HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 12 1972rW MINUTES of the `Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of. Prior Lake in the, Couri+y of Scott and k >: .. State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council':' y Juno 12, 1972 .: It r The. `Comm"on ;!council of the Villas of Prtor`.ake met in regular :asiion .in the office of the Villaga Clerk Monday evening, June; bh'. 1972, Jt M P.M. Mayor Stock called thsi`rnetinp b`` order. Rolf Call: Present were Mayor Stack,. Clerk Gents, and Counclimen Schommer, Clemens, 8u and Thorsfeldt. The following sealed bids were opened fa 0' ' purchase of a new police car: Wolf`Motor'Co. Jordan Minnesota �'{ f 1972 Ford Custom 4 door, 121" W.B. ................. :.$3, 318.00 1 .. ,' Color avatl`abiitty - OX, Crui:amatic .� Std Power Steering S t 5M.183.12 �O Guardian Pkg. Novy Duty Trvnsmtalon!' Std. Heavy Duty Brokos �) Std Heavy`Duty Batlory" 80 amP�) Std Hpavy,Duty Altirraater,(6� .Std. ' Heavy. buty Su:`p aton' (Shock i Springs) SM, 'Frent •. Heavy. W* Seat Hbvy Duty Vtriyl'"tnlertor Std. a " `Heavy Duty Collii� °Pk� " SM t , Certified Speedometer (2 mi.) Std. Vtilbtltty oup`' Remoti Trunk Riliaa' 3.63 �" .3 Mside Moad`tfet�e ., ' Tintid an 11 �` 52 A.M'l Radig � � ° � ' '64.37 5- W78-13 Radial Steel Belled (G78- N /A) , M 1 t1ti Ft±eighyd'S�ervtCo h, 154.00 4053,72 Discouot 81:72 Cash Prig 3;195.00 t ' j , � ,''" ` ` a .Miililiwrltsl Moldint, New PtaBue, Minnesoty * ' ,lilt:, I" CIiev..' be", 4'0 oor Sedan, °I21 I/2" Wheel B .. ' i00 Cu. In_ Errgtr» Ahwitalor Heavy Puty (63 Amp.) 1604 (80 Amp.) ° 4 hleavy DYty Shacki tMld" Springs CirtfiedrSppideinetrr Heavy Duty Cushions v!rtth Virh►f'Trim l: Heavy Duty Engte b Trammtsdon Mount _ Hs±av► Dvfy`Axle 8!/8K "ittrig'iGear "Front Slrieia" • „° `` , W%avy.Dutjr��Wfislei k � , Htr eapaicifjr front and rear springs u Ffoa*r Duty Radiancy wflh witra cooling " T Isiede Nmporot+ir+ eaitrolled roditdr `fan and coolant recovery "%m n Radio iuopt rsstan *quigmont ° VbiiMtf)►wp'- Awctltary lighting • /' hstdo'itelease °Sid.).: i �rr�wd w�„ht.ld AM Radio G7815 Betted Tkes : O'd Steer 41 D ( 'id.) ` owv�r' fie Broker ( ,' Unde�odtt BID PRICE .... ......... " :..........$3,173.90 ism MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and n State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Mahowald Motors, Inc. - continued t Q Due to the change over at the factory, we are unable to furnish this vehicle. Th" a 1973 model will be out September 26, 1972. This price enclosed would =! o subject to a , price increase, if any. Being ,that this time of,the roar,, when we cannot furnish this vehicle, i am not enclosing a Bid Bond, Brambilla' Motors, Inc. Shako a PN. Minnesota (following state6ient) 1 am sorry to inform you that our 1972 Pal fee Car Model run has expired. If you , i should be interested to a 1973 Police Car, I would appriciate if you would contact me at a later date. ., Motion was made by Thorsfeidt to table the awarding of the.bid for a new police car, " seconded by Clemens and,upon a vote taken tt '" was duly passed. The following correction to the minutes of M 24th. Item #327 of Mabel KIt a1' . (972, was made regarding Tax ngberg: Mayor Stock abstained from voting. Copts: of all previous minutes fer the month were given to each member of the council i " several previous to the meeting. Motion was mode by Schommer, seconded by Bum to GW[ve 'the minutes an4, upon a vote liken, ° if wa' du ly, p=sed. Motion wa made b Clemens to approve pprov Pa*isni ofall bills approved! by .the Finance Cammlttee, socorded by Busse and upon'a Vote 'taken, it was duly passed. Mr. Emmett Knox was present and•'requehd an extenaon.for.a Specla) Use: Permit fee }� x Shelter Home the WiclasrAnac property for the " purpose of displaying the model home. 