30th.
, 1973
seaonded:by Councilman .Thorsfeldt and upon a vote taken, it was approved unanMouacly.
l!arcisRSnel I s % Motion was made by Councilman Clemens to tt'"m►t Francs: Snel I an Off '
Sale Liquor License for the period covering July 1, 1972 through June 30th. corKled.by Schommer, and ,upon a vote „taken, it approved unanimously
John Norblom: Motion was made b Councilman Clemens to Y grant John Norbl «n an �
Off Sale. Liquor License for the Pojj0dr covering July 1, 1972 through' June 30th \1973,
seconded. by Councilman Busse and upon a vote. taken, It was approved unanimously ;t
ksyil.le L,1
Br�oo ll " Cis' qer, Inc.,: _John, Brooks..Hauser, P.ro:idenk Motion made by
Count', matt nens ao grant Br6o64111 le Liquor, Inc., John Brooks Hauser, President
an Off Sale Liquor License covering the period from July 1, 1977 through June 30th., ti
1973 sgeegdtd by: Cou�cilnwn 8usse,and: upon a :vote taken tt.wa:.approved uneimou :l .
The following On4aale Liquor License Applications were presented, for. approval of the
council for the period covering July 1, 1972 through June 30Th., '1973.
- A
Gerald E. Hafermom , Motion was made by Councilman. Clemens to grant Gerald E.
Hoferman.an,O,n Sole.Liquor license for,.the.perlodr.covegiTtg July 1, June 30Th';
1973, seconded Cauncilrn Tharsfel f u o vefe talon it vrae approved
unanimously.. c Pte'
- )IT LY
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villagppf Prior Lake in the County of Sco and
State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council.
Francis Snell: Motion was made by Councilman Schommer to grant Francis Snell an
On Sal* Liquor License for the period covering July 1, 1972 through June 30th.,. 1973,
,.aend.d b Councilman Clemens and upon a vole taken, it was approved unanimously.
" t`
Willard Graves: Motiowwas made Councilman Buns to
by grant Willard Groves an
On Sal* Liquor License for the period covering July 1, 1972 through ;tune 30th.," 1973,
seconded b Councilman Clemens upon a vote taken, it was approved unanimously.
Fralrof Prior, Inc., Anchor Inns Motion was made by Councilman` Clemens to grant; the
Frair of Prior, Inc., Anchor Inn an On Sale Liquor License for the" period covering July
I, 1972 through June 30th., 1973, seconded by Councilmarn Schommor and upon a vote
taken it was approved unanimously.
The following Sunday Liquor License Applications were
PP presented for the approval of
r »
the Council far the period covering July Ist., 1972 through June 30th. 1973.>
Friar of Prior, Inc.; Anchor Inn: Motion was made by'Councilnian `Bus n grant the
Frain of Prior, Inc`., Anchor lm 'a Sunday Liquor License for the period eewring July
1, 1972 through June 30th., 1973, seconded by Councilman Thors%ldt and upon a vote
taken, it was approved unanimously.
Willard r Motion wa= made by Councilman Thorsfeldt to grant a Su " Liquor
Llanse to Willard Gray" for the period covering July 1, 1972 through. June 30th., 1973,
second ed by Councilman Clemeft upon a vote token, It was proved unanimously.
Post 6208: Motion was made by Councilmen Clemens to grant q Sunder Liquor
,Ltoen:. to V.F Post 6208 for the period covering July 1, 1972 through June' 30th.;
1973, seconded' by Councilman Sehemmer and upon' a ;it:waa`approvod
V.F.W. Pact 6208 r'
presented an application fora Club Liquor Lien:.. Motion; was made
by 6unciimari�Clemens ;to -grant a Club tlg6ar License to V. FN. Pat 6208 for the
period cevering•July'1, 1972 through June "30th., 1973, s corW*d br Councilman
Thorsfeldtand upon a vote taken, it "was approved unanim'ously.,
o tr
V " W: Post 6208 presented anappllcotton for a Sot-Up L",icertse. Motion was made by
Cerincilman. Clemons'ta grant , a S *t-Up License to V.F.W. Post 6208, far the period `
cewring July 1, 1972 - June 30th,., 1973, seconded by Councilman So wmmor and upon
a v iakon, it was approved unanimously.
Jahn Norblom of Vlkirp "Liquors, Inc., inquired if a`sign permit was needed to replace'
"'s 119n whtd was faken'down when North Centro) Avenue was improved.. He advised
shpt the sign would be put back, in the same location. He was advised that a sign permit
�xas net requ
0,410 Corponter rigoested a sign permit to place a`sign 4'' X 8' on his property between
Pokoft Street and fast Main, just to the east of Highway 13. Item was tabled for further °
tiition was; meat by Bush to adopt a resolution accepting the Comprehensive Trunk
Seaver Plan: as drawn, by Harold G. laraelson, P.E., which plans include Informat
beyond the cumin #'boundaries of Prior Lace' trig Spring Lake T*wnship and Credit River
Toavrahip, seconded b y Thorskldt and upon a vote taken, it was duly
Motion was mode by Busse wth wi:i' Engi Harold Israelson to prepare necessary data
for an application for a HUD Gront for the sewer, plan, seconded by, Clemens and upon a
wits taken, it was duly parted.
