HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 13 1972j t MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and s State of"Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Council: x s ` June 13. 1972 The Common Council of the Village,of:Prlor Lake met in special session in the office , of the Village Clerk, Tuesday evening, June 13th.,_ 1972, of 10:30 P.M. Mayor Smock called the meeting to. order. .RolI'CaIt: P'resent'were;Mayor Stock; Clerk Gentz, and Counc :Imen Clemens, Busse, and Absent were Councilmari�Schommer. • The purpose of the meeting was to canvas ballots of the special election regarding the i 4 consolidation of Eagle Creek Township and the Village of Prior Laki. There were 702 ballots cast and the results were ds.followt:. 1', x F or .the Office of Mayo ' ,- WgiterA. Stock...; ,.......,.....62 for the Council soats - ;,Tom., Watkins...': .. $4' . :...... 496...'.. :. :.Tenn "expites'12 /31/74 ' Jack Oakes... � }�,.. ..:...::.....:389: :....:..Terre 4xpires12 /31/73`= Peter PatchincC. :. :. :Y :..... :.. :.. 362`....'.....TeOM 4xpii es 12 /31/73 a Donohl Busse =c ".... ,.... :........ ...340'.. ..... ;Term Rx ires F 31 2 " Richard` Ir`gen: .... 1 ........:......322 K arl Mickus ........... ,....... ..321 :herald Thor:feldt..... :.•.. :... :.. 209 Dona Sohommer... ...... ;......199 . Motion was made by Busse to accept the election returns as listed above, seconded by Thortl6ldt and upon a. vote taken; if was duly passed. No furt1w"business, the. meeting was adjourned... „ : y.., .. : TW .. . .., , . .W Genti, Clerk June 19, 1972 Thy Common Council of the. Y111Ag .of,Prtor..Lake .met in .:i»eiai seater in tM Office of the Villa Click Monde evening, June 19th.: 1972 at 7.30 P.M. Mayor Stock 9e y g. . celled the meetisr3ordor,. ; RoN,Cail:„ Present were. Mayor Sook, Cl erk Gentz, and Councilmen Wafkieo, Oakes,,Patchin,and Busse.:, Abisent:. None. AttorMX,'�Aprle Sr�ili twore� in the�fojI0wing hGWjy!,elicted;Yillagi Offietals: Mayor Walter Stock, and Councilmen Tom Watkins, Jack Oakes, Peter Patchin, and Don Busse. , ; wm W lklptrar S jC do=jgnat ithe following obligations to each.membor of tWdouncil for the 1 . Z2;,, Do" Bussl, Ttr t'Commissioner;� Watkins, Building and Zoning Commi:ffoner, Jack.Oalus,,;WaNr�,Slwer Cor�rsrk�foner; Peter- Patchin, Pork and Rcreation Commissioner, Walter Stock, Police, b Eire Deportment Coordinator. lMla r Spck nppolntod,tf re fo,l lowing,CommitMe. n4mbors . Dori Bussi i id Jack Oakes, �',i4ta�co..Canmtlrl;, Po�e�r �PptcF�in aeol. Tom Watk�ro,,,Equalizstion Cnmmlthe. The foilgwtn aw•pre:.ntly s�rvtrig on•the Prb Lak4 Civil Service Commission: .. #Roger Harris, -tern enpir*s December 3l'y .19,74; Robert: Bumot -,. n+ixexpUes�Dewm!»r 31, 1973; one position is open. 'Roger. Harris recommended that Henry,Schroider fill the position. Action will be taken at the next regular meeting, 1 k F1 I;MiLeBore, Attwney represent pg,`the.V.ilaage of Prior Lake at: the. Spring Lake -Prior Lake iy atlpn Near ys; advjsed. ir4t,thR, t>fxt. homi !wiltho August (0th., :1972 at 10:00 A.] M. He ads hed the:Prlor Lake should take another. 2 or more days and the Spring Lake testimony should take ' another -1 1/2 day to 2 days. ' ` Garir;Gelb h f�•the.foilowtiig yarience,to build a home at Lot 4 Block 1,, Martinson': jsland, and -that ItA4 build cis, fol laws :. a Front Setback........ 0..30' fwt . . ' SIde Setback ........... JO feet each side Rear St�baok�.;rr ��, :....•�.50fiot :y ... > , <,� c....,;; �..