'Mr. Knax advised that Per the extension is re"osted through June. 30th., 1972. Motion wwas mmade b y Clemons to >> pe cla` U y grant the S lse mit extonslon through „June 30th., 1972, seconded by Thorsfeldt and upon a vote taken, 'it was duly passed. Roland Thlo ing asked the council for a rultng on” the. flnanefal rosponsibtltty of sewer and vi►ator inslallatien to Hidden Oak:. The area b in old Eagle Creek Township,. and fines the conioltdafion :of Prior Lake and Eagle Ctwk'Townshlp, wit OW be effective until 1 lerrrorrrw, June 13th.; fO2. No consideration to the matte will be give n until the new council: is elactod�` John Pocket aehrtsed the council that he has a sale for the property on the corner of First Avis. So. and Pleasant St He "6$11041`16, Non - Confiormiry� U:., which existed an he , Properly prtir to7ahe pas�oge of brdtrance X64 -13, be `transferred to the nevr' owner. A i poll of he eewretl was mado, acrd the council so agreed; Clerk is to send Mr. Pgc:kor a w letter in ",this re gird.... . ReprwontaNra of the Prior Loki Snowmobile Assn. made appitoaitton to sell 3.2 beer in a booth which was to be locatod'acros the Carnival alrsa for from the Breekvtiie Shopping Center, or in , July lst., and 2nd., ,1972. ,Motion was made by seise to rule th ' aorniwi area "off limos" roWdtno; the 3.2 bow,, I I i »corded by Schemmer and Upon a vote taken,., it was duly molod „ Motion was madojby Clumtns ts. ,ont a 3.2 beer 'license to the Prior lake S nwmobtle Ast'ei. for July 1st. and 2nd.., 1972, .on the Prtor,>Lake State Bank of :10.00, seconded b Thorsfeldt and u parking d l. for the tee U y pen a veto taken, it was du passed'. Bob Klehr, representative & m the Prior Lake_ Softball Ass'n. was present and asked the Y , 110 Guist ist the. A�tociation to firanci � ,p tho- - urchoa softball bleacher: for fhe ball area. i o '1'ho Measlier unite undor aaruiderat in ` seat So ., . �, people and fire total cat of:: >the unit is 600.00. tie advised hit th. unit:oouid be jacked up and moved te other locations and would be made available for * other community affairs in the Village. Motion was made by Busse to table this Item until the next council, meeting, seconded by Thor feldt and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. ' {; Motion was made by Cler Wes, to,amnt.the followin "Ii prtod'oowr to all 3.2 Been for the ing Jvty It. t , 1972 through Juno 30th,, 19'73:. , , O , MINUTES of the „Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. Robert Buss, Busse Super Mkt. (Off Sale)' Brooksville Super Market (Off Sale) 0, df John Norblohm, Vtkinp Liquor ` (Off Sale).. Brooksville Liquor, Inc. (Off Sale) Prior House Restaurant (On Sale) Prior Lake Jays (On Sate) + Prior Loki V.F.W. Post 6208` (On.and'Off`Sals) ` Sneli's Bar (On'arid Off Salo) .: B D Bar (On and Off Sale) Grave'': Bar (On and Off $ails) T he motion, was seconded by Busse and upon a vote taken, it was duly passed. f , n appiiaction win received from the `Prior House Restaurant for a Set-Up' License for the period cowring,Juty lst ,'1972 through JurtQ' 30th., .,1973. Motion was made by Clemens ;. - tb'W' ant d Sit-Up L'lwre to 00 Poor House Restaurant "for the period,Ju'ly Ist., 1972 n w three "ph June 30N+., " I'973, ' seconded 6y Bui`se end upon a yeti taken, 'tt w duly passed,. Dale Mshak 'advised that the T wiii Lake Day: Comm titre requested the 'Prior Lake Police Patrol to 'help pa ioP fl» Wif lovvs'Additioii jar the area(ofthe Boat and V�aier Ski Shows s e ,;, the Fire Warls'01splay,). `tie requested ivifhoft from the council to We the Polies Researw Offlcsr "and authorize payrnsnt;6w time for same.. Motion was `node by Clemens FIJ 10 ` % authorlu payment for time worked to.the Prior Lake Police' Researve 60 patroling :the " area of the Wtllow:'wh6is the :Boaf and'Watei - Ski Shows and the; Firs ;W Display will P be `held July 4th., 1*2,.seeonded by Wsmi and upon a vote taken, It. duly posed. Dole Meihok advised that the Prior Lake Police Commission have irscetve'd 14 applications rsr pal Ice patrolmen.' He advised that the Civil Service tesh,will be held -tn the Prior Lek Viliap„'tlall on�Saturday; Jyne 25th.,. 