° r�
i c'reld Israelsen advised the Scott County Commissioners will not approve to a
' '
t .
Po' tin of the tm provement fie -isitend the stern sewer
because ' on the Wallace L'anghorst props , 0
' of it �L
_ rrq private property. `He advised that the wrark can 1» •donr� for $2, 0 0,
by 'using,.corrugated ' metal' 1ruN3d`Of amaeto> and the village would.ha*e to supply some .
labor to reduce rite cost. Motion was made by Schommor to prima with' the improvement
to extend the storm sewer on the Langhorst property at the cost of approximately $2,000.,
seconded by Busso and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed;
A / 0 ' v
l.9 n
MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of `Scoti and
State of Minnesota, including, all accounts audited by said Council.
There was a discussion regarding the poltcino of `the eoe6olidaI6d'E6gfi Creek portion. '
trelmen and the
•Hirtry of additional
Pa purchose of a second pslt+ea, dar was discussed.
Motion was made by Schommer to authorize the Portoe Ca I hoto� `to'prapore and give
l Service'Tesh for patrolmen, seconded by Element arid " ken, a r token, 'it was,
�, n..
F iji Chief, Delbert Busse, stout' that using fire e t nt" for flooding,
9u pme ng slo4ting rtes ?
4ur Ing the winter months Is jeopardizing our fire rating by permitting em ftency !
equipment tb be used for' flooding" skating rinks. The matter 4Ffloodirig`the skating
rinks wa rrbrred to Park Commissioner, Thonfeldt for fuMhor study.
Motion was made by Buss to authorize Attorney Sullivan to pripor acrd wive an order �
µ to all proper personnel, to repair and clean up property on the Ronan Kop; F+erm, feoonde+d
a by Clemens and upon a� vote tdaeii, it was duly paced
a -
Motion was made by Thonfeldt adopt Ordinance No. 72 -2 art Ord! n" deflninp
and regulating garbage onil refuse, refuse hauling regulations; W air'p lirtton,
(Ordinance flied in Ordinance Book), seconded by Sehwnme' and u
1 k it was duly passed ` p«r +� vote taken,
. • `Motion was made by Clemons to adopt a resolution that the Prior Lake Overtop be closed
affective July I, 1972, seconded by Schommec and upon a vote •laken;.1* wit I
dwly pawed.
Motion wa made by: Schommerto: adept Ordinance No.�72 -3• aniCO�iinitoe amrandt
Ordinance No. 64 -13, the and =Divi :ton R ilert o Ord nphoO Of the Vt� .,.
y ,
f Prior ae; speciAl
oaly Segtlon.V.,, Zoning Districts a"d, ,2
' Mope (0Wce Hlsd In
k { Ordinance Book) seeanded`by Thersfeidt acrd upon a vote taken, <it was- dielr pawed.
Motion wa made by;Bus* to adept Ordinance No.
72-4, eyt Or lir+anoe Amending O
Ordinance Mo. 64-13, The Zoning and Sub -0lvhten Ordinance of }h e•al"Ilope of Prier
asks to include Planned Unit Dewiopment, •(Ordinance filed'llwor ihrande Book)
• leaandod by Schommor and upetr °a'voto taken,' it was duly
Mottos was made by Clemens to. advertise for bids for the purchare;of 4�+eM► polies car:
Bids an to be received vntt1740I.M. June 12th, ?1412,, secendud `yt3cherrMnor and
upon a vote taken, it was duly paned.
i � f4Otlan was made b Clemens `ta acce the bid of Shale
y �, Pt epee Ford to hepa 'the 1970 Ford 1�w.1 Police Car for the total of =639.22, seconded by Schommer cod 1 uaen a. vote taken, It
o was y passed,, �,. � •
The Tat Equal Ization Miett rg *11( held at 7t30 P.M.,, WedniNtay j May 24i 1472.
Motion was trade .by?Thinifiidt to approve the cone effin of a raw °eotioiisIon stand
net exceed $300.00 at Ai Woriai Park, seconded by ` and u b voi taken.,
It was duly pawed, per,
The foilewtng dhbur meet= wim paid: "
a N.SP Electricity X24.75
J**rn IMrdependant Office Supple to 22.25
lee Tilsiplaro Tilophos» :.. .
hisha Medical Ginter Police De 66:27 St. Francis H Dep artment 25.00
Ho spital Polito Department ' ` 17.50' '
i dohnsotk de z.
Hennes Hauling Gravel 236.50
` Ce N. b Sullivan -
Y ' f lau,er :Fame Atrorr»y F.: _ 200;00
J, y inter Pa l I De
iulf Oil 1 parfinent '' `` `r } 2 •
° `bWLS.
cott County Sheriff Prisoner Board •
15.00 a
Motorola Communications Contract payment 5.50
Kerr4+NlcCee Tire: 74.00
C. N. Sullivan Attorney Fen 345.83
Via- �