< ho4i a suitablefhouse plat :and a sliruction d4toII* :bwsuWtted.,c ThatYths construction ry t details and separatfpn of wehl, , septic.tank; and -drain Field.moot- reguirements. That no of the well, tank, draln field be 25 bet on line. r- part septic or within any property MINUTES of the Proceedings of the Village Council of the Village of Prior Lake in the County of Scott and State of Minnesota, including all accounts audited by said Councii. Motion was made by Watkins that -tl» ' ' " ". seconded b Oakes a y permit•be gwnted with the chow ttipulattons, Y and Mott a vote taken,, it was duly Passed. . ,, Oak- Motion was made b Buse, to hire .George Stemmer to cut woods) in the consolidated Portion of, Eaple-Crook at $10..00 per -hour, which includes one. man, Plu s equipment, seconded by Watkins and upon'a vote taken, it was duly passed. Mayor Stock reeommenc d that because. of the• tncroase of bustiioss;and duties of the council, It would be necesary: to meet twice each mon-" Inf,t -rl f iture Councilman Oakes suggested that the council meet the first a ao third Monday of each month. Motion was made by Buse that the counell -meet the first and third M of'goch m that the :forting time be 8:00 P M., sncartdsd by. ptchin a" , y' onth -and duly posted, pon*a ;vote taken, It was Mayor Stock tecom m!ndM,d that becasn of the. "" y Se Papulatlon and size of the ' 1ary, Bernl,rrs Pawk.: houtt l».extended, on-additional th" hours i PM' day. Motleln was. .by ,Watkirtt that Secretary. Bernice P avek's. hours be axfrndod an additlenal. three I!a4rs.6�oan lsl P.M toA4sM P.M., seconded by`Patchtn and upon a vote liken, It was duly paned ,.. ' Motion was made b O ha:,rlP .. .. ..... ,., ,. .. t ;3.00 per hour andytha Oakes the rote for Bernice Pavwk be increased to provision be made for a. two.week vactlon 1. ffoctlw July z (st., (972, seconded by Watkins and u pon1a vote taken, it was duly poised. Rollie Thiel hV, owner of 06A' he H Idden'Oakes�Additton , was present regarding question � the proposed sewer and water , extensions to the addition and .E ,requested a policy to p be adopted regarding thtt financing otsamev; He was advlsid that the fix the deyelgper t p policy was pay the entire cost of the improvement. Harold braelson, Village Engine, bete` give ants,_ ete:;•lo the Hidden Oakes Addition in regard to water and se wet' That sealed bldtf received afu the 'Juno 12th ` ! .,� 972 was meeting for anew police car tabled. The request by Bob Klehr at the, June 12th., 1972 m*d` ing'fa share fin the colt of the port- x � able bleachers war, discussed. Motlorr way midi >by'Patehin'te short In the in the amount of $600.00 for the bleachers at Klehr Field, seconded by Stock and u ` all mernbirs, of the council'vsited not said' rriotlen" M P� a vote taken, r „ oiler failed: ,�. The � • ' , .. . - ,: _ ., . request ntado at an earlier meeting by Scott/itice Telephone Co. fo install yellow !roes , t; indfaation "No Parking" along .lots 12 and' 3 of Blick' 13 fronting "Eat Main Street was �' ., dtsaussed. "Motbn,• ' �` was nwde by Watktnsrto install Ilow Itrtfs tndteation "No Parking" 5 p. dl 110ts I,: 2' and 36f B fronts _ lock' +13 ng� E� n �� t Met Y a vote tdkenr Itwas -dolt' parried. Street, seconded by Patchln qnd uper was recelved- to black ' the area . the sin t. The b fronting the Prfoi� Lake' Fin "Hall from rim Ball to " id*was "Ived,fiam M1 .•Volloy Bituminous of a cost of $10.00 Per, r i tan laid. 'They estitnate 42 ten will, be needed to blacktop the area described. M war made,;by Watkinsifio a*at+d the otion' bid ti Minnesota VaI et' Bituminous to blacktop the a ", ` ' fivoing the iFtro Mal I - at an apl trdx inioh :420.00 cost of , seeondid b.` ` Bus:: taken, `it °,rvasrduly passed Y and upon a vote A► request was made by SneII's Bar and the B' D Bar to be open Sunday, July`2nd.,1972 for the Twin�lake Day "Cilobration. AtlsrrMy Sullivdn neommended Chef the council require the two eitablislunonti to.-takis out a Sunday Liquar license; open on that da If they desire to be t` te.:. n , Motion was made by Busse to adopt a resolution that the Villa participate Scott County Abandoned M`olor Vahteli Reniovdl f� P° te in a Minnesota Pollution ConM P 'a"'• which is h be financed ,by the teal }lgeacy, 3econded.by Patchin wwi u "duly posted. Pon' a vote taken, it was P Dole Meihak requested that the council a' $ policing the parade route Jul 2nd. pprove> payment to tlm 'police rpserw officer far reserve July was made by Oakes fie Police approve p yment to the lift b pal ice the paia to route. �2) °