1972: .1 � , K41th.S,ehroed” rewested a variance' to build a garage on his properly' tins f�t from ° the ea # :prop�rt�;llne Mr:,Sehroider prs:ntsd'a btfer'frari Alan.Mbc, abutting hi: le' bu ld. tM. feet'fi�on the.eat Itne. . sin tm to a� prepietti to ti•. 'ast, was made by Th athert g. 0* the . , Mohan arsfeldt to 'viri:nci to,Keith 'Schreed er.#o build 3 fist from siaist property Iine,, seeondid by Busse and' upon 0 vote #akin,, '.it wa duly passed. U Ill' 1!nt�all llew' IInes A wquest was made. by'Scott/kice Teliphons Co. that the ap=e ye k z Indicating "No Parking" alone Lo 1, 2, 3,.,Block 13, fronting Eat Main St. Mr. John ' Packer advised that tiw request is made because irohiclss parked'on the. north side of Eat ' ti e.y Main St. block' "acees'to fhe'parking lot, mwel! "as a iat a Iiozard in,an,alreody narrow sfreit: "Motion was Y Mads by'Clemens'to turn the problem, over to'fhi Str"t Commisaoner, Donald Schommer, for a recommendation, seconded by ThcWeldt and upon a vote taken, ; it wa duly, pa:d. t - Motion wa nWe'li Schonimii that the vitla the rite Depertment for the ° k purchase of a`2'Ton C.Nihotet. -ln Yanr, purcha:.d.'in'!971 seco, .. by Clemens ; and `upon a vote taken, it was duly passed''.. (Cat was $6 •00) Delbert Busse, Fire Chief, rj*estW flwt the Village purclias'clotliina (roln coats, unlfoma, etc.) for the five now firemen who have just joined the department. The eat man. . praotimately $100,.00 per, Motion was made by Thorsfildt 1d We would be ap h item until a later date; seconded by Clemens and upon a vote taken, it was. duly uss. passed. F Delbert B, Fite -Chief, that the council approve purchase of s stain for the bulk tank truck:Y Hovw = advised to secure costs for same and present at the next regular meeting. .. ` An answer was recetv6d from the, defendants attorney, regarding the Order Imied :for corrections and repairs to be made on the Roman Kopp property` on the south side of'the village of Prior ;Lake,. a, The dPfindcint advised that alt of;the stotemints•made in the Order The flret tsqu »nt " it n, namely, the defendant br re t are`denled. o re- AIngle the ' . roof of the house, ,and :Rorage on this property, has nothing to dq,wiih any W,,,*d 1 and would be for arbitrartjyamposed esthetic purposes. That none of the other require- menh stated to the Order FwYe an' relevance to whether or not.thebullding property involved herein an hazagdou.in their present circumstances. That the Order, a srved, ? is improper in form and fall$, to•giw the Court, jurisdiction ovet this property. The r (3) �. MINUTES of the Proceedings of the. Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake it the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council; defendant requests that the Vtllages•Oider and the request made therein, be dismissed with cash to defendant. Motion was made' by Busse to . proceed in further court action ; regarding the Order, seconded by Clemens and upon a vote taken, it was duty passed. Motion Was made by Thorsfeldt to adopt the following resolution relating to the petition for annexation a portion of Spring Lake. Township: WHEREAS, The Village of Prior Lake t It Municipal Corporation potation within the Counfy of Scott, State of Minnesota; and, WHEREAS, said Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake has received a petition fe annexation of certain properties to the vil loge b'y at l eas t 100 property owners of said property; and WHEREAS, $01d Petition for Annexation, dated February 14, 1972, has been filed with the Minnesota Municipal, Commission, and WHEREAS, a notice of h=aring has been recetvid'by the Minnesota Municipal Commission that a hearing on ? S the proposed annexation will be held on June 14, 1972; and WHEREAS, the Village ` Council desires the following legally described land to bi annuced to the Village of Prior Lake: All of that port of Spring Lake;Township, Scott -County, Minnetota, lying within Sections hand 2, excluding tlwt part of Section: I and '2 within ,tM'Yillag* of 'F Prior Coke and those Section: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11, and 12 Township 1.14, Rage 22 We=t, and WHEREAS, the Village' :Council of Prior Lake, is concerned with a=ffording A said previously mentioned am with adequate representation on the Villages Council in the event the annexation is'approved; BE. IT RESOLVED, that at such time that the annexation Is a � pproved;. "the jVtllage Council of the Village of Prior Lake shall resolve � t to increae the Oze 'of the'council'by, two (2) members being residents of the pro posed �. diva ed property or, In the ,it"tive, t=ie Village Council shell `"In and develop ` a ward sysfwn so as to OfiNd the aniseed area immediate and ad ate re y equ presentation on this Village Council... The motion was seconded by Sehommer'and upon a vote taken it was duly . ponied. In. the post'»viro "1 months, Delbert. Busse, Fire Chief, ' 'has• Indf cated :'strorigI that the continued use. of fire equipm; n ht the "Fire Hal I "for flooding the hockey rink and skating . rinks is serleusly Ieopordizin the Vill agc of Prior Lake ' g ' , . fire retire Councilman Thorsfeldt wai delete fed' : to iocuri: bid= fai Installing a water main and hydrant to flood the rinks. Harold it+oolson; Village Engineei secured a bid fain `White Coruhvction Co. to install tiw mein flood trigks. TAM most economical service would be from. the 2nd. Ave. cainitecA&. The bid "ef White •Coiutruetion was '1,21000. Motion.was mad= by Clemens i~ a=we==d the bid to White Carisiniction to °haw the retie line Installed to" the skating rink t " at .9, bid or $1, - .00, seconded by Stock and• upon.a vote taken, it was duly passed. Motlen wa Mid" b Cl e AMS to adopt the report made' y Patchin.-Appraliah regardin tgis" sAidyo Sgi which is to be'uied for the aa g Lake Township and; Prior t.aks nn , x j at 1ng' of Spring Lake Township, seconded: by Schommer and upon a vo = �lr Pte. � _ _ te taken' �{ , .ioM McCarthy!, residing in Spring Lake Township, but abutting the Village of Prior Lake =Nees, reglteshd the street be jopolred in the front of his residence.. Street Commissioner, Ddriaid "Schein id that Her, 'odvls theme are 1gw,manY area: whersi the streets Hied repairing frontinp;�'il1090 restdenci, bsf" this work is to be don. requnsfi was dented. The following dlsburse *nb were paid in June: GENERAL'FUND ti • " Donald,Schommer Walter Stock 1/2 Council pay 125.00 - _ 1/2 Mayor pay 180400 ,,. RoArld Thorsfidf.` 1/2 Council pay` 125.00 ti �,. IrwM.Clemens I/2 Council pay 125.00 Donald 8 u:fe 1/2 Council pay, 125.00 + Bankers'Ltfe . Hospitalization 200...16. �- Scott/kce `C+� ' Telepho�ie 54.06 Electricity 424.75 ; Motorola Com municati ens C ontrac t �ent Tear= Mobil PgS!m 5.50 r Auto Repaiii 1 1.50 Guff Oil Auto Repairs N.S.P. ' � Stati '.`� "' � �•Eloctrlei�'(Fire Hall) 8 71 � Treasurer +: . • ^ ,,. ry .. Part =/ Office Dale;Meihak 332.06 t Steven Schmidt ,. Part timii '37.56 (4) r "o MINUTES'of the .Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior lake in the County of Scott and ,. : State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council GENIRAL,.FUND continued Irvin Clemens �� El•etion Counter 4 •-, , , , x Beverly Sears .. ,; , - ;, Election Counter , . .. � r6:75 Dennis Westitnd Ilectton Counter 4 x.75 .W. Gentz Election Countnr 6.75 Bernice Pavok A lection Counter b d.75 ' L Clarence Schmidt Plmb. Inspections 50.00- arilyn Blus+dorn Election Judge , 22.75' Mary Lannon Eloctlon Judo r J 22.75 Clair M u • Ik • n 4 { ° �, , . Election Judge .... , , f 22.75. i 'Flergott "Election Judge. ..F "22.75 U ' Ito* Mueller Election Judge 2675 r - Brooksville Imports Film (Police Dept.) " :d6 P.L. Auto ;Iody Auto Repaint 25:00 Miller Davis Co. Office Supplies 38'.99 Mpls. Star & Tribuns .,,Ad (Police Dept.) ,r, 9 80 K•rr/McGoo Co. , Oil : 2.00 > Jordon Independant .:.Office Supplies .. .: Ig:95 Prior Lake American Legal Publication 37.30 Sheriffs Office Prisoner Board °< s1.00 Shakopee Ford , ' Auto 'Rcirs 6498 Doeutar Communiea+llon: ;, Radio npal'r 20.00' insuran !!fond) 35.00 fi Road Machinery Co.., $, `+. Park 4.,1 Bob McAllister Qog,Catch r fens IS0:00 Steven Schmidt Salary' A2y30 .Dale M•thak: Salary 3.10:20 P State Bank Federal Deceit L A 1.Hardwwe Misc., Repairs Wafter S: Booth, Office Supplies t ' r 1;2.45 Minn. Nat. Gas Co. ` Utilities ;: , 18.20 C.N. b Sullivan :ti • r d►ttsrney Fee '6325.00 �~ 9 DateM•ihak 0:20' Stern Schmidt Salary ;262:50` Patchln Appraisal: Tau Survey 1w,00 WATER FUND 16.0 0 40 Bankers Life Hospitalization 105.86 ° ProWe, Lumber' Misc. 3.30 Electricity ` tl9.97' Oii RWTank Fill 23.67 S Treasurer P.E.R:A r •63.25' _16 L` , Ch mteal: Chemtbats "' ' ' ' 33. `Typhoid slat E Buiio '' Salary 251.21 R Birhioa Pavek � +1•�• Sti'lts�8ank , F�derai Reposit; . ,. .`94,80 Minn, Utilities 8:62'' M° Mat: Gas Co. Eleoer Busse $aiary , , ,•; 2 Bernina Pawk Salay r 48.74 SEWE...._. R. Banker's'Life Hospitalization` 105.86 N.SP. Electricity 52.56 Standard Oil Yank Fill' 23.67. State 'Treasurer PE.R.A 129:49' Metro Sewsr Board Installment due .44.64 Elmer Klinpb•rg` Black Dirt (Siegmund) 12.00' Kohn Welding Repairs .I I i61' U Raymond Johnson Salary 284.11 P.L. State Bank: Federal Deposit 72;20.. Raymond Johnzon Salary, .284.11 W.W. Genii Salary 100, S 1,178:25 t MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Villoge of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and U State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council. FIRE FUND ' " SosttJittce Co. Telephone :66.48 29.70 • Ubtor+elai Communicatiosu XCoMract.Payment . Standard Oil Tank Fill 33.50 ., iy.S.P Electricity '17.43 : ! Coysr /Atkins Supplla 19.00 Reynolds Welding :, . ' . Supplies 8.90 Firemen Benefit Association MembershiP 46.00 Prior Lake Clinic Physicals 30.00 L & L Hardware Supplies 6.51 { Mlnn Nat. Gait Co. Utilities 9.00 GREET FUND S Gulf 011 }Repairs 2.50 , =.Standard Oil " , ` Tank Fill 263.29 II-Am, d 011 ". Fill ;, . t' 23.66 4 Wiiltam Mueller B.T.U. Mix :. 2,5'1 BUILDING FUND �u N.S.P. - a "Elsclricity � 80.45 irate Super Market . Cleaning Supplies ''` °` ° ' . •17.06 ant: FalwnkamP ;-Janitor Service ` Cleaning :40.00 4'11icn Fairway Supplies 2.77= f ►t L llar0imm. Miss:. Supplies ;19.09 ' $,X39 5S , -.: RK FUND " 9 Pragce Lumber : Repairs 1.1.55 N.LP Electricity .; 2.00 e -�` Lumber #ilpp>rs 33.97 RL. S Center Mower Repair '6.40 = Clan's Repair Sharpening Blades 66.80 ' V& L "Haidwwe Repairs '18.51 S 161.58 '1 ft. °'GkADING WATER & SEWER kiraii T ;Eriaimering Fees - -2,889070 Like Aggtogote: ' ° t�3ravai 4.25 ; a � ,, 14r eassess ` `` "' Crushed Rockc, • X5.25 UNT `IMPROVEMENT FUNDOf rnelrtoan Natlen ! 8a Inttirest & ' Bank Chor oo 2 518.78 CCxiNSOLATED IMPROVEMENfi FUND M i� ` Y • . • Ir � • 1 1 # . Aaierlean NatiaaI BaAk` , =kinelpol Interest K Batik Chi 45 042.59 j ' A 16ro bel ."e further business, the * meetirsg was adjourned. W.W. Gantt, .Clerk x F